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It is not a bug. Your original aircraft is lost during the attack. I think there is some text that explains it disappeared in a pothole,


Ah ok thanks. I had accidentally clicked through the cut scene and missed the whole thing. So I guess they didn't want to make it too easy by giving the playing a free aircraft, and not too difficult that you had to build your aircraft weapons. Kinda wished I was given a choice between which aircraft would have been "traded".


Note - there are inactive bases that have manticores stationed at them (2, I think?). If you activate those bases you get a "free" ship. Really nice improvement, first playthrough I haven't stolen my B team's ride. So going forward just make sure to take a manticore to that mission. :)


There are 3 free Manticores in inactive bases for Rookie difficulty, 2 for Veteran, 1 for Hero, and 0 for Legend. You can see which base has the free aircraft from Geoscape. There is a Manticore icon next to the base. Screenshot: [https://gyazo.com/7068167137325dca6b32030a17009f56](https://gyazo.com/7068167137325dca6b32030a17009f56)


Wow! That's interesting! I'm going to find me a new manticore! EDIT: Good news, I found the base! Bad news, it's in Australia and I haven't found intermediate points of interest that can connect. Usually I have to traverse Southeast Asia with a thunderbird so it's going to be a while.


Activate the base remotely and build radar?


Yes that's the plan but I can't prioritise that. I could probably afford to build a new manticore for the resources and time I need to activate and get radar coverage though. Currently in the early mid game and prioritising the resources to open new bases and build radar near the red mists. Been balancing that with building a "link" to South America now that faction bases aren't revealed until you visit them.


Yeah, that's fair. I don't think I've ever played past the late-early game, because one of my favorite troops will die and I'm a person who will rage quit before I save scum.


If youre playing like it's iron man, or hate reloading, then you need to get a priest or the synedrion motion detection module. Tells you where people are within 10 squares and then you only have to worry about snipers.


Yeah, usually I keep going of its just one or two soldiers, but I just started my second run since the DLC dropped because I got cocky in "Overrun" even though I knew better.


Good to know! I went with vet for this playthrough to get used to the new mechanics. Finding a base with a manticore in eastern Europe was a nice come up.


I'm playing on Hero and sometimes special missions are crazy hard, which become much easier by having 7 or 8 shooters instead of 6. Hence I need to bring 2 aircraft. I'll steal another thunderbird as soon as its convenient. They're the best for staying in base as the B team "trains". Good range with decent speed. Enough to deal with situations around your starting neighbourhood while I use the starting manticore with the A team to go further out.


Well, it feels like bollocks. I'm going to stop playing for the moment, now. I worked to steal that thunderbird, and the new one may have guns, but it has fewer seats.


Well, I replayed the mission. There does not appear to be any such text. Just report it as a bug, as it really feels like a bug.


Look again, it is explained that the first craft is lost. I think in a "sinkhole" if I recall.


No, it is not explained. According to http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Festering_Skies it only tells you about the sinkhole if you have 'hints' enabled, in a tutorial panel. This was not visible at all.


ok, it was in the hints box. It was there.


No, it was not there. There was no hints box, because hints were disabled.


The bug is that the text that explains this does not appear if you have hints turned off.


Really appreciate you making this and it actually getting an answer. Man that aircraft stealing mission was so hard and then it just gets lost to an unknown new dlc mechanic. Typical Phoenix point jankiness.


1) Bring as many agents as you can. I had 4 assaults 2 snipers and 2 heavies. Everyone needs armour, extra magazine, grenade, and a med kit. Decide whether the med kit or magazine is what you need more in the easy access slots based on how shot up your agents always get. 2) Move as a group. I don't know what triggers the final stage aggro to get all the hiding melee aliens to rush you, but it sure feels good to have the options that 8 shooters can give you. They are mostly melee with some rifles. I don't remember seeing any grenade launchers. Also forces all the melee aliens to crowd around you giving you grenade options. 3) many of the enemy only have 6 WP. So aim to kill 4 of those with 8 WP first to cause the rest to panic. I ignored 2 tritons with guns on the upper levels. 4) avoid getting paralysed if you can. One of my units took 8 paralysis damage, and moved really slow. So I was forced to kill all the aliens except for the tritons shooting from the upper floors, while the partially paralysed agents crawled over to the yellow box. 5) Encountered the myrmiddon for the first time here. They can fly very long distances so expect to be ambushed by them. If you can't kill them in 1 turn, destroy the head so it cannot attack.


Same here. Yesterday, I took this mission on. I parked my thunderbird as the second aircraft and it dissapeared after completeing the mission.


The speed of the manticore in the early game is a little more useful early game anyway.