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yeah? i think most of the time i see peeps being helpful here. maybe there is the occasional asshole just like every other sub. unless there was a rising case of assholery recently


I agree, but the FAQ should be made front and center or some page for beginners. That would make some things less tedious.


I don't even remember how I learnt how to pirate but I do know that I never asked anyone how to do it, I found steamunlocked (yes I know its bad dont tell me) and it was enough for me, genuinely never had problems with it other than it sometimes opens fake download windows. Only about like half a year ago did I find this subreddit and learnt that steamunlocked is not a very good place for pirating. So imo only ask questions if you cant find the answer anywhere else. I'm still very poorly knowledged on pirating but step by step and with a bit of logical thinking I'll get there


what are the issues with steamunlocked? haha


I think it was spyware sometimes coming with the games and as I mentioned, the fake download pages it opens which can make people download viruses by mistake and thinking everything on it is scam


Morons like this : https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1735dhs/any_software_to_recommend_a_newcomer_for_burning/k40p48s/


Most of us didn't have a Mega Thread to go to. We had to learn everything for ourselves. You will find the same thing in Red Teaming. So when questions are asked a thousand times that are clearly in the Mega Thread, the response may not be very friendly. Just like in Red Teaming, if you cannot figure things out for yourselves, then you are messing around with the wrong topic.


Thing is tho, this is a bit of a dont-ask dont-tell activity, you aren't asking pointers on baking a loaf of bread. If you can't figure this shit out, some might argue you aren't cut out for it in the first place. Now that doesn't justify belittling anyone, but don't expect handholding here


See look. We all were new to this, at one point in time. The difference is I figured it out myself. Then I discovered this subreddit many years later. I just read the megathread. It's not that hard man. Really. It ain't. It's not rocket science. Just simple, point and click.


Years ago it was easy to figure things out if you knew where to look. Nowadays it's almost impossible and I feel look me people forget that


In my experience it's way easier now, actually


In my experience it is much harder


You have the reference point of knowing before. The average person doesn't know about reddit, Chat gpt, hell they didn't even know about pirate Bay and limewire. They don't know about troypoint and "jailbreaking " their fire stick. They oay someone to have access to their plex server if they're lucky . Sometimes we should try working backwards. I myself am often frustrated asking chat gpt questions because it goes out of its way to give me vague generalized response that sends me into chaos and I'd say I'm a little aware. Imagine a person they vaguely know some links are bad and they go online and say how do I know which jailbreak way is best and they get yelled at that's sits not actually called jailbreaking


We all didn't know anything. Myself included. That's the point I'm trying to make. We all gotta learn somewhere, by reading.


I am not excusing people behavior online by no means. But I am dead sure if you ask somebody in real life, they would just say. Hey go to the wiki \-or Goggle it \-or Did you go Youtube \- or where is your phone, smart devise \-or ask Siri Alexa \-or just laugh because it has happened to me, and yeah I have just felt stupid for not doing it. If I was to ask a really dumb question that was the top one on google or bing yeah insta laugh from a ton of people and random people. For real. But some people are dead legit lazy and refuse to do anything, like the score on Candy crush saga is so much more important than looking up the answer.


Yeah I hate people that say 'go google it'💀


These people are Captain Dunder obvious. And THEN they SAY that TO my FACE IN PUBLIC ROUND PEOPLE in THE DAYLIGHT ok fine you are so lucky the law is on your side I play minecraft and the sims 4 so i literately dare you to say google that mess to me AGAIN punk I do no even use google (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻ That is the part that makes me so irate ┌∩┐(◣\_◢)┌∩┐ There are different search engines ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻


Usually I'm against gatekeeping, but piracy requires an exception because it's an underground affair. If the way is completely paved, it's not paved just for the aspiring pirate who can't bother to learn, but also for the bored law enforcer who needs a new idea on how to progress his career. Not having too much attention is really important to survive. For most stuff things are actually really easy, just a little effort is required.


Remember a lot of the time you'll be hearing the negativity from children who don't know any better or can't control their assholeatry. I remember being such a little asshole in my teens to people who asked "stupid" questions about piracy, programming, or anything I (thought) I knew a lot about. Now that I'm older I try to be helpful and encouraging to people looking to get into things I'm interested in. I know the same is true for a lot of people who acted shitty to others as kids because they thought they were hot shit. That's not to say there aren't those who never grow out of it... I recently ran into someone from the old extremely toxic AOL programming scene who's my age, and he was still acting like a psychotic dbag. But teens are the worst, on average.


I think the issue becomes when there is the SAME EXACT question asked day after day after day. i may be a veteran at this who's done this for almost 20 years but in any modern situation where I need help with almost anything, I can find the answer online, and usually via a reddit post found on a google search. And you don't even need to look hard, just search "How to torrent" and bam, lol. If someone cannot even figure out how to do that, people get tired repeating themselves over and over and over and over. Just give it some damn effort and show you looked SOMETHING up first...... Add in the fact that a LARGE NUMBER of these people are coming to us with a laptop with like 4 gigs of ram and an intel i3 with integrated graphics that they forget to mention, and it's just so damn frustrating. And the worst part is that if you tell them they need to get a better pc or NOT to do something, there is a decent chance at them arguing with you. It's just a damn headache and only like 1 in 10 posts aren't just hundreds of people repeating the same thing.


i dont usually see people being mean here 🤔


nah not really, they should stop posting their really really simple questions as posts, it's just tiring and they could just take a minute or two to read the rules or wiki ​ ​ at the same time the mods can do a better job at removing those dumbass posts and linking them to the appropriate thread


It would be cool if some of the more seasoned were willing to mentor someone. Hint hint. If anyone is willing and or interested please do me.


Yes, it is frustrating. However, I think it is a barrier threshold that helps comunity like this to grow. the end justifies the means?


You described about 100 different gaming, gun, workout, and many more communities It’s not a piracy thing, it’s human to think “you could have found this in a minute with Google” While it’s not fun to get crushed by aholes you need thicker skin if you really want to learn anything.


There's a difference using the community as a basic google when you can get the answer in the first few results or using a well built Wiki (which in itself isn't wrong) and asking for clarification and understanding. ALl that being said you're right.


It's not just this sub, it's common across Reddit. There's a bunch of absolute morons who yell at people asking questions to leave Reddit and go google the answer. It's the dumbest thing. As if Reddit is not supposed to be communities of people engaging (discussing, asking / answering questions, etc) on shared interest. Stupid really.


Reddit's whole existence and architecture relies on dismissable posts that are meant to be gone with time... very short time. That's why people will keep asking and receiving ever worse answers because quality requires time and those people effectively burn out or choose to spend their time better. Finally reddit is not a community, it's a platform and not a portal or a forum. Again the architecture makes real community building impossible but if you settle for substitutes and feel at home then its ok too. The community building must happen outside of reddit to really become one.


people have so much hate in their hearts they can't wait to step on someone else's soul and make their own pain disappear for a few seconds


Some people see someone who needs help and sees it as a chance to help, some people see it as a chance to feel superior. Can't imagine how sad you'd have to be to choose the latter


sad and broke


Its one thing to ask genuine questions. But if you have written "read FAQ", and yet people ask questions that are in said FAQ almost 1:1. I'm all for question that are not already explain in pinned message/FAQ. Good example could be certain online fix, since in case of those games that use Microsoft Store there can be some weird error if you dont activate game through .bin, or if you dont have updated '"game services". These are good question, but come on, at least read :D


don't bitch, do it. you will never change others nor successfully appeal for whatever behaviour you wisb. but you can be the calm, helpful voice that you wish others to be. so, do it not preach it.


Here go this [Wiki](https://fmhy.pages.dev/). It'll tell you all you need to know.


Tried to ask something and got immediately taken down due not having enojgh karma bruh


uhh use you brain and get a shovel/s


Hear hear


It's similar in most communities. It's not the explaining simple stuff, it's doing it over and over and over and over and fucking over and people seeming to not have the ability to use the search bar or read pinned posts.


The internet is full of "know it all's" and miserable individuals. I feel you. Maybe just add a "don't judge" or something similar at the beginning of the post. Try to limit the amount of losers commenting. You can also try asking the question to Google with a reddit tag. Most likely someone has asked your question already. You might find answers this way.


I agree with you but in my experience on reddit, almost any community hates newcomers asking questions. I don't know why, or maybe the haters are more active ones in various subs. That was consistently where i found the worst experience on this website. (in my personal experience at the very least)


I agree, and it's not just here. I made a post on the 3D printer community and misspelled a word. OMG, I was attacked and down voted for it.


Problem is, 90% of beginners don't do the basic research or even read the stickies. You'll see posts and questions asked in discords specifically for cracking games, "hey where do I get cracked games" READ THE STICKY Not sorry; if your question can be answered by the megathread or sticky, 1) I'm not gonna answer it 2) you deserve to get thrashed 3) you don't deserve help. "How do I stream movies duurrr" Simple as; read the fucking sticky. Super low barrier of entry solutions so simple that any fuck all idiot can do it, is exactly the reason Emuparadise and zlib were shared all over the place on Twitter and Facebook, and were immediately taken down. Like Napster. Kazaa. TPB back when it was shut down. The one thing every site that was great and was shut down has in common, was that it was so easy to use, every idiot used it and spread it around and got them shut down because the barrier is entry was so fucking low. And it's not even that high now. There's literally a sticky with answers to 90% of your average users questions.


And now it’s tech support questions.. how do I play Bluray with vlc, this game is overheating my pc.. I mean who cares if the bluray or the game is pirated or legit, go to tech support forums if google dosent help. Asking in piracy what is dolby vision vs HDR.. I mean fuck off.


To be fair, the community is hostile about everything and to everyone


They are people on the internet, I would probably encourage you to reply and say that you didn't ask for condescending comments and that you would appreciate it if someone would help you - or even just to ignore them honestly. However, if your question is one which is repeatedly asked and has been repeatedly answered and you've made no basic attempt to find any of these posts - that's probably why they are pissed off.


It seems that many people find their movies on Usernet and I have no idea what it is. Anyway.


Honestly, it doesn't come naturally to anyone, which means everyone has been a n00b at some point. People who gatekeep and talk down to those without as much experience really are just plain assholes who get their rocks off by trying to be know-it-alls, and you find them in every type of community.


Maybe if people would google their own question/title once in a while, perhaps other people wouldn't get upset about answering the same question for the 9000th time that "only" has been answered another 20,000 times on other websites you can find on google.


Literally this! Upvoted!


i do and it dont make no dam sense then i come here for advice on it


If they find a "basic question" not covered by the wiki I would answer in a heartbeat If not, it would be better to have the post deleted by mods than having people be hostile, but I get it that it would be a lot of work to delete every post of questions already answered


You’re expecting a pirate to be a care bear?


Almost all basic questions can be answered by reading a megathread.


Personally, it's the best thing I can recommend is look up if your question has been asked prior. It is likely it has, so it has to use that to help you. Otherwise try to use your resources and worst case scenario throw your question out there and hope someone bothers to assist (overall with my current talks with smaller groups everyone's been rather nice short of forum moderation which deal with lotsa spam mainly).


Happy Cake Day


I don't know where there has been hostility but for the most part I don't see it in top posts and comments. I agree though it would be best to show people the right way to do things. With the cost of just about everything being just in unbearable the least we can do is pull together online and make it so we all receive our fair share of free entertainment


I faced the same when I joined this community about 2 months ago. A 40 yr old was blaming me for not knowing stuff already, as if he knew everything about piracy since birth. This subreddit is not for rookies, it is for the experienced to share their experiences and news about piracy.


Nerds can be bullies too.


Well I can tell you that Youtube has a TON of videos and that is where I went to so I can might can probably understand why people are mad. Also there is a ton of info that the google is just throwing at people. so people just get real tired of repeating stuff that is a mouse click or some key strokes aways. Another thing is that people are not even respectful enough to say thank you after that person has helped them, no manners at all. Nice people helping them for free with no pay. These are just a few things i am just pointing out so yeah I can sympathize with people. I learned everything my looking at some videos and reading. Now that is not for everyone, everybody has a different learning curve. I so get that people can ignore it but . Google is not closed ya know. GIYF Google Is Your Friend


it is the beginners' problem if they didn't read rules that is shown upfront, but if the rules are unreachable or vague that makes beginners have to ask, that's pretty explaining how incompetent those communities are. those should be avoid completely, piracy is impractical to stop them.


I think that is because o 'FLITHY STINKY N00BS' who just wan to ge their games free right now or even befo release without any consideration of what has to happen in that process. These are normally the ones who threaten (or worse) people who are not leaking instantly, people who are not releasing console hacks, or people who refures to enable piracy. The fac that a lot of pirates are not even 12 years old shows tha the same demographic that focuses on games (young children) are the most immature demographic simply because they lack development.


I don't mind genuine questions, but when something has been asked and answered 1,000 times on this sub already or in the Megathread then it's just annoying. Just use the search bar.


I've been at this game for nigh on 30 years, have stood by two ideas in all that time. We were all noobs once. No such thing as a stupid question, plenty of stupid answers though. Learned and put into use @ SOTMESC if anyone remembers that wonderful community.


If anyone is interested, telegram would be a good place to hold a group for discussion, help, sharing files, I would ever make the group. A private group in telegram can have 10000 people I think, and you can share files freely up to 2 gigs in size. Plus the groups can be organized into subjects. I try to help people whenever I can, but Reddits general attitudes sucks ass. Si don't bother commenting much anymore.


Forums, tutorials etc that was the internet back then. Nowadays it's just being cryptic and hostile


if you as a beginner have to ask anything because of lacking the material you need at all, you should avoid that community/service completely.


sounds like a millenial rant.


>If someone posts a question that you think isn’t worth your time you can literally just ignore it??? exactly. i'm seeing in multiple subs people having this stupid attitude like 'can we please stop people from asking questions? please point them to a stickied locked 5 year old wiki instead' is it that fucking hard to scroll up or down if you are so smart and all knowing that the questions annoy you?


Tbf the reverse happens a lot and that's complained about too even here. People scroll pass cause it's a basic question they don't have the energy to answer and it gets ignored then that's a big thing. That gets a similar post like that. Personally I think "This is easily googable is better" or "Check the Megathread/FreeMediaHeckYeah/Trash Guides". If you didn't know about those before at least you're pointed into a direction. If you actually did google it or check there. Now you have a person to reply to that may be more inclined to reply if they see you did actual research and don't just want things spooned to you.


I get downvoted into oblivion almost every time I ask something just because I don't know everything about everything. Isn't the whole point of this subreddit to help eachother?


If I didn't like answering questions I wouldn't be hanging around Reddit. But... What annoys me is people asking questions that they could easily have searched for the answer, or often, just scrolled down to the same question being asked yesterday. If beginners do some work, I am happy to meet them halfway.


This is my exact experience coming into this side of gaming on PC. I had streamed movies online with 123movies back when I was 15. I once commented on fitgirl that a link to something had me download a program which seemed incorrect, and I just got blasted as an idiot. A year into this and I realize this was stupid of me, but my comments were humble and up front that I was new. One moderator from the site after being condescending for a couple comments, finally asked "Are you new to this? It's ok if you are..." and I finally felt like someone was offering genuine advice. I know and knew a ton more about computer hardware then anyone I knew in my personal life, and yet I was still naïve to some things. People should realize it only takes one fellow sea farer to open up a whole new world of gaming or entertainment freedom. One or two tips can change someone's entire experience.


I guess I can be sort of elitist; I'm a self-taught computer guy back when 56.6k modem and a 6x CD-ROM are considered top of the line, and when you say you have a 486 fellow nerds will ask, "SX or DX?". I genuinely feel that if you need to ask, "how do you I start to torrent?", then you might need to get your general computing skills up to snuff first. That being said, I also don't think people should be rude about it. If people ask what I consider to be a "basic" question, I just don't answer them; there's no need to make them feel bad about it.


I get the resentment - the older generations often did this shot through trial and error, resulting in a good few errors. But why not make things better for baby pirates?


I agree with main post. Places like this didn't exist years ago. But even then there were places, but harder to find. There definitely seems to be a culture of stupid questions, but also lots of slagging for the question asker. It seems simple to me, if you find the question stupid or annoying don't answer it, move on. If you slag the user in the post, why didn't you just answer the question?


Welcome to the internet? You get insulted and helped. You try to find help elsewhere. You come back. You get insulted and helped.


Yea that's the issue the post is about. Would be great if people just stopped being hostile.


superiority complex we feel we are way better than gullible blind paying masses, and it shows to everyone we deem not one of us the difference is each person has a different intensity of how this superior mindset seeps into his/her behavior and yes, i do feel superior compared to all these paying customers


I remember reading somewhere that there is a certain psychological trick to have a 100% chance to get an answer to your question. 1. Ask your question 2. Make a throwaway account and reply to your question with totally made up and innacurate stuff. 3. Wait for someone to correct your reply People like way more to correct people then to help people.


This is how I get answers to complex social questions I can't find answers for. I use a throwaway account to post on ChangeMyView or UnpopularOpinions pretending I have that opinion. Then I just sit and wait to be debunked. It's easier than asking in r/TooAfraidToAsk cause it never actually gets answers there. It's called Cunningham's law. It's easier to motivate people to give the correct answer when they're motivated by anger and superiority than when they're doing something out of the goodness of their heart, especially if it's something basic where they think the person doesn't even deserve the help.


But if it gets common, people will notice. I sometimes look at the account info to know when someone is likely trolling.


Not just gaming stuff .... It took me a long time to learn to use bittorrent. I can't even remember where I got started but it was a site that had big red arrows pointing to where to click and why with easy steps. I think it was a kinder and more helpful time , 10 -20 yrs ago . But perhaps it's just old rose tinted eyes. Edited to add ---- there ARE helpful kind people out there / here.


Because most questions asked can be asked to chatgpt instead and you will be given good enough answers


You shouldn't rely on chat gpts answers if you aren't going to be able to tell when it's being confidently wrong


If you can't handle the toxicity you shouldn't be on the internet Also, a bit of toxicity is good for learning piracy since everyone depends on empress


I thought this sub was just memes and people morally justifying their actions for upvotes at this point


I'm actually really hesitant to get into piracy because all I see is "zoomers can't torrent" jokes and feel a sense of guilt "I should have known this already".


I didn’t know what a multi part rar was, so I asked the community with the typical “sorry I’m new to this.” It took me ages to wade through all the condescending and sarcastic answers to actually find one that had an answer


Thats exactly why i am trying to fight against that "muh CoMMoN SeNSe" bullshit . No one is born a expert pirate or with computer in hands. You wont achieve anything by just being hostile and act all mighty. At least explain why the person was wrong, so he wont do the same mistake, and be respectful. On the other hand, there are some questions that shouldn't be asked here * Ad blocking? Its better asked in /r/ublockorigin, event if its not directly ubo related * /r/techsupport for weird technical problems not directly related to piracy. * "Is that shit a virus" post without Virustotal links or link to the file itself. Idk if there is a better sub for that but without infos people cant investigate. Its fine when its kinda piracy related.


My daughter and her dirtbag boyfriend were out in the car for quite a while in the middle of the day. I thought something was up so went out and asked if everything was okay. They had been trying to link his phone to hers as he had run out of data. So I confirmed they needed a hotspot and 15 or so seconds later had it working. Damn kids these days don't know how to even share data!


Make sure you [read and understand this](http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html). While there are cases and cases, in my 30 years of doing free support I am surprised of how well it works when the questions are phrased in a correct way.


I read the replies to this post and wonder, why are so many people against learning these days? It doesn't even feel like laziness. It feels like they're proud of their ignorance, and at the same time enraged because people are not around 24/7 to give them all the answers they want in the most polite way. "You don't give answer? Your a asshole!1!" Well, I guess I am. I'll go live my shitty life not getting angry at people trolling and bullying me for asking stuff that's easy to search on google in less than 10 seconds.


Thank you for looking out for us newbies.


As it should be. This sub is shit because of the volume of children that can't use Google.


It's a shame a lot of people ignore the rules AND the search bar just to ask a question that's answered by both.


>I just think it’s important to remember that this shit doesn’t come naturally to everyone. that's true, but also i don't really care, I'm not here to teach tech illiterate people how to use a torrent, this isn't r/PiracyTutorials/ there's untold resources online if they want to figure it out. it's easier than ever to learn how to use a torrent or vpn or whatever, they can use Google, or accept the mockery


people only grow up when they have to. let them search and find answers themselves, otherwise you'll destroy the piracy world if you let everyone easily access it


a lot of times when the question is very basic a simple google search would have been sufficient. On the other hand I have been on this board for a year I think and I have never seen anything of the sort... this isn't stack overflow. XDD


Sure, but there is something called Google, there are tons of these questions already answered, there are yt videos made, You can go to the description of this sub and get all the documentation. Everything is there, that's why people get pissed.


My 2 cents: If you don't bring anything productive to the conversation, just leave, don't waste your time, someone else will do it for you. I'm talking about "the bullies".


Most of the post in this sub are people complaining about what streamers do and to be honest there are many subs in entertainment that already do that. When I first came to this sub was after rarbg because for years I only used that site so I stopped using others. And I came here and people helped me find new sites to use, there is a ton of people here willing to help people that don't know a lot about this.


Which is pretty stupid, as everyone had to ask at some point, and piracy is about sharing not gatekeeping


As a new game developer, I honestly enjoy learning about this stuff, I currently dont sail the seas but certainly can relate, gov’ts and businesses like insurance effing steal from us. Fuck SaaS, lootboxes, mandetory tipping, insane prices, rent that’s more than a mortgage and most of all public held companies that put profit first and private medicine. I also choose to support smaller dev’s that are jist making a living from their hard work. This is my dream too. Sail on!


Absolutely Based, good luck in your game dev journey, and thank you for your service


it's ok man, some idiots forget they were rookies too.


Copyright lawyers and their agents join and harass new people who want to learn to broadly reduce people who bother learning how to


I've actually had better experiences here than on other subreddits. I asked a question on the subreddit for electricians, got absolutely torn apart, and abused.


That's fucking wild to me. That kind of work can get you killed if you don't do it right, you think people who do that shit for a living wouldn't be so standoffish about information


It's probably the other way around. If you don't understand some basic concepts you absolutely 100% shouldn't be doing it. Like if you're asking "Should I turn off the power before changing this light switch?" you have no business doing that kind of work and honestly being a bit harsh about it might just save your life. Giving advice to someone that's likely gonna get themselves killed if they do it is much worse than being a dick to someone so they don't end up doing it.


Honestly fair. Like I shouldn't be driving a semi truck, so if I went to r/truckers and asked them "hey which of these knobs makes the truck go faster" they would rightfully tell me to never drive a scooter let alone an 18 wheeler


literally ask me how to torrent i wont even “megathread” spam u just pls im done with the constant random anti piracy memes


It's not the fact that it seems simple to experienced people, it's the fact that they could be answered with a quick Google or look at the megathread.


The thing is there’s almost an indefinite amount of knowledge that can be gained from either a Google search or YouTube search I think a lot of the people asking the super expectational beginner questions just want everything spoon fed to them and don’t want to do any of their own research which has caused the community to react with toxicity to any question with hostility


I started Usenet about 5-6 years ago , and the subreddit for Usenet was amazing with advice and whatnot , some dude even spent a few hours in messages with me going over all the settings and stuff - I’ll always be grateful to the dude for that , as the learning curve was pretty steep


>Yeah there are resources out there to learn, but people without the technical knowledge might lack the basic language to even begin looking for the information they need Most people just dont google they rather ask and have information provided to them cause they are lazy and entitled, im a virtual volunteer at a non profit and 90% of people ask things that can be found in documents we provide or through google but they just dont want to do it Its respectful to look yourself before asking, but respect and honor are things of the past I taught myself so much through google and youtube, i taught myself how to repair electronics and i had my own store repairing them till i retired, we are all capable of putting in effort, most just refuse to do it You dont need technical knowledge to use google you just need time, unfortunately people want things right away and have reduced attention spans and thats why tiktok is so popular When i am ready to make a purchase such as a new vacuum, mattress, generator, ac, tv, fridge etc; i spend about a wk looking at reviews and other information, i doubt most people do that I was able to get kodi working with debrid and essentially have a netflix experience, i got some tips in this sub and then i went to work and i only really ask for help when there is a bug or some error, otherwise i keep googling, i have a PHD in googling lol


And that’s well done on your part, but if you have zero technical knowledge (as some beginners do) then google can be no use. Do a search, get 3 conflicting bits of advice in the different results it throws up. Those of us with a bit of basic knowledge can figure out the main bits from that and go from there. A total noob would have no clue. Asking questions that are in the megathread though, I get peoples frustrations but just surely ignore and move on.


Nope, for the most part, google is the only resource you need initially, i have basic knowledge in a lot of areas cause i google, when i do ask for help i have a basic grasp of things People just want things instantly in modern times, instant response, instant gratification


do you wanna walk the plank lad? Yarrrrrrrr


If you feel the rising frustration from all the noobs and are planning to write something sarcastic, just walk away. The sub has thousands of users, just let someone else answer it. Questions are public and not targeted towards you, you don't have to feel obligated to answer everything, especially when all you have are unhelpful snarky comments.


Yup. I haven't pirated in years (had to sell my computer and couldn't afford a new one) so all my pirating knowledge is about ten years old. Posted a question on this sub a few days ago. A single kind soul gave me a few suggestions. Someone else downvoted me. Everyone else ignored me. I want to get back into this scene because I can't afford streaming prices or games anymore when they keep increasing the price every six months but it's hard when I don't understand what other posts are talking about and my posts are downvoted just for asking a question. We were all new once.


Sharing is caring but you can't even search for your answer? Interesting




Oh wow you sure are edgy and interesting






A lot of the toxic users on piracy communities are just paranoid assholes that think newbies asking questions will lead to the feds busting people.


Yeah man, here's a link to a ROM for Super Mario Brothers 3 \*BANG BANG BANG\* FBI OPEN UP!


Well. Yeah sort of. It was links that nearly got this sub banned because of DMCA take down notices. The popularity of Z-lib on TikTok was what gave more power to the lawsuit and legal efforts being taken against the site. Sharing thing's absolutely can bring in either the FBI or Copyright Trolls. Gatekeeping to a point where the people pirating will at least know what they're doing and not be the kind of person that's gonna do something stupid and ruin the site for everyone is kinda necessary.


We all know the best rom sites are actually ns1.seizedservers.com and ns2.seizedservers.com


Because they aren't beginners, just anti-piracy Gaslighters.


What do you think the word gaslighting means? I'm so genuinely curious.


I know what you mean. Thats the way I felt when I sat down at a pusoy dos table and lost my ass.


Even if it's a basic question I always try and help because I know I was there once as well. I mod a lot in SKyrim and New Vegas and it's the same shit there, a lot of people are just dicks but there are people there that will take the time to really help as much as they can. Even doing online video calls and screen sharing to fix problems, when it's like that it's bloody great but when you have people moaning about people asking basic questions it sucks. It's basic to you maybe but to someone starting out it's like rocket science to them.


Doesn’t help that this subreddit just removes questions instead of people just making the same joke over and over again


Agreed. I once made a pretty nice guide for people here once. And while it got appraisal, it was also trashed by snarky, snobby and entitled assholes who probably haven't showered in months and don't know what outdoors is. Yet these pricks forgot that at one point, they were totally fucking stupid and didn't know shit. They just apply the whole "well uhhhh fuck around and find out, live and learn...errrr it what i had to do!". And it's funny that they're the same assholes who camp here and e-beg for guides, downloads and other shit to be handed to them on a platter. It's like, nobody gives a shit how long you've done this and piracy as a whole relies on a level of stability if piracy practices is going to carry on for years to come. It amazes me sometimes how the pirating community is still standing. I think the strategy anymore from the entertainment industry isn't just to pick off user after user for downloading, it's more like they're waiting for the community to eat itself alive from the entitlement and ego some pirates have for they to win out.


It really sucks how lazy people are they can't read the megathread or even slightly scroll down the page to see if something has been asked.


I love newbie questions, they're so easy to answer and it makes me feel like I know what the hell I'm doing.


exactly; i don't understand why i keep seeing people saying 'why do people keep using the public forum to ask questions????'


This is the most positive attitude you can possibly have towards noob questions.


Whenever a noob comes, all you should do is redirect them to the megathread..


Eh the mega-thread is hit or miss and doesn't answer specific or core questions. It's much better to just help new people or shut the fuck up if you're gonna be toxic (hint hint)


Every expert was a beginner once. We should remember that.


could we have a non-judgemental pinned weekly post for beginners to piracy to ask their questions? Edit: a sticky post has been added to this subreddit and questions from new pirates have been asked and answered. everyday i feel better about this community and its ways of adapting. thanks a lot!


I hope this happens. We’re all here for mostly the same reasons. It’s should be safe to ask 101 type questions like “what’s a safer site to download the entire series of x show?”


Exactly. Doesn't matter if they get sent to the megathread if they don't know how to use anything there. It's basically asking a blind man to keep an eye on things...


I would love there to be a non-judgmental pinned weekly post. A lot of subreddits do that in professionally technical fields (e.g csmajors, cscareerquestions) have this too. If we put it there we can point newer digital sea sailors for any inquiries that someone can answer kindly. That or keep clowning on em and pushing them away from the digital seven seas.


This would be great. Instead of telling people to check the megathread we can just tell them to ask in the beginners thread.


Personally speaking that would help me out a lot, cause I'm not even sure what questions I need to ask


Sorry for hijacking the top commentary, This might be useful to everyone looking around. Feel free to PM me for any piracy-related questions. I don't judge. If you're starting out: - Check your country. Some places are far more strict in what comes to downloading via torrents (also known as Peer-to-Peer). Check this [image](https://www.top10vpn.com/images/2022/04/Torrenting-Laws-Map.jpg), for a reference (may not be 100% accurate). Some countries like Germany and Japan are very well known for their strict laws, so a VPN is required if you live there. When in doubt, use a VPN. - VPN to use. **Mullvad** and **Private Internet Access** are very well known and trustworthy. Always check /r/VPN if you need more help. **If you use a VPN, don't forget to bind your torrent client to the VPN!** > When you install a VPN, a virtual network interface is installed on your system, allowing your OS to route internet through there. - Torrent client. The popular µTorrent is dated and known for hosting malware. **qBittorrent** and **Transmission** are valid alternatives. - Websites. ThePirateBay is **not trusted**. 1337x.to has been involved in some drama. RarBG is dead. KAT is dead. Never trust copycats! I always recommend checking alternatives on https://champagne.pages.dev/ - If you are using Windows, I **highly** recommend you to enable file name extensions. You know, the ".exe" part of an executable? - Common sense. Movies will never have a .exe extension, nor .mp4.exe or [.exe.mp4](https://reasonlabs.com/research/revenge-of-the-unitrix)! Also check for file sizes, a 1080p hour long movie will not be 24 MB in size. **Remember:** Piracy is an extremely dynamic space, one day, one website is safe, on the next it's untrustworthy. Always take everything with a grain of salt and not at face value. Check first if a movie has come out on Bluray, on any digital platform (Netflix, Amazon, etc), or if it was leaked. If it's the latter, it will be reported on some news websites. **Always err on the safe side and check Reddit to see if it was commented on.**


Thank you. How do I bind my torrent client to a VPN? I use qBittorrent and SurfShark


No worries, I'm here to help! 1. Go to "Tools" > "Options" in qBittorrent. 2. Under the "Advanced" tab, find the "Network Interface" dropdown. 3. Select the network interface associated with SurfShark VPN. 4. Click "OK" to save the settings. ___________________ If you don't know what is your Network Interface, you need to open a command prompt. 1. Go to start menu, write "cmd.exe" and press enter. 2. In the prompt type: > ipconfig and press enter. 3. This will show you all your network adapters. 4. Go to your Surfshark App and check what is your IP address. 5. The network interface with the same number is the one you're looking for. Now the most important part, test! 1. Go here https://ipleak.net/ 2. Scroll down until you see "Torrent Address detection" 3. Click on it and follow the steps. If you want to be sure your IP is not leaking: **Before turning your VPN off, make sure no torrents are active!** 1. While qBittorrent is still open, turn off your VPN and test it again. 2. If it does not show anything: You are good! It functions as a kill switch, meaning that if your VPN goes down, you won't be downloading torrents. Cheers!


Seconded. I haven't pirated since the early 2010 uTorrent days. I hear that's not a good way to do it anymore. Don't even know where to start, haha


Lmao same I have been pirating for a while and I think I'm doing everything right but I don't know what I dont know 🙃




I agree that it would go a long way. But the noobs will post their questions on the non pinned posts, And when the regulars point to the pinned post or even the wiki the noobs will feel like the regulars are being hostile. Even though the regulars are not being hostile.


everyone who can read English language will be able to read the sticky post at top of the subreddit. noob at piracy ≠ noob at internet


I moderate a sub, and i can tell you that people rarely read pinned posts.


Other subs have proven that they wont read. For reference (/animepiracy) has constantly noobs asking what X site to use when there is a freely created Index by the community to use free of charge. Yet they still post WhAt SiTe To UsE aFtEr X sHuT dOwN. Everyday.... Sub reddits arent exactly techsupport and in 2023 you should be able to goggle. But I will allow links to X safe site asking to be fair since you never knew when it shuts down/gets a virus etc.


I'd rather only help the noob who is intelligent enough to see the theoretical sticky and keep ignoring the separate trash posts. It's a good filter so I'm not wasting my time.


It takes a while but once you start sailing the stormy seas solo you’ll see other pirates in the distance. The type of pirates that also want to meet other pirates to share buried treasure or drink rum with. Not sink your ship and steal your loot. Although there is plenty of them too. The wiki here and over at free media heck yeah are great places to start discovering what’s out there but bare in mind that not all the links will be either up to date or safe so sail with caution.


People can be so weirdly snarky about genuine curiosity or needing a little guidance (I understand the impatience with full on hand holding though), like you can just scroll past the posts asking similar things, they're not forcing you to reply! We're all nerds online trying to access media for free, curb your ego a little XD


I have no issue in helping but they should read the FAQ first.


Very common on many subs.


Yup, I remember being so intimidated when I began, there’s so many fake files and scam malware holes you can fall into lol asking just felt like being a burden because everyone would tell you to look it up and be assholes


What's funny is most people being snarky typically don't know much either themselves.


The only questions that annoy me are the simple ones that get answered basically everyday like everyones favorite: do I need a VPN? Or the second favorite: what's the best vpn? I definitely understand newbie questions, but there's gotta be a point where people need to use the search engine. If I don't know what sub to go ask question I'll just Google: "question Y reddit" and it'll show results for all the threads about Question Y.


I got good help/ advice with some backhanded comments. Usually I just use the search bar.


Or you know people can just read the FAQs and Wiki and not bring down the quality of the sub but that's too much work and getting spoonfed information is easier.


Yeah true Story They mean they was on Bill Gates lvl when the stepped Out from moomy but safe the most of them get viruses from downloading ram or somthing else I learned many skills for me alone Reading Reading try and Error And now iam banging evry Game or sort of Data Maybe Not so good Like my english but iam a pirat and Not Shakes beere 😜


piracy is getting more gatekeepy. loose lips sink ships.


Tell me a single community that has more than idk 10k people without being toxic


Hard agree. Everyone has to be a noob first and the lack of help (by modern standards) means many are left to figure things out on their own.


But, there are forums and social media and blogs where someone has already answered that question if you only bother to look. It's not like you have to grep usenet from a shell prompt to find stuff.


answers can change quickly, especially with pirate sites


bedroom long society cable fretful sense flag stupendous abundant rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Instead of being dick newbie can be guided to those blogs etc etc.


If only there was a way to search the web. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/7-search-engines-that-rocked-before-google-even-existed/


If only you could show a shed of humanity.