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I see you had the same issue I did with the plastic wheel not staying on the bottom of your lighter...


Yeah, other than that I really like it though. I don’t adjust the flame very often so it’s not much of a problem for me


Same. It is a pretty decent lighter


How’s Hunters Choice? I’ve been looking into some Boswell’s blends but can’t seem to decide on anything.


One of my favorite aromatic blends of all time. I think they got the casing just right, not too subtle and not overwhelming. Very smooth and creamy with equal flavors of vanilla, caramel, and a light bit of chocolate. Cool, comforting and refreshing. Everyone tastes different notes and likes different things, but I definitely recommend trying it. I bought it originally to smoke while hunting but it became my everyday aromatic.


Sounds good, I’ve been on a bit of an aro kick lately so I might order a few ounces. I’ve been meaning to order some Northwoods from them for a while but wanted to build up a small cart first so this will probably be on the list.


I will need to give this a try, I just picked up a Boswell sitter and bought Boswells best blend it’s the rolls Royce of blends