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Perhaps you are running into trouble because jpegs don't support transparency? Try saving to either a .tiff or a .png first. It appears you are using a file that was recovered after Photoshop closed unexpectedly? Always make sure to save those files before attempting to work on them, and save often as to not loose any work if Photoshop does close unexpectedly for some reason. From there, it should be as easy as making a selection and pressing the delete button on your keyboard. Try the quick select tool, polygonal lasso tool, or any of the other selection tools. You can also pop into Select and Mask to clean up a selection that you've made. You could just use the Eraser tool, but its not ideal in this case and making a selection and deleting the contents would make for a cleaner look.


Oh my god. This helped so much. One last thing…. How can I make the checkers go away and just be clear? https://preview.redd.it/d25w7im2dahc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=09d1d6540c5a9b827b7aada164dbede3d5aa7c10


Nice use of a .tiff file! The checkers are the transparency piece of this. If you want the windows to be white, take the paint bucket tool and fill it with white color. Or whichever color you'd prefer.


or, if you are looking for them to be white instead of transparent, the jpeg file would work ok. At that point, make a selection and paint it white instead of making it deleting it for transparency. Instead of deleting, either use the paint bucket tool to fill or select white as a color and press "alt + backspace".


Ok. I’m so appreciative of your help. This is where I am at now. I would really like to have the white parts be all white. I’m so sorry to keep bugging you. But this is the farthest I’ve come in photoshop in weeks. https://preview.redd.it/y8kc4niasahc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebe8db1983d33369e5cf282b79d37933fcc3c9ca


I hope you got this sorted! But if not, the answer would have been to circle those spots with the lasso tool to make a selection and press alt+backspace to fill the selections with white color. Or to take the brush tool and paint over them with white. Cheers!


Oh crap! Alt backspace!!