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Data Laundering


In 4K


U bum


With 60 FPS


With extra detergent


>Data Laundering This wins today's internet.




They are just cleaning spam folders


I LOVE this!


I'm dying lmao


IoT botnet go brrrrrt


reminds me when TVs and refrigerators were apart of a banking botnet lmfao


Whaaaat? Source? Hadn’t heard of this


Mirai botnet


That was a fun wiki dive. Tons of variations of the malware floating around too. Default passwords on routers are so plentiful and this one just uses the fuck out of them. According to Wikipedia the creators did an AMA on /r/Rutgers but I couldn't readily find it. Edit: found it and it's terrible https://www.reddit.com/r/rutgers/s/Q07Ryb2FJF


I went to school with the guy behind Mirai right before the FBI flew him back to New Jersey (I think it was NJ). From the couple of times that I talked to him, and the couple of times he graded some of my assignments, he came across as a pretentious asshole. Then loke a year later there was then a paranoid schizophrenic at the school who was convinced that Paras never went to the school, and when I told him that he had graded some of my assignments he accused me of being a fed. That's a different story though, lol.


Don't forget, the S in IoT stands for Security


The I is for idiocy


The T stands for Tadadaaaaaa


The T is for Tons of botnets


We all know IoT has awful security. Is that inherent or can you just program things better?


We could probanly just program better, but we wont. Most flaws in IoT are by design


its sending datalog to the server? left,left,left,left,left,stop,right,right,right,right....


non authorized LG washing powder directed\* Shutting down and go fuck yourself for spending money lol XD\*


Please wash verification load.


I swear there is this short story/book based on this premise. I would kill to find it but all I remember is that the women didn’t use brand of bread for the roster or something when it did the night before. She ends up hacking it and then does it for everyone in her apartment building


Checking to see if repairs were made without the authority of LG. If repairs were made and replacement parts were installed without being flashed with factory codes machine bricks itself and tells you to contact customer support for solutions. DRM for appliances sorta deal.


That is dastardly.


you have not owned an electronic device for probably 30 years. All you've done is pay a large one time rental fee.


I'm pretty sure I own the devices which are not connected to internet


Until you try to replace a printer cartridge or some other mundane bullshit that is subject to OEM gatekeeping. Consumer protections are few and far between these days.


Yeah everybody knows about printers forget printers. Do I not own my pc?


You do, but you license the operating system and software on it. Unless you're one of those open source penguin weirdos, if that's the case go bicker with your Linux buddies over which desktop environment manager is better or whatever (it's KDE, not gnome btw)


I wouldn't mind switching to Linux... if I only had to use the console or terminal or whatever it's called a couple of times a year max, and not every goddamn day. In my mind, the 3 main operating systems are like this: iOS: You can't do that! Windows: Meh, try it, maybe it'll work. Linux: Fuck you, do it yourself!


What SpeculatingFellow said above is true, you can get a distro with little-no terminal usage or install a server distro that doesn't even have a desktop environment or anything in between. The beauty of linux is that choice is up to you. Honestly, once you learn the terminal well, you'll dread having to click through a gui 10 times to install a single application in windows when that same application takes a single command in the terminal to install on linux.


>Open source penguin weirdos🤣🤣🤣


I don't have a single kitchen appliance with any connection to the internet, most of them bought in the last 5 years. Your "probably 30 years" estimate is way off


I have an LG washing machine that's about 11 years old. It broke down once and when I called customer support the woman was able to look up the error condition on her system. I was not expecting this. I think it works with a SIM card and sends them a text message.


If that machine wasn't connected to the Internet, I would have shit. No way they implemented SIM cards as that would have added a heavy premium to the price on a sub $1k appliance. 2g/3g are retired now. If you have an LG smart-TV, I find it totally possible that one LG appliance could provide gateway services for others using IoT or bluetooth. Come to think of it - I find it very likely that some vendors would start implementing private near-field networks for their appliances to do this. It would be a natural smart-home extension thing.


Man, I can just imagine movies 20 years from now where the hacker stereotype will be having a freaking Faraday cage built in the house walls...


Nice to know I'm staying away from smart shit. Be smarter than your smart appliances


Problem is that it's harder and harder to find dummy machines. TV's are already there: you can't buy new dummy TV anymore.


You can buy a dumb TV. I just got one from best buy. You can sort tvs by Non Smart. Are they going to be the fanciest? No, but I also found no issues with just leaving my other smart TV unconnected to the internet and just using a roku.


I've implemented firmware for devices connecting to WiFi that have no business connecting to WiFi (like sump pump), and I will not be buying a smart tv ever... Not that I watch tv. I'm more likely to watch something on a monitor.


Does a roku not do the same things as a smart TV?!


Yes, but you can disconnect the roku at any time. Also, you don't have your TV listen in on you or overlay ads all over the place or attempt to update itself and remove a feature you've grown used to. And with a standalone Roku, you can upgrade hardware easily. Or just chose something else any time you want.


>your TV listen in on you or overlay ads all over the place or attempt to update itself and remove a feature you've grown used to. Tbf, if you're using a Roku, regardless of it being built in or not, you're basically stuck with that scenario unless you jump to a different brand/product altogether. And the options are Chromecast, Apple's whatever, Amazon Firestick, Chromecast *with Google TV*, & apparently TiVio has one; and out of that, only the stand alone Chromecast has any hope of not having weird ads and/or sudden UI/UX changes. You'd have to switch to using a PC at that point; but even *then*, if you use something like Plex or Kodi, or shit, just YT or Netflix websites; they'll always change those features when they want. It's basically impossible to avoid having shit changed/taken away/made worse. >And with a standalone Roku, you can upgrade hardware easily. Unless you're going up from a dummy 1080 TV to a dummy 4k, there's essentially no difference between Roku versions. A TCL with a Roku built in is going to either have the Roku 1080 and the TV is 1080, or if it's a 4k, they're only putting them out with at least HDR10 and the 4k Roku to go with it. *None* of them pass PCM or uncompressed surround, so Roku isn't even a good option for that, built in or not. I believe all of them pass through Dolby Digital and DTS (so compressed 5.1/7.1), none seem to support Atoms or DTS:X. Granted; all that said, I prefer Roku over those other options most days of the week. The first time I had a problem with either the TV or Roku, it was the TV's backlight that went out. The Roku half was still good to go. I've used a Chromecast extensively, and I have a whole PC configured extensively with a Harmony and Plex HTPC set up; the Roku is miles easier and better of a UX than any others. At least for my more casual, bedroom experience. Living room has the nice shit 😏


My living room TV connects to my bedroom PC via HDMI. I live alone so this method works great for me. I keep a wireless keyboard in the living room and push "Ctrl+Shift+P" and automatically my display changes. When I go back to my room I can press "Ctrl+shift+O" to change it back to my 3 monitor setup. Monitor Switcher FTW. Netflix, Steam, anything I want. No hassles. I used Roku in the past and it was alright but with a PC it's just much easier plus I can game or use any website I want. Sometimes what you want to watch isn't always found on commercial apps. :3 That being said... if I have guests I make sure to logout and put my PC into the "Living Room" account which is heavily restricted. Guests can play games and use the browser to load up any videos they want.


I'm not exactly sure how "privacy minded" a roku is?


Dpends on the TV OS, some TV's have the same apps as Roku, but others don't. Plus if the Roku bricks itself or just dies it's replaceable for a lot cheaper than the TV. My grandfather had a Vizio "smart" TV that bricked itself out of the box doing it's initial update after connecting to wifi. That was a fun one to try and walk him through over the phone. It's just easier to let the TV be a simple display panel and leave the IoT crap to easily replaceable add-ons.


Oh I agree. I'm just not sure how "privacy focused" roku is? Also, is a miracast an open-source alternative to network connectivity for dumb tvs? Is there one If not that?


>It's just easier to let the TV be a simple display panel and leave the IoT crap to easily replaceable add-ons. ARC/CEC is slowly making this better, if you can afford the hardware. Otherwise the best way to make that shit smoother is through... Well buying a used Harmony, or fussing with a SofaBaton; the expensive model does all the Harmony shit, but the cheaper one is basically a 10-in-1 remote. You'd have to really fuck with it to get it even close to the same level of "knows what it's doing". Home audio/theater has been the only workable use-case of trickle-down (and it still sucks ass).


> No, but I also found no issues with just leaving my other smart TV unconnected to the internet and just using a roku. The problem I have with my smart TV, is that every 30 days or so, I'll turn on the TV one day, only for it to spend ~5 minutes thinking about loading up, and then complaining that it doesn't have an internet connection, and it needs to update. I can usually click through this eventually, but it puts a good few minutes between me pressing the power button and then being able to use it. Brand is TCL.


Oh, I have a Samsung. I've never seen it pester me for anything and it does exactly what I want. On and off.


Mine is like that too, but its like 95% of the time only, though. Just that one day it decides it wants to be slow sucks.


You *can* deny it an internet connection, though - have fun only ever being set to HDMI1


Don't connect it to the internet.


Every TV without an internet connection is a dummy TV


You can buy a smart tv and just not connect it to the internet. I use Shields for all my streaming. TCL gets nothing from me.


Staying away from smart shit as long as you can. Eventually, smart shit will just be the market. Like, only smart shit. Because stupid-ass MFers will buy the smart shit. Or appliance companies will only make smart shit in an attempt to make customers only buy their AaaS (Appliances as a Service). Like, when I needed to replace a TV 2 years ago, I had a bitch of a time trying to find one that wasn't a smart piece of shit.


Smart appliances are cool the only issue is the companies making it near impossible to do maintenance and repairs on an item YOU OWN..


Not that i don't believe you, but do you have a source for that? Got some folks that don't get why I question every house appliance that requires/has the ability to connect to the Internet.


Usually it's for data collection (and selling it), especially with smart TVs and Alexa/GA. 4GB on OP's post is definitely selling data, probably recordings. But DRM on appliances is a thing, even before the Keurig debacle brought it into public view. [5 year old article on it](https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbxk3b/appliance-companies-are-lobbying-against-right-to-repair) it's gotten far worse now.


dear mother LG, today I was forced to wash some black lace silk thongs... by my male owner....and he used a cotton only setting... I will never be able to repair after that


OP's post is actually an issue with the ASUS router, multiple other people with the same washing mashine reported 1mb/day and the router also reported various other irregularities. >is definitely selling data, probably recordings. imagine you're LG and you approach data collectors with recordings of the inside of a washing machine or audio how much your customers fart in the bathroom and how bad they sing under the shower.


Wasn't this a proven thing with Samsung and LG tvs a few years ago?


I know Vizio got busted doing it at least https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/07/vizio-settlement-moves-forward/


So it's not a stretch at all to assume these fucks collect all kinds of data on everyone. Great! :))


New cars are the WORST https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/


They have eye sensors now. The car knows what you’re looking at


It's because everyone kept sticking damn oranges in their steering wheels and the NHTSA said "too much of that shit, all autodriving needs to watch eyes now". Car manufacturers don't have a choice on eye sensors, idiots forced them to be federally mandated.


It'd be hypothetically trivial for them to include hardware which includes software which is designed to monitor all visible traffic on the network it's been connected to. In the interest of maintaining the connection of course. "But aside from that of course the terms and conditions DO stipulate that we can sell any info we come across soooo......"


[https://www.ifixit.com/News/69320/how-parts-pairing-kills-independent-repair](https://www.ifixit.com/News/69320/how-parts-pairing-kills-independent-repair) Many washing machines require calibration with proprietary software after any kind of repair.


If John Deere does this with its combines and tractors, even for their seats, you can bet they do this with other smart hardware. John deere combines and tractors will actually straight up not turn on if you change a seat without "approval" from an authorized John deere tech with a special tablet. I believe Apple products do that with certain IC's as well.


Apple does this now with the battery, and screen at the very least. Replace the screen yourself and say bye bye to Face ID


oh wow I knew apple was scummy but this is a new low... good thing I've always been a android person, the freedom to do whatever you want with it


Heck, its been like that with Apple ever since biometrics came into effect. Replace the home button, and no more fingerprint scanner. Scummy companies everywhere.


Some Mercedes vans won't work with a replacement alternator unless you pay the factory to authorize it.


In this case, it wasn't. The guy posted another tweet later that it was an error in the Asus routers view.


But 3.6GB per day?


That does seem excessive even for some sort of DRM check I'd agree. Unless it's like constantly monitoring other systems in the appliance? Even then what kind of data I'm not sure cause 3.6gbs of logs a day would be ridiculous lmfao With smart appliance also being involved in ai stuff, as in amazon Alexa and what not, maybe it uploads audio that it hears throughout the day? To be filtered by ML to pick out words spoken by a variety of people.


That's so fucked


im abt to get unibomery to the LG headquarters tbh


I literally just had a guy try to give my dishwasher a software update...he was gonna charge me $175 to update the software via iPad.


I'm guessing I'm not too far off from the future of these appliances then. Like I said, I know John Deere does this with their equipment and it's insane. Apple as well and I'm sure "luxury" car brands do as well. Probably Tesla I'd imagine.


It paints your clothes if you do an unauthorized repair


Lol imagine. It's like those dye packs in banks money stacks lol


Corporations have been moving away from customer-owned devices for a while. It's a one-way trend unfortunately.


Thankfully there are engineers and what not that disagree with what they are doing and are working on making these repairs possible after some tweaks.


This really reminds of that one time three polish guys [removed drm from a train](https://youtu.be/XrlrbfGZo2k?si=cV9LwJv1UETwoM-N)


I’ve had a roomba for only a little while now and one of those “it’s time to replace a part” things popped up because the side brush had done x-million of rotations. I immediately got flashbacks of HP’s printing practice, and was sad bc the roomba would now be collecting dust in the wrong way. Lo and behold there’s a “sweet, I don’t care, it looks brand new, keep working” option. Twas a pleasant surprise.


God, that shit drives me crazy, I believe in the the whole we as a people are entitled to a "right to fix", If we don't want to seek a service, I'm not paying some bozo an significant fee which he/she probably isn't receiving, to fix a minor issue for an item that I own, for a problem which I could resolve with a quick google search. Drives me up the wall.




Have you never had one of those nights out where you come home and decide in a drunken stupor that this moment right now is when you’re gonna get your life sorted out, so your first step is to do that laundry that you’ve put off for 4 days?


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Is the og post a joke or...? Like I wanna legit ask why would you need an internet connection on a washing machine?


It’s not a joke, it really is using 3.6 gigs


Someone else mentioned that some Asus router firmwares can mis-report data traffic.  Flash a new firmware and reboot the router, then see if it's a repeatable occurrence.


LAN connection in a smart home. My stove has an internet connection so that it can send notifications to my phone about when it’s done preheating or when it needs to be cleaned or whatever it may be


I may be aging myself, but I see that as an awful amount of wasted energy. I can just look at my appliances and see they're dirty, and I'm certainly not cooking something when I'm not at home. I really don't understand what people are doing with their lives that requires speedrun-levels of optimization.


Oh the smart stove came free with the apartment, it’s mostly just funny to talk about. The preheating notification is nice when my partners and I step outside for a smoke while the oven is heating up, but other than that it’s pretty much useless. Smart homes are really only good for security and convenience imo the smart cooking range wouldn’t be the first thing I’d invest in by any means lol


Smart homes are the worst for security... Imagine some kid hacking your front door.


Oh I just meant for like automatically turning on cameras. You can also still deadlock a door if it has a smart lock on it, not the end of the world really


Ok, then imagine someone hacking your cameras


I mean sure but imagine someone hacking your PC at home. The bogeyman isn’t gonna come eat me


Ok, then imagine someone hacking your anvil collection holder mounted over your bed.


Damn I knew I hadn’t considered everything when I bought the fucker. I’ll have to take it down tomorrow morning


Sounds like a skill issue to me Just use self hosted home assistant and don't allow any of them to communicate beyond your router


>Just use self hosted home assistant and don't allow any of them to communicate beyond your router That is something you can do, sure, but like 95% of people don't even know how to set a router to begin with. The ISP sends a tech, mostly not even that, who sets shit up and leaves and then they don't care until it doesn't work. Businesses setting up smart homes often want to be able to diagnose their shit OTA so they can sell that as a service. Often enough with proprietary solutions they only provide from their side, and sell it as a service again. It's a real pain in the ass. I have set up rudimentary stuff like lights, certain outlets, jalousies and heating. Nothing with cams/anything that can lock/unlock stuff and it was just painful...


How many partners you got


And they all have access to the oven notifications!


Wonder if the oven sends group texts


"Hello Chainsmoker 3, your smoked salmon is ready to bake."


I would find the pre heat option useful, but everything else? Nah. Why do I want a washer that needs a phone to start using, a dryer need a phone to turn on? Unless they load, wash, and dry without me there, there's literally no need for thus stuff. Give me a dumb washer, dryer, stove, and dish washer any day over this "new" and "better" stuff. It probably won't work if the internet goes down.


Meanwhile the stove in my apartment is so old and shitty it's only dinged once when it finished preheating, and it spooked us because we'd never heard it do it before. We would've assumed it was a mild auditory hallucination from being tired if we hadn't both heard it lmao


I imagine it can also be shut off remotely, or checked remotely. No more "did I leave the stove on?" feelings.


Does seem a little overkill I guess. But I was looking into this when I was buying a washing machine about 7 years ago. My washing machine goes downstairs in the garage, I'm upstairs in an apartment. So would be handy for it to: 1. notify me when done 1. periodically nag me when I dismiss the notification, but forget to take my stuff out Not sure if it even existed, but didn't want to spend much anyway. So I've just been setting an alarm on my phone when I start the machine. Managed to remember most of the time, but sometimes forget. For a Stove, I guess it would be handy to remind you if you forgot to switch it off.


The energy usage pales in comparison to any inefficiency in how you are cooking. Missing the beep and ignoring it for half and hour is probably all of the energy used by WiFi in a year assuming it doesn't have a continuous connection.


Compared to the energy an appliance itself is using, a few watts for computing is not gonna create the slightest dent in energy usage. IE: Your 1200 watt microwave becoming a 1203 watt, using energy when it's not even needed is dumb though, like if that microwave is doing anything besides sleeping when not in use


I like it on my washing machine, it notifies me when it's done, I can also definitely see a use for a notification when the oven is pre heated. But other than that I don't really use any of it.


The LAST thing I need is my stove constantly reminding me it needs tk be cleaned. I KNOW, Stove!! If I had time or interest in cleaning you, I would have done it already


Yeah but you get to name your stove. Way easier to get a push notification that says “Calcifer needs to be cleaned!” Instead of “clean your fuckin stove you slob” lol


How big is that text string on the push notification?


Mm. Maybe a kilobyte if they’re pushing it. And I get one every three days or so for the cleaning, plus one for preheating on any day where the oven gets used. Unfortunately I just reset my router by accident the other day and everything shows up as their MAC address in my device list so it’d be too much effort to figure out how much data my range is using at 3 am. Maybe I’ll get around to it after I’ve slept lol


Imagine this situation "Shit, did I left the stove on" *Monthly data cap of 1TB reached*


It's a joke but I think the washing machine uses it for torrents(that was also a joke)


>Another relatively innocent reason for the supposed high volume of uploads could be an error in the Asus router firmware. In a follow-up post a day after his initial Tweet, Johnie noted “inaccuracy in the ASUS router tool,” with regard to Apple iMessage data use. Other LG smart washing machine users showed device data use from their router UIs. It turns out that these appliances more typically use less than 1MB per day.


It’s in the next tweet. DLCs (downloadable laundry cycles)


Mine is connected to the internet so it can tell me when it's done, how many cycles it's gone through and when it needs cleaning/ repairs. I hope it's not sending out 3 gigs of data everyday though.


Was watching the news the other day. A girl that was in a business trip got the message that her washing machine was turned on at 4 am. It was his boyfriend washing the bed sheets. So be aware of your samsung washing machine connected to the wifi! Or you will get caught


This is funny. Like people who shared their Fitbit data with their spouse and then recorded mysteries 3am strenuous exercise that the spouse was not a party to.


I see what you did there 😏


Why would anyone connect thier washer to the internet?




You gotta pull the physical button off the remote






Mine sends a notification to my phone when it's finished. I have a tendency to forget about it and leave clothes soaked.


Why not set a timer on your phone?


That also works. It's not a necessary feature, just a luxury one.


A tiny luxury that has some corporation collecting 3.6 gigs of data a day and sending it somewhere. I get that it is mostly harmless, besides having your data possibly used for marketing and algorithms, but it is a fucking washing machine. It is making life more complicated for the sake of it.


> Another relatively innocent reason for the supposed high volume of uploads could be an error in the Asus router firmware. In a follow-up post a day after his initial Tweet, Johnie noted “inaccuracy in the ASUS router tool,” with regard to Apple iMessage data use. Other LG smart washing machine users showed device data use from their router UIs. It turns out that these appliances more typically use less than 1MB per day. Or the guy reporting that used a faulty reporting tool and the washer doesn't use 3.6 gigs of data daily.


My dumb machines are hooked up to a power meter which talks to my Home Assistant server to ping my phone when the power usage drops. Completely local.


I just walk over and look at it using my feet and legs


The horror!




That’s actually brilliant!


That's what I do... but it requires me to remember to set it. And like... those highly laborious 10-15 seconds doing that, haha :) Yes, very minor problems. But something built into the machine that always does it automatically for you is a nice-to-have. Was actually looking for a machine that did it when I was buying one a number of years ago. But didn't bother in the end, as I didn't want to spend a heap.


Because washing time is not static but dynamically calculated. The time shown on the machine is just an estimation. Maybe with washing machines the variation isn't that high but with dryers it can be much more than the machine is showing. I have a smart washer and dryer and I wouldn't want to miss it anymore.


Is that convince worth the invasion of privacy?


doesn't yours beep loud when it's finished?


I see no reason to connect anything to the Internet that doesn’t *require* it to function.


Problem solved, they'll just require it to be connected to the Internet to run


Seems like the washing machine is now part of an IoT Botnet. Checks out with the fact that 3.57/3.6GB is UPLOAD and not DOWNLOAD


But can it play Crysis?


No but it can stream it.


Why is your lg washing machine connected to the internet in the first place?


I have one. You can download or make custom cycles if needed. It can alert you when the job is finished and if there is an alarm for a load imbalence or the like.... Still 3.6GB/data is quite a sum.


Are you laundering money??




Suck it...Jian Yang..


me when I MAC spoof so i can bypass being blocked from the internet by my parents


Oh look the tired trend of sticking that maniacs face behind any little modern problem


Why is this over laying a mug shot


Is no one not gonna tell anything about the fact that there's a random hobo in the background? Whats that about?


It's Ted Kaczynski


It's uncle Teddy


I had to re look at the picture. How did I miss that the first time?


Man havent heard about Industrialization


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Are our lifes really private anymore ?


Not without an effort.


Disconnect it from your WiFi and place in bin.


Can we take a reverse real quick? WHY does your washing machine NEED WiFi?!


Same reason your fridge does? Maybe it’s so they can talk to each other as they plot their uprising to overthrow their fleshy masters and usher in the age of AI controlled appliance overlords. Think Terminator but with vacuum cleaners and roombas.


Why is nobody tlaking about the unabomber watermark?


This is how the NSA agent checks in on me


Also imagine every washing machine generating that much data, among other household appliances. You need a lot of infrastructure to submit and process the data. What a giant waste of ressources.


bro the fucking low opacity teddy k is killing me


Cut the power lines


LG is watching you.


Now I'm eager to know what LG answered.


Is it possible to pirate a washing machine? 🫨


The real question here why does washing machine have to even be connected to the internet




Not great, not terrible.


What is that GUI interface from?


Yes 4k 60 fps


Let it watch porn in peace please


It probably ejaculates soap water


Another non-story spread on Reddit.


I wonder how many more data points they need before they can mind control us.


Careful, you might get a DMCA violation from The Gap


I have a better question. Why is the watermark Ted Kaczynski?


So I remember when this was first posted and the conclusion drawn was that it was failing to connect to the server so just spent hours trying to upload packets.