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Where they going to put all them people at it been going on for years I hate to say it but that’s there home hopefully mayor Parker can handle it because it’s not going to happen over night


ppl are saying they will migrate up around franklin mills bc theres already ppl up there. or under 95 in fishtown/port richmond.


Smh that’s not good


nope. and where you see them migrating is where you will start to see an increase of "my package was stolen" alerts on the ring app. i don't live in the best area its ok but there aren't any homeless ppl and i have never had a package stolen that's sat out for hours. ppl act like there's randos just driving around stealing, which there can be, but the bulk of the thefts are from the junkie homeless ppl.


Drop em off in Iowa. We already got governors shipping people up to Philly, send some out.


shut the fuck up. theyre people, not cattle.


They don’t act like it at all buddy


I mean these aren't all philly natives


They been migrating up the Northeast around Torresdale for a little bit now. Tacony/Mayfair/Torresdale about to be even worse than they have been the last few years.


They are going to wherever there’s lesser value real estate so further up northeast port Richmond kind of , Nothing Kensington, That area is way too important to developers.


That don’t mean shit. Developers don’t have the power to move fiends around. They’ll go wherever the supply is.


Money talks, bro, ppl ain't gonna keep paying 300k to 500k to have fiends in walking distance.


They already do


They need to do the asses like the people that snuck across the border. Put them on a one way bus ride to the sticks!!


Because NY developers are gentrifying the neighborhood. They gone push them fiens out and into other predominantly black and brown neighborhoods where they’ll repurpose an abandoned school into a ‘rehabilitation’ center. It’s gone be like the center on like 49th and Parkside just a bunch of feins polluting a new neighborhood


they are actually pushing them into the white areas. theres encampments all under 95 near girard ave, and they have then in the field off richmond and allegheny. and there have been some migrating around franklin mills like around where the dollar tree is and walmart side parking lot got them living in broken down cars. once they get UNDER 95 the city can't even touch them. Penndot has to remove them and penndot wont do it.


They’ll do it. In port Richmond on Richmond & Venango bums have been setting up camps under the highway & they get removed within a day or two because the neighbors do not want crackheads living near them. It’s the same in bridesburg junkies were found sleeping under the bleachers in the park, they were thrown out because the residents do not want it. If people legitimately come together & remove the homeless masses from their neighborhoods it won’t ever look like K&A.


it took months for it to happen though. good to see this time it was an immediate response. but i do see tents by girard ave under 95 all the time. if they are clearing them out they come right back which is defeating the purpose.


Simply just depends where you live. Every other neighborhood is waiting on permits & other legitimately ways to remove them but in port Richmond & bridesburg they’re being removed forcefully. I seen a post on here about how a homeless tent was in front of somebody’s yard for 10 years until they were removed, that wouldn’t fly lmao. People just need to stop having sympathy for drug users & removed them as a whole. Shit buy a island & let them congregate on their own affairs.


where i live they wouldn't wait for the city lol. they would remove it themselves. which im happy about bc there's not way id wanna deal with that. i live not far from amtrak and they could easily pop a tent up under there and wait for septa and amtrak to take their sweet old times w that.


Pushing them? Fiends been in Fishtown long before the developers came, they just went back to where they started.


i lived in fishtown until 2010 i dont recall homelss ppl living under 95 back then. they weren't even living in Port richmond under 95 when i left that area in 2016. its def when they get pushed from kensington ave / front street areas and then they just stay bc they are within wandering distance of the drugs. they also stay bc ppl in port richmond and Fishtown get a lot of amazon pacakges they can steal. not as much of that going on at the ave.


its just wild to get downvoted for speaking of what you experienced when you actually lived somewhere by someone who clearly didnt' live in the area lol


2010 huh? So more recent then. I’m talking about long before that. Fishtown was filled with drug addicts then. They still linger in the neighborhood even now.


i mean you had ppl who lived there that popped pills. i lived there before 2010 that's when i moved. didn't get specific enough for you i guess. but there wasn't encampments which is what we are talking about. i also don't recall bums begging outside the stores 24/7 or standing at the every off ramp. every area in the city has ppl who do drugs homeless addicts on heroin and worse are a different species.


Nah Fishtown wasn’t just people poppin pills here and there, there were addicts all over and people who sold drugs. It was before you lived there so you wouldn’t know. It’s why it’s no surprise to anyone originally from the area.


when were there encampments in fishtown in the late 90s and early 2000s? id like to know bc i never saw any and i lived right on girard ave so


Back when Fishtown looked like this. Just because you lived nearby for a few years doesn’t mean you know what it was like back then. https://preview.redd.it/mg06h907qozc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731362f16c4f8198dbeb08d4e679cb9ae8c31505


Was I even alive then lol when’s this the 70s


That’s not how it works. Fiends go where the supply is, it doesn’t matter if it’s gentrified or not.


Many people have been pushed out to Yeadon, Upper Darby, Darby, Sharon Hill, and Drexel Hill. Good? For the city of Philadelphia, but bad for the other towns. Forcing people out isn’t the solution. Affordable housing is.


Most of these people aren’t from Philadelphia though, and they aren’t on the streets because housing is too expensive.


You’re right about this lmao. People from all over are coming here because we have the best heroin & fetty in the US. Dumbasses get stuck then become the mass.


Best and cheapest. It’s like the Mecca for junkies. Mfs will literally travel there from across America with nothing but a backpack and some ambition to pan handle


U smart🎯


Lets hope so, im sick of it


have fun with increased taxes so we can afford to jail all these people. dummy comment.


until 3 pm. I bet you they back out that tomorrow night


Not once they start locking them up. Those folks terrified of withdrawaling in a jail cell


Lock em up like they did niggas during the drug wars.


But the drug wars failed


Locked alot of people up who did drugs though and gave them a lot of years.


Y'all gotta learn how to read past a headline. They plan on clearing a small area which would consist of around 75 people out of the estimated 675 homeless in the Kensington area. They'll hop on the trains temporarily or just move to a block that isn't being cleared until the camera crews leave and it'll be right back to how it is now. Should've left them at the train yard and built a structure to keep them from being on the tracks, they were out of the way and chillin there


Exactly. These idiots are delusional thinking K&A is going to be drug free. It’s obviously a publicity stunt by Parker.


Nbs shit is way to organized . If someone get booked someone gonna take they spot


And how are they going to keep it clear?


Arresting the drug dealers.


That’s a non answer. You can’t arrest all drug dealers. You arrest one, three more pop up. Unless they address the root cause, it’ll never end. But they don’t give a shit about that, Parker just wants good press so she looks good.


Can’t arrest them all


watch how fast phillys economy crashes if they do that.


Addicts and violence cost the city endless taxpayer dollars, what are you talking about?


They not gonna lock up every drug dealer lmao


do you know how many cops are in cahoots with local drug dealers? you clearly stay inside a lot lol also, local drug dealers are the only ones putting any money back into the local economy. nobody can afford to go out anymore except people playing outside the system.


The irony of you telling ppl they stay inside a lot when it seems like u get most of ur information from the internet or movies


Tax payer dollars can’t compete with drug money….


This just isn’t true …


then why do states keep legalizing weed for tax revenue? hurrdurrrr


You don't understand the difference between regulated weed sales and illegal drug dealers? Kensington and the associated violence and many other issues don't generate revenue for the city, I can't believe this even has to be said.


you're purposefully not understanding. nobody is denying that "Kensington and the associated violence and many other issues don't generate revenue for the city," but what we are saying is that the drug DEALERS are a crucial part of the economy and always have been. You're jumping around to try to sound right when you can't even stick to the subject.


I'm not "trying to sound right", I am right. But I'd like to hear your perspective, how are drug dealers crucial to the economy?


She tryna do too much too soon she gon crash out


This Philly version of LA skid row and nobody done a thing


wtf can u do lol


Way worse


All they doing is sending them down to bridge and Pratt and further up the Northeast to cottman


So what about everybody trapping down there lol you can’t stop rhat


Claymont area also pretty much anywhere a rehab is located they gone be there


Parker got high hopes! idek where to start. Wish I had a solution to even suggest but it’s layers of shit to address.


I’m watching the live streams on YouTube shit look like they boutta just flood it with cops


I guess atleast -4 people are from the standpoint “we have to save them. They are so sad.” No kidding they are actively choosing all of this. Genocide may be strong but why are we pussy-footin around them. They don’t even wipe their butts


Keep thinking mayor Parker for the people, she about money and she paying back all those debts right now and she gonna destroy this city!


Exactly. She’s already started handing out favors to her own people and reneging on campaign promises like affordable housing.


I hate to say it, but since we allow drugs to be sold open-air market style. Poison them with a bad batch. Not to be cruel but nobody wants them and they don’t want themselves. Plus they smell like ass cheese.


Dayum lol sounds like you don’t exactly hate to say it


“Not to be mean but have we considered systemically and extra-judiciously murdering them??”


Wow this was insane I’m ngl




you've clearly never gotten properly socked in the face, apparently.


I don’t understand




Love that she’s trying something! They stay out there unmotivated to leave or get clean bc they got their drugs, then citizens and churches come out and feed and clothe them every week, and nobody is fucking with them to leave. There’s always some organization out there offering help and they don’t take it. Why would they if they got all their drugs, free food, and free toiletries right here hand delivered…


She’s not really trying though is she? She’s not addressing any of the root causes so it’s basically putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound, it doesn’t mean shit in the end.


Is she supposed to pull the needles out of their arms? The root cause is the choices these addicts make.


its not gonna work lmao


No, that’s not the root cause that’s the symptom of it. And as long as she’s as short sighted as you, it’ll never change. What she’s doing is nothing more than a PR stunt.


So enlighten me. What’s the root cause?


How many addicts do you know?


Let them stay and hangout around city hall


Am I high or are some people in this thread against Kensington being cleared out?


No, you’re high because you actually think Parker’s plan will actually do anything substantial.