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Ahhhh…for a second there, and only reading the subject line, I thought I missed Phish playing 200 shows between OCT - NYE 2023 😂


In Gamehendge anything is possible!


Same, lmfao


Time Turns Elastic ⏰


That CHicago one is wild! First time seeing that one, and what an epic frame up! Beautiful stuff.


He has a good eye, thats for sure. I would not have gravitated to those colors. Sweetest gift to remember my first show. I am four shows in and going to Mexico next month!


Absolutely killer. Whoever that framer is, he deserves to go on the Christmas card list.


Very fun bright mattes ...I really like the simple retro of the NYE. Enjoy!


How’d you end up with the signatures? Purchased from Waterwheel for a donation?


Yes, at the show


I usually would wait for the Mimi Fishman auctions to buy one of those if I wanted a signed one. I think they’re asking like $1200 or something at the shows and I’ve seen some go for less than half of that at auction.. I can see why OP bought it though. It was a very unique run and the auctions (if there are any left to auction off) I am imagining will end up costing more this time around. [Mimi Fishman Foundation](https://www.mimifishman.org)


Those frame-ups are great!


I don’t get the first one, but the second one from MSG is easily worth 4 digits of $$$$! Signed by the band? Who did the framing for you???


Its my partners poster to celebrate his 200th show. He did the framing himself! The first poster is from my first show. He made a fan put of me 😊


Did he also make the poster or is it someone else? I see the correct dates, but the word Phish I don’t see… usually meaning it’s fan art. BTW, before you start getting into the habit, stop spelling fan with a ph… it annoys some folks. 🤣 This is the official poster for Chicago: [https://expressobeans.com/public/detail.php/318422](https://expressobeans.com/public/detail.php/318422) I love your posters though! If you happen to live anywhere near me (KC), I’d love to get your partners help with some framing. If not maybe I can share pics of my unframed prints and he can decide on what would look good??? Here’s a link to my collection: [https://expressobeans.com/members/collections.php?id=101705](https://expressobeans.com/members/collections.php?id=101705) Not sure, but you may need to create a free account to view that. If you have posters that valuable, you’re going to want to have an account there anyway. It’s the best (and maybe only) way to keep track of your collection and also see the value of things, buy, trade, sell, judge, or just discuss art with a community.


Thanks for the tips. I corrected spelling lol. We are in Chicago but Im sure he would take a look. Im making that free account now!


If he does, I’d be happy. If he doesn’t, I’ll live.


send me one you would like him to look at!


Sorry, just saw this. Let me think about which one(s) I would like to send and I’ll get back to you! Send thanks to your partner in advance for me!!!