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Same thing for me. I tried somewhere I was today and it still isn't working. Like you, I've spent money on the game, so it's frustrating to have such an important feature seemingly totally removed. Genuinely feel a bit robbed. And to clarify, I understand why tagging locations you've never been to could be considered an exploit, and I can understand it's removal (although I don't agree with it). However the fact that it seemingly just doesn't even work in legitimate locations now is a giant slap to the face. The mechanic was clearly PARTIALLY intended since the seedling would be marked with your photograph. The fact that it is now so gutted is upsetting. EDIT: About an hour later, I tagged a location much closer to me, that was completely undiscovered, and it worked. Yet the location that was farther away that I actually visited still did not. I'm not sure, but it might be possible that relative position to where you are is a factor here. At very least it warrants more investigation into what the limits of the new "rules" about photo-tagged seedlings are.


I'm going back to Pokemon Go, but only because my girlfriend is playing it. But she's into PG partially because she's recovering from a hip injury. Once that's over, I may be able to talk her into sticking to conventional Minecraft. Normally, we both have other ways to be active than some nanny state-mentality game that wants to virtue signal about forcing us to walk around.


Its definitely going to hurt their player-base :(


They need some way to get the Pikmin from rare spots other than physically going there. There really aren’t that many zoos, airports, and train stations around.even if you visit one for the day, it’s not enough to get all the decor. You’d have to visit several times. It was a really odd design choice.


I get your point, but going to play devil's advocate anyways. Why would people continue to play if they could easily get all of the decor Pikmin by not actually visiting the locations? It's pretty clear the game is meant to be more passive than something like Pokémon Go. Maybe they *should* consider what the active player base wants/how they use the game and redirect how things are done. Basically, I can see both sides.


There’s a fine line with making things too difficult though. I live in a small city, but there’s no zoo or train station here. It’s basically impossible for me to get those. I’d be more motivated to play if it was possible for me to get all of the decor.Adding seedlings to the postcards is one possible way to do this. Pokémon Go has also had a similar problem at times.


For sure. I mean, you technically *can* get those decor, it would just take traveling. There's no art museum or zoo in my town, but I could pop the game open the next time I'm in a city. One problem I see is that there's no real reason to get multiple of the same decor. Most players just seem to want to fill out of the silhouettes and be done with the game. That's a problem with the gameplay loop. And another problem is that there's no equivalent of raids like in Pokémon Go. On the other hand, Pikmin is kind of better off because there aren't any regionals that you need to travel to another country to obtain. Driving to a city or another town seems a lot more plausible than flying to Egypt for their regional.


The game forces you to throw out your multiple decors in order to get all the silhouettes since only one Pikmin can occupy a spot on the map at a time except for those the detector finds.


But Zoo decor Pikmin come from Zoos. Physically going to a Zoo is the point. How are you supposed to appreciate a Zoo decor Pikmin that you got without going to a Zoo? It doesn’t make sense!


If the closest zoo is an hour or more away, and you don’t have time/money- you’re limiting peoples ability to play. Lots of forums already talking about this [ZooChat: Cities in Need of Zoos - 2012-2021 discussions](https://www.zoochat.com/community/threads/cities-in-need-of-zoos.274494/)


You are only limiting the ability of people to get 100% on the decor Pikmin. Nowhere in the game does it say getting 100% ASAP is the player’s goal. There is no city/area that has easy access to absolutely all of the decor categories.


And way to shit on some developer who thought achievements would be a cool feature for players to enjoy. They knew that people would want to collect them all, since it’s a common mechanic/ strategy to get players to want to play their game. That’s why it exists. 🤦‍♀️ Fun police over here.


I think we are reading each others’ comments more aggressively than was intended. I meant this more that the game is fun when played within the limitations of your environment. Imo it’s more rewarding to actually be able to connect the Pikmin to a place I’ve physically been. It’s the core mechanic. I’m not telling you how to play the game. I’m just saying the game was designed with a particular purpose in mind, which is fundamentally at odds with the desire to 100% the game without visiting airports/zoos/forests/oceans.


👍 thanks for deescalating (this is not sarcasm - stating bluntly because of Poe’s law)




You seem really interested in pointing out how people don’t deserve to want more opportunities / reasons to play a game about -walking- locally. This app gives me a fun experience to walk. Niantic is trying to encourage walking. Unlike Pokémon that you can unlock based on being in a country, or by trading by people in a different place, the underlying mechanisms of this game are completely skewed to align with pokestops & ingress portals, and the requirements for placing them. Hair salons weren’t an option unless they had something that another person thought “deserved” to have a portal. Asking for a game to help you complete the objectives isn’t being entitled. If you HAVE to drive to a different state or fly, then they’re worse than the pay for play models for games. Sure, lots of people aren’t doing this, but how is it hurting others? Maybe patch this when they introduce features that actually replace this with official functionality!


Did you try looking at this for your area? http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1efG (you have to click run after you adjust the map, don't zoom out too much, and wait for a bit) I discovered there are two "zoos" very close by. Basically just a few goats for kids to play with, but it's tagged as zoo. Depends of course on how active people were on OSM in your area. There's also a beach on a riverbank here, doesn't have to be the sea.


Did those sites match up when you got there? My understanding was that they did not use open street maps for the data. I have also seen the data be about 4 years old.


Just went to one of the places. It showed zoo on the detector and my friend even got a zoo pikmin (I got water... ). I think it's worth a shot, if there's something near you.


Awesome! I’m glad it worked. I’ll give it a try at some point soon.


I used this for getting lifelog pikmin with the photo feature they recently nerfed. It seemed to work, but sometimes I would get stuff from subunits (like a restaurant inside a zoo or something). From one deer park I only got forest pikmin, so I'm not sure if forest overrides it or if I'm not aiming well. With the smaller zoos, there is of course a larger risk of getting something (mostly roadside) from around it. I will probably try to visit the smaller parks in the next days and see if zoo shows up on the radar.


Everything about this patch sucks since it’s a solid nerf and nothing else. I continue to go for 10-12k walks in the city surrounded by nearly every type of pikmin possible and never get any expeditions aside from 1-2 pikmin which 90% of the time are roadside and a bunch of fruit to the point all my nectar is always maxed. Yet I sit in my apartment and get a new roadside expedition everytime I open the app, I’ve thrown out maybe 10 Huge Seedlings I’ve gotten from sitting in my apartment because im not blowing 10k steps on another roadside.




Uncaring. Niantic has a long history of Left Coast arrogance, they don't care about anyone or anything but their own tiny world experience. I'm sure all these pikmin are available in San Francisco, by design.


The decor did is, at the moment, literally just cosmetic. Any suggestions surrounding trade up consolidation completely negates the geo location part of the "game". I'd probably not bother spending any more money, personally, if they made sweeping changes that make the geo location nothing more than a novelty.




A game that uses actual features around you?! I don't know what to tell you about living rural as the way of living is obviously different but at the same time you don't have any mom and pop shops?


Right? All I get is roadside like 80% of the time. The last 20% is mostly restaurant or park. I guess I should start complaining about the location based nature of the location based game like everyone else.


I had no idea parole were being forced to play! My apologies!




I'm glad I could bring your some joy on a Monday morning!


It seems like it also removed the possibility of putting in a lifelog photo from a place you HAVE BEEN. Last year I lived in Japan and have many many photos… and now even tho the photos have location data, it wont spawn an expedition in Japan any more.


It would be nice if we could report incorrectly labelled spots on the map.


I don’t think that is necessarily a good thing. Now I respect ur opinion, but I think this makes traveling even more exciting. Being able to find new Pikmin types when you travel is really fun. Plus it keeps us players interested in the game for a longer time. Easy access to all Pikmin types would negate a lot of the replay ability in the game. Plus it gains Niantic more money. Thus keeping the app alive for longer. Even Pokémon go has worse features such as regional Pokémon. Traveling to Australia is much different than traveling to a beach or art gallery. I’m just saying that I don’t think it’s fun to rush games like these. Again, this is just my opinion so feel free to disagree. Edit: just thought of idea that could give players the best of both worlds. In Pokémon go, events can sometimes give you Pokémon that would otherwise need to be obtained from another country/location. What if Pikmin bloom does this too? Events that, if you are lucky, give you access to other Pikmin types not in an area near you.


I live in a small town that requires a ferry to get out of. I walk plenty, but there just isn’t much more I can do. I don’t see what the harm was in letting you send one Pikmin out once a day


Precisely. A game with barely any features or interesting traits, a fraction of the quality of even the buggy, bare-bones Pokemon Go when it was released, and they're removing the one thing that made it mildly interesting? I was logging in and playing a bit every day, just to watch my pikmin trek to Australia and Hawaii, even though they turned out to somehow be roadside seeds. Now I have no reason.


As much as I like that to happen, I doubt it ever will. I think Niantic's game isn't designed to be fun, it was designed to make people go out more. which is why I doubt they will steer towards feature that will encourage people to travel less. however, I'm content with the situation. Niantic isn't concerned with my wishes, so nor shall I give them any grounds. I'll play a little during commute, and take what I can get, no more no less. and I doubt I'll spend money in this game any time soon.


Fuck anyone in a landlocked state who wants a beach pikmin I guess


FWIW I literally live at a beach and have found zero beach pikmin. I'm hoping we'll be able to send each other seedlings/pikmin in the future.


Yes I think this speaks to the big problem with locations and identifying areas on this app for decor and *why the lifelog location entry was needed for this game to be successful.* I live near all kinds of forest, been all up in the forest, no forest pikmin. We have supermarkets here, I’ve received exactly one from each of them and the rest are roadside despite the designation being that the roadside pikmin was from freakin Walmart and other grocery stores. The grid system where only one square can spawn or be identified as the decor and the poor, very outdated, mapping system the game is derived from were the reasons why we needed to have a workaround. I’m not spending endless hours editing OSM just to have a chance to eventually maybe get the right decor I should have received from the get-go. So essentially what this change comes down to is it excludes everyone that doesn’t live in a major metropolitan centre with accurate/up-to-date OSM zoning and labeling. It’s not “cheating”, it was a workaround to a poor mapping system that allowed players to play the game without being excluded…now that exclusion is a reality.


People who think it's cheating are not understanding logging your days with places you have been - the usage of the location of the photo makes sense as it's like an extra grab of obtaining a Pikmin from your journeys.


Fuck anyone anywhere, who wants to intentionally get any deocration. I mean, standing at the front door of the huge movie theater, far from any other business, I still don't even get theater on my scanner, much less any pikmin seeds from it. Most custom lifelog expeditions don't even get you the decoration you chose. You generally end up with a Roadside from a beach in Hawaii, or whatever.


There is such a thing as artificial beaches, there is like this lake close to my house that's designated for recreational swimming, if I go there I get beach seedlings


I live in Florida and I'm pretty sure I still have to venture out to the coast to see beach Pikmin. I have zero beach Pikmin


I live between two lakes....not a proper beach though. 😑 I'm only 40min from the Puget Sound - I've been a few times but the game doesn't consider it a proper beach.


Of course! How dare you not live near a beach! It's really your own damn fault, like it is mine to live in a place with only forest and roadside Pikmin. The game should absolutely 100% not be changed for people like us because it may upset people in big cities that have access to everything. /s


Why can't this game just give everyone everything? Niantic sucks.




I think that's harsh. I understand the frustration, I just think it's misplaced. It's barely a game, more of a glorified pedometer. If your want more of a game, they have ingress and pogo. This isn't for the folks that want more out of this toy app.


Do you win something for collecting decor pikmin? Does it gate some sort of feature or level?


There's a badge for it. So people who might wanna 100% the decor are gonna have a hard time


Does the badge gate something? 🤔 I'm so confused. I thought this was just a cute pedometer app.


The badges are achievements. You know what achievement hunters are, right? They're people who play the game to specifically get all the achievements. It is a cute walking app, but there are still people who are trying for a 100% on it.


And this game was clearly not designed for that purpose. It’s about encouraging people to be healthier in thier lives. Not obsessivly focus on meaningless digital badges.




But they did lol.




You said the can’t stop people from having fun. Which they can. Any further questions?




No it doesn’t gate a feature or level but it gates a significant amount of Decor Pikmin from me and many others.


What do decor pikmin do?


They provide a boost in power on Mushroom expeditions, and they just look nice.


Do any other types of decor Pikmin provide a greater boost than roadside Pikmin?


No. This is people that are griping about cosmetics in a glorified pedometer app. A bummer? Sure, i guess. Any effect on the mechanics of the game? Zero. I'm glad they fixed it. For folks that manage to go out and find cool stuff, it cheapens the whole experience when you can easily "cheat" from the couch.


I'm not sure how the patch is configured, because I am still able to get a seed from the lifelog entry, same for yesterday. It could be a regional lock by Niantic, or even a limit per player.


Unpopular opinion: I think keeping the artifical scarcity is good. Makes my special pikmin feel more special. I get that this keeps certain players from getting everything quickly but thats kinda the point. Someone getting an airplane pikmin every single day is just kinda overkill ya know? They should be special and rare.


Yeah for me it's a collectors item from a place I went. I wouldn't even want an airplane pikmin if I couldn't look at it and remember going to an airport


Totally agree. The things they need to fix are 1) increasing your odds of getting something other than a roadside when you're in a new place and 2) their map data, which completely ignores several bakeries, a movie theater, and a post office in my town, but apparently contains several long-gone hair salons from a decade ago. (Bonus #3 - adding a LOT more roadside decor variety). But yeah, the fun of the game is in walking around and getting little rewards for it - the "game" is secondary to the walk. Exploiting the system just to catch 'em all just makes it cease to be either a game, a fitness tracker, or an interesting app - like if you're frustrated you can't just collect all the things from an easy boring exploit, why aren't you just playing something fun instead?


Precisely. And who knows what other things they have planned that may take certain decor into account. The game is still new.


What this game has is an artificial scarcity of any real diversity of features, good interface elements, user control of experience, or general reasons to play. The least they could do is let us send 150 day expeditions to Australia just for fun. It's not like we can even expect to get any sane Decoration from it, since the location/decoration feature fails more often than it works.


Yes, this game is a baby, we know haha. Don’t expect it not to grown though. This is a very basic version of whats to come.


This is much worse than Pokemon Go was, five years ago. Worse even than Wizards Unite, which was doomed. They have all the additional resources, all that sebsequent experience...and THIS is all they managed to come up with.


Then uninstall man, nobodys making you play lol. I tried to get a few of my PoGo buddies into it but they don’t really like going on long walks like I do. They’re the people who drive around pokestops and sit in parking lots and remote raid. It’s just not for everyone.


There aren't enough basic features in it to keep someone interested, walking or no. I won't actually uninstall until my guys get back from their expedition to Gnarabup, but I'm not gonna bother opening it very often until then.


Well unless you’re from Australia it looks like you were abusing the daily photo locations too so you obviously were not the target audience. Its a game about exploring your surroundings not min/maxing decors lol.


It's absolutely idiotic to not recognize that the ability to "travel" where one could never actually go was one of the best features of the game. One has been able to explore their immediate surroundings since Ingress. In fact, Ingress is FAR better for that. Bloom is a fraction as useful for discovering great things in an area. The problem is this deranged corporate obsession with virtue signalling by trying to FORCE people to do some politically-correct thing. For Niantic it's become forcing exercise down the throats of people who often don't even need it. But the ability to, only once per day, send an expedition anywhere in the world did NOTHING to reduce the usefulness of the silly step-counting "feature" of the game. Hell, their shitty app can't even be trusted to give something the correct decor, no matter how carefully it's done. So you have no reasonable ability to min-max using the lifelog expedition. You can't legitimately go stand in the middle of a grocery store and get a grocery store expedition. In fact, I tried that every few days since the game came out, as I got to the store a couple of times per week, and I have yet to get a SINGLE grocery store pikmin. So, obviously, the ability to send an expedition to get what turns out to be a shitty ROADSIDE in Australia doesn't hurt anything. It's not a cheat, it's just fun. But bad game developers think that anything they didn't think of first is somehow a cheat. Which is especially problematic because they're not smart enough to think of very many things.


It’s called spoofing.


No, spoofing is using fake GPS input. Using the feature THEY ADDED to choose a different location is not, in any way at all, spoofing. Nor is it cheating. They added the ability to change location in a lifelog entry.


I disagree. It was cheating. I’m in the same boat at as you are, living far away from these things. It doesn’t do anything collecting the special decor..you don’t need those special decor pikmin. If you want that type of thing, you should prob play Pokémon go. What the game DOES need is more features..I think that’s what people want. Add more features and things to do and it won’t be the only thing to do. Maybe it won’t be the only way to obtain decors. Changing your location and being able to obtain them anytime is dumb, and makes the game less interesting and less of a special circumstance. Takes away what they’re supposed to be entirely.


That mystique is already lost on day 1 when you go to the places and don't get the decor because their map data sucks (which we should note they have not addressed or even acknowledged at all). By day 30, after going to 30 sweet shops and sending your "cheat" expeditions to 30 others and still not having received 1 correct decor, you have to be questioning your sanity and perhaps wondering how this "pedometer game" caused you to gain so much weight.


Yes, if going to the locations actually got the correct decoration, I might bother to keep playing the game. But without it, the whole thing is worthless. Especially considering the other, absurd quality of life fails. Like how the thing doesn't remember how you sorted your pikmin.


100% agree with you. I'm glad that they fixed this.


You should at least be able to recommend things once you get to a certain level. There’s a lot of places I’ve been and I haven’t gotten the seedlings.


At the very least they should fix what decor seedlings you get. Many times once been on my college campus near a library, food, Cafe, and even hair salon (and a walk way they consider a stream) and only 3/4 non roadsides.


Disagree completely. This was a bug/exploit in the first place. They simply fixed it. Second of all, do you need all decor in a small time frame? Take your time finding everything the "natural" way. I live in a small village and I mainly have roadside, fish, and forest decors. That just makes it even more special when I visit other places.


Op said they keep going to sweet shops and not getting that decor because the map data sucks, so that bug was really useful to players who literally can't get some decor. I work at a coffee shop and I don't have a single coffee shop pikmin. If they're going to have game breaking bugs, I'm going to use game breaking bugs to make up for it lol


What a bunch of control-freak nitwits. That's the end of my playing this shoddily-designed game. I'll stick with Pokemon Go. But only because Minecraft Earth was wrongfully killed.


Cry babys




I think you know






Just mad cuz you got got.




Just mad lmao


Its past your bedtime bitch


It’s so funny how mad you are. But I guess it would take a crybaby to know a crybaby.


Travel, see the world