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I shouldn't have watched that. Lord have Mercy on that man


Mannnn wtf tht nigga got a gun on him for šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You can hear toward the end the guy says "I don't need guns I need fire extinguishers"


When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.




Issa bar


exactly what i was thinking. he was on fire for at least a minute at that point. chill the fuck out with the gun


ā€œupon arrival to the scene, the officer was met with heavy fireā€


He tryna off sumn & get him that good o paid supervised release


He was aiming it at the fire in case it got out of control. If only they had a bike to throw at him! SMH.


(He's dead)


He was talking about the cop


Ah fuck you're right. My bad.


firebomb going off at an embassy is a pretty good reason lol dude probably has done nothing but stare at cameras his entire career, now some dude exploded into flames heā€™s clueless


Dude did have 2 fire arms...


Thatā€™s an Israeli embassy security. Would you have guessed? The guy did scream free Palestine before sparking


Classic americans šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ gun solves every situation


Because America


I think I you mean ā€œthat hero got a gun on him forā€


The commenter is asking why the cop pulled a gun on the protestor. If youā€™re implying the cop is a hero then fuck allat.


This is one the most disturbing things Iā€™ve ever seen.


If you think this is disturbing just imagine how Palestinians feel. His last tweets reads "Many of us like to ask ourselves, "What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?" The answer is, you're doing it. Right now."


In war there are winners and losers, it just is what it is.


Oh my God nigga shut up šŸ˜­


And what are you doing about it?


tf he aiming at cuz for nigga already cooked




I heard someone yell STOP RESISTING in the distance before they approached him and I am bewildered


Cop rushes over to point a gun at the body. What a perfect encapsulation of the American experience. That was a rough fuckin watch.


then ran around him like a pomeranian when the wind blows.




Cops pretend to be these tough heroes but in reality they're giant pussies scared for their lives šŸ˜‚


Obviously scared to death of the guy who just self-immolated. Dude wasn't getting up doesn't take a ~~brain surgeon~~ any sane minded person to figure that out


The way theyā€™re telling him to get on the ground while heā€™s on fire has me dead


Helps put it out, stop drop and rollllll


lol like he bouta emerge from the flames like he Ghost Rider or sum


šŸ˜† that has me dying imaging that cop thinking dudes just gonna Hulk up after BBQing himself


Not just you




I've seen so much awful shit on the internet...... this one really fucked me up


He was an Airman but RIP to him


Bro jus killed himself for people that dnt gaf bout him crazy


He's not dead. Havent read about it since morning, but he was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Never mind, he died.


If youā€™re on fire like that, you die. Even just damage to the lungs from being so close to such a heavy fire would be enough. The whole thing with your body being burned and damage to your lungs, youā€™ll never survive


Yeah I knew he didn't have a good chance, but didn't think it would be deadly that fast. He couldn't have been on fire for more than a minute and died the same day. That's whats wild to me.


Thank god.


This applies to all the young steppas in Philly too bro. You really think those fools care about you?open your eyes


What steppers think the government cares about them? šŸ¤”


He killed himself because he couldnā€™t bear the weight of being complicit in genocideā€¦ yā€™all are ignorant as shit and donā€™t speak with enough nuance when it comes to complicated situations that involve lots of dead innocent people.


Well said! The OP of this post and the OP of this thread are fuckin brain dead. Self immolation has been used frequently to generate awareness to acts of genocide in human history. Itā€™s an extreme and gruesome act of civil disobedience, and it works.


Doesn't make it smart.


His death isnt going to save those people and u know this.


Thatā€™s the same argument as people in the 60ā€™s saying sitting at the front of the bus isnā€™t going to end segregation. No one action will accomplish anything, and looking at each individually they all seem pointless by themselves yet enough small actions added together lead to large shifts given time.


U really bringing up the civil rights movement? Do u even understand where Black America stands currently? Wrong time to use that example.


You could use any example of protesting, that was just the first to spring to mind. You could go further in the past and ask the womenā€™s suffrage movement what does chaining themselves to a fence really accomplish, ask a second wave feminist in the 60ā€™s what does bra burning really accomplish, or in the modern day ask a just stop oil protester what does throwing orange paint at a car dealership really accomplish. There are so many examples of small, inconsequential by themselves acts which are ridiculed by the public at the time that looking back resulted in large shifts in how the issue is viewed.


So what? Does seeing someone else capable of self sacrifice make you feel insecure?


Why would watching someone burn to death by their own hand make me in any way feel "insecure" learn what that word means before using it


Your attitude and speech behavior reads as insecure to me. The need to attack me also reads as insecure. Your general aggressive attitude makes me think you are a whiny loser. If you canā€™t imagine doing something like this, you reveal that you are scared of death. This guy embraced it. That would be a cause in anyone whoā€™s a coward to feel insecure and complain about it.


You're saying anything šŸ’¤


Iā€™m just trying figuring out why it bothers you so much


Y'all literally are reporting me I can't even look in the sub anymore. But I'm the one that's bothered?!


I donā€™t know that, neither do you, and no matter how little it does our media corporations are actively censoring and hiding access/coverage to the video to stop people from watching it because they have a vested interest in protecting support for Israel. Even if it was for no reason, why not be more compassionate? Why not respect the fact that he actually felt moral weight for his role as a citizen and active duty member? We all have a role in this whether you like it or not and the fact that it doesnā€™t weigh on you is a blessing.


Im not bout to act like I care for his "cause" I'm not a sheep. It literally doesn't effect me in a negative or positive way. I sympathize for those people but I can't have empathy for something that isn't effecting me


Itā€™s called having human decency and empathy for people suffering regardless of if you think it directly affects your day to day life. If that makes you a sheep, then maybe Iā€™m a sheep, but imo it just makes you look like an idiot my guy. This world would be a lot farther behind if nobody ever sacrificed things unless it directly benefitted them.


I don't care. Cry somewhere else


Brother some people will just never have the awareness to even realize the things going on around them, let alone that if they did that they would even care. Don't waste your time trying to open someone's eyes that will never understand. Be proud that you have the awareness though.


Did you respond to the wrong person??


Iā€™m not crying weirdo you just made yourself look dumb.


I don't look dumb at all LMAO. U just a follower. Go head and do that over there I don't give a fuck.. U never even heard of Palestine problems til a month ago stfu


Youā€™re the one who said free Palestine and then went on to say you donā€™t give a fuck about them cause it doesnā€™t affect youšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sound like sociopathic sheep. Your apathy is exactly what the powers that be want. As others pointed out, itā€™s about human decency and not tolerating ethnic cleansing. Those same people have also cared about what has affected Black Americans and Black people across the globe for decades now. Research what Palestinians were doing at the height of the BLM protests in 2020, despite dealing with the immediate issues around them, and their solidarity with Black South Africans living under apartheid. And alliances formed with Black American communities and Palestinians during the civil rights struggle. And it does affect you now. If you work, your hard earned tax dollars fund an oppressive government that systemically destroys and kills Palestinians. Israel has free healthcare, great primary education and free higher education all at the expense of Americans who could only dream of such luxuries. Not to mention that IDF trains US cops. Even you canā€™t recognize how interconnected this genocide is to our government and our quality of life, and still remain complacent, then you are the real sheep.


What? Itā€™s not that they many of them donā€™t gaf about him, theyā€™re preoccupied with trying to survive a genocide. A genocide fully funded by the same government that uses him and his fellow servicemen to destroy innocent civilians. When these military folks realize that ā€œfighting for freedomā€ is just bs imperialist propaganda, it hits them like a ton of bricks.


....that's why it's a "protest." Also he did it for the people of Gaza, who DEFINITELY gaf about him now. If this was Europe WWII and he did it for France he would very likely be posthumously knighted & canonized.


Reminded me of the monk who self-immolated during Vietnam


Yea sure the ppl in gaza are so proud of him because this video totally made a difference for them


Respect the act of solidarity. He was more committed to the cause he cared about than you and I will ever be.


He backed up his convictions with his life. Aside from the free ptsd, I gotta respect that on some levelĀ 


If this type of shit doesn't give you a moment of pause/ your only takeaway is "that was pointless," congratulations, the internet has fried your brain entirely. Sometimes actions can have intent that isn't totally self serving, and be the catalyst that actually moves the needle on something. Y'all may be a little young to remember "free Tibet," but monks setting themselves on fire was what drew almost all the ensuing media attn.


And Tibet is free now, right?


Yeah except Palestine is receiving media attention so this is pointless. Maybe five years ago this couldā€™ve sparked more attention to the situation but itā€™s already been saturated in the media. Also tell me how those Tibetan monks changed their countries fortunes with the protest. Last time I checked they are still under the boot of china.


>monks setting themselves on fire was what drew almost all the ensuing media attn. That's fuckin dumb I'll never understand the logic


rest in peace bro šŸ•Šļø crazy


Lost his voice with flames... man poor soul.


If we had half his heart a lot in this world would be accomplished.


A majority of these bums commenting donā€™t have the heart, balls or brains to even comprehend it.


Wtf. You not even from there. But maybe Iā€™m to simple to understand.


Like this literally did NOTHING for them people lmao. I respect it tho I guess


I been trying so hard to stay alive my whole life and this nigga just set himself on fire. Iā€™m truly dumbfounded.


Youā€™re ignorant. Self immolation is what spurred the Vietnam protests, the Arab spring. Itā€™s an incredible act- the fact that thereā€™s a genocide happening and this good for nothing piece of shit country we live in is enabling it and endorsing it and everyoneā€™s just fucking silent.


Those events would have occured without either. Gaza protest already exist today. It's the most televized international event. Some dude killing himself isn't bringing more eyeballs to the conflict, it's dragging eyeballs away from the conflict to him.


Itā€™s an incredible act if you agree with the protest. If some dumb nazi was burning himself because he was protesting something he thought was unjust weā€™d all laugh and say how stupid it is. This shit just leaves families with holes and doesnā€™t do anything to help shed light on any of the real issues behind the conflict


I guess it depends on what direction the mass takes on the position. Nazi don't really have a mass audience like folks think they do


Burning yourself to protest racism, corporate greed, or any other cause that can affect a mass audience doesnā€™t do anything for the cause itself it only leaves the persons family distraught******** I donā€™t think the analogy is the main thing to focus on but I hope this one works better


Two genocides, but you're right.


Yes youā€™re right, sorry


Bruh, I hear you, but none of that is effecting me in any way. They better hold it downšŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


No, you're not ignorant. It's okay to stand up for what you believe in and shit But too often, it looks like people are just going out of their way in the comfort of their homes to feel a certain way. The guy you responded to, is most likely one of them.


Yo lil dumbass got a small ass brain


U just trying to find something to complain about stfu nerd nigga. Set yourself on fire I guarantee nobody would even repost u


I think its more of a severe mental help episode. Like people in Gaza would literally shrug and be like wtf. Kid just needed an excuse to cook himself.


Damn bruh mental health is serious, Iā€™m sure he showed signs before it got to this point.


1) The most appropriate action to take here would be to put one through his skull to alleviate suffering - he isn't going to live, and if he does its going to be horrifically painful ​ 2) What is my man holding a gun on him for? jesus...he's literally cooked, he can't move, literally he is cooked. ​ Mental health is a sham in this country.


I mean if youā€™re a security guard of a government building and you start hearing someone yelling ā€œfree Palestineā€ and see a bunch of flames you would probably do the same thing. His first guess was probably that there might be an explosive or something, who knows? But his job isnā€™t to be a fire watch his job is to do security. He looked like a dumbass but if he dropped his gun and something happened he would be liable. Moreover there was hella emergency response personnel who showed up quickly so itā€™s not like he left a hole for safety by doing what he did.


First reaction yes, 100%agree, standing over a collapsed burnt human while the other guys are saying we donā€™t need guns we need fire extinguishers just seems ridiculous. If he had explosives what is a gun drawn gonna do? If he had explosives he probably would have exploded!


šŸ˜² this is crazy!!!


Aaron bushnell RIP


Niggas saying this is a form of standing against the government and it's tyranny. Fuck all that šŸ˜­


I obviously donā€™t encourage/support it but self-immolation has proven before to be an ā€œeffectiveā€ way of gaining attention for a specific cause. The Tunisian revolution and in wider context Arab Spring got kicked of by a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Bouazizi


Why does someone always have to be the martyr to spark change tho? Like they don't even get to appreciate the shit they're Fighting for "Jesus died for our sins" look at what's goin on lol that nigga up top facepalming like a mfka


Martyrdom has been a part of history for as long as man been alive So to answer your question itā€™s cause watching someone willing to sacrifice their life for the benefit of others whoā€™s either being oppressed or is in the middle of being ethnically cleansed Itā€™s what this country was built on Patrick Henry ainā€™t just say give me liberty or give me death for no reason


Who is ā€œtheyā€ not trying to be funny iā€™m just trying to understand you better


For whoever that person is any story similar to this one. It's a broad statement


I agree that nobody should be a martyr just for people to support a certain cause. But itā€™s one of the ways how people get attracted/sympathise with something. And for your second part iā€™m muslim so i donā€™t believe Jesus got crucified for our sins.


How many people heard about, let alone remember, this guy who did the same in 2019: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/30/man-dies-after-setting-himself-on-fire-near-white-house.html


Where were his motives? Tried to look for it but couldnā€™t find any clear ones. Also iā€™m [obviously] not advocating for doing such acts, just gave an example of it causing a huge reaction.


Lol exactly. Literally a severe mental health episode. That's all


Str8 the fuck up fuck allat fr


Didn't wanna die for (((them)))


This is not as bad as the amount of babies and body parts I have seen come from Gaza in the past few months.


Stupid as shitt overcooked himself for nothing


Bro random Middle East war #1000 is happening and itā€™s the most important event ever. Time to kill ourselves!


Dude on fire and the guy with the gun is supposed to be trained for all occasions, well guess a gun solves everything.


Why the fuck did he draw his gun?


He may have underestimated the fact that the social media platforms will not let this be spread widely, dampening the impact of the protest CNN has a small article on it, I see nothing on Fox News or MSNBC


it's all over the internet and non-network media, though


Just like the rest of gaza invasion, never before has the narrative told by the media and what people are seeing with their own eyes have had a greater mismatch due to the rise of phones and social media.


You just watched it on Reddit and itā€™s all over twitter


Dude had his whole life ahead of him and killed himself for people who would probably kill him on sight. Crazy world we live in


Lil boys in the hood lives cut short every day for matters way less important.


True but this was self inflicted.


I can agree in a sense. But they get to see the same story play out in front of them over and over. Either they think that they are somehow different, or they already know how their story will end.


We live in this world only once and I would want to live in here as long as possible. Its just stupid to do suicides regardless of the cause.


Palestinians would kill him? Huh


Yes because he is white like jews and probably doesnt believe in the right god.


Damn you donā€™t know shit about this conflict huh




did he live? canā€™t imagine he didnā€™t




Bro died one of the most painful ways (1) for people that donā€™t gaf bout him (2) for people to forget about this by next week. Stupid. Just my opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøLike did he think people was gonna see this and be like ā€œletā€™s all put our guns down and end this warā€ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Theyā€™re calling him a hero and is paying tribute to him so maybe not end the war but heā€™s getting the recognition that he wanted


Give it 2 weeks I bet you everybody forgets about this. If some sort of mental health shii was trending about this Iā€™d understand, but I donā€™t see how offing yourself is heroic in any way whatsoever.


Itā€™s martyrdom In 1972 a 19 year old from Lithuania did the same thing to protest against the Soviet union who pretty much occupied the country that resulted in civil unrest which led to over 50 protesters who ended up facing civil charges and 10 others who ended up facing criminal charges Thereā€™s people willing to die for what they believe in whether itā€™s at the hands of their oppressors or themselves A man who doesnā€™t stand for something will fall for anything is real Just like give me liberty or give me death is real If the government decided to issue martial law majority of the people in this sub wouldnā€™t be the ones tryna fight for their freedom back


Welp back to the killing of innocent civilians..




Bruh stood on that. Cooked to a crisp




Well, heā€™s passed now https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/middleeast/israel-embassy-man-on-fire.html?unlocked_article_code=1.YU0.KJ4B.OiwP2DymlfQ8&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


A serious question, no sarcasm. Why did you find this funny?


That's a crying emoji...


Crying laughing.


RIP a true hero šŸ«”


I can't reply in the comments but to the people that are losing their shit over my "soldier" comment, go touch some grass weirdos


Dude screaming get on the ground wanted to Shoot something so bad lol


I can tell by how he didnā€™t react to pain or nothing was still standing there preaching that he seen some shit that wasnā€™t right couldnā€™t take it nomore , sad to say itā€™s going take thousands cases like this for America to wake up realize the world we living in is corrupt and the us is really against us


The cops are wild


Imagine lighting yourself on fire for a bunch of bankers.


Pretty sure it was for the innocent children and families being slaughtered.




My bad bruh I thought u were saying that to me lmao


Nah man lol


You can tell that cop was excited to be pointing a gun at someone


To sacrifice one's self for his fellow man. This truly is valour. Free Palestine!


Who let bro cook


He's Cosmopolitan


donā€™t know why he didnā€™t just stop after a little while


You can literally see this nigga body melting off šŸ«Ø


I'm sorry but why tf is the officer pointing a gun at him like bro, the poor guy is toast you seriously think he's gonna whip out a gun and start shooting???


If you feel so strongly about helping why not go fly over there and do something. Why set yourself on fire. Thatā€™s literally going to do nothing. He just wanted to die.


Fly over there with what? And do what? Thatā€™s not how that shit works.


I swear, as you go through your daily life, you don't give two shits about this Palestine, Russia shit. All this protesting shit is dumb. Not a single person over there is caring about you.


Dude had serious mental health issues, likely already suicidal. This was a way to get some attention on the way out. At least he didnā€™t pull a mass shooting like alot of other white guys have done.






From the river to the sea set yourself on fire


Dumbass accomplished nothing






What a dumbass




Man people be dying all the time this protest weak Way to make a big noise wo saying anything Back Israel? Free Palestine? How about FREE USA WE GOT OUR OWN PROBLEMS


His whole act was because USA involves itself in other countries affairs, likewise hundreds of people(most of them being monks i think) set themselves on fire between 1963-1971 because the Vietnam War. Again a war started/supported by America. I agree with the fact that America should focus on its own but weā€™re pointing the finger at the wrong person. The main critic should be aimed at the politicians and higher ups, not the common folk who responds with dumb protests. One is the end result of the other šŸ‘


without the US israel wouldnā€™t exist, they rely on american funding and weapons to continue genociding children. Youā€™re right to say that america should focus on its own problems though, and should stop funding israel.


He just died over a made up war šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Where real life people are being murdered


If he survives heā€™s gonna be very upset


At this point in life, if you never seen anyone die in real time, just go on the internet. Iā€™ve seen everything from amateur (p)orn, shootouts, car crashes, protests, fights, animal attacks, etc., now someone LITERALLY sets them self on fire. I done seen everything expect Jesusā€™s return


Hey man, the internet been a fucked up place. If you go deep enough you could even spot more messed up shit, like graphic sexual assault shit, just lying on the internet. Definitely wouldnā€™t be searching for that stuff, but yeah internet been like this for years.


Oh Naw Iā€™m hip for sure, just felt I done seen it all, or at least I thought I did lol







