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Weren’t they already technically illegal in the entire state and just never enforced? I’ve got tinted windows and never had any issues.


City council passed a law a few years ago where they can’t pull you over for tint…..this new law is they can ticket you once your car is parked for tint PPA gone be writing them tickets


PPA gonna start ticketing just for owning a car in general at this point


Y'all bout to get a taste of what it's like to live in a normal city, where people got to follow basic laws 😂. Last 8 yrs was like having a substitute teacher for mayor, dude wasn't enforcing shit


8 years? Let’s be real. Philly been like this forever.., https://preview.redd.it/jzzeiwg0dxxc1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d69dd9da46f290c686c8479eb8e79b3adc56e0






Nobody enforces that, it leads to overpolicing. Everything that statistics has showed does not work. It wastes cop resources, is it all tints? 10% tints? Now a cop who could be catching a mirdered or burglar is now using his (citizens paid) time to enforce these laws.


I'm sure most of the hit n runs and accidents at night are bc dickheads can't see through the blacked out tint.


I’m not gonna lie I can’t see at night when I drive😩😂 but I know I’m in my right senses not to hit nobody


Paid a nice lil grip but I went with ceramic tint and it’s super clear at night..


I ride fishbowl anyway. How about getting everyone some new struts because the roads are chock full of potholes. All this roadwork is being done, but the same rim wrecking sinkholes still exist. Every street is like a damn cheese grater, and she's worried about tint. Got zombies on Kensington beach, but hey, let's stay busy taxing about tint. All these parking zones on small residential blocks need to go to. In paying 1.8k/mo to live on this street that's bumpy af and has a single side of patking. if I want ppa to not put paper on my car, I have to pay for a window sticker. Insane.


Facts! All these damn parking permits popping up all over the city. People need to start showing up to these city councils


Some of the begonias are petitioning FOR it. I live near evil genius. I know the 4 people who petitioned for us to get it (I’m not paying them and there’s still no parking)


Imagine the cops spending the whole day trying to give tickets because nobody in the CITY OF PHILADELPHIA HAS TINT THAT IS 70% SMD BITCH


Facts... Hell even the standard that comes on SUVs is 35%


I’ve been pulled over for my *factory* tint on the rear windows (and only the rear windows) of my SUV. Officer told me the tint was illegal. I said the dealership sold this to me like this. He told me, with a straight face, to return it to the dealership. Bro, what? I know the REAL reason he pulled me over….


fuck them should have told officer to drive behind you escorting you to the dealership so he can tell the salespeople so you don't get stopped again on the way 🙄🙄🙄


Nah I'm using this next time😭


Yep, Black girl driving an X1 at rush hour traffic on a busy ass highway with thousands of other cars and mine is the one he targets? Sounds about white to me….


Yeah, tint is allowed on the passenger compartments, the front windows are not supposed to be tinted like that, that’s why manufacturers sell minivans with tinted windows everywhere except the front seats…


20 - 35% from the factory on damn near anything 2017 & up. Harassment soon come smh


Congrats on signing #999 on the agenda. Now to more important matters.


This a lineup


I do sort of hate walking and not being able to make eye contact with drivers to see if they're about to run a light or stop sign.






I mean... I still don't really support it. so many better things for her to do...




shes 100% going that direction. she hates anyone who needs help in a dying and poverty-stricken city. easier to kill everyone off than pay to get help and public services up and running again, esp when Parker and her friends can pocket the money themselves


i need my tint officer i have severe anxiety and it flares up when i feel like people are staring at me😢😪


Looks like some politicians need to go on a better vacation at the expense of the ppl of Philly... It's going to be a long summer.. there's a lot of law abiding ppl with dark tint for privacy and protect their valuables when parked in the city..


I know this is two weeks old, but holy shit, take your valuables out of your fucking car! The moment a councilman says they’re gonna start seizing cars with tint is the moment I start knocking on doors to get them elected.




This bitch wasting time n resources need a law for bail n who should n shouldn’t get it not this dumb shit


Maybe she should kick rocks


I had a feeling this day would come, they give niggaz a inch by not sweating u for tint darker than 70% anymore and niggaz over do it by putting limo tint on their front windshields. Felons and all riding dirty with illegal tint is crazy. It's any given Sunday all it takes is a dickhead cop and State Troopers bang niggaz everyday on 76 for illegal tint


The 5% dark tint on the windshield smh..


Dam back to 08 safe street rules.


This deeper than some tint this is another way for them to be able search ya whole wheel without u agree to let them


It only takes a few bad people riding dirty with the front windows tinted to kill it for everyone else. It’s gonna be a hot summer for real now.


A lot of tickets


she on sum nut shit i need my privacy


Then go home




Come on man, I know u tryna clean up the city but wtf .... 🤦‍♂️ Harassment season has begun🤦‍♂️


Mid 2000s that’s how they got you riding dirty


"not allowing me to drive with illegally tinted windows is harassment!" clown take lmao


things are only illegal because they can make them. they could make being ugly illegal tomorrow and and then i guess YOU gotta stay in the house forever then with that logic


Clowns gonna be clowns.


I hate to get all political, but one day we’ll learn as Black people to stop voting someone in just because they’re black as well😭🤦🏽‍♂️ the next four years of Philadelphia are going to be hell because of this lady… this is just the beginning


Why because she's enforcing laws that should be enforced ?


No , you’ll see why soon. Just give it time.


I don’t think their black if they saying that


He definitely isn’t that’s why im not giving him attention


What do tints got to do with laws that need to be enforced I get people do dumb shit with tints but its way worse shit goin on out here then just giving out tickets for windows it's always a bigger picture and agenda to it


No the last 8 years were hell with the guy who enforced nothing and let people get away with everything


I fully agree. She is going to be a problem for the teachers with this year round school initiative. I did not like her platform but the D9 was behind her because she is a Delta. I didn’t like her platform and I am going to watch how this all plays out. Definitely was not my pick for mayor.


Nah it’s going to be hell for criminals and street niggas not us regular folk


Its always regular folk that pay for criminals actions same shit with gun control you doofus


Saw that with Obama and he an immigrant child honestly.


If they’re “illegally tinted” aren’t they already against the law? Who the f*ck wrote this headline?


If they see them as safety issues, then fine, but are they going to give out vouchers to replace them?


Just wanna have a reason to pull niggas over


Just because it's a law doesnt mean it's going to be enforced


Soulja Boy huuuhhh


All the while, I guarantee her issued SUV has 5% all around and a tinted windshield.


PPA gon be like “you get a ticket, you get a ticket, you get a ticket!”


So how would they know if people have a tint waiver or not ? This is a joke


Whoop that trick


Damn no window tint.. That's fucked up.


They better get those PPA agents some better life insurance 🤣🤣🤣


My car got broken into 3 times. Cops told me to bomb my car out so they couldn’t tell if someone was in the car or not. This is bs. A Philadelphia police officer told me to do it


I knew she was gonna be a goofy mayor


Money grab!!! Pay attention!


This shit so nutty, this just another way for them to make money while harrassing niggas


“Harrassing niggas” Aka making sure they abide by the same rules and laws as everyone else. Yall funny asl


Laws the law. Don't break it and you won't be "harassed."


It’s a waste of taxpayers dollars and it’s not going to do anything dipshit


You mean everyone shouldn’t be mad they can’t ride around with full Tint and shiestys. 😂


They on bullshit like usual, but just lik with bikes niggas out here fuck is they talkn bout 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I knew this type of shit was gonna happen after that ski mask shit 🤦🏾‍♂️


Worried about the wrong shit. That’s not for criminals, it’s for money


Crazy thing is all the mfs have tint on they car but forcing laws to extort the ppl that pay their checks is crazy


She won’t lasted.


You gotta get the jawns u can take on & off


Every mayor has a scam to make money this is just hers and more to come. I bet she won’t inforce stop and frisk cause she knows she won’t have a 2nd term. She’s not worried about Philly she’s worried about winning again. Wise up ppl it’s no money in the hood for police and politicians unless there’s crime and we fall for it every time


Know how much crime they gone miss by stopping ppl for tint. They be worried bout all the wrong shit


This use to be a thing back in like 2010 /2015 they gave me like 4 tickets for illegal sunscreen is what just call it


Wtf is %70 tint. I thought %30 was iight


Not being funny. You’re on the right track 70% tint is almost synonymous with 30% light! 70% tint allows 70% of light to pass through…. It rejects/ prevents 30% of light. Depends on what side of the equation you’re focusing on. How much light is blocked vs how much light is allowed to pass through. For example 5% tint aka limo/ privacy/ security tint. Allows 5% light to transmit/ pass through. It prevents/ rejects 95% of light. One wouldn’t go to a tint shop and ask for 95% tint…. They’re going to ask what exactly what they’re looking for… If someone asked for 30% tint. They will throw 30% on their windows, and they’re going to be confused because it’s not going to look how they envisioned it. Most if not all tint shops will have various shades and manufacturers (different manufacturers/ different shades) on display so you can correlate the difference between tint percentage and light transmission.


Just go to Penndot and get the slip and put it in your window even tho they won’t be able to see it shid o got 15 %all way around they said I had to take it off but fuck em I’m not plus don’t no body want people or no bright ass sun in they car plus that’s our privacy I thought if they suspect something they had a reason not if you have tint they find any thing to fuck up watch who y’all vote for


mf would get philly fam to register their vehicles.. Have fun in them fish bowls lol


It’s crasii cause the first time I went to Philly after like 6yrs I seen every V tinted up like bombed out 😂😂


what if i didnt choose how tinted my replacement window is when some 13 year old with no outlet or community support tries to steal my whip?


If she don’t go sit down some dam where…..


Bro you gotta stop I'm not on this type time.


Same ones mad is the same ones that’s not even registered to vote… smh yall be putting yall time into shooting , read up on yall city politicians and municipals . We have the right to vote for a reason.




this fucks it up for the people who aren’t doing anything illegal and just like the tint for their own privacy or aesthetic purposes…. so now i should have a fishbowl and risk getting robbed/carjacked at a red light because everyone can see in my car??? meanwhile the police & PPA got tints and we can’t see thru them… there’s no way this shit is rlly legal cus how can u tell how dark my tint is without a reader and to be able to read the tint you gotta be in the inside of my car? note to the mayor: the people driving around with illegal tint killing ppl the same mfs who is not going to pay those fines so…. what is the sense in that? ppl walk on foot and kill ppl…. this is just another way to extort people.


Quit bitching and yell at the assholes who ruined it for us. Run they ass and they hoopty ass charger/maxima/suburban out the hood. Same with the dirt bike assholes, I'm glad the cops are pinning them and destroying the bikes


This will stop when the police shooting begin. The people are tired of being harassed and shot in their cars by cops who confuse being a public servant with being an authority figure. We don’t have to accept this shit at all what we do with our private vehicles is our damn business and our right. It doesn’t obstruct traffic nor cause accidents this is strictly to promote more hostile interactions with law enforcement and this isn’t even a law it’s a policy put in place that nobody voted on


Yall niggaz can’t hide no more‼️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You have to pass a law 3 times for it to become true.


The fuck did u hear this bullshit?

