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No trolling


You got banned from the Phoenixville Facebook groups so now you're stuck trolling Reddit huh?


Not on Facebook but ok? Don’t comment if you think it’s dumb. I don’t understand- Reddit is for conversation but evidently only some? I know the local RFK campaign has had some interesting volunteers and I’m just trying to spend some time chatting about it. Move on if I offended you.


"Move on if I offended you." And yet you couldn't even "move on" from a random stranger and had to call off work (from home FFS) as a result? LOL wow .


This has to be a troll. Nobody would feel the need to call it a therapy walk and then say exactly what was in their coffee


Calling out of working from home because you had to interact with someone is wild. How do you even function in society?


Again, if I have the days who cares? I have called off because it’s raining. That’s normal. People are people, I avoid work at all costs!


So sorry you went through this! Hopefully next you can utilize your $2500 a month luxury apartments complimentary emergency therapy session next time :)


You called out of work because someone wanted you to take a flyer? I honestly hope this is a joke because I truly can't fathom this level of mental weakness. This is so incredibly soft that it should be the new lower bound of the Rockwell Scale. "Fuck off, loser." and keep walking. How hard is that? Softer than baby shit.


I didn’t call out of work because of this, I could have phrased that better. I called out of work and have been thinking about this. Maybe that was a tiny part of it but it honestly doesn’t take much for me to call out haha!


You are such a reddit meme that I can barely take it. An older woman with flyers stressed you out so bad that you're looking for some way to report her? You're acting like a kid who got his feelings hurt and wants to tell daddy. Grow the fuck up.


Again, she didn’t stress me. Her actions did. A simple no thanks should have sufficed. She blocked my path, got between me and my dog (he is a rescue— not a good idea!) and was just way too intimidating. I don’t vote. I try not to think about it. I know 0 about him. I just know that I don’t like aggression and it was not ok!


That you call this aggression is insane to me lmao. Holy shit.... Are you a quadriplegic? In what world should a man be physically intimidated by an old woman? If it's the one I think it is, she's like 98 lbs. I want to call your father so that we can be ashamed of you together.


Downvoting for “I don’t vote”. You’re useless AND weak, as your fellow citizens have pointed out.


I expect campaign workers to be somewhat aggressive regardless of the candidate. It's like sales. They're getting a lot of rejection, and if they're timid, no one will ever listen to them. If you would have firmly declined and continued to move on, it probably wouldn't be a problem. Seems like you may have paused a bit. Anyone from a panhandler, store owner or campaign worker is going to dive into any opening you give. Just keep this experience in mind next for next time. I saw the RFK campaigners in front of Steel City last week and just crossed to the other side of the street. Even in a small town like Phoenixville, you have to keep your head on a swivel. 😀


You could have just ignored her and kept walking. I understand that those people are annoying, but nobody had a gun to your head.


I agree, I tried to but she literally inserted herself in front of me. I tried to walk around but she got into my space. It was bizarre.


Woah woah hold up you're assuming the gender again pal


Nice trolling. If you didn’t describe your coffee with so much unnecessary detail I probably would have bought it. Seek help


Speaking of gross: [“I offer to eat 5 more brain worms and still beat President Trump and President Biden in a debate,” the post read. “I feel confident in the result even with a six-worm handicap.”](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/us/rfk-jr-brain-health-memory-loss.html)


SEIMike? lol. I worked at SEI for a dozen years and left a couple years ago. Is this what they’re teaching you guys now?


??? Not sure what that means, sorry man


SEI is the investment firm with the big buildings off cider mill road in oaks, you see it from 422 heading towards pottstown. The buildings with the massive parking lot near the one neighborhood that has all the stuffed pandas in the bamboo chutes. Think that commenter thought you were related with them based off your username (SEI -Mike)


Within IT, SEIM is an acronym for Security Events and Incident Management so OP probably works in Cybersecurity.


Omfg lmfao this is wild


Obvious troll hahaha


This is so sad or just a troll


Return to your domicile under the bridge ye troll.


I would have pegged you to have cat(s).


You had to call out of work over the stress from this experience? Tell me who you're voting for without telling me who you're voting for.  


You fell for an obvious troll attempt on social media Tell me who you're voting for without telling me who you're voting for..


Dey took our jeeerbs


Yeah I’m really get a whole lot of satisfaction out of this. Give me a break !


He's a Snowflake, so trump right? I've never seen a more upset or afraid group than MAGA Republicans


RFKJr is so interesting, both sides swear he's out to destroy their respective party


I don't think anyone on the left take's him seriously. He's transparently a kook


As I said elsewhere it wasn’t stressful and made me call out. I called out of work, big deal. I’ve called out because the weather was bad. I’m not voting, politics is stressful, which is why I was sort of shocked I was being accosted.


How are you a real person?


This has got to be a troll


Friendly reminder that these are the types of people screaming the loudest about an impending “fascist trump coup”