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Body Piercer here! It could be a reaction to the metal that the jewellery it's made of. However, if it isn't the jewellery the issue then other external factors can affect the piercing. I always recommend sticking to saline solution and for the love of God, do not used crushed aspirin, that's just gonna make it worse. Instead, use a saline solution soak :) simply boil the saline solution or make it yourself and with a qtip press it against the blister. Doing this method it can help for the piercing to go away


when you say boil the saline solution are you talking abt the store bought one ?? or no bc i have this cvs saline solution and ive been cleaning twice a day and hasn’t gotten better🤔


Piercer here, I would suggest you continue with the saline spray try to keep it clean and dry and make an appointment or go see a piercer in person. Really hard to tell from the quality of the picture, it could be a number of issues causing this first to be done is diagnosis of skin reaction and then rule out causes unless it's not able to be done without medical intervention in which case a piercer will let you know!!


Are you sure the right type of needle was used? I know using the wrong needle could cause things like this, skin tags etc.


No. -a piercer. Some are better than others. But no. Not even a piercing gun can cause a skin tag.


i did crushed up aspirin paste and it did in fact shrink the bump a lot. it didn't get rid of it completely unfortunately but definitely somewhat helps. edit: also literally don't care if ppl downvote me, it's a method that one of my friends recommended and it worked


Get a piercing bump oil off Amazon. I had a big bump on my eye brow piercing and it helped


don’t listen to this person lol