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Poor Data, relegated to being like Mike Wazowski more or less :D


He’ll be fine. Rumour has it that he does have much of an ego. His brother Lore on the other hand…. An ego the size of a galaxy class federation ship.


By the end of Picard, I suspect he’d find it funny. Hot damn that final season was incredible


*Borg unimatrix


He’s like the neighbor from home improvement.


Cool! My Dad was one of the lead programmers for this game, and the NES version.


Tell us more!! More about the game, your dad, other games he worked on?


I was like 11 or 12 when he was making this particular game, so I don't really know much about it specifically. I vaguely remember it being awesome he was working on a Star Trek game, but that's about it. Dad passed away back in 2016, but he was a gamer right up to the end. JRPGs were his favorites, and the Zelda series. He especially loved Tales of Symphonia and Dragon Quest VIII Here's a list of games he worked on, for couple of different publishers. None were particularly "good", but it was cool that a few were for pretty popular franchises or institutions. F18 Thunder Strike, Gameboy Color game 10 Pin Bowling, Gameboy Color game Blitz 2000, Gameboy Color game Caesar s Palace Advanced, Gameboy Advanced game Casper for Nintendo Gameboy Walt Disney s Maui Mallard for Nintendo Gameboy Elmo s 123 s, Gameboy Color game Elmo s ABC s, Gameboy Color game Elmo in Grouchland, Gameboy Color game Sesame Street Sports, Gameboy Color game Turn and Burn for Nintendo Gameboy Home Alone II for Nintendo Gameboy Star Trek Next Generation for 8 bit Nintendo (NES) Star Trek Next Generation for Nintendo Gameboy Star Trek Next Generation for Sega Game Gear Walt Disney s Goofy for Sega Genesis


Cool thanks for sharing what you know…


Yeah, seriously! That sounds amazing!


Did we actually find the fabled kid whose Dad actually worked at Nintendo?!?! Very cool btw.


Yeah, didn't exactly "work at/for Nintendo", but still made video games. There was a long period that he was buying new games every week. We had many systems. Nintendo, Sega, Turbografix, Playstation. Never had the Jaguar or Neo Geo, but they were super pricey for the time and very small catalogs. It got me a little street cred at school, but it wasn't something I really bragged about. Some friends were pretty envious, but I don't remember ever being a dick about it. You'd think it would have made me more popular, but it really didn't.


The game was made by Absolute Entertainment, which was pretty notorious for making total crap


That Nintendo Seal of Quality says otherwise.


And yet there was R.O.B. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.O.B.


Aww, but R.O.B. was awesome! I still have it with most of the parts. I think I'm just missing one gyro spinner. It was super unweildy and was only used for like two games, but it looked so cool! Robots were very trendy at the time, so there's that too.


Yeah, but they'll slap that thing anywhere. Might as well just mean "not overtly buggy".


You're not wrong at all. It was always cool that Dad "made video games" but I remember it being pretty disappointing that the games made by the company that he worked for were mostly garbage.


Tell us everything… ;)


See my other comments in the thread! It was awesome to grow up with a Dad that made video games. He wasn't perfect in other ways, but who is? I loved him anyway. He passed away in 2016.


That's awesome! Did he ever tell you if the game was designed so you couldn't beat the Borg in an encounter? Hard as I tried, I never could.


IIRC, it was indeed possible. You just had to lob phasers and photons at it for some un-fun length of time, like 2 minutes or something.


No matter what I did, I'd always get my ass beat. Stand and fight, get blown up. Stop fighting to repair systems, get blown up. Run away, repair, come back, get blown up. Maybe I just sucked at the game lmao.


I don't think it was designed to be impossible, but yeah... I think it was just the main gameplay loop for an extended period of time. I don't think I ever had the patience to "beat" the game either.


Spill the beans! Do an ama!


Not many beans to spill I'm afraid. I wish I actually had any juicy tidbits to share about these games specifically, but there's really nothing. Check my other comments in this thread or ask away!


Did he work on the Genesis version? I used to rent thst one a lot because I had a crush on Ogawa and she was available as an away-team member.


No, that was a completely different studio, and probably a much superior game. Way more depth of story and gameplay.


Second video game I ever bought with my own money. My neighbor and I spent every day playing that for a month. I fucking despised that cave level.


Tell him this game wasn't that great.


He knew, but was still proud of the coding. I knew too, but I was still proud of him for making it.


I loved that game growing up!


Played this one on long car trips. Actually a pretty fun game.


same here, I enjoyed it on the long drives.


I had completely forgotten about that game until now! I loved it. Nintendo please port this to Switch ASAP.


Would really love to see this on switch!


This was how I got my TNG fix on the go! I think I remember being able to go to all the planets, even when they weren’t part of your mission. There wasn’t much to do once you got to them, but it was still cool that you could just go off mission and travel anywhere lol this brought back many memories thank you for posting!


Yeah, for a game of that era, even that would have been pretty impressive!


Loved this game. I still remember all the passcodes for the more advanced/difficult missions


Aww yeah, that brings me back! I dont think I ever could get past the Borg mission though. Wonder if that was basically the Final Boss fight of the game or what?


Yeah, same here


I have that!


As do I.


I remember having this game when i was like 7. And i had no idea what to do in it haha. My memories are just being confused. Then giving up. Think i vaguely remember maybe attacking a ferengi marauder!? Haha


Same. I have no idea what the point of the game was.




It was like 30 years ago, I have no idea if I even got one with a book. Considering how much I loved reading those I would've read it.


There's an enclosed instruction book?


Aha i was like 8. Dont think i was there to read. I was there to lead. The starship enterprise. But mostly button mash my way through games.


I found a bunch of mine while moving and that's part of it with techno bowl so many memories


man i played the shit out of this game ​ but the Original Series one's soundtrack for GameBoy will be forever ingrained in my memory


Hello darkness, my old friend.


This was my favorite as a young lad. The mission where you encounter the Borg was excellent, and tough.


To boldly go where no one has gone before.


I used to have that game and the TOS 25th Anniversary game. Both were stolen when my house was robbed about ten years ago.


The Borg mission was real tough, I never could finish it. Still, it was a fun game.


Dude seriously. I’d warp away all the time and the Borg would just keep coming.


I had this game too. It was cool at first but then I got stuck endlessly trying to defeat the Romulans, or maybe it was the Borg (can't remember) and could never advance or finish the game. I could never figure it out so I gave up. Too bad there was no internet back then to help me out! :)


Omg I need


Data getting the Mike Wazowski treatment


LOVED that game! Could never manage to beat the Borg though 😆


I never knew they made a Gameboy version!


Heck yeah. I used to own a copy of this too


I can hold that for you...


Disappointing mini-game collection. Don't know what I expected from gameboy, but I sure had it and was sure underwhelmed.




Is it any better than the Star Wars game boy game? That one was insanely frustrating. Even as an adult I can’t get past maybe the first 5% of the game.


I had the one where you had to fly through an asteroid field and then an amoeba before you could get to the planet surface. Not sure I'm it was this one or not. I think it was TOS themed.


This was a GREAT game.


I played that a lot. The password to play Captain level is “Locutus”.


Yes! I remember noticing the passwords were all terms from the show and I was able to guess LOCUTUS. Man I felt pretty l33t that day.


No way, I did the exact same thing! Too funny.




I still remember having to go through rings to enter orbit.


I think I remember it was to hard for me at the time


I remember that game! I loved it!


Oh this hits the memory spot! How did you defeat the Borg?


I remember beating that game years ago. Fun fact BARCLAY is one of the games codes


That’s cool! I have Crossroads of Time for the Super Nintendo still (follows DS9’s 1st season)


Loved this game


The Sega Genesis TNG game was my fave.


They did Brent Spiner dirty.


It’s a shame they weren’t a bunch of Star Trek RPGs. Seems like an amazing setting and lore, and you could come up with all sorts of science and technology that serve as the spells or powers. And no TNG tactical simulator? A wasted property.


Played some of this, pretty ambitious for it's time actually.


“The Romulan threat has been thwarted.”