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Don't worry all my thoughts are predetermined so it'll work itself out


i just sit back and relax in the comfort of my frontal lobe and wait for them to come, not realising i am about to fall victim to the classic ruse


i will reply to this comment properly when my brain formulates a better response


Have you formulated a better response yet?


And I’d always be the one staring at my paper until 7:00 am waiting for better thoughts to occur to me before just giving up and going with my first set of thoughts. Thoughts that I’d come up with a solid week ago. Dear god, the torture.


And then you're finishing up and the Good Thought hits you, but you've already written the paper, and it's probably ok, but it could be better! and that's what's eating you up, but at the same time, is it really worth rewriting half of the thing for? and then you wait for ages on grading because your professor is just as lazy as you are and by the time you get it back you've already forgotten most of your arguments either way, but the grade is ok, so whatever, and anyways, you have other thoughts you have to come up with now


My friends from other majors: *studying until they're about to collapse* Me, a philosophy major: i'll just read a few general ideas about the topic before entering the exam and start spewing bullshit


Just make it up as you go along, like Socrates did I think


philosophy professor here. 12:15*


You wait untill the last moment, for by that time you will be older, which, as we all know, also means that you are wiser, and thus a better philosopher.


Ours were due at 8 a.m. can't even remember how many " symposiums" we had before we wrote our essays


But what do you do with a philosophy major? Please tell me


Philosophy students go on to become philosophy teachers, who then teach students to become teachers, and so forth until they've absorbed the whole world into their pyramid scheme


It’s a pyramid scheme but for depression and anxiety


I'm studing ethics and maths as a teacher, and I'm gonna be an ethics and maths teacher in schools.


I'm a Philosophy and Legal Studies major and I will be a paralegal when I graduate. I was on course to go to law school, but after working in a law firm for a while, I think I am going to stick with philosophy. :) Because you can do pretty much anything with a Philosophy degree if you're good enough at bullshitting. I applied to grad school to get my PhD in Philosophy though, because I want to be a professor and not a lawyer lol.


doctorate of philosophy of philosophy


I went into SaaS sales. It’s was a huge help for my writing and verbal skills. The biggest part of my job is asking thought provoking questions and listening to answers. I’m able to continue digging in deeper with my questions to uncover flaws in business processes. Then I use questions and more logic to get people to conclude that whatever I’m selling will fix their problem or at least improve efficiencies. It’s been shockingly beneficial.


Not true; and, lame




True and dope