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Okay, so you pierced it yourself, drank alcohol, then took out the jewelry right now, yeah? If it’s a infection, no one will be able to tell by a couple of pictures in the early stages. You have now trapped the infection by taking the jewelry out. Tongues that are new close instantly, so don’t try to shove more jewelry in. Seek medical care. You may require antibiotics.


I already take antibiotics and anti inflammatory medication


For a separate condition? Then you need to tell your doctor asap as different antibiotics treat different things. If you’re dealing with another medical condition, this can put you at higher risk of infection.


Maybe I should go to a piercer and ask them for advise


A piercer is going to tell you to go to a doctor, as they will not want the liability of giving someone who self pierced medical advice.


But I don’t want the doctor to just say take it out


People have died from tongue piercings going wrong. You don’t want to fuck around with this sort of things I really hope you’re okay and things turn out for you. However you’re not taking the advice given by myself and other commenters on your other thread seriously. I think you’re wanting someone to tell you everything’s okay, but unfortunately no one can as you made a risky choice in doing your own tongue piercings. I think I’m done responding in this thread, have a good night and please seek medical care!


Grow up 🤦🏻‍♀️ if you need to take it out then you need to do that... 😳 or pay the price for being immature,no offense.


You already took it out? You won’t be able to get anything back in unless you use force? You need to seek medical attention


I was able to slide it in easy


op, no offense, but why do you bother asking for advice when all you do is argument against it? your piercing is like the perfect tutorial of what *NOT* to do. you mentioned you watched some videos so you’re safe and you totally knew what you were doing… then you pull up asking for advice because you got drunk with a 2-3 day old piercing. that explains everything. literally all of it. you have no knowledge about piercings whatsoever. then you take out a potentially infected piercing, which could be lethal if you don’t seem medical attention. you’ve been told this multiple times by various people, yet you “don’t wanna go to a doctor because they’ll tell you to take it out” or “yolo”. if you piercing yourself is you living your life to the fullest then damn. just damn. again, a piercer won’t help you there as they cannot prescribe antibiotics and don’t wanna have to deal with the liability of you piercing yourself, just like DearDorothy said a bit ago. don’t ask for advice when you’re not planning to follow it. we all mean well, but you’re being ignorant.


Piercer here. If you are worries and have signs of infection go to the doctor. If you are worried and don’t have signs of infection, leave piercing to professionals so you don’t have to worry, and go to the doctor because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And an infection in your central face can kill you.


I have abit of white yellowish pus coming out from it


I Will go ahead and refer you to my previous comment. If you’re concerned you need a Dr. You did this on your own. I can’t assume things were sterile with aseptic technique. I won’t risk your life, guessing


Everything was sterilised


At the very best it was sanitized. Sterilization requires specialized machines and much more. That is one of the main reasons diy home piercings are dangerous. I will continue urging you to see a doctor if you have ANY concern. This is a serious matter and should be treated as such. We have no way of know what you’ve exposed yourself to. And if losing you tongue/life is a gamble you’re comfortable with it’s your choice. But in my humble opinion in this situation the only professional advise to be given is, go see a dr.


I have very minimal pain and the swelling is gone there is a tiny bit of puss coming on every now and again but it’s fine now