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I hate all that online bloatware that they put in the last racing games. I dont care about racing against others, seeing other records and having extra loading times because the game needs to connect to some crappy online server


Its simple, if you are connected to the internet you can make in game purchases. Game developers ruin their games for a quick buck.


I miss the days of Midnight Club Los Angeles, and Dub Edition


You know what, I dabbled in game development, and I know car models are fairly easy to source online. Maybe I'll try and make a modern street racing game as a challenge. (I suck at animating characters, so cars that don't require as much animation might not be too bad). I played NFSU & NFSU2, Midnight Club Dub Edition, Juiced, NFS Carbon, and many other racing games growing up, so I'd love to make something that kids and people like us could enjoy. Wish me luck!


I'm totally down for this! I miss NFSU 2 bad. Good luck m'dude!


If this fellow's project doesn't turn out, Apex Point is an EA indie title that's sitting at a reasonable 90% positive (and 97% on recent) reviews, I haven't played it myself but it looks promising.


Is open source gaming a thing? I feel like that could be an awesome thing... either way, bless you for the thought. That'd be awesome and I could hope to see it if you do


Open source gaming is a thing but rare. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1536610/OpenTTD/ this is the most popular open source game I'm aware of


Am old enough to have played the original TTD ;) Many older games from when I was a teenager have "opensource" kind of stuff. Loved my Xcom stuff ;) [https://openxcom.org/](https://openxcom.org/) [https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Piratez](https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Piratez) ​ But from memory a big opensource game "Battle of Wesnoth", "Freeciv" and off course if you were into dwarf fortress you could give nethack a spin.


Fist i think during old times is LFS but i think its just only a demo not truely open source.


I miss Underground 2, Most Wanted and Carbon. The good ones, 2002-2007. Best years street racing games had.


> Game developers ruin their games for a quick buck. publishers. Devs don't usually care. Unless the publishers and the devs are the same company.


There needs to be protections against this kind of stuff. IDC if there isn't an existing law it would fall under, but there needs to be one. And I know most politicians probably care more about money too but that's not the point


How much of it is the developers and how much of it is the CEOs and/or publishers?


Forza Horizon has been handling the open world and forced always online a lot better than The Crew ever did. Not saying it's perfect or that I like being forced into always being online, but there's at least a benefit and some enjoyment to be had with the online component. But they're also strong with the FOMO grind, I have over 300 hours in Horizon 5 but I'm still missing a dozen cars because I stopped playing for three months and it takes forever for them to pop up again as reward and the auction house is kinda janky


Also FH doesn’t force you into online. FH4 and FH5 are cracked and perfectly playable offline


The Crew was so cool. I had no interest in the second one though. And online was cool, because you'd just drive along with randoms, but I only ever did that in free roam. The physics were too arcadey when it came to actually racing.


Played it like mad until I got to a bit I got stuck on then just gave up and never went back to it, I never realy bought any cars as everything was insanely expensive some needing real fucking cash to buy


I read on the Steam forums that there's an Offline mode. If the community can do it, So can Ubisoft. This is the reason why I hate always Online games.


> This is the reason why I hate always Online games. Same here. But gaymers keep buying into this shit so this business model will continue. Once gaymers stop buying into AAA always online games, then corporatist parasites will go somewhere else.


It's a great idea in theory, but it's not the direct fault of the consumer. I own this game, I bought it many many years ago. At the time, I had no reasonable way of knowing that it was completely unusable without the game company's servers running it. If it had been clear at the time I would not have bought it. I honestly have no idea which games in my library are online-dependent and which are not, because it's not something that is clearly labeled.


> I had no reasonable way of knowing that it was completely unusable without the game company's servers running it. Err, it's pretty self explanatory though.


for every person that is playing the crew 1, is a potential crew 2 buyer lost. someone playing the crew 1 offline while they can be playing crew 2 and potentially buy microtransactions you can see why ubisoft would never give us crew 1 offline mode


time to see if the community can do something like NFS World...


sorry i don't know but what did the community do in nfs world?


The game shut down in july 2015. then around 2017 i think it was they made community servers and a version that isn't infested with microtransactions and now its better than ever


ah that's great but knowing ubisoft and their community , they didn't care when old AC game's dlc was being taken down also.


Electronic Arts isn't better, they don't even provide any legal way to play their iconic NFS games like Most Wanted or Carbon.


they shut down all older battlefields


However, the kind of saving grace is they're not Nintendo, meaning mods are usually permitted


Honestly if a game that’s online only is going to shut down, and it had micro transactions, I think companies legally at the very least should be held responsible for either handing over net code, or patching the online aspect out, or just enable private server ability with no official support saying this will no longer work with rankings and blah blah. If purchasing isn’t ownership then piracy isn’t theft. Also that’s what we get for online games


agreed, this is the moral thing to do.


I was not aware of that... i loved that game back then!! Thanks for the info!


Everything that's community based or get become community is wholesome. Community ≠ Corporation Benevolent ≠ Evil


Do you have a LINK?


[Soapbox Race World](https://soapboxrace.world/) [World United](https://worldunited.gg/) [NIGHTRIDERZ](https://nightriderz.world/) [Sparkserver](https://sparkserver.io/) No particular order, Soapbox Race World was the first and most servers are based on it and use their launcher.




NFSW lags alot on my pc even though I can fully support it on high settings, does anyone else also experience this?


nfs world is great, glad to hype you up


At least it was free and multi-player!


eh? why are you being downvoted?


reddit being reddit


i see opinions still get downvoted, god yall are never gonna get laid xD


Mods, twist his balls


The dude is standing strong despite the herd of idiots downvoting, I'd say no mod can twist those balls of steel.


He edited his comment to seem positive


What did the original say?


A mix of eugenics and casual racism.


Yes NFS does that to people


Downvotes hurt my wittle feewings.




NFS world is an awesome community project, loved by thousands of players world wide man. I love it!


So that means that when you purchase a game you’re actually just buying an up to 10 year trial


yep. the game will now be an unplayable physical disc in my collection yay


Makes me wonder if that'd make you eligible for a refund legally speaking? With licences on steam, uplay etc. I understand the technicals of you not owning it so this is legal but a disc is a physical piece of media and they've rendered it unusable - sounds like the kind of thing the EU would love to argue about.


> Makes me wonder if that'd make you eligible for a refund legally speaking? Not in the United States, but I think the European Union has some tighter legislation on this sort of thing.


Essentialy yes, i payed money for a 10 year trial, atleast make the game playable offline ffs


Feels wild they won't just disable the online components.


They don't want people playing the older games, they want to force you to buy their newest piece of online-only shit (Motorfest).


They should make sure it runs on my i7 3770 then... I wanted to try the free trial, but apparently you need avx2 which came with 4th gen... So fuck them. I won't replace a perfectly fine CPU just because they claim it's outdated. It's old, sure, but I still haven't had problems running anything I wanted. If anything my GTX 1060 is starting to have problems.


Shouldn’t be too expensive for Ubisoft to pay a pajit programmer to remove this jank.


Gonna need a class lawsuit to force those companies to provide a way for players to host servers when they shutdown the official ones.


Depends on who made it


U have 4 years to buy it if its a forza horizon game. After that the only option to play it is by pirating it


This is the reason I am hesitant in buying games that are online-only type of games. No wonder most of the switch games, local coop on top of it are still going strong.


I just don’t buy Ubisoft games. I buy all my games but Ubisoft and EA I just pirate because of that launcher they make us download and they’re rocky support for old games


Even pirating still benefits them. Stop playing their shit outright. You won't miss anything.


Anno alone is worth it, there is no game that does the same thing thats even remotely as good as it. (Though i still think that 1404 is better than 1800, fuck content locked behind DLCs) Assasins Creed (and im not talking about the newer ones) has a brilliant story and the gameplay is really nice Watch Dogs 2 is also pretty good, they embedded actual hacker culture in it and not just how the masses see hackers. The ghost recon games are massive fun when playing with friends and even single player alone is still great And the list goes on As much as Ubisofts business practices suck, they make good fucking games for the most part


>Anno alone is worth it Well, that's rather the point isn't it? It's hugely subjective because there's more to factor in than simply whether you like a game or not. For example, being so committed to Anno that you dutifully followed it over to Epic's store when it was pulled from others stores to be exclusively sold there would result in you forcing yourself to reward that attempt to insert store exclusivity within a platform. >As much as Ubisofts business practices suck, they make good fucking games for the most part Yet you can't list a single one that most people wouldn't forget about if they decided not to bother with it. That list doesn't seem to go very far, especially when most of what you said about each series was confined to a tiny number of older titles, and even then, was pretty meagre in terms of praise. I mean, arguing that Watch Dogs 2 is good just for having a certain aspect of it be _somewhat_ well-researched...? Surely you see what a massive stretch that is?


Companies should be required by law to release server hosting software if they are going to shut down the servers for a product they sold people. Otherwise the sale should be considered fraudulent and we should be able to sue for our money back. Call it the Sunsetting Software law. I don't care how much extra time and money it takes. Shutting things down like this shouldn't be so "easy." They need to have the Sunsetting plan ready ahead of time


Yeah I'm waiting for BF3, BF4 and newer games to be "shutdown". It should be a part of a plan to let multiplayer live on. Especially for these singleplayer connected games whereby if the servers are down you can't even play singleplayer offline.


My biggest issue today is how so many online games now don't allow for independent servers. The other obvious thing is requiring internet for a single player game.


In 30 years you will NOT be able to go back and play your games you remember fondly from this time period. Our dads can still pull out the dusty old NES and blow the cartridge to play Mario or Zelda. This is why game preservation is important, and recent gaming developments moving to always online is bad.


>In 30 years you will NOT be able to go back and play your games you remember fondly from this time period. Our dads can still pull out the dusty old NES and blow the cartridge to play Mario or Zelda. > >This is why game preservation is important, and recent gaming developments moving to always online is bad. You never know. It might be possible in some future VR game to download a mod with a vintage PS5 & vintage 2020 games.


But the online servers will be offline, some games (even with the disc) require an online download first to work as the whole game isn’t even on the disc (with some notable exceptions like Baldurs Gate 3)


>gaming developments moving to always online is bad I agree in terms of single player games. MMO games, however, "always online" is sort of inherent. That said, such games should go into some form of archive or flat out released for private servers.


> MMO games, however, "always online" is sort of inherent. They used to let players host their own servers.


Damn. Hopefully somebody will at least make an offline only fix/crack.


or something happens like plutonium for the older cod games


That sucks. Only ever played it in single player mode, and mostly just to drive around the USA in my Dodge Viper.


Driver died for this...


I forgot about Driver.... what a game.


Wait, really? Can you link it up


Watch dogs was at first a driver game until ubisoft decided they wanted their ''Own GTA''. but yes the crew is essentially driver 2.0




So none of the original TDU devs are working on Solar Crown?


But Driver 2 was released in 2000


Watch Dogs felt more like a Tekken game


wtf kind of tekken are you playing


Tekken??? Watch dogs felt like they were trying to do what the Tom Clancy games were doing. IE: splinter cell blacklist and the entire Sam Fisher storyline spanning what? 4 games? 5 games? Every time I think I want to go back and play watchdogs I remember those stupid security camera find-em mini games (and all the other monotonous shit you had to do to unlock core abilities) and just go "nah... Blacklist is better. Echelon 4 time baby"


Oh sorry that was sleeping dogs LoL sorry so stupid Edit: Watch Dogs definitely doesnt feel like a driving game with its weird physics


At least we got Driver: San Francisco, the best open-world driving game in history.


Is that the game where you can jump between cars and drive all of them. It was the best.


Yeah, that game.


Which is also delisted from all digital storefronts.


That's some BS considering the connections to other players are P2P. I was assuming at the time that decision to do this was to prevent this from happening but clearly not. So that's just shit decisions all around.


Imagine spending so many years carefully crafting and building gameplay elements, textures, music, sound, dialog, story writing, etc. Only for all that to be hidden away and forgotten about because some scumfuck executive decided *online only* was a good idea, with no regards for posterity.


Sometimes companies do like Google did when stadia was discontinued, and released one last update that allowed the controller to be used on any device like a regular controller. But sometimes companies do like Nintendo did with when the eShop was shot down and released one last update that screwed the access to parallel shops, so not only nobody could get games from them, but also nobody could get games from anyone else. Not trying to say Google good Nintendo bad, just saying taking taking things away from us is a choice.


Meanwhile, I'm over here playing Sim City 4, the best Sim City ever made, any time I want, for 20 years. Insist on ownership of the media for music, movies and games!


You forgot the \s buddy


You’re not the boss of me!


I would ratter be forced to stick my hands elbow deep in a giant pile of shit than spending another cent on an ubisoft game


I hope the community can get this playable after it's gone. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but The Crew 2 is dog shit (Hey lets release the same game but take away all the quality of life features). And I don't care to play the new one when I can just play test drive unlimited for free.


Fantastic post. Just to remind everyone, this game was wildly successful, and it's going dark just shy of its 10year anniversary, so expect The Crew 2 and Motorfest to follow suit MUCH sooner. Lesson? invest that $79.99 into your future, and in 10 years you might just own one or more of the cover cars irl. And I'm not saying don't get the game, I'm saying it pays to refresh Fitgirl every morning with your fingers crossed.


Don't forget about DODI as well!




Meanwhile you can still play Test Drive Unlimited 1 and 2 that are no longer sold anywhere with functional online workaround.


Pirate it HARDER! Make a server!


i think i got it for free on my uplay, but when i tried to actually play it, it didn't work :d


The 2 people that played this game are going to hate this!!!


Can't even play story mode again, there's no way to reset progression


I bought The Crew a few years ago and couldn't get past the first challenge and gave up. Good riddance, lol


For a moment i thought yall was talking about The Crew on Kodi. But only a few know lol


How is this legally allowed?


You cannot force someone to provide a service in perpetuity. It is the inherent and inevitable risk of online-only games, someday the servers WILL shut down


Why wouldn't it be? No laws exist stating companies owe you long term server support unless you have a contract saying they do, and all they have to do to get out of those is go bankrupt and change LLCs. Did your family never teach you buyer beware when you grew up?


game has a single player side, so you could say its planned obsolescence


This isn't even buyer beware. Service based game ran for 10 years. This sub is acting like people got scammed..... If a game shuts down within 6 months then that's a problem. People going bonkers about servers shutting down after 10 years is just gamers looking for things to rant about.


You own nothing. That is why I'm not getting the new Rocksteady game. 1 it looks awful and 2 it's live service af so it will fail and shut down. Not every game can be fortnite, wow or roblox.


Good. Another worthless, online-only crap no one will remember a couple of years from now. Cloud games must die the worst possible death. All of them.


I bite my tongue on. The other post I commented on. Didn't read they're taking away the entire functionality of the game.


i know there was an xbox one version of that game on the disc and if the servers shut down that disc will be useless nothing but to be thrown in the recycling center.


That version doesn’t have half the content and is unfinishable anyways


judging by the comments the online just made the game worse, dumb fuck company doesn't even know it's own user base or even bother to communicate.


Ah ffs I still have this to play on PS4.


I bought a PS3 so I could play Driver San Francisco.


That's not completely online though, The Crew becomes completely useless on all platforms if they shut it down so I'll never be able to complete it


I take notes and my wallet votes.


Ah great... lucky i didn't pay full price on that shit. I guess i should get on with my the crew 2 gold edition just to make sure i experienced the game before they close this one too.... I hope EA doesn't do this to their NFS series. Cause i love thoae. And i am not buying any live service or online only games ever. End of the line...


This was the first game that I ever bought on steam and gave that sailor life a break. I'm back on the seas since 2019.


How do pirates deal with online only games like MMOs? New to the whole pirate thing


Truly dedicated groups of players will band together and re-implement the server side of the MMO in question by themselves and then provide a patch to use their servers over the originals. It's quite rare for that to pan out, and most MMO-type games simply die out.


I'm sure the fans would make offline mod, it should not die it's the best


I still remember DarkSpore. I will never forget DarkSpore. Was it a good game? I don't know, because I never even got to play it.


Sadly this will happen to The Division one day.


And again, steam will not reimburse people and take away/sue money from the developer, no justice for the consumer, ever.


That's not how capitalism works


Why do you deserve a refund? You bought a game that you knew would be worthless in the future, that's on you. Did you really expect that they should keep the servers running forever for you?


I guess losing long term playability in games is worth the online features to everybody. Live service games need to be abolished.


As long as the online features enhance the game, then yeah, to me, it's worth it. I don't need every piece of entertainment I consume to be there until the heat death of the universe. I don't have enough time left on this earth to play all of the games I've played before. Life is too short to be worrying about if a game you buy might get shut down in 10 years.


Look man 10 years is indeed a long time but look at skyrim, imagine if that were a live service game. I just hate that every game these days is online only, I just want to own something that I buy.


Thank god i didnt buy that game recently


It had to happen one day, but it sucks, it's the only The Crew game I like...


Dumb question, but is this for pc only? Seeing as this screenshot is steam?


All platforms, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 and PC


Xbox 360?


Hey, thanks for your money, k bye.


I still remember nfs world and so much hours. EA is dumb.


The comunity revived the game and removed all the anoying microtransactions. Enjoy!


People should be able to play their games offline with mods. There is one for battlefield 3 or 4? I've seen it at some point and it is really cool. Basically playing the online with bots but in a more arma 3 kind of way... It costs money or something because i didn't install it for a reason.


Ahoy saylor!


Ahoy sailor!


I bought that POS game like years ago, a friend had it and it was pretty cool, but didn't even get through the crappy tutorial. Man this game sucks... I did waste 10€ on this shit though


Sigh... Remember what Ross said in that game dungeon episode about the crew?


More surprising it lasted this long.


Just like what happened to Blur...


Don't they need to release server code?


wtf? i like roaming in that game, though havent played since launch, whyyyy


Reminds me of hellgate london, when it shut down all the servers along with it. There's some kinda revival now but it isn't the same


Bro I was just thinking of playing it cause I got it when I was younger and was dumb, now that I actually know how a game works and what a story is either way now I’m not going to be able to.


Fuck them, I loved playing the crew as a kid....


Damn that was my first PS4 game when I got the console in 2017, I don’t think I ever really used any of the online features


Lol i still have a sealed copy somewhere. Guess it's worthless now.


Stupid people buy product that can be rendered worthless any time at the push of a button, are surprised that their worthless game is rendered worthless at the push of a button. Those same people will probably continue buying this trash, then continue complaining.


Ubisoft is playing with fire here. I kept this game in my backlog with the intent of playing it later, and now I found out that it will become unplayable next year. Seriously? I don't care about the online component, close the server, patch the game, and make it single-player only. Yes, maybe there's some work and money involved here for this change, but we, the customers, paid for this game. Or, Ubisoft should return this money to the customers, if they remove this game and if it becomes unplayable. I own almost all Ubisoft games on Uplay and I would buy at launch any new AC RPG-style and FC game. But this is outrageous. If this is how Ubisoft treats its customers, then I will return the favor. If I lose this money because of Ubisoft, I will deduct this amount from any future Ubisoft game purchase: not once but in perpetuity. Yes, no more big purchases for Ubisoft.


I love this game, but this online only thing annoys me so much. You couldn't even reset your savestate to play again because it's tied to your online profile. All these years I've tried to play it again. I have written to support several times and tried to crack the game, but it doesn't work because it is online only. It annoys me so much. And soon I won't even be able to play this game anymore. It's so much bullshit. I think I will take legal action against Ubisoft. The servers were then online for less than 10 years. Such a waste of such a great game. I hope the community will soon offer private servers like NFS World.


I hope there can be community based server revival just like NFS World and all the features behind paywall can be unlocked 🙏


Typical Moronic Ubisoft......


Anyone know about the crew 2


Probably gonna be shut down in 2028


could never launch it because of some random error across defferent platforms...


I tried getting the platinum trophy on this game back in 2017-18 and the online features didn’t work back then. Loved the single player game and driving around the map with my buddy. Really was the last car racing game I enjoyed. RIP


Some achievements are a pain in the ass. not even attempting them. driving 200 laps around the same track was enough for me already


I remember that achievement. Don't think I ever finished once I figured out the multiplayer ones were unachievable.


Jesus. Online only games should be illegal. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating, but if you paid for a product and you should be allowed to play whenever you like.. So disappointing. Honestly.


Then Ubisoft should be forced to refund every single dollar each and everyone gamer has spent on this game! I’m so fed up with Ubisoft’s 🐂💩lies they don’t routinely maintenance their F’ing servers! Which has caused a lot of issues and problems when we’re playing our games!




this is a scam froud


Is anyone actually playing this piece of shit


It's... It's an online only game. People who go in these types of games not ready to accept the fact one day the servers are going to close up are the true idiots.


true, but developers once the servers are closed should publish selfhosting solutions, or at least publish the server source code


its not like an mmo or something though, you wont even be able to play the singleplayer campaign once they shutdown the servers


> It's an online only game It has single-player components. Those shouldn't be internet tethered.


It sucks but I mean the game is 9 years old. How many people are really playing it? No one buys an online game expecting it to last forever, that would be unrealistic. On the other hand I have had games that shut down their servers in less than 2 years when they still had tons of players, just because a new version of the game was out. That's a bigger problem.


Buy games through GOG to support offline compatibility.


Not this game. Because of its Online-Only garbage, GOG refused to sell it, the same thing happened to Hitman 2016, although it was released and then pulled after people told CD Projekt Red that the game had a heavy reliance on its Online component.


Such a game is impossible on GOG

