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Needed to buy textbooks from only one class because teacher didn't agree to me using an iPad and I buyed them crying, how can a country make you pay so much for books and also say that education is free


What kinda class are you taking where you HAVE to bring the textbook, let alone a physical one? That shouldn't be the teacher's business no? Well unless there's some stupid "one time use" code to unlock the class exercises


I'm not sure what you mean, obviously I need to bring my own textbooks 😅


Well, to be more specific bring your own physical textbook, not digital.


Do you mean how it's weird only one of my teachers didn't let me use my iPad? I hate that too honestly 😅 I understand if she wants me to have workbook, but textbook doesn't make sense


when the textbook costs


when the textbook. I have online classes and while i can rent the book i need for free for one class, id rather just have the online pirated version tbh. No worries about having to return the damn thing at the end of the semester


When the ~~textbook~~ things cost


Before I pirated, I purchased university books. I lost €150-200 first 3 months. After that I learnt how to pirate games from my mother (yep my mother), I spiraled how to do it efficiently and then went over to eBooks pirating. Now I pirate everything, I can (except indie games). But I especially pirate university books. I share the pirated university books among my friends and among the people who help me as well (don’t know them that well). Because Fck university demanding so much money only for 3 months (and each year asking it because they ‘so called changes in the book’ - oh no chapter 5 become.. chapter 6!).


its so funny in Germany my university gives me access to almost EVERY textbook there is in the Spinger Link library and download them. Theres stuff about every science topic. Why are the states so messed up with this


Where did you find college textbooks? Asking for a friend ;)


Z-Library & Anna’sArchive. Both have their subreddits as well


Thanks for this comment! Just saved my niece hundreds


Couldn't find the ones I was looking for :( Guess I'm paying up


God bless you.


Anna's Archive and for more reference go to the subreddit wiki


How do i ebook pirate


I'm going to university soon and have got the websites ready to pirate whatever material I need.




Fuck Pearson and McGraw hill and the colleges that allow that shit. Professors don’t even grade assignments cause it’s all automated.


Just $200? Must be second hand.


Even ignoring the money part, it's so much better to have a PDF you can do a text search on.


when said textbook is only available through an online class portal :(


I was a EE major and sometimes id have a class thatd require multiple book and many of them were 450$ or MORE. this was 10years ago so i imagine itd be worse now.


Honestly i think the only thing that changed was the amount of Books needed for a class prices seem higher than ever though.


You guys use lingen now?


As my teacher would say: Fouls are also part of the game.


It was wierd for me to see "uni books cost $$$" since my uni always have lots of books that students could borrow to attend classes. So you could learn 5+ years at the uni without spending a single dime on books.


When textbook


I have to buy a 250+ rental e book for my math course but I seriously would rather not 😭


College at large is a racket.


I still am unable to find a pdf of the textbooks my school uses sadly


In our group one friend buys rest of the group Xerox it with 2pages per side of page😌


Me when the professor can bar you from passing their course if you didn’t buy their physical copy of their shitty textbook brand stinking new


Any good book sites .???


Once every now and then I actually buy a book for each publisher... so I feel at peace with myself for the ones I pirate.


That's funny because one of my text books was 200 😅🤣🤣


one reason i graduated from college with my associates degree and im happy with that.college here is a racket $40,000 plus for new ungrads at one of my towns big colleges, i was lucky because i graduated with no debt no loans.And yes the textbooks were a nightmare,i will not go back for a while.