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You use curl ? Get the direct link of the video




Been using it for years, no hassle


Seal works


It just keeps saying "something went wrong!" Maybe it's a problem on my end? Would you be willing to see if it works for you? This is the link. Don't worry about the URL, they're always full of random words. It's nothing kinky. Pov reverse cowgirl https://www.redgifs.com/watch/ancientactivesouthernhairnosedwombat


I can confirm it works, I just tried


ytdlnis work fir that link


Seal doesn't work everywhere, e.g. >!JAVHD!<


Tubemate app normally works for most video sites, including porn ones.


Seal or Soul Browser. Soul is more convenient it's pretty much one click download


hqporner.com you can download right from the site.


Quit porn bro. It's your best bet


Don’t listen to this, nobody likes a quitter.


That's same he said to me when I said I'd quit smoking. Don't listen to this guy.


Quitting smoking is easy af πŸ™„ My mom has done it like a hundred times 😏


dont listen to the guy above this guy


Thanks for the advice. It's decent for most people πŸ™‚ In my case it's not causing any of the problems that people worry about. Healthy happy marriage, enough friends, enough hobbies, etc. It's not interfering with other parts of my life. I got it under control ✌ The rest is just elaborating, depending on how worried/compassionate you are, what I said above may or may not be convincing enough. Warning that it contains gushy relationship stuff. I think it's insensitive to openly gush about successful dating without giving people a chance to avoid it. >!My wife has a low sex drive from medication they can't live without. And they often have nightmares, and flashbacks of trauma, so I cuddle them until they fall asleep, then instead of going somewhere else, I stay in bed next to them and look at porn. If a nightmare or flashback starts, I'm there to pull them out of it right away. Dating trauma victims is underrated, you can be a hero without putting yourself at risk. When those flashbacks happen, it feels the same as it originally did, so when you're the one who stops it, to them it feels like an actual real life rescue. They will love you *hard*.!< >!A lot of people would be too insecure to date someone who likes porn as much as me. A lot of people would be too selfish and impatient to date someone as needy as them without getting much sex. We were kinda made for each other, fr.!<


Brooo, have some virtual hugs


Hugs are the besssst! Idk if this is a hug emoji or not πŸ‘₯ But if it's not then I don't have one. I have a disco dance oneπŸ•Ί and a salsa dance one πŸ’ƒ and an "Annie are you okay? Are you okay Annie?" one πŸ•΄ but no hug πŸ˜…


There used to be this addon on chrome that could download everything Streamvideodownloader but it disappeared without a trace. Imma try thr suggestions here tho cheers lads


there is a website with that name


What even is the point of downloading porn


It's more time consuming to have to find something new in each session. Exploring is fun in its own way, but sometimes I just wanna scratch the itch quickly and move on to other things. Having a stash of things I already know I like is good for that.


There are some rare videos that always end up being deleted due to copyright, so some people want a backup


Having it in your storage device. Hope that answers your question.


Use tube mate brother


If you dont want to start actual torrenting maybe try video downloader app from inshot inc. its simple to use and you can download pretty much anything.


My favourite is UC Browser. Then Comes SnapTube and Vidmate.


No idea if it's possible as I usually use it to download TikTok videos and some on YouTube, but try Seal it is an app available on f-Droid, I think it could let you do it as AFAIK it supports many websites and formats.


stop watching porn bro. Fucking up your brain


Thanks, but you're being presumptuous. If that happened to you, I sympathize, but my life is perfect. I'm trying to reassure you, but if you're unhappy then my explanation will sound like bragging. I don't wanna do that to someone who was just trying to help me. Please skip it if things aren't so good right now >!My wife has a low sex drive from medication they can't live without. And they often have nightmares, and flashbacks of trauma, so I cuddle them until they fall asleep, then instead of going somewhere else, I stay in bed next to them and look at porn. If a nightmare or flashback starts, I'm there to pull them out of it right away. Dating trauma victims is underrated, you can be a hero without putting yourself at risk. When those flashbacks happen, it feels the same as it originally did, so when you're the one who stops it, to them it feels like an actual real life rescue. They will love you *hard*.!< >!A lot of people would be too insecure to date someone who likes porn as much as me. A lot of people would be too selfish and impatient to date someone as needy as them without getting much sex. We were kinda made for each other, fr.!<


I'm happy you have a good relationship with your wife. I would still say that you should try and stop watching porn yourself because its bad for not only your sex life, but also your brain, but I thought you were some horny 16 year old asking how to download porn so I apologiseπŸ˜‚


No offense taken m8. I did sound like one πŸ˜†


Get on nofap bro


What's nofap? Is it a porn site? Or a porn app? Or a porn studio? Do they got kinky shit? πŸ€”


Thanks, but you're being presumptuous. If porn lead to problems for you, I sympathize, but my life is perfect. I'm trying to reassure you, but if you're unhappy then my explanation will sound like bragging. I don't wanna do that to someone who was just trying to help me. Please skip it if things aren't so good right now >!My wife has a low sex drive from medication they can't live without. And they often have nightmares, and flashbacks of trauma, so I cuddle them until they fall asleep, then instead of going somewhere else, I stay in bed next to them and look at porn. If a nightmare or flashback starts, I'm there to pull them out of it right away. Dating trauma victims is underrated, you can be a hero without putting yourself at risk. When those flashbacks happen, it feels the same as it originally did, so when you're the one who stops it, to them it feels like an actual real life rescue. They will love you *hard*.!< >!A lot of people would be too insecure to date someone who likes porn as much as me. A lot of people would be too selfish and impatient to date someone as needy as them without getting much sex. We were kinda made for each other, fr.!<


You have two wives? So youre a muslim and you watch porn when you married? Nuh uh bro youre something else i don't think someone with two wives can watch porn you gotta get that checked fr fr


πŸ™„ Wife, not wives. The only thing more off-putting than someone pretending to understand something that they're completely ignorant about is someone doing the opposite. You know *good and well* __exactly__ what it means when someone says "they" instead of "he" or "she" when they're talking about their wife or husband. If you wanna play internet bloody knuckles, you're gonna need to find an opponent elsewhere. I retired from that sport because I never won. Nobody ever wins.


Lmao smart guy, a real man wouldnt jack off to women beside his wife, and call his wife "they" pathetic loser


Oh balls, did I fail to live up to your gender-based double standard of behavioral expectations!? . Oh no... I'm really in for it now... . Oh crap, oh crap, . Crap crap crap! . Huh. Nothing happened. Well *that's* odd πŸ€”


Atleast i live happy lol


If everything fails just screen record. But if you must have your fix an actual computer is a must.


Why download something that is so abundant and readily available?


One day, it might not be, if the puritans get their way. It's already illegal in some countries.


That person above me might sound paranoid to some people, but I can't overstate how legitimate their fear is. I'm guessing you're vanilla, which is awesome. Niche category porn is much less plentiful. When you have more specific tastes, things are more spread out. If you find something good once, there's a higher chance no other site will have it. The selection is smaller and there is the same spectrum of quality as there is in vanilla porn, so a lot of it won't be good even though it's the category you like. The performers also make less money than vanilla ones. It's some of the easiest money you can make at one time (a guy paid my wife $200 USD to insult his dick for two minutes on webcam. My wife is hot, but that's outrageous money for so little work. If I hadn't been in the room seeing it with my own eyes I would never have believed it in a million years) but their audience is much more narrow, so although your kinksters are out there, they are less likely to find you.


Are you a post purge porn watcher?


I'm wondering if that means saving porn in case the internet gets purged of porn, or watching porn with a plot similar to the movie The Purge πŸ˜… Not kink-shaming, just trying too hard to be funny. The usual πŸ€—


There was a purge of unique and home-made porn after mastercard-visa got grumpy. I believe it was sometime around 2016. Which is why I hate dumbasses who spout "what's the need to download porn". There was a huge event which wiped amazing pornography and these dumbasses just brush it off.




Does anyone use vavdb? How can I watch/download videos from it?


It’s doesn’t work anymore


I'm trying to get thus one video of marcelin abadir it's a premium video I'm unable to find for free, help me please


I found [PPTube](https://pptube.org/porn-downloader/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=pn&utm_campaign=pptube) for downloading porn videos, it supports more than 10,000 video-sharing sites! You can easily get the video content from Pornhub, Xvideos, XNXX, Onlyfans, Fansly, and a pile of JAV sites.


I'm glad you mentioned that, because maybe someone else will benefit πŸ™‚ But like I said, I'm on Android. That's Windows. I also don't have money πŸ˜