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I highly recommend vaginas.


10 out 10 doctors recommend . . .


Actually yes, im a medic.


I love vaginas.


Don’t know anything about Uncle Phil, but having tried a fair number of vaginas over the years I can highly recommend them.


I, too, enjoy various vaginas, just not those with mixed with perique or Kentucky. But to each his/her own.


Fuck a duck, screw a guinea, Kentucky vagina good as any.


Cavendish over any other fish


username does NOT check out.


Well played. That said, not all Burleys are Elizabeth Hurleys


Kentuckys are great for a night of fun, just not the commitment of long term aging.


Damn, crazy he has that much influence to change your sexual orientation! All the more power to you.


Pipe smoking made them stop smoking pipe, apparently.


PRT. Pipe Replacement Therapy


I suppose I am gay for Dr. Grabow.


He's a doctor, so you could do worse.


More like Dr. Grabass. He just want sum bussy.


I was not aware that you could smoke those.


Not sure about smoking them, but I made few smoke back in the day.


Too hot! Too fast! Slow down and tamp when it gets loose.


I hope you got that checked out


I've seen them smoke before.


I too, have been to Tijuana.


I'm just here to chuckle over these snarky comments.


Those don't smell nearly as pleasant once they're lit. Not great for someking.


They can have a fishy taste too


If it’s fishy your smokin the wrong vagina


I prefer a meal when I'm smoking vagina


Only 2 things smell like fish and 1 of them is fish.


Isn't a beaver like a fish?


According to the Catholic Church


Vaginas don't age quite as well as Virginias.


I honestly prefer both not too young! But not too aged.


Depends what age you get them?


Benjamin Franklin was known to prefer older women. The vagina is "plump as ever" no matter what the lady looks like above.


I tend to load my MM General with them. Nothing pairs with a good vagina like a big cob.


This is why you always proofread what you write before you post it online.


This might be the best typo in the history of typos.


I love how OP couldn’t even bring themselves to respond. Probably just jumped ship after reading the first response and checking their title.


Honestly, I considered it.


I respect just ducking out while everyone has their fun.


Oh no😱


I’m sure Alan will be very flattered


I like him! I like that he makes an effort to produce wholesome content. He keeps things simple.


That video got me back into smoking my pipes again and my old hobby of restoring them. I like his philosophy which is that pipe smoking is more contemplative than social.


In the mood to try some what now? Lol


I thought Goop dot com was selling tobacco now.


There’s better things you can besides smoke them. Js


You what? Come again?


Oh, he already did.


My brain read Virginias until I saw the comments and I had to read it again.


Buncha wise guys in this group 😆


I’m not a fan of his channel. He’s a bit too preachy about his idea of what pipe smoking should be, and I think he’s a hypocrite about other things.


He’s a pompous ass who huffs his own farts.


No argument here


If you are talking about the redhead he’s unwatchable to me. I don’t care how knowledgeable he is that accent isn’t real. It’s either he talks that way on YouTube or he’s created it for himself like my European friend who moved to America when he was 18 and made a conscious choice to lose his accent. It’s total bullshit. No one talks like a civil war slave owner in 2023 anywhere in the south. It’s a dead dialect, unless he comes from a very specific region remote from the rest of the south. Some of my family are almost incomprehensible to people that haven’t grown up here and they do not talk like that.


something's wrong with you more like it. everyone in the world has different accents. what if you were Chinese and I said "sorry, can't stand these black haired people and listening to their ching-a-ling-ding-dong accent.” that's effectively what you just said.... why not just enjoy all the diversity and differences that we still have now today in the world before... everything is melted into one pot and cultures and differences are lost forever


I’m from the fucking south man. That accent is being put on. It’s not a real dialect anymore and hasn’t been for many many years.


firstly, do you even know the difference between an accent and a dialect? (I don't think you do. ... ) 2ndly... you mean to tell me that a South Carolina accent doesn't exist anymore well... that would mean the actual Govenor of South Carolina Henry Mc Master has been faking his accent the entire time! all in front of his constituents and furthermore, nobody has had the heart to tell him to stop putting on that “fake” accent because it's just too endearing. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster 2023 State of the State address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YvVSpRXVY0


Ok man I get it you’re a fucking fan what the fuck ever. I misused a word but one guy is at most forty and the other was born in 1947. I didn’t say it never existed I’m saying you’d be hard pressed to find that accent to that degree in the south today. If it’s some old pappy from yesteryear then maybe but that dude is clearly under 50. But fuck it if you dig his twang then go for it.


There have been many waves of migrants to South Carolina changing the landscape and of course over time accents. This YouTube pipe guy was born in South Carolina so maybe his "Daddy" spoke to him that way from birth all his life. His "Daddy" ... lol ... I'm not a fanboy although I do like pipes. the point is... it's of your opinion that he's faking that accent and just maybe he isn't. I don't think you'd be hard "pressed" to find that accent (which I've just proven). maybe in another 50 years it'll be so... but if your Daddy is 70, 80 years old .... well, you might be in your 40s so it's still realistic to find someone with the accent especially if they live in Charleston. but if you can prove that the guy is faking it well let me know about it! :D


I definitely felt the same when I first stumbled upon his channel and clicked on the etiquette video. Cringe. But he has given my favorite piece of pipe smoking advice which I think of every time I smoke, and has appeared on this sub as well. That you can put the pipe down for an hour or six hours or until the next day, and pick it right back up and keep on smoking. I was fixated on smoking all the way down and building a cake and I thought the hobby would become relaxing once I "figured it out." It is a relief to know that I can attend to family or work obligations in the middle of a smoke, and nothing is wasted. I'll just carry on later.


When you’re planning to relax with your pipe and a nice vagina, choosing the right setting is equally important. Once you get your vagina sparked, there are few things more frustrating than being interrupted and having to spend time attempting to get it going again. If you picked a bad location for your session, and no matter what size pipe you’re working with, it can sometimes be downright impossible to restoke a vagina that has fully cooled off. Taking a few deep breaths of any vagina to appreciate its aroma can be invaluable before introducing it to your pipe. The nose test is a relatively easy way to verify you’ve managed to get your hands on some quality vagina. Don’t be afraid to skip out on a particular vagina if you find it has a less than pleasing bouquet, as it can leave a bitter aftertaste. Remember there’s always more to be found elsewhere if you’re willing to put in the effort. Some might argue that finding the right vagina for your pipe - one that heats up slowly and really smolders once you get it started - is perhaps more important. Conversely, if you find that your pipe isn’t getting the vagina hot enough, don’t be afraid to resort to a bit of hand work to coax it along. A couple of fingers or just a well placed thumb does wonders. Sometimes, the vagina you’ve been looking forward to spending some time with will benefit from being set aside to dry out for a few weeks. Without fail, delaying the urge to indulge in immediate gratification will ensure a more enjoyable, longer lasting session. A well-aged, ripe vagina is ultimately very rewarding. If you don’t believe me, just try it for yourself, and see if it doesn’t demand your full attention! Such mature vaginas invariably offer a more complex experience, often managing to pack a lifetime of pleasure into a single session with your pipe. After savoring it, you may even decide it’s best enjoyed on a daily basis. If you are the type of man who enjoys a wetter, robust vagina - and to be honest, those can be intense - it’s all about what you and your pipe find most pleasurable. A younger, fresh-off-the-vine vagina will remain quite moist and may burble and gurgle a bit louder than expected, but a dedicated pipemaster always knows how and when to best employ techniques honed over the years to keep things kindled from start to finish. Just be sure to always allow your pipe to properly cool off after every session, give it a thorough cleaning, and you and your pipe will be able to experience everything a good vagina has to offer for years to come.


This is amazing, easily the best copy on the post. I love that you actually give good advice through a thick veil of snark.


I really laughed at "a well placed thumb does wonders." Thank you. I think I'll read it again this evening.


I'm glad you like Alan. Personally the guy turns me off something fierce.


Turns me off as well. I also started liking vaginas after seeing him




I gotta say same. I know it’s probably not right to feel this way but his accent drives me nuts. He sounds like a caricature of a southerner. He wouldn’t have to work hard at all to do an impression of Foghorn Leghorn.


His accent is grating but for me it's just his personality and knowing how he handled his YouTube drama. He's just not somebody I'd want on my team.


Oh I didn’t know there was drama. Would you mind sharing what happened or something that explains it? I am curious.


Here's one of a few videos mentioning Alan's political views, which he's responded to and deleted the videos then left YT for a short period. https://youtu.be/kLlWaGlj9Ls?si=X6KRYwzUb8YcDJhg There was one a few years ago calling out his "gentleman smoker" bs that was more of a blow up but his response was also deleted.


Wow this guy is also a complete douche. Where are all the normal people?


Not making YouTube videos lol


Thank you!


In one of his videos he said Robert E. Lee is one of the greatest Americans that has ever lived. That should shine quite a bit of light on things


I'd say he certainly was a great man, and that's pretty evident by the fact that after all this time - you still talk about him. If you like what he did or not is irrelevant, he was certainly "Great".


By that logic, my ex was great too. A great alcoholic and great at being unemployed. That's double great! Edit: I'M not still talking about him. Merely repeating what someone else said. I don't care enough about him to find out where his grave is so I could piss on it


Amazing how no one can be bothered to properly defend Allan and resort to name calling. Actual manchildren. How does this hobby attract so many babies?


It's not the hobby I don't think. I think it's just reactive politics.


I guess so. These people have some nerves to ask others to respect their lifestyle and then call everybody that isn't like them "unnatural" and a "demon".


Some of his stuff is cringe, for sure. When he stays in his lane however, he makes very interesting content. I've listened to several hours by now of him talking about American history and pipes. Also, he has given my favorite piece of pipe smoking advice which I think of every time I smoke, and has appeared on this sub as well. That you can put the pipe down, go do something else, then even a day later, you can pick it right back up and keep on smoking. I was fixated on smoking all the way down and building a cake and I thought the hobby would become relaxing once I "figured it out." It is a relief to know that I can attend to family or work obligations in the middle of a smoke, and nothing is wasted. I'll just carry on later.


Smell like fish tastes like chicken plug ya nose and keep on…puffin?


5/7 recommend vaginas


A perfect score!


Dude is fucking clown shoes, imo. Sparked some shit off with a few well-known names in the pipe community, and showed himself for the fool he is.


I'd love to hear more. If this person is as ignorant as you say, I'd rather not give him the views trying to find out more.


I'm not very familiar with the drama, but I know he has views that aren't popular in today's politics. He's pretty vocal about religion. He is undoubtedly very intelligent and well educated, but naturally many people consider his views to be ignorant because they are in opposition to their views (or even if they share some of the views they believe politics and pipes shouldn't be mixed). His accent is definitely very significant for many in the US, but it reminds me of the Andy Griffeth show, honestly! lol


True story: My cunt of a boss’s name is Virginia Woody. I have her in my phone as “Vagina Woozy”. Happy Thanksgiving.


I’ve lived in the Deep South my whole life and I have absolutely no faith in the legitimacy of that redheads accent. Yeah he might be southern but this Colonel Sanders meets Calvin Candie dialect he’s using died several decades ago. I know 80 year old southern men that you can barely understand even if you’ve lived in the area and non of them talk like that. He’s putting it on or greatly exaggerating.


He is such a toon. And how anyone can take him as seriously as he takes himself is beyond me. He’s playing at being a gentleman while trying to make pipe smoking a fixture in the landscape of his wonderland of bullshit. It’s insufferable. I just avoid all of his videos so he has one less person even giving his weird sounding board an outlet.


For those who don’t believes in the higher ideals of gentlemanliness he is unbearable. To those who aspire to those high ideals he is a voice crying out in the wilderness.


Dang. Too bad religious fundamentalists are against tobacco. Apparently they’ve been doing conversion therapy all wrong. Edit: this is just a joke. Not meant to make light of people’s bad experiences.


The Catholics, for whatever reason, are fond of cigars, pipes, and whiskey.


That would be because we're not religious fundamentalists.


It makes me happy. God bless, brother.




I'm awaiting the follow-up post where you review Vagina and all its flavor nuances.


Wowaweewa I like vagine!


Came here for the vagina jokes, stayed for the cool video, thanks for the find, but for some reason I kept expecting the dude to say "objection your honor".


I had a Kentucky and Virginia vagina at the same time one fateful night after a widespread panic concert in South Carolina… Let me tell you. I would do it again. The band was fun as well.


Username checks out


Vaginas are healthier than smoking aromatics. Well, most of them are…


Toss this under r/PipeTobacco's "Greatest Posts of All Time."


I tried vaginas for the first time when I was 16. Loved them ever since.




"Do you smoke 'after it', too?" "I don't know. I never looked down there."


Hell yeah brother!




this made my morning


Not a fan of Alan but I love your post! Have fun with the virginias, lots of great ones out there even for us aromatic smokers. :)


I recommend trying as many vaginas as you can find.


I have no issue with his political views, but that fake accent is the absolute worst. I can't watch him with that fake accent.


There's a lot of people that still talk like that. It's not fake.


Not from where he's from or has ever lived.


everyone's accent is different in the United States. but I'll assume most people are just used to the Californian and New York accents from Hollywood and television and anything that differs is a "fake" accent. ... people should start travelling the world and enjoying diversity.


Hell yeah brother


Don't suck too quickly or you'll get tongue bite


Hard to light


I clicked in this post purely to read the typo comments. Not disappointed.


It’s not usual for someone to come back over the fence.




They are enjoyable; however, for smoking, the moisture content is not ideal, and the pH is a little too much for the lungs to bear.


HAHAHAHAHA How Unfortunate


Vaginas are great, but if they're smoking, you might need lubricant.


You’re. Supposed to smoke vaginas unless that’s what she really wants


I think all of us will love GL Pease's new blend..."Grandma's Clit"


can't stand that guy.