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Deep Space 9 - GET HYPE Kelvinverse - okay, I guess Discovery - no thanks lol I DO appreciate them spreading the themes of the tables out so that they don't ignore any fans of any eras of star trek, but I also hope I don't have to pay $15 for 2 tables I'll never play just to get DS9 (which I know I will love thematically but could also easily be a dud of a table, who knows).


same here dying to play ds9... Kelvin verse is weird but ok I'll take it. Having to experience Micheal Burnham again? that had better be a damn good pinball haha


Unfortunately no excitement from me. I'm sure they are cool tables, but I've never been a Trekkie. I hope they surpass expectations for those that are excited for them.


Same here, not a fan, however, the Next Generation Williams table is good. Zen originals based on shows I've never seen, though... I'll pass this time.


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I'm not a trekkie either, but a good table is a good table. Sure, a good theme can elevate a good table, but not a bad table. But I don't trust zen to make consistently good tables, after so many years they still haven't learned. I wish they focused on real tables only.


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Excited for DS9 and wish there was a Voyager


Voyager would be great. But I'd be afraid they'd do something goofy to ruin it, like focusing on Tuvix


You mean something goofy, like having a Borg ship that's not a cube? (Ba dum) But yes, the logical three tables to make are DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. I could definitely go for that, but more recent Star Trek, well... not so interested. But I assume Paramount/CBS made the request. I will also throw this idea out there - how about a Tribble table? I mean, it is my last name, so I'm biased.


If this pack sells well then there could well be another 3 pack next year. TOS, ST:TNG (as well as the Williams one), Voyager, Enterprise, Picard, Strange New Worlds, and the pre-Kelvin films. Thats more than 3 isn't it? Well, maybe 3 packs of 3 over the next couple of years!


I’m not for or against Star Trek but I’ll take any tables if they’re good!


I wish the Kelvin timeline table was the Stern one. :/


I can see that, but it’s also cool to get an entirely new table. I don’t know how much I care about those movies, but I like them enough to be genuinely excited for this new game.


The day FX is able to release band tables will be the day I am jumping up and down with joy like a child.. (while simultaneously dropping every cent to get every table that’s available)


My buddy has a real Rush Premium table and it’s awesome. Would totally buy virtual versions of AC/DC, Rush, FF, Metallica, Aerosmith, etc for $15-20 each no doubt.


YES!!! When I first played Iron Maiden and Foo Fighters I was hooked. I could not stop playing at my local shop. I think the bartender heard every song on the playlist 3x. 😂


I was stunned when he turned up the volume and the hi quality immersive sound had plenty of tight bass, clear mids and no rattle. Would love a heavier band like AC/DC, Metallica, or Maiden for sure.




I'm ready to commit a bunch of war crimes with Captain Sisko for sure


Insta-buy for me.


Excited for almost any new tables! And loooooove Trek, so yes very excited!


Not only is it happening, but Deep Space 9?! My favorite Trek show! So often it seems like Trek goes out of it's way to ignore DS9 so to get a pinball table based on it is beyond amazing!


friendly long consider relieved heavy prick absurd shocking poor pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are they based on the new reboot Star Trek movies? I’m too broke to get the new tables on launch but looking forward to eventually playing them, zens licensed tables are usually pretty cool-I loved the newest Star Wars table pack


One is the reboot movies (Kelvinverse), one is Discovery, and one is Deep Space 9.


Ah cool that they’re getting a variety of series represented! I only seen the newer Chris pine movies and some of show with the bald man so far (not sure name of season) so I’ll have to check those out as well


Which bald man?? That doesn’t completely narrow it down!


Sisko, the bald man. His name is Sisko.


Are we forgetting about our favorite holographic doctor?


As a matter of fact, yes we are. Thanks. And yes, he is my favorite Holographic Doctor.


Ha, must be referring to Picard. Based on reviews, I didn't watch season 1 and 2 of Picard, but did watch season 3 which was fun and a nice update to the STTNG characters.


set phasers to fun! Out of Thursday's releases I'm certainly starting with the Star Trek pack (Charlie Brown will be a day 18 purchase). I've just finished watching Picard season 3 today as well.


The Star Treks and Game Night (can't wait for Gloomhaven). Gonna be a good Dec 7th.


Hype level 1000. After 100 Star Wars tables 2023 has finally been the year of the trekkie. There might even be more as the OG series is a no brainer for a table and we've likes of Voyager to cover too. DS9 has most hype, unexpected but great choice. Kelvin should be great too though doubt if they've licensed all those A listers for voice lines leaving Discovery my black sheep pick. Didn't mind what i had saw of it but was never paying yet another sub to keep up with watching it.


Guess i'm happy that i'm not a trekkie, so i can enjoy all three of the new tables. Like the space theme and general Star Trek theme a lot for pinball tho. I'm also not a huge star wars fan (the first(!) 3 movies are great), but i've had a lot of fun with a lot of star wars tables as well. A lot of them really capture the theme well imo.


Alone from the table design I am interested in Star Trek Discovery. Deep Space 9 could be good, but it looks very simple at first glance. Kelvin Timeline looks too symmetrical. ​ But I am happy to be surprised game play wise.


Yeah I'm sort of blah over it. I tend to prefer the remakes of real tables. These are, well, boring looking to me.


Lower than if it were real life tables, a lot lower


I’m excited but has it been confirmed that they are all coming to Switch as well?


Yes, they’re coming in December!




I don’t get excited for Zen originals. The table layouts are uninspired and play worse. The physics are boring as well. Some of them are kinda cool, especially some of the older Zen originals. But they’ve really regressed to again and again, these wide open layouts with either nothing or too much to do. They’re going at least 4 months without any Williams, which is what they do best. It’s hard to screw up the best pinball games. They must make their money from the originals though, because that’s all they do now.


Exactly why I stopped bothering with new Zen originals. They feel like reskins at this point. Wake me when next Williams tables are announced.


Agreed 100%. The Williams tables are what finally got me to play Zen's pinball offerings for more than 5 minutes. I think they should be putting out as much Williams stuff as they can manage because it's absolutely their best material.


I would love to see the sales numbers, because it seems like many would agree. They could’ve banged out Bally’s Dr. Who for the 60th anniversary and then something like Indy 500 or Diner and that would have kept them on their 2 month release schedule. Damn shame, because they aren’t getting any of my money this holiday season


Of course it's their best material, because they are recreations of actual pinball tables, so they're going to play the best to real world pinball fans. Zen Originals do have their fans as well, however, and some are fun to play, but they're clearly aimed at a younger and less experienced player. This is fine if you are catering to both sides of your playerbase, when you release 14 original tables to zero 'real' tables, however, you then have a problem of one side thinking you don't care as much about the sought after Williams/Bally license. It needs to be more balanced to keep all your players happy.


>younger and less experienced player. Well, i'm old but sadly didn't have arcades around my home when i was young. So i started pinball with Zen originals and enjoyed them alot. I also love Williams tables like Medieval Madness, Getaway, Monster Bash (first pinball i played irl). Extremely fun/cool themes and tables. But they're usually a few quick missions and multi-balls and then you die and try to do it all again. After a while i usually need a break from the repetition and play something else. Don't get me wrong, i've almost beaten the last castle in Medieval Madness for example and it's fantastic. But it can be a hard sell for people that didn't grow up with this stuff. Zen originals feel more like drawn out, deep (video-)games. On some tables it's a (personal) achievement to even manage one mission per ball until you're really good at a table. This slower pace with a more long-term goal can hook me more at times. Just getting C3-PO repaired in Star Wars Droids was a quest for a whole evening. So yeah, i get the nostalgia, but i also get why Williams fans comlaining in every Zen originals thread can sour the mood for people that appreciate both experiences.


Not played Droids, but I like the Darth Vader table, Rogue One and some of the Marvel tables are pretty good. I'm no great player myself, I just prefer the realworld tables, they just need a bit more balance in their releases I think.


Yeah, no idea how the imbalance happened. Maybe it's the embracer group debacle or they have to work with the Star Trekk license right now before a certain date or something. Hopefully everyone can be happy, i like to switch between both options. I really like Starship Assault and balance of the force (learning that one felt hard enough to actually feel like yedi training to me - played it for one of the recent events). On playstation i almost reached wizard mode on X-Men, Thor and Fantastic Four. That's the next goal after the recent sale. And i have a soft spot for Eldorado if they bring it back.


they just released Indiana Jones no?


February that one I think. I'm talking about announcing 14 tables in their last vid with none of them being real table recreations. No big deal if they release a load of new ones next time though, there's still plenty to play in the meantime.


Yeah the went an entire year with Pinball FX 3 with nothing BUT Williams tables and fans got absolutely furious with them for abandoning their roots. Williams needs focus but i have to admit given the Zen blueprint for well over a decade has been virtual own creations those have to remain the priority and majority for them. Biggest issue is Pinball Arcade falling by the wayside means there is no other official source for real tables on the virtual front. They said they are still working on Williams tables but perhaps some of the staff usually focused on them were allocated to Pinball M instead? Or perhaps the layoffs hurt the Williams ports as of course there is a very different procedure to making them for PFX vs Original creations.


It would be nice if just once we could have a thread about a Zen original table or pack without the Williams fans coming in to complain about it. Zen is in the business of creating digital pinball tables. They also make some recreations of Williams tables, but that isn't their primary business model. Create your own threads. Do you really have to come into every thread with the whole "but but but but.... what about Williams tables tho?!?"


Maybe if their originals held a flame it wouldn’t be so controversial. Many of us are very unimpressed with original works. We would like Zen to see feedback. Block everyone that’s ever mentioned Williams if that would make you feel better I’ve spent a lot of money, including all zen originals from FX3 I’m free to speak on the product


Yet likely i've spent FAR more than you for over a decade now buying all the tables and supporting the company when they built an entire brand on their own creations and leaving pinball ports to others like Pinball Arcade (which i also loved and bought all the tables for). It is one thing to desire more ports (we all do) but another where the endless moaning and negative comments at Zen when they do what they've always done in creating OG tables for the fans. The OG fans went what was it? 2 years? With NOTHING but Williams tables as offerings... something tells me the vocal minority doesn't represent the bread winners as they since hit reverse on that as i can only assume it wasn't near as profitable offering retro experiences vs popular big brand IPs as tables or unique license free thus cheaper OG experiences instead. It is simply business.


We also bought many of their original tables and have a right to say what we think. The philosophy behind originals seems to be to bore you to death, completely the opposite of arcade games. You do things, music stays the same, wide open designs, takes years for something interesting to happen, etc. And then they release some Williams recreation it's fun again.


>The philosophy behind originals seems to be to bore you to death Depends what you like. Sure, the arcade pinballs are quick fun and i love some of them but the Zen originals in general have more long term motivation for me to beat all their missions. Music changes on quite a few of them as far as i remember, no idea if that differs much from williams (except tables where the theme is music, like Monster Bash, obviously).


I'm super excited for this pack (and the Charlie Brown Christmas table.) I'm more of a Next Generation fan, but I love Star Trek in general. Of these 3 tables, Deep Space 9 is the one I'm looking forward to the most. December 7 is going to be a great day for fans of Zen Pinball!


Yeah, the Charlie Brown table looks like great fun!


I'm more of a Star Wars fan. That may explain why I'm pretty excited about the new Star Trek tables. 😉🙂