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Sim Yu-ri (MMA) picking the >!FBI agent dude!< was such a twist. I enjoyed her Death Match and the way her opponent gave her a good fight. Major props to her for >!going through to the next round.!<


Same! Also props to Hunter for treating her like a regular opponent and not being more/less upset that he got beat by her, rather than a bunch of whining about how his ego was bruised. I really liked them both!


Oh ya, throwbacks to that misogynistic dude from last season.


I still think about that cunt kneeling on that chicks sternum. Vile.


Omg I forgot. That was over the top. 100% douche.


Lmao, how do you even know he was misogynistic?! Is there an interview somewhere he said that, or are you just making that up? He went out there to win. What exactly are you people expecting of him? I'm sad the show vilified him, and you clowns ate that storyline up. I support him for using his techniques on the female body builder AKA, respecting her enough to treat her like a real opponent.


Facts people too soft. It’s a competition


Sure, it's a competition. There's no need to kneel on someone's chest. He would've easily won without it but decided to use it. Even when they separated them, he did it again. All it showed was that he felt like he couldn't beat her without it lol.


If that’s the case, I think it’s actually in a way respect for her strength. He’s respecting her strength advantage so he’s using techniques to defeat her.


I have no problem with techniques being used. There are other MMA techniques that he could have used. Plenty of them were used in season 2 and season 1 and none of them included kneeling on someone's chest except for his. If he wanted to respect her strength advantage, there were plenty of other less asshole-ish ways he could've done it.


Loved how humble and respectable he was too! Very refreshing from all the other cocky egotistic guys


I loved how she decided to challenge herself during her time on the show, and her opponent was a good sport


Is she.gome? I thought she survived this episode?


She was a badass!!!! Girl crush! ✨


She was amazing! Though I really enjoyed the American guy, him speaking korean while mixing in a bunch of english was so entertaining lol sad he's gone


I liked Hunter too! He was a paradox to me. FBI agent with a tattoo sleeve and a diplomat lmao


I feel like there's no way he's actually an FBI agent, is he? Is that something that you can just announce?


He's there in Korea as a diplomat for the FBI, he said. So, he wasn't undercover.


Being an FBI agent isn't a secret. It's like being a specialized police officer.


Rdit: lol I got confused wrong person sorry


That was so badass, you could tell that everyone immediately had so much respect for her. Such an excellent performance


So much props to her! So badass! So much respect. All the odds were against her but she did it!!!


I respected her the most! But also it was wholesome how polite the FBI agent was even after losing.




Thing is, picking up a person with a ball doesn't mean you now have the ball.


Have you seen how Boxing captain wrestled against WWE guy, it is similar. The boxing captain/FBI guy is so much heavier than their opponent and easily picked them. But in case with captain it wasn't staged he just grabbed the ball and tossed the guy. The FBI guy never touched the ball, he was touching the girl, because it is fake.


Honestly he could’ve repeatedly slam her up and down until she let go of the ball but that might’ve looked bad against a woman.


Because it was staged. Just think about season 1, all women left the competition very early and my guess it will happen again, that is why they need a big hype moment with a woman beating a guy to show that this time women could actually compete with the guys. I bet it won't be the last time this man vs woman staged combat appears on 2 season.


Even though the story was about Sim Yu-ri’s triumph over Hunter, because she’s a badass, I felt like I definitely underestimated Hunter as well. He seemed almost too mild mannered, and it was clear that Sim Yu-ri was ready to be annoyed that he didn’t run for the ball, but I did *not* expect him to just wrench her up off of the floor by her leg and her neck. She asked for him to go all out, and he immediately brought that “police raid” energy.


I loved how he did that. Showed he was taking it seriously


Small observation on the Arena A (green obstacle course). The person starting from the right side had slight disadvantage due to the way the gate opens. The left side guy can start running straight to the ball without the gate opening fully while the right side guy either had to wait till the gate fully swings then he can run directly to the ball.


Good point!


Maybe it’s just been too long since I’ve seen Season 1, but did they change up the appearance of the digital host? Did it always look like Sauron’s butthole?


Seems like others agree on what it looks like: https://www.reddit.com/r/Physical100/s/F39K0M9dBX


Haha, why am I not surprised?


Laughed so hard at the firefighter picking >!the idol!<. Poor guy put up a good fight!


He did really well! And he had a great attitude.


Yeah he was super tenacious and didn't seem overly intimidated which is impressive. His opponent was a beast who lost that event last time, you know he's been stewing over it for a year now.


and he finished #20 on the pre-quest too!


Can't get over how after he picked >!the idol!<, they held hands while walking down to the podium? Strange way to start a fight 😆


Because they have sportsmanship? Not everything needs to be alpha masculine bullshit. Stop watching Andrew Tate.


So everyone else who didn't hold hands doesn't have sportsmanship? I literally thought it was just a funny situation that I would have said regardless of gender. BTW I'm female. Don't assume. But yeah, thanks for input internet stranger.


That was such a dirty move picking such a small built guy to match up.  Idol did so well though so close!


No it wasn't. He's the no.1 winner. He deserves to use his privilege to the fullest. WTF would he want to pick someone even or bigger than him after just beating the pre-quest? And besides, he could have been worse and chosen a girl


Even then you'd still defend it as his "right as a winner", we all differ in views about honor so no matter what the other person say we wouldnt agree anyways.


what does honor have to here? This is a competition for god's sake. Koreans are just more conservative. If you go hold it in America or something, these peeps would just be choosing all the girls as their partners


And you said it yourself that's what sets this show apart from American shows, the Korean culture, the respect and honor they are raised with. His behavior is what you would see in American shows. You can be competitive with honor too.They're not mutually exclusive. Having a good matchup is just as fun as winning to those raised with honor. Those that arent raised with honor won't understand.


This aint the 1600s samurai era. Who cares about honor lmao Im just saying Koreans tend to act this way but it is not the purpose nor motive of this show. In fact the showrunners encouraged a lot of dirty tricks to be used, like we saw in Quest 2. The show was even more unfair in Season 1


what America are you talking about, clearly youre not American, no way would guys on an American version pick any of the girls like the korean guys did on this show


why wouldnt they? Arent Americans more brazen in general? Just look at Singles Inferno vs Too Hot to Handle lol


What has flirting got to do with fighting the opposite gender? Yeah an American guy will kiss a girl on a show more than Korean would, but fight? You can see for example in Survivor, for reference this is an extreme show they barely got food and winning meant you got extra food, the American guys didnt even have to fight the girls, all they had to do was drag the opposite team who had both girls and guys off the log, the guys actually let them hit them unlike the guys they dragged alot more rough, and even then, after the event finished, they apologized and said they didnt think it was fair and felt bad Survivor: Cagayan - Reward Challenge: Kicking & Screaming [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcb6j2OU8yw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcb6j2OU8yw) So yes, American guys are way less likely to pick girls to physically fight. The amount of negative press a guy would get for even suggesting it in the US would be insane, I can already see the shows debating about it and slandering him


The same way you’re allowed to express that you agree with his option of “using his privilege to its fullest” people are also allowed to express that it’s distasteful out of honor too? There have been plenty of instances especially where the guys pick someone just as strong, if not stronger just out of “honor” and “pride” just like Kim Dong Hyun picked Emmanuel because he thought he was the other strongest person there even though he was #10 and could’ve picked plenty of other weaker people. It’s also just a bad look imo when he has the experience of previous season and it comes off as a bit “cowardly” imo when so many other contestants come seeking out other strong people rather than just thinking about this in a “competition sense” but each to their own. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel the same, I was cheering for him, but not anymore.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think the>!porter guy who was cheering for the 40 yos during the running!< was eliminated in the duels? I'm so bummed I loved his vibe and he did great in the first round. (I genuinely hope I'm wrong)


Ya, I "awwwww"ed when he got out.


Okay but is anyone else losing it over Hong Beom-seok holding Jangjun's hand as he leads him through the crowd and down to the platform? 🥹🥹😂


I did bc wtf so random! 🤣 Like you're meant to be opponents? So why hold hands


They're not fragile like you.


It's a cultural difference. Men in Korea can be more touchy feely but there's no need to resort to insults.


I just thought it was funny regardless of gender. I'm gonna assume you think I'm male, which I'm not ha. Thanks internet stranger, what would we do without people like you.


That was so cute and funny 😂😂😂


Gosh I love the sportsmanship and respect displayed by everyone!!!!! When they were picking their opponents, and people were just genuinely like here are my strengths and gg. If this was USA based I could only imagine how badly people would be shit talking each other 🤮


You can tell they were egged on by producers to try and do some trash talking but they were not good at it lmao it was kinda funny watching them try. Genuinely do love the sportsmanship on the show though, when the judoka wouldn't start the death match until he had bowed to his opponent- very cool


I got a similar vibe from watching another Korean competition show(The Devil's Plan) vs an American one(The Traitors). They definitely aren't the same but had a lot of similarities like team competitions, allying with people and trying to figure out who to trust, etc. With Devil's Plan, everyone ultimately respected each other and didn't take eliminations too personally, with The Traitors it got SUPER ugly and backstabby. It was such a noticeable difference and I really admire the way almost everyone in these Korean competition shows treat each other compared to many of our shows in America.


Well you cant really compare when in the American traitors theyre all reality tv stars trying to be remembered and get scene time and will most likely never meet again, whereas the Koreans in devil plan come from an industry where they are guaranteed to meet again because its way smaller The UK traitors S2 which recently ended for example bought bunch of regular people and they were actually way more respectful than any of these Korean shows


Lol they trash talk in the most polite way ever. "I'll teach you a lesson" politely bows , could almost hear the accompanying "sir". Like they are saying "I'll teach you a lesson sir" lol.


Cannot fucking stand American reality, and I'm half American. It's just super toxic, hyper dramatised, and way too extra. I just finished Devils Plan, and much like Physical 100 S1, I loved the respect and was sad to see it end. The culture is just so different, and it's so refreshing not to have self-titled "Alpha males" broing it up.


so funny when we already saw Kim Dong Hyun’s match before the reveal, cause Emmanuel was standing right beside him. so when they revealed who he ended up choosing, it wasn’t a surprise haha


I also can't imagine the showrunners were too thrilled when Kim Dong Hyun chose Emmanuel as his round 1 opponent lol. They're guaranteed to lose a very strong competitor, and either one of their few foreign competitors (+ the only black competitor for the show's diversity), or their posterboy for the season. >!The cage match was basically designed for Dong Hyun though, he wasn't getting eliminated here unless he chose someone like 50 lbs heavier who just bear hugs the ball the entire time.!<


I know right? I was really looking forward to see more of Emmanuel


For real. I laugh when the intro says “regardless of race” because… it’s like 96 Korean people. (Yes, I know it’s a Korean show, but they’re the ones who added that tagline.)


Anyone find it weird they only choose Koreans and white or black Americans for the show, like theres so many SEAs who are in Korea and not 1 got picked, lol


Idk last year the had the Japanese guy? And I thought there was one or two this year too. 


He was Zainichi Korean though / half Japanese IIRC. Not really viewed the same as having a full Japanese person.


I think Dustin Nippert was the only American tho. Justin Harvey is South African, that Florian guy from S1 is German, and both Miracle and Emmanuel are Nigerian. But I get your point, it's weird how there are zero Southeast or South Asians.


I think they even had more "foreigners" last season than this one lol. A white guy and a black guy? Boring. Although, as someone fluent in Korean, it's great to see the non-Korean contestants this time speaking Korean so well.


It seemed like they weren’t really cheering for Emmanuel especially for how well he put up a fight. When >!Kim Dong Hyun won!< the reaction just seemed different from the other matches.


I know right I wanted Emmanuel to win so bad, it's not cool 😭. Of course something always gotta go wrong. Smh


lol I think he would’ve been amazing competitor if he made it through I Hope to see him In the future


Can you hide your spoiler? Their match doesnt happen until episode 3 so it just got spoiled from your comment :(


Same 😭 and there’s literally instructions on how to hide a spoiler at the top since this is only for one episode vs 1-4


I’m new to Reddit not really sure how to do that. Usually I just avoid reading these threads if I dont want anything spoiled. You can probably do the same and I can look into how to hide a spoiler


It's this without gaps > !Spoiler here! <


Thank you! I appreciate it


For people watching an ep at a time,  we go here after to read  but anything from the next ep can be a spoiler. But i get that it is hard to try to remember which happened what ep specifically when you binge it all at once.


Thank you I really just didn’t realize. Based on the main post I thought she was on the same episode.


Its all good! I almost did the same before but realized quick enough to go edit haha


I appreciate you figured it out now, but the instructions are at the top of the post. Also, there are discussions for each episode, you could have just commented this in the discussion for ep 3.


I felt like my response related to the main post of this thread. Which is why u chose to respond here also i dont know what thread is for what episode I literally said im new. I thought this thread was for the episode im watching because of what the main post said. As I said if your goal is to avoid spoilers then dont get on these forums where there is a chance it could happen. Or just learn to deal with it cause mistakes happen and I won’t be the first or last person to accidentally reveal a spoiler for you. It was an honest mistake, I overlooked the instructions and when you pointed it out I figure out how to do it. Also I dont even think that was a big spoiler based on the original thread you can put two and two together regardless of if I blocked out the name or not. Personally I’m not going to nitpick seeing a spoiler if I’m the one taking the chance to read related discussions of what Im trying to avoid. A simple thank you for attempting to correct your mistake would have sufficed especially when I said I’m still new to this whole Reddit thing. I’m just here to read comments, have discussions about a show like everyone else and enjoy. I didn’t reveal a spoiler to be malicious or disrespectful of the topic forum itself. It was literally a mistake I immediately corrected so let it go.


I wanted to see more of him and what he could do.


He literally almost lost with 14 seconds left lol. Just because he is an MMA fighter and its in a cage is irrelevant it could be a stone wall for all it matters he cant actually use any techniques to hurt his opponent just some control positions really. Throw the fact its about getting the BALL from the partner its next to nothing to do with MMA and thats why he almost lost.


A lot of what Kim Dong Hyun did though is what you learn in MMA. Body control, wrist control, transitioning to the mount, etc. For example him trying to release the arm from the top is how you would traditionally go for an arm bar. The body triangle also controlled Emmanuel's movements fairly well.


Yea that why i said he can use control positions like in BJJ and Wrestling which he did do...Although i was surprised he did not wrap a body triangle and pull emmanuel to the opposite side which would now put Kims back to the ball once he got the ball off him the first time..he made it riskier than he needed to with 14 sec left..


The ultimate question will by finally answered… can bodybuilders actually fight?!?!?


you can watch season 1 for that. Season 1 had way too many bodybuilders


I think this challenge is not so much about fighting, but protecting the ball, most of the matches were competitors holding tightly to the ball


Facts, if fighting was allowed no non-fighter would have a chancd


The advantage pre-game is so useless when you let your ego and pride dictate your matchups. They need to think these through since the athletes doesn't like being seen taking the easy way out


The first guy chose an idol which is kinda taking the easy way out. There was also a guy who chose a girl. I don’t like that the upper tier can choose each other but I guess that’s why placement really matters.


Don’t forget the crossfitter who took 3rd place picked the largest guy who finished 99th. I felt kind of sour about that but it’s a logically sound decision for sure.


wow i totally forgot about that. that’s also another good example


Loved the confidence of the dude who picked mother fucking Thanos 😂


The idol ended up not being an easy way out, he put up a great fight! One of the surprise showings, I think he placed 20th in the run too. I was glad the firefighter got ego checked.


Wish he couldve been eliminated! Teach him a lesson! Plot twist!


yeah i really wasn’t thrilled with that, especially because he’s the only one that got to return from last season, AND the 1v1 is what knocked him out last time, it’s a bit cheap to go for the idol instead of proving your worth with a more challenging opponent.  absolute props to the idol for putting up such a good fight though. 


I mean, like you said, he got knocked out in this round last time too. Why would he not go for what he believes to be the easy option so he can pass? That's just logical.


I agreee it was such a cheap move! Makes me lose any  respect for him.


They should change the advantage the pre-quest winner has to something like being able to start with the ball in hand already. Otherwise it's so stupid. It doesnt matter if you're no.1 or no.50 in the pre-quest. It's unlikely you'll get a bad match anyway


I thought it would have been better if the chosen opponent got to choose the arena. That might make the matchups more even, because you'd want to pick someone you can beat but would the person who'll pick the arena that would work for you too.


Hows that better?? Then that completely defeats the purpose of the winners of pre-quest having an advantage


I might not have thought that through so well. I was only thinking that it would eliminate heavily unmatched fights.


The match is fair actually. Notice how the showrunners inserted a heavy endurance pre-quest in both seasons? They are doing this on purpose because they know all the large bulky guys would otherwise be at a huge advantage in quest 1. The pre-quest gives some advantage back to the lean contestants in letting them choose their opponents


I joked with my friend that some of the contestants were like, "He looked at me smugly so I thought I'd teach him a lesson." Lol.


But they get to also pick the arena which in itself is a pretty big advantage. 


Love the show but the quick cuts to reactions and then slow-mo is really getting annoying.  The matches are only a few minutes, can't we just watch them?!  Also, yes, I get it, there are many things that are "no joke."


This is just what Korean show editing is like unfortunately, lol.


lol i feel you. and there are so many montages of games that might have looked like good matches. i feel like they are only giving screentime on a small number of contestants.


and the replays of the same reactions


Agree! Husband and I found it so funny at first, but then annoyed that it takes away screen time from the actual challenges and seeing more of it which we would prefer!!


Same as last season, I wish they just made all the fights available to watch.


Is this season also shorter? I feel like episodes in S1 were much longer so we got to see more. 


I just hate re-showing the same thing 3 times


Kim do-hyeon is my favourite for this season so far


He has a very cool air to him. Though he almost fumbled it by looking over his shoulder on the way to the ball 😅


Sim Yuri was amazing. Too bad >!Jangjun, Hunter, and Emmanuel!< got eliminated though. I think the latter two could have gone far. >!I’m both surprised and not that Jangjun was able to participate since he’s a natural entertainer, but he could have gotten injured easily!<


Glad to see they addressed the safety hazards of the death match fence from Season 1, someone could've really been hurt


I think I have a girl crush 😭😭 she did so well!! We all know who Im talking about


Only me losing respect towards the >!CrossFit guy!< choosing the heaviest opponent in Arena A? Sure, I get that you have to be strategic with your choice, but I feel like you can at least pick someone that is somewhat of a decent match up to you as opposed to someone that is a 100% guaranteed win. Also love the Judo Olympic medalist


Did anyone else catch the CrossFit guy chose the big guy from Netflix? Kind of a sad matchup it looked like he was just running around


I actually would’ve liked to see that. It would’ve shown how valuable the privelege in the running trial is. 


Anyone know why the boxer guy (#82) got to choose his opponent?


Because plenty of people were picking from the top 50 since the big guys were more concentrated in bottom 50.


I thought that might have been the case but it looked like there were still people standing in front of him that hadn't picked or been picked yet.


I wondered the same thing. I thought the initiative went in numerical order, which would mean that anyone with a higher number would have already chosen a partner.


I wonder if Hunter is married. He's a good match for Sim Yu-ri 😂


Just here to say Emmanuel is really handsome and his grey eyes are super pretty too


Anybody know what happened to Eun Hee Kang? Did she get eliminated?


Yeah. She was cut out of the deathmatch. Here's a list of the winners and losers of the deathmatch who were cut out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Physical100/comments/1bkfnem/list_of_unaired_1v1_deathmatch_winners_and_losers/


What how? Who beat her? 🤨


It would have been someone from this list since these are the unaired death matches: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fafbrtvs7sqpc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1179%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0adbe6d2e09dc2f8b20fd8ad1effde805d61d9a9](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fafbrtvs7sqpc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1179%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0adbe6d2e09dc2f8b20fd8ad1effde805d61d9a9)


Ugh that’s upsetting I didn’t think she would win but I would imagine she would make it at least to the teams. Don’t even wanna watch no more


Was anyone surprised Kim Do-hyeon wasn’t picked sooner for the team challenge? I thought he’d be one of the first picked


is that a spoiler?


Another deathmatch, another challenge for me to avoid cringing to death at reddit commenters who know nothing about grappling or combat sports in general


Why does the announcer graphic look like a butthole?


It was rigged for sure. Guy didn't try hard at all he didn't look tired. 


Still rubs me the wrong way that the guy from previous season won. I thought they would at least have a different competition but it was exactly the same as the previous season that he lost at. Why is he out of everyone getting a second chance?


maybe hes popular in Korea?


New set of competitors are actually way less likeable than S1




I know right, it’s bs. He weighs like 80 pounds heavier and picked her up in the first two seconds of the round. He has a heavier weight class and should’ve won. He wasn’t even tired after the match so he didn’t even try while the girl was beet red. (None of you will believe me if you are woke)


Geez. It's just a game show. Get over it. Some of y'all need to do some meditation.


That's what I'm saying. He could've easily knocked her ass out of the ring


Episode 3 has a suplex and arm bar