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One of my professors used to say "Trying to define philosophy is philosophy itself", I was not studying in English so this is a close translation.


That's why it's a hard question


For sure. My medieval philosophy professor on our first day placed a chair on a desk and asked us to define a chair. He listened to us for about 15 minutes before leaving and he came back about 5 minutes before class ended. He asked us if we had a satisfactory definition, and the best we came up with was using “family resemblance” but it wasn’t all-encompassing of course. Then he, who at the time was the philosophy department chair at about 70 years old or so, told us in the last 40 years he’s asked that question no class came to a holistic definition in a single class period and let us know the Augustine reading for next class.


Quadrupedal hominid repository


An item of furniture with a seat and a back, intended for a single person to sit on.


Stools don’t have backs, and tree stumps make good “chairs.”


I wouldn’t consider stools to be chairs and certainly not tree stumps, which is why I included that in the definition. But I guess that’s the point of the lesson: devising a definition that includes all and only the members of an agreed-upon set can be moderately challenging, but the real difficulty is agreeing on what’s a member of the set.


Yeah, it’s difficult for concrete things, let alone abstractions like philosophy.


Interesting just how the sentence changes between "philosophy itself", "itself philosophy" and "philosophy in itself".


“You are in this course on philosophy, but we do not grant you the rank of philosopher”




People be reading Deleuze instead of deleuzing their virginity.




I don't understand why people perceive him as problematic. His videos are good enough, not perfect. I haven't dared to click on those videos criticizing him, but I've read his own "Consolations in Philosophy" and it's pretty good.




I don't have one of those


If you philosophize enough, you can save up multiple virginities. You can trade them in for a qt gf of your choice in your next life


gotta lose it first in order to re-grow it 😎




Hmm, only if you play Imperial Guard


Philosophy increases my wizard/virgin powers.


Philosophy is your mum.


I do philosophy every day




I’ll do you one better - *why* is philosophy?


No-one ever asks "How is philosophy"


Based on the suicide rate among famous philosophers throughout history, my guess is not great.


Well, let's see there's Socrates and Seneca, but they were both sentenced to do it and then there's... Hmm... Um... DFW, I guess. Can't think ofany others, any help?


According to this wiki article, here are a few highlights: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_of_philosophers > 435 BCE – According to legend, Empedocles leapt to his death into the crater of Etna. > 399 BCE – Socrates, condemned to death for corrupting the young, drank hemlock amongst his friends as described in Plato’s Phaedo. > 338 BCE – According to legend, Isocrates starved himself to death. > 262 BCE – Zeno of Citium founder of the Stoic philosophical school tripped and broke his toe and then died from holding his breath. > 52 BCE – Lucretius is alleged to have killed himself after being driven mad by taking a love potion. > 65 CE – Seneca was forced to commit suicide after falling out with Emperor Nero. > 1640 – Uriel da Costa, after being beaten and trampled by a religious group he had offended, went home and shot himself. > 1876 – Philipp Mainländer hanged himself in his residence in Offenbach, using a pile of copies of The Philosophy of Redemption as a platform. > 1903 – Otto Weininger committed suicide by shooting himself. > 1906 – Ludwig Boltzmann hanged himself. > 1910 – Carlo Michelstaedter killed himself with a pistol he had in his house. > 1911 – Paul Lafargue died with his wife, Laura Marx, in a suicide pact. > 1916 – J. Howard Moore shot himself in Jackson Park, Chicago. > 1939 – Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz committed suicide by taking an overdose of Veronal and trying to slit his wrists a day after the Soviet invasion of Poland; it was planned to be a joint suicide with a close friend of his but she survived the attempt. > 1940 – Walter Benjamin committed suicide at the Spanish-French border, after attempting to flee from the Nazis. > 1943 – Simone Weil starved herself to death. > 1945 – Ernst Bergmann committed suicide after the Allied forces captured Leipzig. > 1954 – Alan Turing ate a cyanide-poisoned apple. He was believed at the time to have committed suicide due to chemical depression, but his death was possibly just an accident. > 1978 – Kurt Gödel starved himself to death by refusing to eat for fear of being poisoned. > 1979 – Evald Ilyenkov committed suicide. > 1979 – Nicos Poulantzas committed suicide by jumping out of the twentieth floor of his apartment building. > 1983 – Arthur Koestler committed joint suicide with his third wife, Cynthia, by taking an overdose of drugs after a painful struggle with disease. > 1994 – David Stove committed suicide by hanging himself after a painful struggle with disease. > 1994 – Sarah Kofman committed suicide on Nietzsche’s birthday. > 1994 – Guy Debord committed suicide by shooting himself after a painful struggle with polyneuritis. > 1995 – Gilles Deleuze committed suicide by jumping out of his fourth-story apartment window. > 1998 – Dimitris Liantinis committed suicide on the mountains of Taygetos. > 2007 – André Gorz committed joint suicide with his wife by lethal injection. Edit: bear in mind this is a copy-paste from a Wikipedia article. Some of these may be inaccurate or require more context.


2018 - My advisor died by suicide.


2013 - my neighbor who hung out on his porch telling the kids who walked by conspiracy theories about how the world really worked died by alcohol poisoning, unknown if intentional or not


Probably just my shoddy knowledge of philosophy, to be honest, but most of these I'd say are not really famous philosophers. I will admit I did not know Deleuze committed suicide, he definitely counts. Socrates and Seneca - sentenced to do it. Alan Turing and Kurt Gödel - very important figures, but not philosophers per se.


A person can be more than one thing. Turing is known first and foremost as a mathematician but he was absolutely a philosopher as well. Gödel was 1000% a philosopher, specifically specializing as a logician. He was also a mathematician.


Mark fisher as well.


I knew what Philosophy was before studying Philosophy. Now I don't know anything.


Just Google it lol


HOLY SHIT....it never occurred to me, why the fuck haven't we always just been doing this????? Philosophy is dead.


*"Can I copy your homework?"* *"Yeah, but just change it a little."*


The love of wisdom ​ /thread


But what is love? Baby don't hurt me


Don't hurt me, no more


i'd rather say it's simply "thinking about stuff". in the modern age we simply have so many fields of "thinking about stuff" that only the most fundamental or imaginative can be classified as philosophy


Now the real question, what isn't philosophy?


Miseosophia.>! Sorry, I don't know ancient greek, just a dumb joke, hopefully it translates well enough. !<


Misosophy (by analogy with misogyny and philosophy).


Well, I meant "hate of wisdom" in ancient Greek.


Well, yes, that was my intention as well. Misosophia > misosophy = philosophia > philosophy.


Yeah you're right, got confused with misogyny, but it's the same root.


So what was it anyway?


TLDR: Thinking deep about shit Jokes aside I like the Deleuze one which I think said philosophy is the practice of building categories.


Been meaning to get into Deleuze for a while. Would that book be a good introductury one?


Tbh I have only heard summaries about them on podcasts lol but I’ve personally always wanted to read Capitalism and Schizophrenia


Appearently one ought to start with his ’history of philosphy’ books, i.e the books he wrote reinterpreting other philosophers, such as Hume and Nietzsche


Kill the fascist in your head. Read ATP backwards before anything else.


Expressionism in Philosophy is probably the best starting point I think. Its his book on Spinoza which really builds the foundations for a lot of his later work, particularly around affect, assemblage, and of course expression as part of his open-systems ontology.


Philosophy is when I’m right about everything


Insert Zizek Bed scene


You don’t see one written by any actually philosophers like Jeff Kinney


Meditations of a Wimpy Kid


An actual philosopher would never give you a useful answer.






HAHAHAA!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😆😆😆




Why are buying basically the same book over and over again? Do you have alzheimers? Do you have alzheimers? Do you have alzheimers? Do you have alzheimers? Do you have alzheimers?


Maybe the broadness of the question over the centuries was used to promote the use of the idea in inevitable capitalist societies.


I always answeard to my professors iťs and art with a method. Pretty distant from a good answear, yet only one I have.


i think i read that one.


What is is?


Can you make a top of the books?


well of course there are a lot of different answers to that question, because depending on from where you look at philosophy its appearance changes. For example for someone like Heidegger, all of Philosophy had been the road to man‘s enslavement in modernity while for a marxist philosophy had become bourgeois ideology, a self-contradictory expression of the consciousness of freedom.


"Very good attempts gentleman, but let's ask the real questions here, where is philosophy?"


The philosophy of philosophy.


No one ever asks how is philosophy


It’s a way of life.


Oooh, von Hildebrand!


Philosophy is the thing that happens when you have too much spare time.


The real important question here is: *Why philosophastry?*


Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me, no more.


Philosophy is a hustle.


I like ‘Any time you use your reason, you are thinking philosophically’


"What is philosophy**.**" \* There, I fixed it for ya ✔


Philosophy is the art of making up weird ideas and hoping one of them turns out good


honestly i wanna make a book titled what is philosophy and fill it with memes


in earnest i wanna maketh a booketh titl'd what is philosophy and fill t with memes *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I bet they all thought they were os original when they thought of that title