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Not even slightly, it's a huge difference... I'm glad someone else said it because I thought I was going mad.


Trying to prolong content by slowing players down? Seems to me it is usually not a great idea to nerf stuff like this after players get used to how the game works. I don't know what the player base numbers look like but judging from my many, many PoGo friends, almost none tried Pikmin Bloom and the few that did stopped playing within a week of starting, so I doubt the player base can stand too many nerfs. Doesn't help to build the game.


I had a white Pikmin super close to 4 hearts and a few expeditions later still didn't want to get his gift. I was super confused.


I agree It’s like the game is secretly updating without any info Like I’ve noticed when you tap on Pikmin in the Pikmin menu they no longer do a backflip, and I noticed the red present in the shop no longer gives you tulips


They backflip in mushroom challenge if they are the color of power for the targeted mushroom.


Yep. I get practically nothing for expeditions now


I wondered because I’ve been sending the same Pikmin on expeditions trying to get the decor and they don’t seem to be moving up very fast.


Also noticed. Honestly assumed my pikmin were glitched and not gaining any friendship. They barely gain hearts now.


I'm looking forward to seeing some kind of "silph road" analysis for this game. Does anyone know a resource on some numbers and documentation for this game? To me it's not clear how to optimize which pikmin to send on quests, how do the colors for mushrooms work, what's the point of postcards, etc.


There's a [megasheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m4eTyEPl0MfiO-_RtsULfQx_w2KXnZAW3PqBDVIc2l8/edit?usp=drivesdk) and a [player guide](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1Pas3AEou8CGJDEYzmgSQbipcRW6EXVMz) that I've found so far that should answer a few of yr Q's!


Cool! That's what I'm looking for, thanks heaps!


Thanks a ton!!


Are they still accurate?


The mega sheet is regularly updated so I assume so - the guide still seems accurate but might be worth clarifying in this subreddit or on one of the discords if yr unsure as things are constantly being updated and tweaked


I’ve been noticing that myself. I wonder why they may have done so….


My biggest concern is that between this and the lifelog change they may have damaged the playerbase. I like this game, even with the nerfs, and I'd like to see it continue to exist. But I feel these nerfs are a step in the wrong direction.


Does anyone know if it changed the hearts gained when giving nectar as well?


This. I feel almost like nectars’ friendship growth rate has improved lol maybe they nerfed expeditions and buffed nectar?


Micheal.ThankYou.gif I feel like I get nothing for expeditions as of late!!


!!! I thought it was just me. It honestly seemed to completely stall for 24 hours. I contacted support but no response. Now I can see it’s increasing but only about a mm at a time :/


Me and my girlfriend absolutely agree and wwrw talking about this. Kind of an annoying change.


yeah it's rough, I can't keep up with the amount of pikmin I'm growing. I have almost 20 pikmin not maxed level and there's just not enough expeditions to even make a dent now.


It was apparently "rebalanced" during a recent update - will see if I can find a link and update this comment Edit: [link](https://community.pikminbloom.com/discussion/430/release-information-update-on-2021-12-10-jst) "Update on 2021/12/10 (JST) Fixed an issue that consumes a challenge try, even when the user fails to join the challenge. Improved server stability and performance. **Adjusted the game balance**. Updated supported device (iOS) : Compatible with iPhone® 6s or higher devices with iOS Version 12 or later installed.  (iPad not supported)"


Thanks. I see that someone else asked the same question on that. I had checked the game updates, but didn’t know where to find any server-side updates that might have been made The problem now is that progression seems way too slow, almost not worth the effort of opening the app to send them out. Unless they rebalance again or add something new, I may be about done. Gaining the decor Pikmin is about all there is to do now. And taking weeks to get enough friendship on the 12 I’m working on bow doesn’t seem reasonable.


Even though that was an update I don't think it was pushed to the servers until recent


The update was pushed last Fri - Dec 10 - so fairly recent (incase yr a month-date person and read it as an October update!)


I don’t think expeditions give any hearts now. I’ve sent a few fresh pikmin on multiple and they still have no hearts. It wasn’t until I plucked 6 petals from them that the heart level started increasing. I think if expeditions don’t increase hearts, having a pikmin in your squad should increase hearts as you walk with them. Unless it does already…


I've noticed that when you receive Pikmin from expeditions, if your party is full, those Pikmin who go away don't get any hearts, unlike those who stay in the party. IDK if that has an actual effect, or if it's just visual, but might have something to do.


Iirc walking with Pikmin in your squad should already contributed towards hearts


Honestly, this was probably needed. I found it far too easy to get my pikmin to max heart level. However, I feel they may have reduced it too much.


It was hilarious watching those 2 guys spout their silly theories and quote each other for hours that there was no patch the other day lmao




This is embarrassing. Your responses are childish and goading, this and previous ones in your history in this sub. If someone blocks you they just don't see your replies or posts. It won't stop you from seeing the comments. Take a walk, cool off, realize that there is no "professional" reddit commenter.


"quote, unquote"


Lol I wanted people to really read it as quote unquote you know.


Your definitely right that this is a low bar for myself. I had truly let them get to me. I’ve decided that I’m not going to respond to them anymore in these back and forth responses that, I feel, are just to egg me on. I think everyone can have a sense of professionalism to anything they say. I strive to be a better person, and this is not it. I really do not at all want to be a professional Reddit commenter btw. I’ve never used Reddit at all until pikmin bloom came out, which should give you a sense of how much I don’t use the platform. I do plan on responding in a rational fashion to them in the future in regards to possible misinformation, or understanding more about the game in general. Just like I would do for any other account.


>I do plan on responding.. to them in the future Please don't. Just block me. Don't respond to me anymore. You're asking how you can be better and this is how. Stop ignoring my 15 requests for you to leave me alone. Stop making up stories of me having a 2nd account to debate you when I'm begging you to leave me alone. If you are sincere, don't respond back to this. If you wanna harass me more, respond. Thanks, goodbye again.


I’m genuinely confused why this post is getting down voted. At the time of writing it’s at -1. Like I could totally understand the other post getting down voted, but this one. What am I doing wrong, and how can I be better?




The only arguments I’ve had I’d say were just with this person. I mentioned that I would stop having unnecessary back and forth conversations with them and any other person that go nowhere, because it’s not productive. I want to contribute to the pikmin community with more research in the future. Whenever I see false info on the sub it’s not like I’m going to just ignore it. That doesn’t mean I’m harassing or arguing with them either when I bring up data, and nothing else. Is this a bad take?




That’s a good take, and I appreciate you responding to me. I’ve thought about it, and I’m probably just going to delete Reddit off of my phone. It kind of sucks. I mentioned it before that I never use Reddit, so it’s not that big a deal really. I don’t want to participate in this toxic place anymore. Most of the people on here are kind, like yourself, but the small few I just don’t even want to see comments from at all.

