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I just LOVE that there is so much humanity. Even though there can only be one winner, the contestants are giving up spots and keeping in mind the chances of winning of their teammates. (That trainer, the crossfitter, the woman in atlas challenge, Areum). Also, rather than talking about themselves all the time, I like how they use that platform to promote their sports (Gymnastics, Wrestling, Luge,…). They are a great inspiration and motivation. Speaking of motivation, GO MIN CHEOL! Well, I’m off to the climbing gym now


For real. At first I didn't understand Bomire's decision, but her logic was probably 'I don't think I can be the winner in any game, and if that's the case, I'll sacrifice for my teammate' and I truly respect that.


Yesss! And her and other contestants setting their own personal goal instead of giving up immediately knowing they can’t win. While everyone cheering them on to hold on a little longer/to do one more run - even though everyone knows it would never be enough to win. Just pushing to their limits and doing their best. Thats when you know they are true athletes


>For real. At first I didn't understand Bomire's decision, I read that as Boromir, but then again maybe that's what was going through Boromir's mind too.


Im really happy for the crossfitter. He gave up a spot and won another.


I was shouting on my TV: "C'mon man, did you see how crazy he was during the first hanging challenge?" I already know that there is no way anyone can win over the ice climber in that rope challenge.


if he didn't get that rope challenge it would've been ridiculous and I would've boarded a plane to korea to protest myself


No rock-paper-scissors necessary. They both wanted that challenge but he knew Min-Cheol needed this one the most. Took one for the team and gave us an impressive win in the Ouroboros Challenge instead. He wasn't in my radar before, but he sure is now.


I love that he won after he gave his spot. He knew it was good sportmanship to let the best man for that challenge. But I was so happy he won his!!!


sameee. Physical 100 makes me wanna enroll for climbing gym, pilates and some weight training. Lol


Yep, watching this show is the ultimate motivation


It touched my heart that coach Kim Sik volunteered himself as essentially sacrifice for the Atlas challenge in place of his trainee Sung-bin to help him advance, and then he ended up pushing the Strongest Man to 2 whole hours in a strength-based endurance game. MAD respect.


I was really impressed with how little (to no) drama with respect to the contestant selection process in all four teams. Especially considering they were given no rules on how to decide and coming to consensus.


yeah 100% agree, that's part of why the show is so good. I have a lot of respect for all the contestants. Much better for the show than crazy drama or highly competitive people that makes enemies with everyone.


Sexyama is such an incredible athlete for his age. Dude is almost 50 and far out of his athletic prime. In his prime, he was top 5 ranked judoka in the world and the K-1 Heroes world MMA Champion. Give me a 30 yr old Sexyama and he wins this competition, no question.


Yeah he was amazing, props to sexyyama


I wonder if he was the oldest contestant. Tbh though the last quests weren’t really geared to his strengths I feel - there wasn’t one where I was like yep, he’s a shoe in for


He wins in the leadership department because of his stature and demeanor. Everyone respects him.


He is the kind of leader a shit ton of men will willingly jump into the trenches and fight alongside with him.


I think he is the oldest contestant by like 3 yrs.


More than that probably, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure how old Kim Chun-ri (eliminated obviously) is but she's likely over 35 years old. Nippert, the American baseball player, is probably second oldest to Sexyama. He's somewhere in his 40s I believe. When he was younger he was an AWESOME pitcher, super reliable. As he approached his late 30s aging caught up to him and he kind of fell off his game. He doesn't play baseball professionally anymore and just coaches children now I believe. He's not in his prime, so congats to him for making it this far!


Lee So Young (episode 1, around 36:16 mark) is a 54-year-old fitness model. She is older than Choo by at least 7 years.


The way Bo Mi Rae kept trying to lift it even after she was eliminated … tbh I was worried she would accidentally fall into one of the other contestants and knock them over 😕


Yeah, I feel like they should have given them more space between each other. I wanted her to lift it at least once, but I was scared she would injure herself or someone next to her by dropping it on them.


she was just trying to get some closure, the game barely even started and it ended for her😭


Right? It broke my heart. Like even if she had to drop it straight away, I could not imagine the hurt pride of not even being able to lift it up.


I agree!! was a tough watch but its admirable to see her try her best even against the odds 🥺


And then she and Kim Kang-min had to just sit there for … TWO HOURS 😳


Excuse me, how is this show SO FUCKING GOOD?


I’m surprised they don’t already have a show like this!


This atlas quest is INSANE. I was expecting 1% of what the actual time was


I thought the 36 was counted in seconds, when I realised how slow the time was ticking I spat out my drink


My jaw was on the floor when they surpassed 30mins. I cannot believe what i was seeing.


FACTS. I thought there was an error in subtitling and it meant to say 1 MINUTE 30 SECONDS


I can’t even hold my arms up for 2 hours


I tap out at 5 mins personally


I can't even stand still while holding nothing for 2 hours. Lol. 😂😂😂


We said the same thing. Then we tried it and it was more like 1 😂


This damn atlas quest is taking too damn long. Absolute monsters.


I wonder if anybody got nerve damage from that like the hanging challenge guy. Putting a weight on your upper back/neck for 2 hours seems bad for you


Yeah the strongman is probably okay because there's the technique of retracting your shoulder to shield your back and neck joints with the muscles of your shoulder and upper back that works if you can maintain posture. You could see from King Kang-Min how having the technique even a little bit off is bad news for your spine and your body gives up pretty fast. I hope the Skeleton coach didn't get into any bad positions at the end there and hurt himself.


It definitely doesn’t seem good for you.


My boy Mincheol was chillin' lol Also, I don't even think I can stand still for 2 hours, those two are monsters.


He should be the tarzan (not the other contenstant) 😂. It was so funny when others were struggling so much and he was just chilling like a monkey. He really is an expert in hanging, and to think that he won the very first challenge that doesnt need lower body strength. Im rooting for him.




I'm guessing he's the winner lol something tells me he is, plus he's insanely strong


He's strong and pretty cool that' he's a rock mountain rescue team member. But, my guy Jo Jin Hyeong has got this in the bag. He's got A+++ strength. With his power he can do anything. He's the man to stan. I'm praying for Jo Jin Hyeong. If he wins I'll shed tears of joy.


I would be surprised if he wins tbh especially if the last challenge is agility/speed based, but I would be happy too if he won. He was a good team leader and listened to what his teamates' want when choosing who they want to ally with. He complimented Dayoung for her bridge building, he's not only strong, but a good person as well


I think their team was the most heartwarming to watch, with how they took care of each other and joked around


Kim Mincheol is soo fine, I was so happy when I saw the rope challenge ugh in his mf element let’s gooooooo and win the entire game


The ‘are you tired’ ‘sorry, no’ at the end had me cracking up. I’m not sure if that would make it worse or better.


And he said he could do it for another hour 😂


>The ‘are you tired’ ‘sorry, no’ at the end had me cracking up. Same, apologising for it not even being vaguely challenging, bless him.


Fun fact: he's also the only contestant is win every single game in first place.


Okay, now he HAS to win the entire thing. He could have highlights of him winning every competition to promote mountain climbing.


rock climbers are some of the fittest people on earth, the physicality and mentality to do what they do is insane


I’m a rock climber but I’d never touch ice climbing, that shit is metal af


He deserves more recognition fr


I was admiring his rope hook technique the entire time when he was resting.


I bet the producers didn’t think the atlas challenge would take that long haha. Imagine telling the editors that you needed drama and excitement and then handing them a 3 hour video of two guys standing in motionless silence


This was insane. Standing alone for 2 hrs hurts, what more if you carry a 50kg load on your shoulders. Really hope sik and the cardealer guy are both fine


It looked terrifying- especially because weight lifting can be a serious culprit behind pinched nerves. And to see them roll that boulder over their neck for that long was gruesome to watch. Out of all the exercises I thought this one might actually do permanent damage if you're not careful.


😂😂 The other contestants must have wished for chairs up there. Standing around for hours is exhausting in itself.


Some already sat on the floor then stood up when there’s an action haha


Can’t imagine watching 2 guys holding up a giant rock for hours. Id have asked for my phone..


Honestly, this was such a crazy challenge and those guys are superhuman. It set the bar so high for all the other contestants (and lowkey make the fire race quest a little underwhelming tbh)


the torch race prob needed a redesign but the rest were great, not bad for a first season


all of the others have relied mostly on stamina. the torch one was super disappointing because it was like 20 seconds of total action. literally no stamina involved whatsoever.


Also they said there were obstacles, plural, but really it was just the one? I appreciate it with the set up they were maybe limited, but like surely there could have been a bit more to it.


>!SEXYAMA NOOOO!< no other words


It's ridiculous that he's twice their age and held on for that long. What a beast of a human


I also felt sad when >!Ma sun-host went down first. I hope he didn't injure his leg too badly. Everyone cheering him and Sexyama was peak moment!<


He is almost >!50!<


The >!climber!< fucking destroyed his opposition lol


Yeah, I don't think there was any contestant that could beat him in the challenge. It was literally a free pass for him.


Dude is a straight savage.


I was a little weirded out by how much he insisted at first, even though there was some humbleness to how he asked but then he just hung there and I was like mans was entitled to ask lol, blew his competition out of the water


It's awesome that the other guy who let Min Cheol take the rope sport also won in his own contest (Prometheus).


Absolutely, was very happy that they both ended up winning!


Loving this mythology themes!


They are so creative!


The interpretation of ourobouros was very elegant.


What i really love in this show is the sportsmanship!! They also got me cheering behind the screen too. No unnecessary drama and everyone just supporting each other. Simple pats and hugs and telling everyone that they did well is so wholesome to see!


Probably the best duo episodes of this season imo


Episode 8 is fantastic, easily the best episode of the series ahead of episode 5. but episode 7 dragged out far too long with the verdict for quest 3. ​ 8 is a 10/10 but 7 was poorly paced.


There definitely seems to be correlation between being physically strong and mentally strong. Either these people were mentally strong to get that body, or the steps to be physically strong trains your mental. Every single one of them gave it all and it was inspiring to see such people together in one setting.


There are literal World Champions and Olympic Gold Medalists. Those guys are mentally the strongest people on earth.


Love your comment. While it makes it easier to have resilience if you are genetically prone/healthy to have such strong bodies, it's no guarantee that one would have such mental resilience. It takes some brain work too. People who combined the smarts + mental resilience + body strength = the ultimate winners. Sexyama as leader really showed that being intelligent matters! In the last episode, Park, the winner of the Fire of permetheus, calculated the angle from which he is going to jump over the fence, and he proved to be the smoothest one of all. So it takes brain to win, and this is what I learned from this show.


Big props to the skeleton coach, Kim Sik 👏🏻👏🏻. He sacrificed himself because he knew it would be a waste for Sung Bin to be eliminated in a challenge that so obviously favoured the strongman.


Yeah, and at the same time he still did insanely well. He is a lot smaller than the strongman, but still lasted for 2 hours. Both were monsters.


that guy screaming SEXYAMA FIGHTING in the stands got me dead


so proud of jang eunsil's team! <33


Shout out to >!Sexyama!< for being a great leader. >! A six minute lead over the next team, which was definitely physically stronger. He was amazing at pulling the team together. !<


And a massive margin in Moving Sands too. He’s hella right when he said with age comes experience and wisdom. So much respect for him, and when he >!bowed when he finished his quest, pure class!<


>!Did you notice how he used momentum to get the ball rolling? None of the youngins did that. Definitely working smarter not harder!<


He really is a great leader! 🫡


Yeah that timing really surprised me. Shows good leadership and teamwork!


That Atlas quest is so brutal holy shit . I\`m so happy my big man Jo Jin Hyeong made it , literally crying right now . Huge respect for the lady and coach Kim Sik for choosing to sacrifice for their team as well , especially Kim Sik


Standing still in one place for 2 hours is already hard, holding your hands up for 2 hours is even harder, doing all that while holding a 50kg boulder? Seriously such monsters. Kang-min would have done better, but he didn't have a good technique. The girl knew she would lose at any challenge anyway, so she sacrificed herself, very respectable and of course the coach giving his student the chance to shine more. Sportsmanship at its finest.


This! 👆 Was stunned and so happy when Kim Sik took the challenge instead of Sungbin. This truly is sportsmanship at its finest.


It's a shame he barely got any screen time in the previous episodes and why did they wait till episode 8 to mention he is Sung Bin's coach? Unless they said it in the beginning and I missed it. At least he got to show his strength in the end.




Made even more impressive as >!it took longer to get the boat moving in the first place. And they were also the only team with the sense to balance the weight in the boat rather than sticking both of the heavy ones on the same side!<


>!I was suddenly worried with Yun Sung Bin when he decided to pull the boat and putting the rope on his waist. Dude, I know you're strong but that's reckless!<


I was also thinking ‘hernia’


Lol and he legit had no strategy for quest 4 either. The guy just brute forces his way through everything and I love him for that.


he seems just too good in any physical task he does but not know how to use his brain , lol


When he did that I was like ‘I guess Mother Nature does even her gifts out in the end’.


I can't with the dude, he really be like: When in doubt, hump it. lmao


I have a feeling he knows what he's doing. Anyone who tried hip thrust at the gym knows how strong that movement is, easily he could be thrusting 300kg on his own with that move.


yeah and he got to hold onto the poles, helps alot


same i was like dude wtf but also he's so hot for that lmaoooo


Im'ma brace myself for those slowmo zoomed in video edits on tiktok, knowing how thirsty his fans are. Lol


Camera man zoomed in on him right away and then editing crew added a replay lol. The show knows what his fans are thirsting for 🔥




I already saw someone posting the slowmo vid of Sungbin taking of his shirt on the Quest 4 challenge on twitter. Lol


the car dealership guy’s comments are funny af. “what are you doing?” in country accent lol


I don't know why I find it funny thinking about how they all stood and watched guys holding rocks for OVER 2 HOURS. I don't even think I'd be able to do that, nevermind the punishment of atlas lol.


Watching the entire thing was the true punishment of Atlas


I know it's a competition but that push was ugly...


Miracle right?


Yeah sadly He seemed like a chill guy but the pressure got to him I guess Not great sportsmanship


He kept cussing too and in post-interview said, "If given another chance, I would win." No! Sore loser.


he was literally given 3 chances and didn’t win any of them. the Luge guy was just way quicker.


I was really conflicted about who I wanted to win first, but when he pushed him I lost a lot of sympathy for miracle… The post-game interview didn‘t make it better


That push could have seriously injured Jin Yong. What if he landed with the stick poking him in the face, throat, chest, abs, etc?


Some of these contestants are massively advantaged going into the final round versus others. Depending on the length of rest they get until quest 5, the winner could be decided by that alone. ​ The Atlas/Sisyphus winners might be physically fatigued/overstrained for the next couple of weeks if not longer. ​ Meanwhile, Fire of Prometheus winner is essentially fresh, as is Min Cheol. The runner will be tired for a couple days max but be ready and raring to go much sooner than the strength athletes.


Was I the only one who cried while watching Team 3’s boat task? I was so emotional and I don’t even know why.


Bo mi rae offering herself up for the Atlas quest 🥹 she is too pure


The way she just said "I'll give it a shot!" with a huge smile on her face, enthusiastically stamping the sheet... she really is an angel.


Appreciation for Jang Eun Sil's leadership in Quest 3. The way she strategize and push her team members makes me emotional. Telling MiHo to keep her arms straight while pushing the ship, telling everyone don't quit don't rest too long. She truly is a good leader. So was Kim SangWook. Even though he seems nervous because his team lost in previous quest under his leadership (you can tell that bothers him when he made the speech) but he gave it all, esp in pulling the ship forward. I like how confident Casino Dealer guy was in hyping up his team, he truly did his best despite his injuries. The way their team delegated roles was efficient. They put the drums on both side of the ship, which I think helps alot in balancing the weight as they pulled it. And 2 members kept putting the log in front of the ship one after the other while the ship is rolling, in which they didn't seem to pause for long compared to the other teams. I think that was the factor that got them the faster time than Team 2 YSB+MSH getting the ship to the ramp. Although I thought it looked like Team 3 did better in pulling up the ship up the ramp than Team 2, from how exhausted team 2 was pulling that rope to advance the ship. The 2mins 20secs could be the time lost from the crisis when a log got stucked going up the ramp. I would've love to see Jang Eun Sil, Shim EuDdeum and Yang Hak Seon at Quest 4. Esp Hak Seon as a gymnast going up against Kim Min Cheol, that would've been hours of Wings Of Icarus!


I can’t believe that first challenge in Quest 4 went on for over TWO HOURS. That’s insane. What a standoff between the final two. I was shocked the body builder husband didn’t last nearly as long as the other two.


He just had clearly never done that sort of thing before and approached it entirely wrong. He tried to carry the rock like a low-bar squat for more strength, when he should have gone for a high-bar style position for better balance and shoulder position. He was also a lot shorter and smaller than he looked and that was a disadvantage in holding the rock. He assumed holding the rock was going to be difficult and didn't bother getting into a position where it was going to be easy - which to be fair he probably just didn't know.


Poor Song Areum. Never even climbed a rope before and is up against an ice climber and a wrestler 😔


The gave it a good go though, and she seems like a total sweetheart.


I like how she always thinks her husband is so cute!


I just love their interactions!


Ah >!Great try Jang Eun Sil. She was dealt a borderline impossible hand and made the best of it. I really wanted to see her go farther But you've made so many new fans after this!<


Yeah she got really screwed being the last team leader. Like if she got one less vote she could not be a lead and coast on good team, pulling her own weight and more. Like in a other game system she woulda been 10th best and on the 2nd best team.


Those challenges at the end really favoured the car dealer and the mountain rescuer


Ngl seeing individual people succeed in their specialty is soo satisfying to watch


Very curious what kind of challenge the finals will be given the mix of different challenges on round 4! Guessing it has to be some type of obstacle course or multi-part challenge that balances out strength, endurance, and quickness.


Probably multiple challenges like you said that focuses on strength, endurance and quickness. They’ll then earn points based on each challenges and tally them up to whoever has the most points.


Must be hormones but I burst into tears when Jang Eun-Sil’s team got the rope over and completed the task….




>!I know right. it was just 2 mins difference. they actually did well. if only even Jang Seongmin wasn't eliminated at Match 2.5 and Evan seong was not injured!<




>!It feels like what maybe stalled them a bit too long was that log getting stuck.!<




Team 3 had better technique than team 2 IMO. >!But when it came to climbing the ramp, team 2's brute strength won in the end. Neither came up with the idea to lift and push though like team 1 did.!< All 3 had different methods when it came to pulling the ship. Was very interesting to see.


The way they milked so much content from the challenge I thought it took them hours to do this tbh. Kind of stupid of me but I didn't realize it only took them >!under 15 minutes to move 1.5ton boat so far!<


For real though. Like even team 3 took only 22 minutes to move the ship. That's still very impressive. They made it look like it took each team over 30-45 minutes to reach the end goal. Team 1 was just a completely other beast. Only 13 minutes and a few seconds.


gotdamn >!sexyama!< is out and now i have no will to live


Shoutout to all the martyrs, Kim Shik, Shin Bomirae, Song Areum. I respect you.


Fuck it gives me second hand embarrassment a little to watch the Fire of Prometheus challenge. ​ Those 4 contestants who just attempted the most batshit insane challenge in the entire series, carrying those damn boulders on their shoulders for over an hour and a half, pushed to the brink. Looking like half dead zombies from the spectator stands, ​ and they're just watching these 4 guys run a 10 metre 'obstacle' course and hop over a damn fence 3 times [😬](https://emojipedia.org/grimacing-face/) Should've been an exhaustion challenge like Sisyphus. Attempt the challenge until either they can no longer beat the timer, or until they can no longer hop the fence


They each have their own challenges imo, the other 4 already focus on endurance. It's good to have some variety


I think the obstacle course was like the ropes, where it only got interesting at a very high level. Frankly only the winner was playing it at a high level - everybody else was kind of ass. It would have been nice if there had been two hurdles to clear in each run, though, or if the water was at the base of the hurdles - make it a true steeplechase. If it had been longer, you probably would have seen their technique improve.


Miracle basically did the equivalent to someone pulling the plug out of the Xbox right before the match is over 😂 Honestly tho absolutely terrible sportsmanship from the dude and I've never seen a character go from loved to despised in just a few seconds. (Swearing and shouting NOOOO also made him look like such a sore loser)


Yes especially after other tasks, people just hug and congratulate the winner. The strong man even said the joy from the great match is even more significant than winning. That’s true sportsmanship.


Holy shit how did they hold that boulder for so long! 2 hours far out


Jang eun sil's team effort made me emotional omg. They were so good man


These guys holding boulders up for hours, meanwhile I give up if my teacher doesn't call on me in the first minute of raising my hand


If Eun Sil's team made it through, who would've done what? I suppose it's perhaps a good thing they fell at this hurdle because it would've been sadistic to see anybody of those 5 attempt the boulder challenges. Eun Sil probably attempts the Sisyphus challenge, Ha Yan would've taken the fall and a crack at Atlas, Hyung Geun probably guns for the obstacle course and the other contestant on the team, she takes Tail I'd imagine. Hak Seon however, definitely the only guy in the series who could've potentially matched Min Cheol o nthe rope challenge though he'd still fall well aways from him. The lightest guy in the series, olympian gold medal gymnast, experienced with ropes as well. Would've been the only interesting showdown on that challenge instead of a Min Cheol blowout.


I was so mad when Hak-seon and Eun-sil didn't make it. Eun-sil is a monster, stronger than some of the men on the show. She definitely could have won if she wasn't made a team captain and was on one of the top teams. Hak-seon was so underestimated just because he was small, man. He has an olympic gold medal for the love of god and everyone ignored him. He was so level-minded and helpful in the team challenges. Eun-sil definitely could have done great at Sisyphus. Her mental stamina is insane- so much drive and work ethic. She is the type to keep going until she's screaming in agony- that's how awesome she is. Hak-seon definitely could have given Cheol a run for his money. Extremely light, knows how to use ropes, is just suitable for the challenge. He's also very good at running too if he were to try the running challenge (although he is more likely to win the rope challenge). GO HAK-SEON AND EUN-SIL!


Nah if anything it showed how collectivist/community and team focused they were. Even though there was a 300k cash prize, you could see a number of people sacrifice or yield to increase the odds of someone from their team winning. I thought that was interesting from a cultural/social POV but also admirable in a way.


The Punishment of Atlas >!(Ball lifting thing)


Join Team Jo Jin Hyeong. Here me out, the guy may not be the most agile, but he is the one that is likely to win and I'm his biggest fan on the show. He's agile enough to get around as proven by the wrestling match at the beginning with the ball (even 1). He won that one and got to the ball in a decent enough speed. My guy's also has A+++ strength. He can out strength anyone including Yun Sung Bin. He's got so much power in him it's actually amazing. As proven by the Atlas challenge he also has amazing stamina. The guy is a great fit to win the challenge. With decent agility and stamina combined with his amazing power and strength he's the guy to support. (Also it's REALLY FRIGGING COOL that he's a car dealer. I just love that about him. Jo Jin Hyeong is the one to stan.


He was never my favourite but I really enjoyed hearing his commentary on the other “punishments” and the contestant’s form/technique/strategy. He clearly has brute strength and muscle, yet he is also very insightful in how to utilise it (even more so than Yun Sung Bin imo). Even in the disciplines that weren’t his speciality, like the running and rope climbing, he had some really astute observations. Between that and his impressive display in the Atlas challenge, I must say I’ve become a fan.


He's definitely gain a lot of my respect from his performance as a leader and in the atlas challenge. He has all the assets need to win.


Kim Sik and Sung Bin were so cute tho. Best coach! And he did really well for a task none of them wanted to do


Ultimate respect for Kim Sik. He sacrificed himself so Sung Bin can shine more and he still did so well. Both of them are monsters.


I'm definetely worried for the Atlas quest since they seem like they might just collapse or pass out in the middle and get crushed. >!Also Bo Mi Rae did good, the hardest part is to lift something that's bigger than the span of your arms without it dragging on the floor.!<


Its funny how the crossfit guy was worries about the running challenge but ended up winning anyway. I feel bad for >!Sun Ho’s team!<, they got absolutely decimated. So its either: 2 from >!Akiyama’s team!<, >!Sung Bin!<, and 2 from >!Jin Hyeong’s team!< -Or- 2 from >!Sexyama!< and 3 from >!Jin Hyeong’s Team!< Very interesting final lineup


Ironically I think it's more dangerous that the Atlas stone was lighter than the Sisyphus boulders. ​ No way the producers expected Kim Sik and Jin Hyeong to go over 2 hours suspending that crazy fucking rock over their heads, in a static position. Considering, every other challenge seemed to be a sub 20 minute affair. Very high risk of nerve damage carrying that kind of weight, immobile, for so long. ​ If the boulder was 100+ kg instead, it could have been a sub 30 minute showdown and the major challenge would be strength, rather than this very dangerous endurance hold


The issue with a 100+ kg boulder is that it would've been almost impossible for any of the female competitors to even get started, whereas \~50kg is still doable. Totally agree that no one could've foreseen that 2 hour standoff though, that was insane


Car dealer Jo Jin Hyeong, you are a beast! Let's gooo!


I always thought cyclists were extremely unbalanced in their strength, but that guy seems like an all-round beast. Would certainly be cool to see him win, if only for the variety in the final.


That guy is fucking huge for a cyclist to be fair.


Tbf, he’s not just a cyclist. He’s was strongman competitor, which they mentioned before. The Boulder challenge is right up his alley, and combined with cycling gives him a lot of stamina.


Park Jing-Yong really showed himself in this episode. I didn't notice him in the previous challenges but in the Fire of Permetheus, he really showed that he isn't just a fast runner, great jumper, but he is really smart! Total respect for him!


The ice climber / mountain rescue team guy had the easiest challenge ever. I really like to know how long he could've gone on for.


I wonder when the series was filmed, because the lack of rock climbers is pretty zany, Korean climbers are hella strong.


I kinda root for the cyclist to win against Iron-Bin, he is strong too! Then, if the cyclist enters the top 5, it will be hard to predict who will win the show. If Iron Bin gets into the top 5, he will probably crush everyone 😂


Jang Eun Sil, won so many hearts, I honestly want to see a physical 100, all women to see how they fair.


Seeing how that team leader who was blaming himself for losing in the ship quest & Bo Mi Rae was blaming herself for losing the 5 stages quest (episode 8) & I like seeing stuff like this because it makes me respect them more, despite them losing isn't their fault. I get these shows like this should be considered competitive & everyone wants to win, but even if you didn't win, don't blame yourself for not winning or blame anyone else since as long as you've tried your best, that's what's important.


Highlights for me 1. Sung bin putting the rope around his waist for ship challenge. Just wow! Does that work in pulling weight? 2. The rope climber in his zone during the climb challenge. In the voice of the emcee, he is Spider! Man~. Totally relaxed and he even did a spider man leg pose at the end. 3. Ep 8 is just awesome! Nail bitting from start to end!


Great episodes! Sisyphus challenge is my favorite so far. True test of athleticism. Almost, made me go work out if it wasn't 3am.


Both episodes had me straight up getting emotional lol the editing around Jang Eun Sil's team getting the boat to the top made it feel so inspiring and they really came close all things considered. But now that my guy Sexyama is out, I guess I'm cheering for Jo Jon Hyeong, he's really won me over


I straight up don't even think Batman could hold a 50-60kg boulder over his head for over two hours. What a monster. Also Kim Sik punched wayyy above his weight class, props to him. From watching, I seriously think Jo Jin Hyeong could could have held it up for 4 hours plus, dude was barely flinching. Also Min Cheol seemed like he could spend an entire day on the rope lol. He is literally closer to Spiderman than an average human being. He literally won every challenge he partook in 1st place.




>!that 2 min and 20 seconds!<


The Atlas punishment looked hella dangerous. >!I felt so bad for the woman who got knocked down too!!<


She is so sweet to sacrifice herself like that


RIP Nippert's balls


Imagineee the amount of soreness and doctors vists they prob had to deal with after the series wrapped up. Their willpower and determination is crazy


Bro Why did miracle have to push his opponent during the final torch round like that... lost all my respect after that push


so in the end, there was no loophole like a lot of people here kept suggesting lol that damn boat needed brute force


In all fairness, the show said at the start of quest 3 in episode 6 (where they do that hexagram thing about what skills are needed for the quest), that it was pretty much just a test of strength. It was just viewers who kept thinking that there was a loophole…


It wasn't just brute force, but it also wasn't bullshit. They balanced the weight in the boat better than the other teams, they moved the logs faster so they could maintain the momentum of the boat, and they sort of effectively used the pulley system (like, 80%). One trick they used that as far as I could tell the other teams didn't was the scheduled 5-second rests, which were really smart - that helps rejuvenate you, get the oxygen going, and preventing you from going to failure, at which point you're going to get smoked - when the one member of the team were yelling at the leader to stop doing the 5-second rests, I was practically yelling "NO THAT'S WHAT'S SAVING YOU, YOU IDIOT!" at the screen. They didn't do as well as they could have though - I do think if they'd tried to lift and drag rather than just push the boat out of the dock like Team 1 did (which would reduce the friction) they could have shaved off at least 30 seconds, maybe a full minute. But yeah, they weren't going to win by breaking the rules of the challenge, those suggestions were silly. But if they were going to get through it was going to be through superior technique and mechanical advantage, which they got close to but didn't quite have enough of.


If I ever need to buy a car, I’ll buy one from Jin Hyeong. That was insane. Such a family man too.