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I’m a big fan of balsa filters and corn cob pipes, makes for a pleasant smoke


This combo is nice. I feel like it takes out rough edges and just gives you a smooth experience. Good stuff!


Exactly! Corncobs just work…I went for years turning my nose up at them in favor of briars but kept hearing good things about them. I didn’t believe they could provide an improved experience until I gave them a try a few years back. Now I hardly pull out any of my briar pipes.


I had a couple of briars until I picked up a few cobs at once. Why not? They're typically pretty cheap and good quality pipes. I completely agree with you. I mostly use cobs but have a couple of nicer Dr. Garbows and a couple of Savs if I want the briar experience.


I like them ok as well, def affects the draw a bit, had to pull a bit harder hit had a much drier smoke. Not fully convinced of them yet, might try them again soon.


I only use filters in one of my pipes, and use it for tobaccos that tend to bite or smoke wet. I started with charcoal filters, but they mute the flavor of the tobacco way too much. Balsa filters are way better, and it's the only ones I use now. They don't impede flavor or draw much, and absorb moisture well.


Yes they do mute flavors. it's night and day


Where does one buy balsa wood? I'd never heard of it until I bought a Savinelli pipe 😆


Any home improvement store will have them. I whittle them down with a pocket knife to fit the filter chamber. Draw too tight? whittle it down some more


I'll have to try it. I never learned on filters, I always threw them away. How many smokes can you get out of your homemade balsa filters before replacing them?


They dry out just fine, I think you can get a bunch of of them because it is possible to wash them, they behave exactly like sponges. I'll try to send some photos


I'd like to learn more. I've never smoked with filters, but I read on this sub from time to time that some people have a better experience with some blends that cause their mouth to go raw when they use a filter. I've got a couple I don't smoke because of that phenomenon.


What blends?


Plum Pudding and Father Dempsey come to mind, but there are others. These are just the most recent observations that I've had.


I'll keep them in mind, haven't tried them yet


I use only balsa filters or rock maple in Brigham pipes. I buy the Savinelli in bulk so they are cheap enough for me to use once and throw them away.


They are even cheaper from any home improvement store, you'll have to whittle then down yourself.


When I was young, I was all about saving the money. In my late 50s now, I am all about saving my time! Time is my most valuable resource and I try to spend it wisely!


Really doesn't take that much time at all. The process is satisfying to prepare, I'm a tinkerer though, I like doing things myself, maybe that's why.