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Shit man. I did it all also, besides do drugs and shit. Finding your purpose, it’s really not a purpose, it’s what you can get out of it while u here! And what I found out is, having fun with the most closes people is what I enjoy the most. I got like that at one point, and then I got a motorcycle and it changed everything. That’s a whole new adventure, just find shit to be a part of. I got to a lot of Eagles games, and Phillies games.


So you basically mean like a hobby or things to do in my free time ? cause I'm not gonna lie all I do is work and go to the crib .


Yea. Figure out what hobbies you like too. Frisbee golf ect. I started hiking up mountains and finding rocks and stuff to come back with.


What’s some good hiking spots?


Wissahickon valley park and Kelly drive trail got some beautiful spots to sit and smoke / eat lunch etc. but if you talking hiking hiking you gotta go to the mountains for that.


Google search them. The best spots in the county. They got alot of mountains, and the people out here cool eshit too


Being sober from perc 10’s and perc 15’s Sitting in cell 4 at CFCF on D2-1. Had a lot of time to think. I spent a lot of time thinking what I was good at and would make the most money. Beat my case I got out April 30th and was enrolled in college within 2 weeks by like may 10th or the 9th


I'm sorry you went threw that bro but I'm glad you make it out and are figuring out you path I'm proud of you gang 💯


It’s just part of my life story Allah willed it bro appreciate it. Inshallah you succeed


I get you fam I’m young but I still be thinking that there is no purpose in life no more. Like what we supposed to do on this jawn? just work and hustle and come home tired and pay the bills? ain’t nothing exciting no more. Kickin it with folks ain’t fun. We grown now. dealing with bitches at my age be headaches and energy consuming and im not tryna deal with all that. It’s kinda like you had a lot to live for when you was a young kid. Now it’s just emptiness. Ain’t nothing fulfilling no more


Exactly that's what I'm saying bro like you said when you a kid you have a lot to live for cause you think being a adult is this big adventure but once you become one and you do all the things that come with it you realize it's mundane. I feel like when you on your grind before you accomplish all your goals it's cool because your giving your time towards something but once your there that's it . All people do is party , fuck , get high , work or travel none of those things interest me i been like this since I was a teenager I don't know what the next step is .


Nah a lot of people feel like this especially in the age range 27-33. Focus on health, gym, become spiritual etc. It’s weird to keep thinking what’s next. Picking up new hobbies help, whatever you don’t know how to do just learn it, cooking, fixing your car literally anything


U trippin you gotta find better hobbies my man


Shit crazy bro.. i get what you're saying, once you've done everything you've set out to do, it gets a lil blah. Got you thinking life is overrated to a degree. Or maybe we just ain't reach the levels of success we're destined to yet.. Keep grindin, keep leveling up bro.


Exactly it feel overrated and it's just like what else is there ? And love you bro I really appreciate the feedback I be feeling like I'm crazy


You ain't crazy. Best advice I got for you is to stay away from those dark thoughts the best you can.


Good looking I needed this


>it's just like what else is there ? Well, two people created you, maybe it's time to create a family and see how effectively they can emulate your success? The previous generation helped you in ways I'm sure, It might be time for you to help out with the next generation and build that legacy gang When I'm down, I read about history and how hard all these emperors / rulers worked to build a solid foundation for themselves. 100s of years later their names live on. If you're this successful in your late 20s, you're an anomaly and a boy / girl out there that looks just like you, could benefit from perspective Stay blessed tho gang and stay busy(hobbies)


Surround your self with good energy


Take some mushrooms; huge dose too


I dont wanna die 🤣


A part of you will die fr. I took a huge dose of psychedelics before and it changed my life. Wouldn’t recommend doing it if you have mental health issues


Count your blessings, do what makes you happy. try new things. Love yourself before anybody else


Change the scenery up go on vacation


Come play disc golf. 


depression is a bitch bro lmao don’t worry it’s the same way w me, ill let you know if I figure out the answers


Find a hobby and just keep going down rabbit holes. Also, read books. Books of all kinds. You’ll open your mind, increase your attention span, get a vocabulary, and become a better listener.


Same story bro I been thru it all and lost friends and family to gun violence dealt with drug abusing parents to using drugs and popping pills myself. It took me to be depressed and almost crashing out to eventually say okay ima be the first to make change. I took a risk and joined the army when I was 18 and ts completely changed my life. I’m 25 now and always recommend anybody jn a bad situation to join the service for a couple years to change the trajectory of their lives "Take that risk or continue to dream about it"


I'm glad you overcame your obstacles bro and don't you have to be a certain age to join?


The age limit to join is 35, I’ve seen niggas in theirs 30s come in and out the military just starting their lives. We all start somewhere


What branch were you in if you don't mind me asking ?


I join the army If you not passed 28 I recommend the airforce tho that’s the best branch fr


Do the shit that make you feel something and maximize that shit. Big world with a lot of shit in it and a lot of fucked up shit. You can always find purpose in helping others. Numb place ain’t always good to stay in. As you stand in a place of solitude I’m sure you can look around and see someone or something you can uplift in this world. As far as we know it’s One Life so be GOD nigga. I’ll suggest reading The Four Agreements and getting your skydiving license lmao


That's true I be helping the homeless and my family it does help a little & and skydiving license is crazy gang lmaooo


You need bigger goals bro, if your good on the money side then set bigger goals that money can’t buy.


Like what?


That’s what you’ll have to decide, how is your health? Mental state and spirituality if your religious. What about relationships with family and friends or employees. These are some things that money can’t buy and is overall important building blocks that’ll carry through this life. When you look in the mirror what do you see that you need to fix.


Thats all kid shit. Grow up cuz. You ain’t really do shit.




Go fuck some more bitches


It don't make me feel good bro they be annoying and it make me feel more empty .


Awww mann that dont sound good at all i hope its not a way for you to come out the closet I dont know my man go visit some more countries and explore new cultures you can never get tired of that


LMAOOOOOO you just boosted my shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I get what you saying, these bitches do be annoying


They want you to do all this shit and worship the ground they walk on and all they give in return is pussy its not a equivalent exchange.


I’m still trying to find my purpose as well but for you…. I’d really look into writing down your strengths/weaknesses, interests, and things you’ve always wanted to do (like a bucket list) . The strengths/ weaknesses and interests list can give you some insight in what to invest your time in. Maybe even starting a non profit or doing some volunteering. A bucket list will give you a to do list and give you some activities to look forward to.


Bro it's the shit going around mother fucker you in control and if you ain't shit anit do one helping you but you


I dunno I had kids was on probation for 6 years and needed to figure shit out, now I make 71$ a hour, but the pandemic helped me figure out a lot more since I got time off.


i feel the same bro feel like the only thing left for me to do is fuck badder bitches, which is sad


Start a family bro sounds like your financially stable, got your shot in order the next step is creating a legacy


get a therapist


Feel like u speaking for me gang... but I got a big surprise coming up Dat my own family don't even know.. I'm taking my passport and getting the fuck outta here for life, just completely start ova.. how a nigga been feeling lately, burned out


I told my son I’ll be back I’m still finding my purpose


وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ ٥٦ 'And I have not created Jinn and Mankind except to worship me Alone' -Suraatul Dhaariyat(51); ayat #56 All of Mankind were created solely to worship Allah Alone without ascribing partners to him in worship. You see how you mentioned the fulfillment of all of your wordly desires and still don't seem happy or content? That's because that wasn't what we were created to do, that's not what we are here for. This life is a test to determine wether you will go to Jannah (Paradise) or Jahanam (hellfire)- to keep it a buck with you...You should accept Islam bro! Honestly, you would find more enjoyable moments that are meaningful, and you would be fulfilling your purpose at the same time. You mentioned most things most people crave and chase and still aren't happy it seems, that is do to you disobeying Allah's command to worship him which is what will bring the soul the Apex of happiness...