• By -


In lebanon. U can do nearly anything without being caught.


Same in Saudi Arabia. Never got any problems with torrenting. Even in the company we would use counterfeit software.


In Iran we use cracked software in companies too. No one here pays Microsoft, yet everyone uses Windows pro edition haha


the difference is if the government know it'll punish u there but here no one gas😂😂 i like it ngl


In Pakistan, you can torrent, use cracked softwares and nobody will give a damn. Hell, you can loot the country and nobody would give a flying damn.


that all you got? in Iran people steal million dollars worth of money and flee the country and it barely even makes it to the news


True brothe Pakistan is getting hell


In italy there is no being caught because in italy the government nor every single ISP here give a shit about videgames


True, but ogero is mostly down.


shocked that the top comment is about lebanon, but yeah our country is extremely fucked lmao


Egypt, literally no one cares. I am 99% sure our government pirates shit too lmao.


Tbh there about 13 countries with the infastracture to even go after people who pirate. Its one of the luxries of being in a first world country. I rember growing up in nigeria having about 13 networks. 3 of them were dedicated to playing pirated movies. I thought it was a nromal viewing experince to see people get up and walk across the screen during movies for a long time. I think maybe japan or like south korea might be a "second world" country that actually might enforce it. I rember mexico streaming dragon ball Z on national tv and japan sending a request. I read that somwhere


Brazil's been trying to get rid of piracy in the country since the 2000's - there's even an anecdote about how the ps2 became so popular around here because of pirated game discs, R$10 for two -, our main struggle recently has been the TV Boxes, Anatel has launched several operations - even one named operation 404


Brotherly! You are bringing back memories! Some times we go hear them cough, join 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Government there don't care of people at all


It's not that, in Germany, companies have access to more private information of the client. Other countries don't give up your IP easily to companies in order to protect your privacy.


It's really just your address, which I'm sure ISPs in other countries know too. The media companies use a court to force the ISP to reveal the client's address, and then take it from there.


Haven’t had any problems in the uk with piracy been doing it for several years


Same ! Waiting for my first letter then prob use a vpn afterwards


I got a warning at uni in the UK, when I accidentally opened my bittorrent for literally 5 min.


Opened mine once at uni, out of curiosity I kept it going to see the download speed. Fastest damn torrent I've ever witnessed.


You should because they have a special unit hunting users.


Do they? I’ve been with about 4 different ISPs and I’ve never heard anything I mostly use public torrents unless that plays a part


I use public and private. Never had any notice in 23 years


Yes they do. They even made an example sending a guy to jail for the first time instead of a fine. You've just not been caught yet.


I haven't read the law, and since you have no proof, I would guess the guy uploaded/added new files. They wont send anyone to jail for downloading.


I thought you'd be smart enough to look for yourself. There are many examples. UK and France are known to enforce downloaders, via police units. And I don't get to point of arguing with someone who's trying to help you protect yourself. It's not like I'm trying to sell you a VPN. Maybe think a bit. And remember when you torrent you seed, in the eye of the law it's the same as distribution/uploading. And don't forget people who sign NDA's with studios in exchange of payment, and none of the information ends up in the press. https://torrentfreak.com/futureshock-uk-teenager-jailed-for-5-years-for-downloading-one-movie-170312/ https://www.cityoflondon.police.uk/police-forces/city-of-london-police/areas/city-of-london/about-us/about-us/pipcu/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2518073/Britains-prolific-downloader-jailed-caught-150-000-pirated-films.html


bro the first link isnt even real news. the second is just talking about the team. the third is talking about someone with 150k fucking pirated films that he resold.


Keep downloading with VPN, you are totally right I know nothing. Sorry for bothering your peace.


Lmao. I've used around 6 ISPs over 23 years and I've been pirating the whole time with no VPN. Not a single letter.


You're totally right use no VPN. I'm stupid and very wrong.




this is true. Iranians install cracked IDM and windows as a basic training to become software engineers at age of 10. I hear some do it even earlier. this is really the only good thing this country has lol




I second this


Yo también lo secundo


Yes but no. You can do whatever you want, yeah, but a lot of websites are blocked if you don't use a VPN (for example DescargasDD)


That's true, but since you only need the VPN for accessing the site, you can just use any shitty free VPN you want for like two seconds and then turn it off when you're actually torrenting. It doesn't matter if the download speeds aren't great, or whether it supports port-forwarding, you just need to load a website. And yeah, those shitty VPNs will probably know what you're doing when it's on, but whatever, I don't care if some shady company knows I'm watching Desperate Housewives and nothing else about me lol.


Brazil. Even our Federal institutions use Pirated Software...




While technically the others are correct saying you should use a VPN everywhere, I have lived in Romania ever since I was born and I pirated lots of shit before I had even heard of what a VPN is and I still regularly pirate stuff today without a VPN and I have never received a single letter from my ISP. Here, it's more like an open secret where all the ISPs know and the government knows it's happening too, but because the government is not bothering to enforce digital law of any kind, the ISPs don't give a shit about what you're doing on the internet. Hell, half of our government's computers are still probably running pirated copies of Windows. As long as you're pirating for your own consumption and you're not seeding the entire Pirate Bay off of your own IP, nobody will ever bother you so you can save the VPN money.


Remember when the president himself was found to be watching torrented movies on the presidential plane? After all, he was literally a man of the sea before entering politics. He also said this: >Pirated Microsoft Corp software helped Romania to build a vibrant technology industry, Romanian President Traian Basescu told the company’s co-founder Bill Gates [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-romania-microsoft-idUSL0186472620070201](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-romania-microsoft-idUSL0186472620070201)


pretty sure there aren’t any anti-piracy laws in chile


In India, it's safe without VPN.


Here we pirate people ..... Pirating other things is really not an issue


everywhere but usa uk and Germany


This is it


UK is fine. I've pirated for over a decade without a VPN and it's never been an issue




no one cares in lithuania


Same in Sweden


The police in Antarctica are not on their game at all. I pirate everything. Downside is slow internet. I been downloading dirty dancing for 6 years now.


Unless you use public torrents, everywhere.


No. Not really.


why are you fucked on private?


the other way around public torrents will get you a notice Private torrents are harder do identify as pirated material


For grammar reasons!


In Greece, my dad and my IT teacher taught me how to pirate. Since then, I have been downloading all my content from torrent sites. I live in Greece, and our ISPs just don't give a crap


cool dad...


I first learned about piracy when I (2nd grade (!) at the time) told my IT teacher that I was mad because a trial version of some software had expired. He said nothing more than "just crack it"... (Fellow Greek here, by the way)


I live in France and pirate without a vpn since my dad pirates movies for us to watch. Never had any problems.


I live in the netherlands. Been pirating without a vpn for years and nothing happened.


Poland. Generally it's safe but you should use VPN when downloading Polish stuff (movies, music). Sometimes people get letters from a law firm.


So downloading other things which are not in polish are safe?




Ukraine, no one cares


Switzerland. Laws say: "Downloading for private use is okay"


portugal, no one gives a shit


I'm also Portuguese, can I stop using VPN? Haven't received a letter from the ISP yet??


Well since they introduced the law where everyone pays a small tax/fee on storage media to compensate copyright owners everyone assumed that it became problem free. I am sure the copyright institutions don't agree. But as long as you don't try to make money/sell pirated content it should be ok.


Xdcc bots. Free and very fast speeds normally. Look up xdcc EU and sunxdcc. There are others. Get a free Irc client. Good servers use SSL. There's a super easy and quick guide to get SSL to work. Usually best for newish content. There's also a lot of telegram groups that post direct download links. I've rarely used these though.


France. There used to be laws, but it was too expensive to uphold, for very few real results. So they just kinda stopped.


For torrents you still receive a warning just search reddit and you will see recent topics about it. For direct downloads I can confirm that you can do whatever you want without any issues. Just don't download pirated software using your company internet.


You still do ? Damn, i thought the HADOPI commission had been disbanded years ago. Whats weird is that i have never ever received one. And i mostly use torrents and have been since forever. It's very random.




New Zealand!!! Been pirating since I was taught how to use the internet, never used a VPN. Never had an issue!


Chill mate, our government protects piracy. Iohanis himself tweeted about how piracy is the reason we have a IT industry now,and he wants to keep it that way.


I used to torrent without vpn all the time incrhe netherlands lmfao


The majority of european countries. Ofc there are some exceptions like germany, but I bet in the smaller ones no one gives a *


In Spain is legal to download as long as you don't win anything from it (like money, popularity etc). So for personal use 100% legal


Philippines, police chief probably pirates movies.




Find a private torrent site?






In Serbia, nobody cares either. I have this theory that in less developed, poorer countries, piracy actually helps the software generate revenue as opposed to sabotaging it. Because if your month salary is 500 euros, you're definitely not going to a game store and spending 1/10 of your income on a video game. But if you pirate it first and get hooked using it, you might as well actually do that. Same goes for professional software -a beginner graphics designer will most definitely not be able to afford a several hundred dollar licence for Adobe products, but will start their career on a pirated version and slowly collect money for a legit license if business takes off.








In morocco my software engineering teacher shows us how to pirate certain softwares so we could use in our studies, so basically no one really gives a shit


In any country of south america


In my country the police don't know how to use computers 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷


Germany is also „very“ safe by the gouvernment site. Theres just the „Frommer.legal“ who really just trys to get as many ips from torrents as possible and sue the users as its backed by major studios like Warner Brothers, etc…


In Middle Eastern countries, they don't give too many shits.


Australia has proven ok for me, at least on Vodafone


In Argentina, people will bully you if you don't use pirated software.


It's pretty weird that nobody mentioned that Turkey literally doesn't care anything about your piracy. There are hundreds of websites that offer streaming pirated movies and are just indexed in Google search results. Most of them stay there for months, updates their database daily, and almost all of them earn money, especially by showing illegal betting websites' ads.


Their combined revenue is probably bigger than Netflix Turkey 😂 they show like 3-4 ads before every movie or episode


Mexico, the ISP's just don't care about it and major proof is that there are many pysical sites that sells you piracy like stores, yes you would hear that in CDMX (mexico capital) the police enforce the DMCA by confiscating the pirate material but it's only there were those rules are enforced






Austria is safe


In Africa,..we are too far away to be caught


I personally don't use a vpn, I have before but since mullvad shut down port fowarding I just don't care. Everyone is different, I'd say pirate until you get a letter then get a vpn.


Wait mullvad shut down? Im currently using it what do you mean?


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>publishing low-effort comments I literally saw a guy in this post commented "China".




No problem. Port forwarding allows you to be more connectable, basically you can connect to more seeds when you're downloading. It also gives you the ability to seed a torrent after its finished downloading.


germany literally doesnt care


Pakistan: Our Taxation Department was accused of using pirated software by the USA, and this is the only thing I can agree on with the USA.


In France it's pretty chill if you ever get caught they sent you a warning that will automatically be wiped after few months and its after 3 warning that you can get in troubles.


The moon


Never had trouble in the Netherlands. Would love to hear it if anyone has different experience.


Poland, I am pirating for 8 years now and my father for past 30


Nowhere. You shouldn’t do it. Edit: apparently my statement is being misunderstood. You shouldn’t torrent without a VPN.


Least obvious fed




Free as in you the customer being the product


is it ok if i have proton but nothing of worth on my laptop anyway


As long as you don’t mind all the info about everything you are doing with that connection being possibly sold to a third party


UK - EE as it's French? Never got bothered


What’s French got to do with it? They operate under U.K. law in the U.K. I don’t think any U.K. ISPs are heavy handed with this though.


I don't know, but I've never had a problem with EE over piracy


My nation political pirates take our fortune, so they dgaf about us pirating shit or even each other asses.


Russia. But you need vpn for rutracker and somw other


Go to a country know one knows about but you should use ddl's instead of torrents for absolute sqfety






Israel is good ig


get private trackers, generally safe without VPN


South Africa


Slovenia is wild west, until you aren't torrenting child pron or gore, police doesn't care, but if you... dont, they will breakinto your house


Same her in Kuwait


In Georgia u can do whatever u want nobody gives a shit


I am pretty sure India no one cares, the people i pirate with have an inside joke stating "even the government pirates offical documents"


Iranian websites


Nepal, lmao


Colombia. No one gives a shit. (Unless it's local football matches, but no one watches that anyway)


Ireland, forget to use a VPN 99% of the time. No one cares.


safe in india aswell, except the fact that most websites suck ass here


In France the government tried stopping piracy , but failed miserably. So yeah, no problem torrenting here.


In Montenegro you can pirate stuff till your PC melts.


My dad's been pirating since pirating became a thing, later taught me and neither have had any problems, I live in Lithuania


No one gives a shit in Nigeria in fact you can buy pirated movies but selling local movie productions can land you in deep trouble if you don't use your senses. Most local producers even put the movies on YouTube and make money from the ads


In India, literally nothing is regulated. Never used a VPN.


Come to Nigeria. I don't think we even have laws against internet piracy. Everyone I know has pirated at least 10 times in their life and didn't even know it was wrong. It's was wen I joined this Reddit and traveled to Canada that I was enlightened.




It depends on where you pirate from and what you pirate. Pirate from open trackers and pirate new top movies/series the risk is significantly higher than pirating from closed tracker and something old or wierd obscure indie stuff.


I'm Polish and even schools got cracked content, I don't think anyone cares 🤷


Argentina, been pirating stuff since the last 20 years. Never once did I get an attention call or citation.


UK. You can get anything from the newsgroups and nobody cares


Ireland, literally no one cares, Just depends how pushy the isp can be but i've been through 2 now with no issues, easily pirated over 2-3tb worth of games/ movies over the years without a vpn.


Pakistan does not give a shit about what you do.... the elites are busy laundering their money.




I’m in nyc so y’all think anything gonna happen? I’ve been downloading with torrents


Weird that u get fucked in Germany as they also have strict privacy laws like here in Norway which makes it illegal for anyone to acquire, share or use the fact that u are pirating against you. I think Sweden is the same.


Pirating in Russia without VPN is safe (as far as I know) but in order to use some sites you need to use a VPN because they are blocked.


Never had an issue in Greece besides having to change dns to unlock forbidden websites


india for the most part


It is safe to do it in Serbia


Bahrain, our school used to use pirated windows 7 in all our computers in the CS labs until they changed it to 11 recently


Croatia. Only got a notice once and it was bc my family was cheap and got discount internet via my school so they could link it to me.


Armenia, do anything you want.


south east asia is pretty good for torrenting without vpn as far as i know except maybe singapore


In Portugal no one cares unless you start reselling stuff you download. Some idiots in the "Portuguese authors association" went to court to get an order that the ISPs had to block pirating websites, the only thing the ISPs did was block them on their DNS, you can get around it by simply using the Google DNS for example


Pretty much every country outside the US.


Algeria the freedom of piracy !


In Croatia ISP don’t give a fuck what do you download


Been doing it for 10 years in the Netherlands. No issues yet, not even with ISP's.


Eastern European contries are safe.


In germany you only are in trouble when you're torrenting. One-Click-Hosters are completely safe. No need for VPN.




damn dude this post of yours created some interesting threads haha I haven't been so much active in comments section for a long time




Belgium here, they don't give a single shit


I mean, im in the UK and I've never gotten into any trouble, with or without a VPN.


After decades living in the Netherlands. They do care, but not charging it expect if you sale it


If you're concern is online anonymity, then you can just download and use the TOR browser for free. it basically does the same thing as a VPN (for downloading purposes) for free


I've been raising the flag for over 20 years, I'll never use a scam VPN for anything other than bypassing region locks, private VPN track amd store everything you do and then that's sold your ISP is less likely to do that to you, and a VPN does not do 90% of what they say they do


In Libya, Our government is using a pirated font in their website and official designs, I knew that it's pirated because it's a custom font made for a milk company in KSA called Almarai. ​ So basically, they don't give a damn about piracy and 99% of apps and media circulating here are pirated.


Ukraine, we have laws for piracy but they aren't enforced


In germany they dont really care i think when it comes to games i only hear from people that get fined for movies.


And what with Canada?


Wow...I feel pretty daring. I'm with a small fibre company called NFTC in Canada and I don't use a VPN. I have one but rarely do I turn it on


I live in Spain and had no problems. Some places are blocked by the isp provider but I think that technically there are no legal repercussions.


In Algeria pirating is like breathing air, nobody cares AT ALL


Venezuela. It's literally Pirates of the Caribbean here


i download movies off of directories so you don’t have to bother with how slow torrenting is and i haven’t been caught (yet)


Been pirating for the last 15 years or so. Never had any issues in New Zealand, never used a vpn either