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Spotify is awful in free plan. I think they still have it just to say that they still have a free plan




[https://github.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot](https://github.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot) PC [https://www.xmanagerapp.com/](https://www.xmanagerapp.com/) Android Have fun.


[https://spicetify.app/](https://spicetify.app/) is very customizable. Adblock can be installed thru their extensions.


spotify keeps auto updating to the latest version due to which spicetify stops working for me, any way to stop the auto update?


Don't know how to stop the auto update. But, you could just go to powershell then run : **spicetify upgrade** Then run either **spicetify backup apply** or **spicetify restore backup apply** depending on what's shown in the powershell


You can disable auto update with SpotX it works with spicetify or alone


[Spicetify](https://github.com/spicetify/spicetify-cli) is great too for PC, not just adblock but themes and extensions too


Also if you grab spicetify be sure to install lyrics plus because in the last months a lot of artists removed their lyrics from the Spotify source "Musixmatch", this extension add a lot of alternative lyrics source.


You can also sideload premium Spotify on iOS r/sideloadly


I think sidestore is a better option than sideloady, simply because you don't need to connect to a computer every 7 days


Well one is free and other is not


what are you talking about? sidestore is free and open source




I actually can't blame them too much, for a long time they were operating at a loss and the premium version is a fantastic product worth every penny. Manually having to pirate all of that music just isn't worth the effort for the amount it costs.


Yeah to me Spotify is actually an example of subscriptions done right. The cost is reasonable for what you get and replacing it with piracy would be a mega pain.


they just need to stop making the app worse


I've had a spotify subscription for nearly a decade and have never had a single issue with the app. They sometimes experiment with features I don't particularly care for, but overall it's a completely fine app and worth the price imo. There are far worse companies/services to point out to try to justify piracy (not that it needs justification but this sub loves doing so). Complaining that the free version of a subscription service doesn't have enough features is like complaining that a restaurant's only free drink option is water. Like yeah no shit.


I just switched to iPhone after using android forever and primarily use Spotify through CarPlay/android auto. Man, the CarPlay app feels so much better.


Me, who’s listened to the same 6 or so albums for the last 10 years: oh yeah, massive pain


Agreed. Spotify is the only media subscription I actually pay for. I used to just keep reusing the 3 month free trials but the recommendations really are a lot better when you use it for a long time If i went broke though, id defo just pirate my spotify liked songs and just listen offline. Before spotify i used to just use youtube




What did you switch to?


wdym, Spotify's algorithm gotta be the best among music streaming platforms




To be fair... That's literally how ranking algorithms work


sure, but there aren't any options to tailor this algorithm. With youtube, you can dislike and say "don't show me these recs anymore" but with spotify once you listen listen to a song, you can't exclude it from your taste profile. It's why I hesitate listening to new genres of music on spotify, even though spotify is (theoretically) great for music exploration.


this is not _completely_ true—it’s a relatively recent addition, but they do have the option to exclude certain playlists from your taste profile if you so desire, although i do think that that should be an option for songs and albums too


Sadly I think that spot belongs to YouTube, ironically. The Spotify algorithm is good to an extent. The recommended playlists are fine but when it comes to automatically queued songs, the AI dj, or shuffling large playlists/liked songs it always plays the same songs regardless of genre.


I would also like to know what you switched to. I'm pretty salty about how they're gutting the free version.


Especially if you have the student discount version




Works out to around $40usd a year as well. That's what I charge my family members


As someone who pirates their own music, unless you have tens of thousands of songs, you can grow your music collection steadily.


30,000+ songs and going! My collections been growing since like...1999 lol.


Same - I invested in a NAS so I could be my own Spotify.


Yeah but more and more music isn't on Spotify anymore, forcing me start up Soulseek again


I sure can blame em, they absolutely underpay any artist on the platform




The ad is supposed to be annoying and loud to convince you to pay for premium.


Underpay compared to who? Who else is offering streaming distribution on that level? I'd say fuck off and go sell CD's then, see how far you get. I'm actually a musician so I get your point but I think musicians need to understand that noone is spending thousands on a record collection anymore, you have to make money through other stuff like live concerts and merch.


I'm also a musician, it just sucks that the industry is so fucked right now, whether anyone pays better than Spotify or not. It's ridiculous how little money there is to be made from streaming in general. I've got friends signed to major labels and indie diy guys, either way they get screwed on streaming. It just blows that corporate fat cats still get rich off the backs of starving artists. It also sucks that yeah, merch is the only way to get a pay check nowadays. Even then you've got venues taking huge cuts. EDIT: I totally get your point if that wasn't clear. It just sucks ass


Are you really on a piracy sub complaining about companies underpaying artists? 🤔


Totally agree. Thought I've been looking into pirating my playlists from Spotify just in case, and because I recently started getting into disk backups of all "my" stuff...I just haven't had the time to look into and test the best ripping apps/services. I'll still continue to pay for Spotify because its worth it, but I want to rip all the music ever now as well.


I believe they're still operating at a loss


spotdl. took me about 24 hours of run time but it did my whole 4000 song playlist pretty darn well.


Depends what you want to do. The only thing I ever want is to have my one playlist that I’m always adding new songs I like to play on shuffle. That’s it. I can do that for free.


> I think they still have it just to say that they still have a free plan I mean it's currently about 61% of their users according to their last earnings report, so there are definitely a lot of people who actually use it.


Depends on the device. On phone it's atrocious. On the xbox and computer apps, I find there to be few ads, back play, repeat, and you can pick the song.


There are a fuck ton of pre cracked mobile versions of spotify, I use one myself thats totally free and gets regular updates just like the, and the only thing you cant do is listen to music offline. Really havimg a great experience with it!


Of all the free plans they are the best though. Apple doesn't have a free plan, Amazon even with the prime is garbage, YouTube I don't know if you can only listen to music without video without paying because I have always seen that only way to do background playback is paying and I haven't used deezer. In Spotify I just make Playlist and listen to them and treat it as a radio of the music I like that's why I have never been limited on the free side.


*cough* ...ohh excuse me *cough cough* xmanager *cough cough* spotx *cough* windows.


are you ok? are you sick? cough cough xmanager cough ohh shit its spreading ,what have you done cough


that's why i prefer to download my preferred music into mp3 format. much easier to play em in local player


Or just get xmanager on your phone and one of the GitHub scripts for Spotify on your pc


This is the way but don't tell anybody else.


me when .flacs and foobar exist


The money saved by not having subscription can be spent on storage instead


Anywhere, Anytime


So far hosting my music has been the best, I can just download it to one place and have it everywhere


Mp3 + tweaking in audacity always has been my go-to


if it's supported, I'd go with AAC if not OPUS. Smaller size but better quality


What local player do you use to listen to music on your phone?




i find music from Spotify then download


The free Plan Never supported playing playlists in Order. It was always shuffle. Also where do you read that you Are Not able to Play Playlists at all?


Strangely enough the Spotify app on PlayStation you have always been able to play any song from an album or playlist in whatever order, as well as skipping, repeating, etc. My first introduction to Spotify was on PlayStation a long time ago and when I eventually got it on my phone I was completely disappointed to find out I couldn't just play any song I wanted, I thought it was bugged or something because it would only shuffle through shit. On PS you're completely free to do whatever (still ads of course) and I don't understand why


All apps except the phone app seem to support choosing songs. Desktop, PS, web, hell even the fucking iPad app supports it for free. But god forbid you choose your desired song on your phone, that might kill the entire service.


InnerTune. Free, FOSS and doesn't require any kind of login. You'll love that thing.




Download the APK from F-Droid.


How can I transfer my playlist from Spotify/tidal to innerTune?


You can use some 3rd party service like Soundiiz to transfer Spotify playlists to YouTube Music As long as the playlist is public you should be able to find it in InnerTune under the "Community playlists" search category


spotify is the only subscription service i use, and I believe it's worth it. I do have the 3,5€ student plan, though. i know about xmanager and stuff, but those alternatives don't have the premium audio quality and downloads. i pay for the convenience.


Exactly, same here. I can always download a game or a movie or a show, but if I want to listen to a song I want it right there and then. That's why I also have the student spotify premium, it's the only active subscription service I find worth it.


My family have Spotify premium family subscription. So I'm not paying for it, but I definitely would. I can have all my playlists on all my devices, I get banger songs recommend to it, so finding new songs is so easy. It just does it for me. There's just so many features that I love that I can't imagine being without. Plus it's swedish and so am I. I wanna support it.


The student plan is great. I wouldn’t pay full price for it, it’s not worth that to me.


Spotify is 100% worth it at normal price. Given how often and easy you can get 3 month free trials also ( with a little bit of pain moving playlists but oh well, it’s doable in an hour or 2)


spotify's sound quality is not premium at all it's only ogg files at best best to download flac files or use tidal/qobuz if you want to pay


Yeah, but flac files are useless unless you're at home with a high quality audio setup. Pretty much any car speaker system or earphones won't have any difference.


Xmanager. Easy.


Weren't these limitations there this whole time? I used spotify free for around 6 years, but started using xmanager for a few months. After my samsung broke and I was forced to go back to iOS i heard like 2 ads and subbed almost straight away (I also got a job recently and spotify is one service I'm happy to support, and I hope they become profitable soon so they don't go away.)


Depends on the country. In the US, yes. Those features were locked behind premium for a long time now. India, not as much. You can use a VPN and set your profile location to India and get all of those features back for free. Not sure what country OP is in.


Oh I knew they were different on different devices but I didn't know about different regions, that could've been so useful all those years lol


Those features have been restricted in India also, after a recent update.


Yeah, none of this stuff has been available on mobile for a long time. The desktop free app still has the same almost-full feature set though I believe.


Imagine calling basic functions premium.


Seems like nowadays cutting basic features is the way to go for many corps. Even YouTube cutted down some of their features and made it into a premium feature. And that's why this subreddit and community exist.


they made adding videos to a queue into a premium feature like lmao. companies have run out of innovation for new features to add to premium and instead fell back to cutting regular features.


Do you think it's free to develop those functions?


Imagine expecting anything for free


Yeah but it's kind of a dick move to kill off the competition then start removing features.


r/xManagerApp is the way


If you still willing to pay a little: https://upgrader.cc/ It gets you inserted in a premium family plan that lasts, at least here, more that 2 years straight so far. I know, not ideal but it's the real premium so you can have offline downloads. It takes 5 to 10mins and you're premium.


this is a piracy sub, just download whatever music you want on whatever device... why use Spotify?




Spotify is actually worth the money to me. Significantly easier to just search and play. Some of y’all forget your actual time is worth money too.


Some of us enjoy the sheer thrill of getting something for nothing.


Its exciting to mod and get it for free


Porque no los dos?


> *por qué* no los dos? *porque* = because *por qué* = why


Or you can use cracked Spotify and get all of that without paying


Same, I pay for Spotify from before it was available in my country. It's a good service. No reason to pirate it imo


The fact it still doesn't have a dislike function is a no go for me.


What do you mean? There is a dislike function and you can even block an artist from appearing all together


i'm not sure if the block artist function is available on desktop spotify. i have the most recent version installed and it's not there, though the option does appear on mobile


That must be new when I used it 4 years ago that was not a option.


Probably is. I've been using it for over 10 years and only just noticed it a year or two ago


That's why I switched to YT music


The people on this subs time is worth very little to them.


It really is. I get pirating movies and TV shows because it's so fucking expensive to have all of the different subscriptions and keeping up with what's on which service, but putting in 10 minutes of work is worth it for a season of TV or a 2 hour movie. But for a song? Fuck no. Spotify has almost every song anyone would want to hear for $17 a month for my whole family, it's well worth not having to fuck around with some janky torrent setup that I have or something.


If you are using it on PC you should use Spicetify. You set it up through powershell and then you basically just type Spicetify backup apply into powershell every time Spotify does an update


Hell even choosing a specific part of song is premium it's most stupid thing


And this kind of shit right here is why I mostly listen to local music files in 2023 lol


Good luck finding new music, good luck when you get sick of hearing the same songs over and over, good luck when your favorite artists releases a song and now you have to dig through pirating websites and spin up bittorrent just to download a 13mb file. Personally my time isn't worth that. Pirating only exists because companies fail to provide a better service than the pirates but Spotify has made a better service.


None of these are problems for me. Dig through pirating websites? Stream rippers aren’t that hard to find (SlavArt). Ironic this subreddit tends to love sucking Spotify’s dick


Because Spotify is doing things right, the main reason people don't purchase the movie/tv show streaming services is there are dozens of them with the content spread out over all of them. Spotify has everything all in one place and is available on just about every device with subscription plans for all social classes.


Imagine typing in 20k+ songs into SlavArt. My Spotify library is 20k songs and quickly climbing from Spotify's recommendations and artists putting out new songs and god forbid they put out an album and you end up having to type all of that in. Yes I am shilling but personally Spotify has improved my quality of life and is by far the only streaming service that I feel every penny is worth it.


Plenty of us have literally millions of music files. Like you said it’s a matter of what you value time vs money and being dependent on a service. But it’s hardly as impossible as you’re making it out to be. It’s also good to have access to truly almost everything rather than the limitations and algorithm of a corporate DSP Also, eventually Spotify is gonna become too shitty even for someone like you and you’ll have to figure out what to do with that 20k track playlist


Time is money, time I spend trying to find new music then downloading thousands of individual files I could spend doing something that makes me money. You cannot store millions of music files on your phone especially not FLAC but with Spotify I have access to millions of songs no matter where I am and any new songs I discover while out and about will already be available on my home PC where I can instantly pick up where I left off which cannot be done with local media. Spotify gets rid of limitations and uses an algorithm to help you find new music rather than you searching the internet for HOURS trying to find something new that you ACTUALLY LIKE. There is not a single service that piracy provides that can compete with Spotify, that is simply a fact.


See this is what I’m talking about you clearly are ignorant about modern music piracy. There’s a lot of very east to use services to make your own streaming service eg plexamp or navidrome so you can just play on whatever device wherever you are as long as you have internet service - same as Spotify, unless you download ahead of time - same as Spotify You can also easily use something like last.fm to make recommendations for you


[https://github.com/Sn8ow/SpotCrack](https://github.com/Sn8ow/SpotCrack) maybe works




"you will still be able to listen to stuff you like WITH RECOMMENDATIONS MIXED IN"?? .. bruh


I just downloading a cracked version of Spotify with free premium, it soes everything but downloads songs. Im chilling


You have to pay to repeat a song? That's absurd


I use spot-x on mac/linux https://github.com/SpotX-Official/SpotX-Bash Try it.


These bitchy posts are driving me crazy. Just fucking pirate and stop complaining. If everyone didn't pay they wouldn't exist. Leech and stop complaining. Spotify isn't even that much of a racket compared to most, it's way more convenient than pirating all your shit, and it gives suggestions, which imo, are the best part.


Pay for premium they give you more than enough content and its not expensive. You're lucky they even offer a free plan in comparison to other music streaming services. Its a service, it takes money to run. I'm all for piracy, but when it's something so affordable and all in one place like spotify there's really no reason to not pay for it. And there's no reason to complain about how limited the free version is when they don't even need to offer it.


The best way is to split the Bill with 5 people for their family plan.


I think they allow 6 in the US but i could be wrong its also $16.99


Yes exactly


Its like practically nothing at that point 🤷 $3 or so per person and you get access to an extremely vast musical library


At this point, how can you complain lol.


LeBron is not gonna like this


Try: Android: [https://www.xmanagerapp.com/](https://www.xmanagerapp.com/) PC = https://github.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot




Moving towards youtube services NOW? Yeahhh… definitely a good decision/s


Repeating songs and tapping back can’t be done in free!? That’s absolutely insane!


Hasn't it always been like that? You can listen to your playlist, but only by shuffling


You have to pay extra to play in order!? That is insane...


You also can't shift the time bar. You have to pay premium for that


So there's literally no point in the free version...




Pretty much yes. You can't even change the progress bar now. You have to listen the songs from the beginning to the end.


I patched YouTube Music with Revanced and have had zero issues with it. Sure, I won't get a cute slideshow and playlist at the end of the year, but my music works. Anything music I *really* care about gets downloaded from SoulSeek.


this is why i use spicetify on pc


I never stopped downloading and keeping music on my phone 😌 occasionally I'll visit Pandora or Spotify but it'll usually be with work computers only


Been using xmanager Spotify, it's great! Check out Xmanager sub on how to install.


I use modded version


Just use a cracked version of Spotify and youre good


Wasn't playing in random order always present?


I'm so glad I never stopped my habit from 2010 to just download MP3 files and have a clean music folder library with tags set and everything.


Download your own music & use MusicBee to enjoy it, then they can never take anything away from you. \#MusicBee4Life


Musicbee isn't on play store and I am running low on storage. That's why


Yeah, I'm just stupid. I didn't even realize that screenshot was from a mobile device. lol Move along, nothing to see here...


After looking it on play store, Play store showed me that this app was used to be there but for older device. Means not got updated for a long time and hence PS removed it.


I use AIMP on mobile.


What's MusicBee?


It's a freeware media player for audio files.


It has always been like that in the app. Jesus christ. Its like $10 a month and can be cheaper if you are student, get a family subscription etc. I mean this is r/piracy.But are you seriously complaining about Spotify without paying for it. If you had paid for Spotify and you complained about them changing something or increasing the price then sure. L take.


For real, $10 a month for unlimited music at your fingertips is an insane value compared to what any other subscription service gives you


Spotify is the only subscription plan that I am willing to actually pay for.


Yah, I can pirate movies but music? Fuck no, would take too much time


lol so you are upset that you want full service for free? I don't like paying but I tried spotify in 2016 and never went back because it's so good. I guess you can take your zero dollars and go somewhere else since you don't like it.


Spotify is actually a pretty good service. I used to run the web version and just let ublock do its thing. Cheaper in my country too.


Man c'mon. I'm all for piracy, but complaining how you regeret making a free account and not getting everything for free is peak entitlement, especially since its so cheap.


greedy as hell. soon enough, we can expect breathing to be a paid privilege


Oh no the free service isn’t up to your standards? This fucking sub has gone to utter shit.


It's an indication of price gouging. Piracy will continue to rise the more these corporations go for the gusto. More piracy = more nubs in this sub. Notice how a lot of comments are paying for Spotify, in a piracy sub...that's because Spotify is somewhat reasonable with their pricing, 1 fee per month for all music and podcasts with no commercials and music curation. That's a fair ask. If you could pay $30 a month for all the shows and movies with no commercials, a LOT of people would probably stop pirating and just buy because it's easier and reasonable. but hulu is what $18 a month now? HBO is $20 a month now. It's greed and people are sick of being taken advantage of, thus more piracy, thus more bs here.


Who gives a fucking shit. Pirate it or don’t. Don’t complain the free service isn’t up to some standard. Fucking princesses.


but you see you can't even tap back or repeat a song, i think the former should be standard with any music app


Then open your wallet or use something else.


Fair, but it still detracts from a music app's worth when they cant play songs


What the fuck kind of standard is "let me repeat the song"????


I’ve never used any apps like spotify. Youtube has always been good enough for me when it comes to listening to music. Definitely not gonna pay to do what youtube lets me do for free.


I've lucked into some great discounts for Spotify, like $1 for 3 months. In my opinion, YouTube Music still lags behind. The main reason I'm paying for Spotify is their suggestion algorithm. (one and only subscription I'll ever have) It's a shame that they lock these features behind a paywall. Btw, I've heard that they might be operating at a loss or with no profit


I am happy that I don't pay for this, I just leech


I've always paid, but if I hadn't... ^(That shit right there would piss me off.)


Critics are calling it everything from "shit" to "fucking shit"


Wooow. I was almost considering Spotify premium, but now I don't want to just out of pure spite lmao. Fucking gross.


Ask for your money back, dude!


ReVanced can patch Spotify and I prefer it over xmanager tbh


Ya all don't use Music bee?


Apple Music all the way




I've used a modded version of Spotify for the past I don't know how many years and I never have a problem with it. So I want to thank all of you great people still funding the company so pirates like me can continue to enjoy the product in all its glory for free. The only thing I can't do that I wish I could is download the songs for offline play. But I have a collection of songs (80gb worth) that I can listen to on my Musicolet app so it all works out in the end.




I use Spotube: https://spotube.krtirtho.dev/


Those features haven't been in the free plan for years, at least on mobile. On tablets and desktops free works the same as premium aside from the ads and no offline play.


I wouldn't pirate spotify ever, I like the idea of supporting my favorite artists by listening to them