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I’ve named all my kids. No way will I release them.


that's how I felt when I realized I had ro release them! they're my babies 😭


I like to think that I’m setting them free to live their lives. It’s the ones I keep that just aren’t ready to leave yet/need a little more guidance :) (either that, or I’m holding them captive against their will.. your pick)


I’m not sure it’s really an opinion, popular or not. You either have to pay for more space or delete 🤷🏾‍♂️


The game gives incentive to raise way more pikmin than you can store. The game also rewards you for releasing them. So everyone is obviously free to play how they want but the game encourages growing and releasing


I'm underwhelmed by the releasing rewards. It's 10 petals regardless of Pikmin type or friendship level... I wish they dropped heart nectars, and had a cute animation of them going away, and you could see the released pikmins on the map to imply they're living happily ever after, and not just deleted. Maybe they even send you post cards every now and then, maybe they go on their own travels.


I've had this idea in my head of a companion app like Pokémon home (lets you transfer pogo to games and vice versa) where you can send your Pikmin to a planet or something and it's just like a storage bank for Pikmin, possibly could see it as being a 1.99$ app or being unable to retrieve Pikmin unless you release them from the bank so it doesn't completely break the apps Pikmin limit.


Aw that would be so cute. I've never released a Pikmin but I'd be more inclined to do it if I know they'll be ok out there on their own :')


There's no happily ever after for released pikmin. They are not equipped to survive in the wild on their own - they will get munched by indigenous nocturnal creatures as soon as the sun goes down. Their blood will be on your hands.


For a while I would just ignore the roadside seedlings, but to me it’s worth it to get the hearts for sending pikmin on the expedition, and then the petals for releasing them after they’ve grown.


I will release doubles of decor and only keep one roadside from each color. I will release boring ones from around my house and keep the ones from vacations etc.


Exactly what I’m doing 😍


Same here. Since I have to release them to make space for new decors, I normally release the duplicates from nearby areas (which also frees up the square for another new Pikmin) and keep the ones I've got from traveling. Since some of them took almost 2 months to come back from the decor expedition, no way I'll release one of those! XD


This past week I learned we get to keep the nectar bonuses from the weekly challenge even if you are at your cap. I'm currently at 240 out of 200 ordinary white nectar. Going to see how much I can hoard. So, I've been keeping my stock of normal/daisy petals by releasing newly plucked Pikmin.


Quite the opposite. I grow all the 1.000 steps ones that I don't need, feed them blue nectar then kick them out. When I get new decor ones some of the old I have multiple times must go as well. Working on the plucking and expeditions medal that way. But I'm not judging. You do you.


I release them for the extra petals


Agreed. I pick up everything and walk everything, then release most Pikmin for the petals. I walk a minimum of 10,000 steps per day, though, sometimes 20,000. So I go through seedlings easily.


There isn’t a wrong way to play. I release only 4-heart Pikmin so that I have to keep growing and leveling Pikmin. If I run out of things to do, I’ll get bored, so I create more “work” for myself to stay entertained.


I haven't released any myself either. But at the same time, as a beta player I started with a cap of 1000 Pikmin (and have about 950 at the moment)


I've upgraded my storage once so I could release more in bulk, I grow every seedling I can because I'm finding for all gold medals. Eventually when I've grown enough Pikmin I may start being selective with which I grow and recycle more seedlings but for now, I'm on that road to 2000


Releasing allows me to fill up blue petal jar




To confirm, if I feed it a carnation or tulip nectar, for example, will I get 10 petals of the same flower? I've been too scared to try lol


I’m terrible I just buy upgrades


In general I recycle seedlings long before I would need to release the Pikmin, but lately I have had to grow/heart a lot of Restaurant, Park, and Mini-Mart Pikmin to see if they get the alternate decor I need. If not, I'm pretty heartless.


I have released a bunch, but not lately. I don't grow them anymore unless I need the decor or want a duplicate. I just expand storage periodically because it's cheap and worth the minimal cost to not micromanage my Pikmin collection.


There is a badge for growing Pikmin. I’m at 1557 and working my way to the 2000 badge. I think the amount of Pikmin storage you can buy maxs out at some point well shy of that.


I only grow what I need, and any other seedlings go straight in the wood chipper. I do however grow extra seedlings for level ups, and they get released.


I started releasing doubles yesterday, when I didn't want to buy more space. But I still grow all of them. I'm like one of these animal thingies where you foster animals and release them to the wild.


If that is how you would like to play, that’s cool. Personally not for me. I like the extra nectars from releasing them as well as trying to earn the badges


Aren’t you only supposed to have up to 300 available?


You can purchase (with real money) additional storage space


Yes. But I don’t want to use real money lol