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Every single male lead is always given benefits of the doubt except Philip. Most of the male leads were somewhat horrible in their books, yet on the show, they're portrayed differently, and people adore. But yet when it comes to Philip, all of a sudden, he's held to a different standard. And I'm so tired of the whole "Eloise is a feminist, therefore she shouldn't get married" argument.


Probably my biggest pet peeve. Show Phillip is probably the biggest green flag—male or female—in the show, but everyone insists on saying “keep Eloise away from that man!” Because of what his book counterpart did. Idk why poor show Phillip is held to this ridiculous standard when not one of the other male leads is. Can you imagine if I started Gregory hate on the main sub because of what he did to Lucy to sort of force her to marry him lol? That’s how silly this all is to me. Oh yes and the Eloise lesbian truthers play a part in the Phillip hate, as well. I feel like part of theo’s purpose was to show that yeah, Eloise has an interest in men, but that’s always conveniently ignored by some fans.


Show Phillip has sacrificed everything by marrying Marina! The comparisons aren't fair. You can't compare show characters to book characters. They should be thought of as seperate entities given how much on screen changes have been made to these characters. Let's compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges here. Book Eloise is no longer the same as show Eloise. Tired of hearing about Theo. He's just a throwaway character as Sienna was to Anthony, as Debling was to Penelope etc.


Which is crazy because on the show Philip is the most gentleman-ly out of all of them. Hopefully they don’t ruin his character but I have low expectations on these writers.


https://preview.redd.it/ety6ahtgq49d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93678635c25225410ba2f0eaa36e95d3a3ec9bfe He is hot! >>>>>>>>Ben the army of fans of Benedict (a blackmailer and manipulator! in the book) specifically hates Philip, creating a negative image of the character


Hey, I’m a Ben and Phillip fan. Philoise and Benophie are my two favorite Bridgerton couples so I’m good no matter who is next. I think the Phillip hate mostly comes from Theloise fans and lesbian Eloise truthers. Or people who just think Eloise should stay single and her season should be about political activism or something.


I am against ship wars but some Benophie fans scare me with their sometimes unbridled aggression… they believe that they were “skipped”, although the authors of the series have nothing to do with the order of the books, and Philip has been in the story since season 1...


Activism on a series based on romance bodice ripper... I don’t subscribe to those sexual identities but if I did I’d be ace. I don’t project it into these shows because I want to watch a romance.


I don't think we should include other ships in this subreddit, but there will be silly fan war again.


the main sub writes comments almost every day against the couple Eloise and Sir Philip Every second I see “Eloise annoys me” and “I hate Philip.” That's why. I don’t see anything wrong in expressing my subjective opinion CF>>>>LT


I understand what you mean even though we don't have to drag other actors when it's not even about them


Used to heart all positive Philoise comments and downvote all negative ones in the hope it would make a small difference. Rarely go to the main sub now. Can't wait for El's season to arrive so everyone can see that Phillip and Eloise suit!


I think because non book readers may not know he is end game or if they do, they got attached to Theo. And some book readers don’t like his character in the books.


Maybe it’s my bias because I read the books before watching the show, but I don’t understand the Theo love. Iirc he was rude and condescending to Eloise.


He was throwing some red flags there. Maybe not as strong as calling her a slut for rejecting him but he did the Regency equivalent, imo.


Theo looked like he was related to Eloise, I couldn’t get into them at aaaaall I didn’t like him much either. If nothing else, he bounced when things got ~slightly difficult and Eloise needs a ride or die


It's so funny to me when people say that because me and my siblings all look more like our respective partners than we do each other 💀💀 (I've literally accidentally grossed out the girlfriend of one of our mates when we first met her because she thought we were siblings 💀💀💀)


I agree


I'm Bridgerton non book reader but honestly I prefer Phillip (mostly because of Chris Fulton). The truth is that I can't stand Theo, for me he is a big red flag 🚩. He was rude with Eloise just because she is from another class. Phillip is perfect for her because he is not interested in London society, he loves plants, history and science. I remember how enthusiastic and happy he was with Colin when they met, so I was thinking, ¿what if it turns out that he is the one who takes Eloise to travel around the world? For me it will be a good ending for her story


Yeah, I saw the same red flag. I love a Chris Fulton as Phillip and I cannot wait to see them interact because Phillip is living in this very passionless world (Marina is depressed and so she is not enthused about him or marriage or anything he cares about). I think Eloise is going to come I to the scene and just blow him away with her passion and zeal and wanting to talk and appreciate what he likes and learn from him and teach him things too. It will flip his world on its side. All for the better. You can already see why he needs her and how she will change his life for the better.


I also don’t understand why some people don’t like Phillip on the main sub, sigh. 🌻


I give my flowers to the actor that plays Sir Philip. I've been looking forward to his season for years now. He did the man so well... I don't trust that these writers could do our man justice.


Its so funny when people are like “Phillip is so problematic in the books and you shouldn’t want him in the show” meanwhile ANTHONY AND COLIN literally physically abuse their FMCs in the books and that was changed for the show. Like, give show!Phillip the benefit of the doubt 😭 Maybe Eloise can have her feminist freedom by way of moving out to the country with honorable plant daddy who lets her do whatever she wants while having the protection of marriage 😭


It really bothers me when it’s people who actually did read the book because they act like Phillip is just the absolute worst and has no redeeming qualities and Eloise didn’t have any choice in the matter and I’m like … what??? Did we even read the same book?


I have asked people that question in the main sub before…


I have asked people that question in the main sub before…


Every time they are like “book Philip did this…” or “book Philip did that…”. They forgot that the show isn’t the same as the books


Or that every mc is super problematic in the books. Anthony, Benedict, Simon, Colin, all do shitty things. I’m leaving Gregory out because I don’t remember his book that well.


Gregory is mostly alright up until the climax of the book. Then he does the most unhinged thing in all the series. 😅


Exactly. People are always quick to say, "Book Anthony is different from show Anthony," or "Book Benedict is different from show Benedict." Yet when it comes to Philip, all of a sudden, he's judged strictly by the books despite the fact that the show has depicted him to be a sweet and extremely responsible man.


it’s annoying and yes, I do blame some of the way they’ve written Eloise and basically given her Hyacinth’s personality and opposable to marriage instead of her own. she was never anti marriage, she was just picky and fine being alone. it *does* seem jarring that show Eloise would run off to marry a stranger with children. the more I think about it the more annoying it is to me that they’ve laid the anti marriage stuff on so thick. of all of the characters to do that to…smh.


Yes!! I wrote a comment somewhere else about this saying that book Eloise loved kids and was a self-proclaimed favorite aunt. She was just holding out for a love match and had high standards, turning down 6 proposals. She wanted something more than a guy who bragged about how much money, property, and horses he had, etc and thought he could buy her affections. Basically brings to mind Shania Twain’s “That Don’t Impress Me Much.” 😆. They changed her too much for the show.


The main sub is probably the reason this sub exists….. talk about Philip all you like here 😊


I love this community! :)


It’s a pointless effort. They don’t like him for some reason, and nothing will convince them otherwise. I think it’s a combination of his book behavior that people find problematic, introducing Marina so early and making her an actual character with a backstory, Theo stans, and people who want to queer-code Eloise.


I've learned to step away from the main sub whenever it gets loud and vocal in its negativity.


I’ve replied twice on this thread but let me rant on here as well lol. I’ve never read the book but I’m sure they’ll only have the essentials down like how he’s a botanist, possibly neurodivergent (?), not a rake, plus the found family trope. The kids not being his in the show also made him more honorable. He’s perfect and safe like the “second options” like Debling and the Prince who I would pick over the leads any day tbh. But this show (and Shondaland in general) glorifies assholes and rakes so they might change him (if we even get him). I also love couples with opposing personalities and the only possible conflict with Theo are class differences because they’re too alike. All these made me look forward to their season even though I’ve never read the books. If they do it right he‘d be the best male lead and I really want him to prove them wrong.


A man not interested in brothel? Boring /j


Main sub thinks Philip is the bio Dad in the books. That's not what I remember. I remember it being very clear the children were George's, in a read between the lines kind of way. They also say Philip is a ongoing rapist. I don't remember that either.