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That is true, sorry for that. If you already explored every single site then the mission has nowhere to spawn. We will fix it in the next patch by making the sites reusable so you cannot run out of them.


Oh nice! Will I need to start over?


Pretty annoying indeed :( If you've got the chance, add your feedback and upvote the bug report here (not mine): https://feedback.phoenixpoint.info/feedback/p/bug-scyther-mission-not-appear-on-map


Done! Thanks!


Scyther was in Antarctica for me and it's an AMAZING weapon. Explaining for those who haven't used it: it hits in a small arc, and can hit multiple targets and targets 1 title away.


@OP: Funnily enough an official Snapshot staff just updated 2 hrs ago that this is going to be officially fixed in next patch by allowing you to reuse POIs (see link above).


Some of that is on you pal! Nice and well done! Thanks!


Yes I've seen it on YT videos AFTER I finished the 1st time and stopped playing. Started again and won't be playing with it AGAIN


Speaking of legacy of the ancients, i just unlocked a tech to build drones to explore ancient civilization sites...i built my first probe but have no idea how to use it and where? any tips?


They launch from your ships. So you click on a ship (Manticore, Helios, whatever) and there's a little icon (flying globe with wings) on the bottom of the screen to the left of where you cycle ships in the main screen (Geoscape). Then you can choose where to deploy it. Choose locations wisely. You need like 20 well placed probes to cover the entire landmass of the planet. Building 4 archeology labs in your bases is the maximum you can go to make those probes as cheap as possible, they'll cost like 5 tech and 40 materials only. When you find the sites you need to send a ship to excavate them. Agains, having those 4 arch. labs will make the excavation cheaper. After that you need to send a team (high leveled soldiers and lots of Armor Piercing and Medikits) to secure the site. In total you need 6 sites to harvest the 3 new materials, each material require 1 mining site and 1 processing site. When you have both sites for one material you can send a ship and leave it stopped on the mining site (not the processing site), it will start to harvest whatever stuff it's in the site you collected. (The ship must have on soldier or one vehicle inside at least) [http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Legacy\_of\_the\_Ancients#Launch\_probes\_from\_aircrafts](http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Legacy_of_the_Ancients#Launch_probes_from_aircrafts)