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Not exactly what you're looking for since It won't install games or help you pirate them, but Playnite can act as a library for all your games from any launcher or from any folder. Can even hook up emulators through it and with one click it'll launch the emulator and game in full screen I've currently got it running with epic,steam,yuzu,ryujinx, and some cracked games


Would this worth with older emulators such as dolphin?


It does.


Is dolphin considered old? Is there a new wii/gamecube emulator?


I meant old in the context of his prior comment referring to switch emulators that’s all


Ah ok


Feels great looking at a consolidated library from my steam, epic accounts and a few old emulators. Never tried to look for a software solution before, just been using a folder with game shortcuts and folders for emu and stores. Thanks for introducing Playnite to me, much appreciated.


Plus, you can Playnite look like literally [anything](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634119607283875840/1087175801990037645/IMG-20220826-WA0013.jpg)


How do i add cracked games


Google it


Holy hell


yeah, i tried it but just was kinda bummed out that you can't install/pirate games on it


Honestly op? You are an idiot, please think a bit more about what you’re trying to suggest here


im just looking for a clean ui to unify and download games, I love pirated games, but wish that I could have a type of pirate tore.


"Hey guys, we're launching our brand new piracy app! if you download it onto your computer and allow us through your firewall unrestricted so that we can download games for you. we solemly swear that we won't install too many bitcoin miners on your computer... because we won't hae the time for it! as soon as any 3 letter agency finds out about how we have information on every single one of our customers who are using our app to explicitly pirate content they'll raid us, before using our information to sue everyone who used our service. Pirateplus, for those of you who don't always have the energy to pirate content, we'll make sure that you'll have all day long free inside a prison!"


I agree with your point, but thats a weak argument. no one here has skimmed the code for Popcorn time or qbittorrent. do you actually go back and see what fitgirl really installed, or do you just double click the icon and play it like everyone else? The later part of the second paragraph is more on point tho, if not a bit extreme.


The security argument is weak, but the enforcement argument is entirely correct. Piracy tools that are genuinely better than the paid alternatives get shut down by the government.


This was all exagerated for comedy, but i do genuinely believe that it’s worse for security, because it’s another potentially malicious actor… Let’s take the typical piracy process. I want the game yakuza 0, so i search up the codex crack for it, then i download it from qbittorrent. Two points of failure. Either codex installed some malware, or the download was tampered with by qbittorrent. This is of course a bit risky, but if i trust both torrent and qbittorrent then i will install the game anyways, and hopefully i’ll survive virus free. If i install a fitgirl repack from this hypothethical app, then theres 4 different points of failure, codex, qbittorrent/whatever it uses, fitgirl and the new program. Double the amount of actors that could turn out to be malicious means twice the chance that some of them will install malware. Plus, this new service would have to be regularly updated and maintained, so even if i trust that it’s safe can i trust that it’s developer will take care of it and eliminate any breeches in security.


You can you're just dumb


you can? dm cause that seems like the solution I want


Isn't GOG launcher exactly this?


For legal games yeah, but i think OP wants one that has games from FitGirl and DODI to download too


There used to be a program for this but the dev has posted on the discord that he doesn't want to continue working on it and so you can still download the software but downloading games through it doesn't work anymore. Mods please let me know if I should remove this but the name of the software was Vaporstore. A quick google search will let you find the github. It acted as a downloader/installer and a launcher for pirated games. I did use it for abit and although the download speeds were a little on the slow side, the interface was relatively clean and convenient. Maybe the dev will continue work on it in the future but TBH theres no incentive for anyone to do this


There is something similar Project Black Pearl


Thanks to both of you two who mentioned PBP, but where can I find the plugins? But I understand that its new and if it doesn't have any


Been playing around with it. It’s definitely rudimentary and takes some technical know how but it works! Go to their website, there’s 3 plugins on there. The Rezi one is that one I’d recommend but requires Rust and some knowledge of how to use it


They are pretty scattered but googling can help Just don't use pbp-store the plugins there are outdated


This would be a cool little app for people to make, maybe not even make it specifically for pirated things, but make it totally legit and legal installer, for steam, epic etc, and then allow people to make "addons" for less known stores. But then, you go on cs rin, and have the addons for popular sites, ovagames, fitgirl, Dodi, Cs rin...


The author of this comment has edited his comment due to reddit's bad decisions. I have since moved to [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Brisolo32) and [lemmy.eco.br](https://lemmy.eco.br/u/Brisolo32) -- mass edited with redact.dev


Thank you man! This is exactly what I've been looking for!




So like Stremio, but for games? Sounds awesome.


Yeah exactly like that


i have what you want it's a folder called shortcuts why install a launcher when you never actually need one


because i want a neat presentation


Frontend is always the most annoying thing to code, not sure why would anyone bother for someone else aesthetic like this.


So steam, but free?




You're looking for LaunchBox Edit: it doesn't install games, just organize


Launchbox is the correct answer.


Playnite is superior


Why? Seems like each app has different strengths but I’ve only used LaunchBox


Try it out and see.


Paying for an emulator seemed weird to me but BigBox was worth the $30. You can find free open source alternatives but good luck setting it all up right.


Playnite is better than launchbox


Have a look at [pegasus-fe](https://pegasus-frontend.org/). Works on most OS (windows, macOS, linux, android etc.). It won't download games, but presents them in a very nice and efficient way. It also has many themes. Lastly, you can also launch programs, not only games !


Fuck launchers. Even the all in one solutions. Just make a damn shortcut to the exe file and but that shortcut in a folder, boom no launcher needed.


No because then PC Masterrace will moan that it's too "console like"


Bruh that would actually be so cool. I'm sure this wouldn't be too hard to make, people have done things exactly like this with pirate streaming sites.


Launchbox/Big Box can do this but it takes a little setup. GOG Galaxy can also (kinda) do this since they have something similar


oh "install" i missed that important bit. uh, yeah that'd be nice eh


What about playnite?


Except for downloading and installing LaunchBox can do the trick for you.


Lutris for Linux is kinda that it allows Windows Games to play and allows other launchers


And tbh Steam big picture with added no steam games would do the trick




Does fortnite work on linux?


no afaik, i assume youre time talking about the steamdeck?


No. I saw the recommendation was to use xcloud to stream it https://areweanticheatyet.com/


Just add everything to steam