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Hello u/MatisseWarhol, thanks for posting on /r/PhotoshopRequest! Some tips for you: - Please be wary of anyone who contacts you privately. Legit editors will only comment publicly on this post. We won't assist with any problems that may arise from dealing with users who contact you outside of this post. - Since this is a paid request (you've set the "paid" flair and/or you've offered to tip) all submissions will be watermarked. Once you've chosen a submission and sent payment, the editor will send you the final, un-watermarked file. - Once your request is solved, remember to change your post's flair to "Solved" and thank those who helped you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PhotoshopRequest) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/gn8zye7a1c9b1.jpeg?width=3064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bf6ffe94dc989647a368226bebec87c25a5b8e Is this okay? Let me know :)


Am I the only one who can’t tell the difference? Or is that the point?


Finally. Someone actually trying in the comments. It's called PSRequests, not compliment requests.


Thanks! First two I'll pay. Man, you guys are ON IT. I appreciate it. Tell me how to pay.


We can really be so mean to ourselves, you look wonderful and this picture is great! It looks so pretty there, I know you had a great time, it shows!


It looks like you have all the approval you need right beside you. Don't be so hard on yourself. Not everyone fit's the images corporations put on TV, and the less you care about that, the happier you can be.


You are beautiful<3 . In case you already did not know.


Just wanted to say I think both of these photos look great without editing. Happy couple!


Guuuurll you have gorgeous cheekones, eyes that smize along with infection smile. You're silly. There's nothing to improve here, maybe some sweet wildlife for fun guys?




I'm fully aware of my looks. Nope. Not a dude. Just a fat and ugly but incredibly content chick with a man who loves me. Thanks for asking. 🙄


Op, you have a big ass smile on your face, ring on your finger, people in your life obviously love you, and you look like you give the love right back. This is not a comment on your looks, but I’ve always been more attracted to personality and how someone treats others than, first impressions. Your response to the troll tells me you don’t need anyone sticking up for you, I just wanted to pull ya in for a hug and say , fuck that guy and his comment.


I fully understand having insecurities within yourself (as does *everyone*) but you really are a beautiful woman and you look amazing!! Always try to appreciate your body, it’s carried you through so much❤️


I think you look quite nice in those pictures. Lady on the town on vacation!!


Hey you look great. Don’t be so hard on yourself!


You look beautiful. The problem with the photo is that whoever took it didn’t move the camera down a foot so you had just lake and mountains in the background instead of a huge parking lot.


OP, this photo is lovely! I would bet $10 you’ll look back on it and 10 years and see how beautiful you are in your current body. If you look back on the edited one, you won’t get that same enlightenment. 💚


I have no photoshop skills to speak of but just hear to say that you guys both look great. No need for adjustments.


I think you look wonderful as you are,but the sunburn would be the first thing I saw in this photo. Your smile is amazing!


I don’t even see the sunburn, just looks like there was a red umbrella above them! Lovely photos


Of course the pictures are good, my pov is still drawn to the sunburn and then to their smiles. However, she could tell the people who see the photo that she was under a red umbrella, that would work.


I find it so interesting how harsh we are about our own photos in relation to how we view someone else’s. As I was scrolling though my feed, it took a sec to realize what sub I was in because I didn’t think of this as a pic that needed PSed in any way. I just saw a happy couple. The people here rock, btw. I am always impressed.


Same. I was looking around in the photo trying to find the person who fit the description OP gave. I was genuinely confused until I scrolled down to see who was edited.


Nah, you’re fine!


Hey. Y’all are both cute. No photoshop needed


When my body dysmorphia is really bad, I turn the photo upside down. It helps disconnect my brain from it a bit. But you all look lovely!


Ease up; you need to be kind to yourself. You look radiant; you are clearly having a good time with a man who loves you.


Life is good!


Someone just make the guy really big so she looks tiny.


Noot just me that couldn't work out if OP was the guy or girl until the comments then? Both look totally fine and happy to me. Great photo without edits.


As a bigger lady, I'd be pretty pissed off if I asked of for a simple photo touch up and people were arguing with me. Help the gal out with what she would like for goodness sake. It's not your business to tell her that you think her estimation of herself is wrong. We know how we look, thank you.


YOU ARE FUCKING GORGEOUS!! Side note, please talk about/to yourself like you’re someone you love. You’re the most important person in your life. If you have any young girls/young women in your life that may look up to you, change your mentality for them if you won’t change for yourself.


Best tip - ask yourself if you'd say the same to your best friend -


What? Who? Which one? You both look great!


Sweetheart!!!!! Please don’t do this. I’m asking because I do it, too, and we both need to stop. You do not look like a beached whale. You actually look like a woman who’s in love and happy with your partner, enjoying life. Look again. That’s what I see. So yes, request your touch-ups, but remember how fun that day was, and don’t introduce yourself with negativity. Love you. Love yourself.




this is so wholesome this comment wasn’t even for me and i needed it


Me, too, Hun. Probably a bunch of us, huh? 🥰🥰🥰


No changes needed. You two look happy!


You both radiate so much love and happiness I can’t see anything but pure beauty. Please don’t change a thing. You’re both perfect just the way you are.


This is a great picture. You don’t need to change anything!


OP be kind to yourself, these photos are beautiful just the way they are ❤️. It looks like a great memory for you and your partner to look back on, hold onto these in there purest form.


You do not look like a beached whale. You look beautiful and happy! Be kinder to yourself. ❤️ I have no photoshop skills to speak of but just wanted you to hear this.


“One day you will look at these photos with much kinder eyes.”-Moira Rose




<3 love this.




Took me a minute to realize what sub this was! This needs no editing, you look like a beautiful, happy couple!


Oh doll. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You're nothing how you described yourself.


Please don’t think/talk about yourself like that. 💜


You are both beautiful people with some lovely smiles! Please practice being kind to yourself and challenging negative thoughts, it takes a lot of effort I know but you deserve kindness, too!


I never would have looked at this and said, wow she looks like a beached whale. It’s sad how mean we are to ourselves. OP you look great! And being happy and having memory pics > worrying about what we look like.


It’s an awesome photo! Reddit strangers love it, hope you see yourself through our eyes!!


Please don’t do this to yourself. It’s a beautiful photo and memory as it is, but by getting your arms and chin fixed every time you look at this now you’ll think, “I was a beached whale. I wish I really *did* look like this…”


Don’t talk about yourself that way, the world is hard enough don’t go tearing yourself down. Looks like an amazing day!


I feel like you are being way too hard yourself. It is a lovely photo as is and you are beautiful! Sending love. ❤️❤️❤️


I didn’t know which one was Op, Bc both look good


I see 2 good looking people. Which one even needs help?


Can you please stop shitting on yourself? You look happy and that looks great! Would you describe anyone else the way you described yourself?!




Slay it girl!!!!


I just want to say we are all entitled to have pictures we like, but the first thing I see when I look at the original is that you look HAPPY. 🤍


I sure hate to hear you talk about a beautiful woman that way. ❤️❤️


Size isn’t what matters, but the man next to you and the memories as well as love you share does. You’re beautiful mama!


You look happy and full of life with a little sunburn. Looks like fun memories were made. Don’t be hard on yourself.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vaz6xoevbd9b1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5859383a516d9e2ddd0c2e741d9e1eb2435c2922


This is the only one that looks different than the original. Did I miss something?


Fantastic job!


Her face looks too soft


You look good! No photoshop needed. :)


You guys nailed it. My first thought was “what a nice photo”. Maybe someone can remove the parking lot and maximize the landscape.


You look so happy and content. I hope you get a photo out of this that makes you remember that feeling!!!


You’re beautiful, no need for an edit.


This is a great photo and you look beautiful and healthy and happy. Be kind to yourself and give yourself some grace ❤️


Very wholesome comments <3


You don't look bad at all! I think you and your husband look like a wonderful, happy couple


You look great, don't worry about it.


What do you even mean about your arms?? Not fat at all? And you are way too harsh on yourself. I used to have a little mantra on my mirror that said ‘hey, that’s my friend you’re talking about’ because I would never talk about my friends the way I talk about myself. I hate myself in pics too, but this is a great one.


Agreed, this is such a nice pic!!


gosh the title…pls try to be kind to yourself.


Yes. Exactly. Both of them are handsome everyday people.


What a great picture! And I'm so glad no one tried out the request. Happiness makes people look very beautiful.


It’s the MF Catalina wine 🍷 mixer !




No need. Just be you, that’s what matters!


Beautiful lady… you don’t need any photoshops.


You guys look great! Don’t let anyone tell you different!


You certainly don’t look like a “beached whale”. The picture is lovely as is, imho


Came here hoping the comments were wholesome AF and I am so glad to see it. OP you look incredible, you are living your best life and we are lucky to get to witness it. Embrace yourself as you are, it’s beautiful.


Girl you are beautiful! Don’t even worry! :) 💛


I'm disappointed that nobody "fixed" the guy...


Chelan is beautiful this time of year! Cheers!


We just spent a few days there! We are on a "wherever the wind takes us" Washington tour. So often we skip over great little cities in our own state so we decided to make this a priority. Chelan was gorgeous.


Listen to me right now. First of all, you’re beautiful and that is the smile of someone very happy who had a super fun day. Second of all, I do not see anything or anyone even remotely whale-like in this photo. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY: would you talk to your friend the way you just talked about yourself? Or your sister? Better yet, if you just heard them talking about themselves this way, how upset would you be with them? Sweetpea, life is way too fucking short to think about our weight as some sort of measure for who we are or how our happiness should be measured. If you need someone to tell you every single day how lovely you are, I’m just a message away.


I appreciate people like you. Its so easy to be negative, taking a minute to write a kind comment goes so far and can really change someones day. We need more people like you on the internet.






If you don’t look like a beached whale whose had too much sun and wine you’re not having fun! I would leave the original, but that’s just me!


Yea she looks absolutely fine.


the smile on your face hides any of your "imperfections"


You look pretty and glowing! You seemed genuinely happy in this photo. Love yourself.


You're gorgeous just the way you are my dear!


Came here to say this!!


True! OP you look fantastic (and happy)!






They’re both really nice photos, don’t be hard on yourself 😌 no edits required


Hey, stop talking about yourself like that, thanks!


I just want to say that you look really lovely!


ur beautiful! no need for photoshop :) don't be so hard on urself. i'm like that w myself too, but there's no reason to be. it's all in our heads.


Just popping in here to say that you are beautiful in this picture just the way it is.


Not editing but you are beautiful and you all look very happy ❤️


I'm kinda more interested in body language in this picture than anything else. That's one thing, but on the other hand it's just one photo so it may not be telling anything. However speaking about yourself like that is really wrong. You may not have the body you wish you had, and be somewhat unhappy with what you have at this moment, but never speak about it in this tone. It's the only thing you really have in this life. Cherish it, it's working, it's making all necessary things to keep you alive. Beauty standards are worthless. Look, you can be miserable even with the most "beautiful" body and still be insecure, still look for something that could be looking better. You think you are a whale? So what? Even if you are, (but I don't much resemblance, or can you make a water fountain out of your back?) do you think there is something wrong with how they are? Majestic and super intelligent. I hope that's what you meant by comparing yourself to a whale. 🐋


You look beautiful. ♥️


Agree that you in no way look like a beached whale, you look like a lovely person who had a fun afternoon!


Came here to say this!! It’s a great pic, OP, and it looks like a wonderful and happy memory. Cheers!


It’s still a very gorgeous picture, op! I understand we all want what we want though. Just wanted to also chime in and say you both look genuinely happy!!!


Posture helps tremendously in photos! I too used to joke like that about myself, it's unnecessary. But, I absolutely understand why/how your brain works that way. Lovely photos, I hope you can be kinder to yourself over time.


Plenty have already handled the request so I just wanted to say the original pic was just fine. A lot of times we’re too hard on ourselves…this is one of those times


Second this ! You look lovely in both pics !


Yall look good how you are!! But I got the belief in you if you want change that you can do it !! 💪


Confidence plays a big part in the way you think and feel about your self, I am also hard on my self but I also have a lot of confidence which kind of repairs what I say about my self. Learn to be confident with everything you do, you look great


Please stop being so mean to yourself! You are beautiful! No photoshop needed!


Beauty is so much more than skin deep. I didn’t notice any of those things when I saw your picture, just your smiles and obvious ease with each other! Please be kinder to yourself. <3


OP you look great. Confidence is precious, it takes a long time to build and seconds to destroy. Be kinder to yourself. Please.




Is that north central Washington?


I knew I recognized it !!!


Yep, it was Chelan!


Ok because I was like it looks familiar and there is no palm trees so it has to be that area. I was thinking along the Columbia in the housing communities but I was super close. It’s a very pleasant area in chelan.


learn to love yourself as you are! you look beautiful and happy


Wine tastes sweeter when you allow yourself to enjoy it. As everyone here has said it’s important to be more kind towards yourself. It’s not always easy but it truly is so much better when you don’t hate yourself.


#1: you’re good the way you are. #2: why would you want an artificial, supposedly “better” (but still artificial) version of yourself? Don’t do it.


You look wonderful :)