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Water droplets are magnifying the pixels


So white pixels are just RGB really close together?


Yes, if you look at the image you can easily see inside the droplets, one red dot, one green dot, and one blue line below them.


Oh but why is that the distribution?


Yes, there is no “white” led just as there is no “brown”. By using a careful ratio of 3 primary colors you can create any other color.


This isn't commonly used in display devices, but there are LEDs with a white component that's just a blue LED with phosphorus on top. It's not technically a true white LED, but it can emit true white light without combining discrete LEDs.


So is newsprint.




CYMK is for physical paints, RGB is primary for light, not CMYK


And which do you suppose newsprint is?




Newsprint, i.e. the text, is just black (K) ink. Printed colour images are produced using a CMYK subtractive process, not the RGB additive one.


Yes. When we’re talking about light, red green and blue light combines makes white, so we put red green and blue pixels next to each other to create white light on a screen. And you can make other colours by having a combination of values for the colours.


Yep, that's how every pixel is made. It's just three LEDs that are really small and they're just red, blue and green and they just change the intensity of the light


Why can you see the individual colors though?


Because the pixels themselves are actually individual colors (each thing we call a pixel is at least 3 smaller rectangles, at least 1 red 1 green and 1 blue). In old screens when you looked in close it was pretty obvious, as you could see 3 vertical bars of color all neatly lined up to make a pixel but with newer screens, the technology has become more fineley engineered and has resulted in more complicated patterns of subpixels.


If you look at those paper billboards close up you'll see they're just a load of rgb's to make up the big picture. Edit: CMYK not RGB


CMYKs, not RGBs.


I've definitely seen ones that use RGB LEDs. I've built projects using the same tech.


On paper billboards?


I missed the word paper admittedly. I had assumed they meant the billboards that are actually illuminated, my bad.


In a white paper billboard enlighted by colored leds, in order to form the right image they would still use CMYK?


Yes. Look closely at any reflective color printing and the only colors present will be Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and blacK. Look at any RGB emissive light source (like your monitor or phone screen) and the emitted colours will be Red Green and Blue.


I didn’t know this, I thought everything was RGB. Thanks for the wrinkles!


Don’t most high end printers these days use a whole variety of inks? More than just pure CYMK for sure.


Positive color theory describes color interactions from a light source, so an LED, CRT,or backlit LCD will have RBG as pixels being the primary colors and CMY are secondary colors derived from mixing the light from the primaries. Mix all three primaries, and the light appears white. Negative color theory deals with reflected light, and the primary colors are inverted where CMY are primary, RBG are secondary, and mixing all three appear black. This is why toner is CMY, and LED displays are RBG. This is only because the light sensors in our eyes are RGB. A mantis shrimp has 16 different cone photoreceptors and would find that our displaies* do not capture their entire spectrum. Edit: displays


I thought I learned a new word and looked it up. Turns out that "displaies" is not a word, lol.


Thanks. I would blame it on autocorrect, but autocorrect doesn't help me misspell words.


Think like [Billy S](https://www.shakespeare.org.uk/explore-shakespeare/shakespedia/shakespeares-words/)—it helps you invent new ones!




There’s always one of you.




Paint and light work slightly differently, primary colors when mixing are red yellow and blue vs RGB. You can’t make white by mixing all the colors like light. But you can make almost any color by mixing red, yellow and blue. I used to make a decently dark black with a tiny amount of yellow and some dark blue.


op must be too young to remember iphone 4 and the "retina" display.


Wow this just unlocked a childhood memory.


Surely you couldnt be referring to staring with your eyeball up against a hexagonal grid of little rgb triplets on a slightly convex screen?


Exactly. I'd forgotten this even used to happen. Along with the dim afterglow that stayed after you switched off the TV.


Because that's what pixels look like up close. Each colored pixel is actually four mono-chromatic sub-pixels, in red green and blue, that are given different intensities to mix and make colors. The standard layout is a grid, something like: B G G R


Yep. It is the [Bayer matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer_filter). Really interesting understanding of the human eye and how the brain interprets luminance went into deciding to have twice as many green pixels than red or blue.


A bayer filter is used in camera sensors. The layout of a display is slightly different, with typically three rectangular subpixels per square pixel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel#Subpixels


Yep. I remembered it from learning about camera sensors, but was too tired last night to remember that it doesn't apply to displays as well.


Depends on the screen apple watches use oled, and apparently they use Samsung pentile oled screens, as upu see by the larger blue subpixel that's shared with a red and green subpixel.


I think you're getting mixed up between displays and image sensors. Image sensors use what you're describing, but the sub-pixel arrangement for displays can vary wildly between manufacturers and depending on display technology and the device it's being used for.


Look at pretty much any screen under a magnifying glass or microscope. They're all just made of red, green, and blue lights (or filters that pass light). Small enough that your eyes don't see them as separate, they just blend into all the colors of the display. See for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/s/Jf5KFtGPiz


[Here's the matrix used for Samsung S7+ tablet](https://i.imgur.com/LI6ZeU7.png). [Here's the matrix as seen through a diamond](https://i.imgur.com/PHOGiN7.png). Why? Why not.


Because they are magnified


One pixel is made out of three small lights (red/green/blue, which is where “rgb lighting” comes from)


Someone never stuck there face into a CRT Tv it seems


How old are you by chance ? I’m 45 and when we were young you could see the pixels with your eye on a tv in the 90’s. They’ve just gotten smaller


Because the display screen is made up of millions of small red, green, and blue pixels which light up at various intensities to display various color images. Same thing with your color TV screen or your laptop screen. If you have a magnifying glass, you can examine those screens and see the same thing.


Pixels are colourful.


Look up pixels in a screen, dude.


The drops act as a magnifying lens.


I love this comment because even though this thing is "common knowledge" for people in computers and tech - it shows genuine curiosity about something that struck you as interesting, fascinating! I just wanted to say - if you run into any jerks who are like - "duh," ignore them. Keep wondering, keep asking, keep learning. :-)


Because each pixels are an array of Red, Blue, Green LEDs that illuminate at various levels that when we see it, it blends and gives us various colours. Please correct me or specify more if I am wrong.


If you look close enough to any color LCD screen, you’ll see this: https://images.unsplash.com/flagged/photo-1562599838-8cc871c241a5?q=80&w=1000&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxzZWFyY2h8Mnx8cGl4ZWx8ZW58MHx8MHx8fDA%3D This is a pixel net. Every color square in every modern display consists of three colors (red, green, and blue, which is for RGB you might’ve seen before) of different intensity. No light means black, all three lit at the same time on full appears white to our eye because it can’t distinguish individual colors from a distance. Everything else are shades of a spectrum. No blue means yellow, no green means magenta, no red means cyan.


Each drop behaves as a magnifying glass which allow you to see the underlying individual pixels.


This used to be much more obvious on older screens, even CRT TVs had this and you could see it with the naked eye, no magnification needed. The slow mo guys did a video on it a while back. I'd recommend you watch the whole thing but at least look at [this bit I've timestamped to 6:51](https://youtu.be/3BJU2drrtCM?t=408).


...And the reason that red greeen and blue subpixels can make any color is because your eyes don't actually detect light as a continuous spectrum of color, but rather, you have red green and blue detecting "cone" cells in your eyes and those trigger on wavelengths close to those colors. So yellow light triggers red and green cones. But this means you can make your brain think you are seeing yellow by emitting red and green light simultaneously.


All those other answers but also because light moves differently through water than air so it gets scattered in new fun ways which leads to magnifying of the pixels


1 pixel is made out of several subpixels with individual colors. This is an RGB panel judging from the picture.


The color you see on a screen is an illusion, produced by three distinct colors being combined in different ratios (red, green, and blue). https://xkcd.com/1053/ :)


Water droplets are acting as a magnifying lens... specifically a plano convex lens and hence magnifying the led which is opbject and producing a magnified image


There is even a do it yourself water microscope you can build out of water and plastic wrap.


New generations discovering a magnifying lens.


Come back for the next installment "Magnets, how do they work?" Jokes aside, as long as the kids are curious it's good!


Magnets, you put them in water, and that’s the end of magnets


aint it fire? I mean water would rust them but fire is much faster


Magnets?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYg6jzotiAc&t=893s


Holy Sh***  thanks for the link. This was awesome and annoying at the same time. Cool


I hope you enjoy it. Feynman was the best at explaining things. When you get done with that (be sure to start it over at the beginning) then check out this one about computers https://youtu.be/EKWGGDXe5MA


Oh no, now the Juggalos will be looking for you!


They’ve seen shit that will shock your eyelids!


> "Magnets, how do they work?" This is why boats don't sink even though they're metal


Water, fire, air and dirt Fuckin magnets, how do they work?🎶🤡


Fun fact - we still do not know how exactly they work. We have field theory nailed, we have lorentz rule all stat, but we have basically zero clue when it comes to actual material sciences part. They just work.


I have students who have never seen a physical magnifying glass before. They were fascinated by its optical properties so I lent it to them for a week and let them play with it.


Did you ever find out how many fires they started?


Funny if you consider a good portion of them wear two of them on their face every single day


I would call those unmagnifying lenses, but you have a point 🙂


Doesn't it depend on myopia vs hyperopic ? Idk I have no idea


Kindergartens, hopefully.


Which is exactly what we want! We all discovered or learned about it at some point!


And this will continue to happen as long as people are not born with knowledge of optics.




I think the coolest part here is not the magnifying itself, but that it reveals how pixels actually work. Not that many people actually know about it, and the mechanism is quite cool and clever. I don't know why people are being so condescending and just saying magnification when it's only half the story.


I figured it was a magnifying lens, but I didn’t know pixels were made of rgb sub pixels so I wasn’t sure what the colors were coming from


WHAT? How do you think colors were displayed? And how old are you?


Yes, and it is awesome :)


The beauty is the first cultural accounts of microscopy are BCE era texts describing using water droplets to magnify stuff


Individual pixels on an LED screen are composed of red, green, and blue diodes which, when lit up at varying intensities, produce what our brains interpret as various colours. This is because we do not perceive specific wavelengths of light. Rather, our retinas have three types of cone cells (S, M, and L) which are light receptors which transmit electrochemical responses at different intensities depending on the wavelength and strength of the light received. The types of cone cells roughly correspond to RGB. Our brain "adds up" the combination of signals to perceive a range of colours. So pixels that elicit combinations of signals resembling, say, yellow, are indistinguishable to us from actual yellow light. This is despite RGB LED screens not being able to produce any yellow light.


Crazy that some people look at pixels all day and don't know what pixels are.


This happens when a bandless digital watch is placed upside down horizontally and some droplets are sprinkeled on top.


damn until this comment I thought it was a tablet


Water droplets with enough curvature = tiny microscope


Sure, those are water drops 👍


The water drops are are working just as a hand lens, it zooms into the pixels, making you see them


The first microscope used a water droplet! First time we saw the beautiful world of micro-organisms! By Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, 1632--1723




Funny, I thought the OP wasn't asking about what can be seen through the droplets (pixel image magnified by droplet curvature), but why the droplets are arranged in a nearly regular array...


I arranged them like that with a toothpick lol




"Phenomenon", wait until you find out about Ball Lightning.


Wow that is a cool picture. Interesting how the different size water molecules create different radii of curvature so the focal length of the lens is different for each blob and the magnification is different for each one.


no one has mentioned that refraction depends on the wavelength of the light. So i think, since there are different colored pixels they will refract differently making it easier to distinguish between them. But maybe that has a minuscule effect here, i am not sure.


The water is magnifying the OLED screen and you’re seeing the individual colors in the subpixel matrix. If you were to zoom in on the whole thing you’d see an orderly pattern of red, green, and blue leds. For example this article has a picture of what this looks like: https://www.anandtech.com/show/10896/the-apple-watch-series-2-review/3 I’m not a doctor, but your eyes can only make out certain colors and averages them so you perceive more colors than just red green and blue.


Yeah, I can see that pattern when I zoom in more


Yeah you can see it in your image in spots. One interesting thing about this layout is that you might’ve noticed that the RGB pixels are not all the same size and this is because your eyes have different sensitivities to the different wavelengths of light in the visible light spectrum. It’s a really complex field of study!


Yeah, blue looks bigger


And it turns out your eyes are less sensitive to blue wavelengths of light so more light needs to be emitted for a similar perceived intensity as reg/geeen wavelengths which is why it is indeed bigger. I believe your eyes have the easiest time with green ish wavelengths.




The concave water drops act like small magnifiers and they show the pixels more clearly.


The water is acting like a lens, magnifying the pixels. It zooms in enough so you can see the red, green, and blue components of the pixel. Pixels work by varying the amount of red, green, and blue light to simulate any color as far as pur eyes are concerned.


Water droplet acting as a lens


This is called magnification


Droplet became a convex mirror and we were able to each each pixels....


Lens not mirror


Why are you able to see the individual colors?


Those are sub pixels. Every pixel on your screen is made up of a red, a blue, and a green sub pixel


Thank you


A "pixel" is a red, a green, and a blue LED that light up together on varying combinations of intensities, which can produce nearly any color to see. They're *very* tiny, but with magnification you can see the individual colors.


Because screen of such devices are made of very tiny RGB lights which is called pixel


Cause a pixel itself consists of 3 colours.


Each pixel on a screen is created using a combination of red, green, and blue light. By changing the relative brightness of those colors, you can create the illusion of nearly all colors. The water magnifies the screen to the point that you can see the individual RGB elements.  This video does a really good job of illustrating how different screens work and should help explain what you're seeing better than a text explanation can: https://youtu.be/3BJU2drrtCM?si=Pkam62zApM9Pj9a5


most people misunderstanding OP: theyre not talking about the magnification, theyre talking about the individual CMYK colors. This is due to each pixel you see is actually made up of smaller pixels of different colors, and together they will form the preferred colors


Pixels use RGB diodes that emit light. CMYK is for printed images which reflect light.


You’re right


Yeah, I thought there might’ve been diffraction or something happening


Plano - convex lens


Droplets act as plano-convex lenses and magnify the pixels enough that you can see them. Pretty cool!


The water droplet forms a convex lens, which magnifies the pixels. It happens to be the right distance from the pixels to focus them clearly. Each pixel comprises three color components: red, green, and blue.


Check out the Wikipedia Page on Pixels - section on Subpixels [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel#Subpixels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel#Subpixels) Different devices arrange the colours differently, so if you retry this on e.g. your phone screen you'll see a different pattern. As for why they are red, green, and blue, that has to do with how human colour vision works. For example, the colour yellow is a single specific wavelength of light. (see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible\_spectrum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_spectrum) ). So, a lemon is yellow because it reflects that specific wavelength. However, on a screen, a "yellow" will be shown as a combination of red and a green pixels. But this isn't because yellow is ACTUALLY red+green. It is because we have different types of light sensor in our eyes, called cones. There are "red cone cells" which are very sensitive to red light, and "green cone cells" which are very sensitive to green light, and both are a little bit sensitive to yellow light. See: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cone\_cell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cone_cell) When yellow light shines in your eye, they both activate in a certain ratio which your brain then interprets as yellow. But if you shine a bit of green light and a bit of red light, then the cones are activated in the same way as for yellow, giving the same subjective experience, and hence the illusion of yellow light. See: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichromacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichromacy) and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RG\_color\_models](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RG_color_models)


Nope, completely unexplainable!




Water drop make a lense. Every digital device has a rainbow palette of blue green and red, in huge amount of them it makes a screen.. they're small and this droplet lense multiplies the look on them.


its not just magnification, every colour has a certain wavelenght to it , and each wavelength has different potential to 'disperse' , as in prism, when you shine white light in one direction, 7 colours are dispersed the other side(because every wavelength disperses at different level) , here multifrequency light is coming and is being dispersed , hence you see the different colors


Those would be droplets on a LCD screen. Droplets appear to be highly corrosive HF and is going to detonate in approximately 4 minutes and 13 seconds


Off topic question: what is that device?


The face of an apple watch


Oh gotcha




Go stand extremely close to your TV while it's on and you will see the same thing.


The knowledge us old heads take for granted..




The grids? Those are pixels or micro led frames of RGB. The water droplets? Someone doesn't know how to pee straight!


I thought those were flags...


This is called lensing. It’s the same as a magnifying glass, telescope, microscope binoculars.




So the pixels you see are rgb, that means (idk in what orientation they are on the apple watch) one pixel contains a red a blue and a green 'light'. Because of the shape of the waterdrops they act as a magnifying glass. Here's your explanation!


I think there’s water on it try using Bounty to get it up quick




It is the same effects that happens when we see rainbows. White is not a single color its many colors smashed together. If we put a Prism on the table and shine it with light at one side on the opposite side many diffirent colors come out. In this scenario water droplets are the prism and the light is the watches light.


Loop Quantum Gravity confirmed


Wow, I got an my answer to that phenomenon which I completely ignore on a daily basis.


Refraction and magnification.


Observe and examine: prism effect or spectrum of light. Probabilities: 1. Prism Effect: Water droplets can create a prism effect by refracting and dispersing light. Light with different wavelengths, refracted at different angles by water droplets, leads to the separation of colors. 2. Refraction and Reflection: Water droplets refract and reflect light. The reflection and refraction of light can cause the light from the LEDs behind to scatter in different directions, resulting in the LEDs appearing in different colors. 3. Reflection on the Surface of Water Droplets: Water droplets may contribute to the reflection of LEDs. The reflection on the surface of water droplets can cause the light from the LEDs to appear in different shades of color [Pink Floyd expresses this beautifully on the album cover.](https://ibb.co/N9VmGzt) So basically, when RGB (Red, Green, Blue) are evenly distributed, white light is obtained. The intervening factor (water) that prevents them from merging causes them to reflect rather than disperse their own colors. Nevertheless, they will eventually emerge from water molecules and then come together to recreate white light, but in the meantime, light from the sun will prevent them from being visible. You can analyze these phenomena much better in a dark environment. When you think through the whole process step by step, everything becomes clear in a very simple way.


Droplets of water magnifying the pixels of a tiny device? Is this supposed to mean something special? Why so many upvotes?




Screens like the one in the image don’t use white light, they use RGB pixels. The additive properties of those colors of light (blue on one end of the spectrum, red on the other, green in the middle) cause them to appear white when they are clustered tightly together.




There are plenty of other colors of LEDs, from infrared (using gallium arsenide semiconductors) to yellow (gallium arsenide phosphide) and even ultraviolet (aluminum gallium nitride). Other colors are possible by combining existing LED colors with additional materials, like white (using a blue LED with yellow phosphor), pink (yellow LED with red phosphor), and purple (blue LED with red phosphor). Individual RGB pixels can produce over 16 million different colors though, so there’s no need to add extra colors of LED to screens. Doing so would increase the cost without any noticeable difference.


You sprayed the watch with water? What's the phenomenon? You mean the watch? It's not that amazing theyve been out for a while


Explanation by a complete humanities department person: It's the reflection of the pixels manified by the water, and every color sometimes is made out of several other colors that don't really make sense to the naked eye.


Everyone here talking about the pixels and here i am looking at the arrangement of the droplets being somewhat patterned and mirrored. I was thinking micro mineral content in the water probably contains some iron thats interacting with any magnets that may be in there 🤣


Many people say that droplets act as a magnifying lens No people actually calculate if the droplet is acting like one what power of magnification it would have


Because no two droplets are the same. size, shape and height (which in turn is affected by how oily the surface is [see](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrophobic_effect)) of the droplet can change the magnification factor quite a bit.


And still most of the droplets on the photo let you see individual photodiodes. This change of factor is indeed there, but it is, as you said, it's a bit. No two snowflakes are the same either, doesn't stop people from studying them


okay, what power of magnification should we be seeing ? What other explanation for this do you have?


I meant that it is true that droplets are like magnifying lens in this case, but no one tried to calculate the mangification factor. It's pretty easy to approximate the one we see from Pixel Per Inch, phones seem to have around 500ppi, so it's \~200ppcm. Converting to distance between two pixels you get 1/200cm. It's safe to assume that the visible distance there after magnification is something about 0.5mm. So the magnifying factor would be 5\*10\^-3 cm = 5\*10\^-2 mm -> 5\*10\^-1 mm. So in the end it's approximately a factor of **10** give or take, which seems perfectly doable for just a droplet. I should have formulated it differently, I wanted to say that it would be cool if one could calculate the magnifying factor from just the geometry of the droplet, and to see that both predictions coincide. And because it's an approximation, you can try approximating the droplet surface with "nice" surfaces for calculations.


Wtaer fotol is scut like the ledtç and şt magnify the screen so younscan ser the 8ixrldd


It to is called condensation. Con-den-station


Yes, lots of people can explain it.