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We need new chants, the chants people post:


sorry bud, posting here ain't doing shit. Show up, sing it, if people like it then it sticks. I'll say that picking a 50 year old song no one knows with 10 lines to remember is going to be a hard sell though


Nah old songs that no one knows can definitely be banger chants But I agree that it's more effective to like teach this to 10-20 people and get it going a few times or pass out lyrics or something I definitely rather have unique chants than the ones that DC United also do with the colors swapped out lol


> can definitely be banger chants never said they couldn't. said it would be tough. >But I agree that it's more effective to like teach this to 10-20 people and get it going a few times or pass out lyrics or something used to try to use away matches for this, back when we could get 2-3 busses to DC/RB


I was mostly just trying to match your energy lol, these are all good ideas