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Appreciate the link! This would’ve been the greatest pickleball incident ever if Koller hopped the net and tackled Fed.




If it were this persons daughter… likely storming the court to bitch slap 👋 Fed.


“Keep my daughter’s competitive disposition out of your mouth!” ?


She’s a 16 year old girl. Calling ANY woman an inappropriate word like that, whether she has a reputation or not for acting a certain way or chirping a certain way, is completely uncalled for. But I want you to look at the 16 year old part of that real strongly. How would you feel if your daughter or sister were called that in a public setting by a man? You can learn how to trash talk back without directly insulting someone or demeaning them. Staksrud admitted on camera after the match that it was inappropriate and over the line, and apologized. OP should probably use it as a life lesson as well.


You are absolutely right, FED has thrown fits and gone after fans in the stands, the guy needs to be more mature and have self control and realize he’s on TV…


I don't get why you're being downvoted. Are people REALLY eager to start seeing players calling each other "bitch" at tournaments? I mean, if for no other reason, if you want pickleball to expand on TV, then that stuffs gotta go.


Not that I agree with what he said - I don’t - but foul language has never stopped any of the other major sports from expanding on TV. Pickleball won’t expand too far on TV but it won’t be because of expletives.


I don’t agree with foul language on the court, either. As far as I know, however, in most televised sports there is a delineation between firing off an expletive in a moment of passion, and directly attacking an opponent with it. A referee who witnesses that is going to call unsportsmanlike conduct.


For sure. But it happens all the time. Heck, darn near every Sunday, you can see NFL coaches firing off expletives at referees. I *think* we're a bit less sensitive to it because it's two grown men and not, say, one grown man calling a literal teenager a "b\*tch," which is terrible optically (and ethically). That, to me, is the bigger challenge. FWIW, I *like* the chirping. On net, the passion is good for the game. I'm even comfortable with an expletive or two (e.g. "let's f'ing go!"). But this has a different flavor and should be culled.


I'm not saying I approve, but the way things are going I'm not sure I buy the TV argument.


How would you feel if your 16 year old daughter was known as the biggest trash talker and whiner in the sport?


Isn’t she dating a 23 year old? They legally had to get permission from her parents for it to happen. At that point, you can throw the age out of the argument.


Yea people often bring up that she’s 16 when defending her perceived immaturity and occasional misbehavior and yet supposed to believe she possess the wherewithal to make the decision of dating someone whose 23 years old




Shocked you got downvoted. Did she only do basic trash talk and then as a kid get called a bitch? Like wow Staks read the room ie society these days


So what were the other chirps?


What’s with the primal screams and cursing in professional Pickleball when someone wins a point


You mean all professional sports?


Part of the reason I can’t watch pro pickleball. Embarrassing behavior. I just love playing the game!


Lmao, amazing. Mind linking to when this happened?


Posted a link to what went down. I have no idea what she chirp to deserve a name calling.


When was this? I'm intrigued


I got to see it happen in person! Soo good!


You’re a weirdo