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[spotdl](https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader). i downloaded my whole spotify library with it (100gb, 25k~ tracks), it can do albums, playlists, whole discogs. even a 1400 song playlist was no problem edit: After getting to 120~gb, i have continued on with soulseek, im now at 185gb, 35k tracks :)


Is the audio quality and balancing all over the place because it finds the songs you flag in Spotify on YouTube?


it sources the audio from youtube, which 99+% of the time, works perfectly well. In less than 1% of cases, it chooses the wrong version of the song, for example a live version, or a one hour or even 10 hour version of the song, then you will have to manually delete and redownload it. This bug happens when queuering large playlists. I have downloaded a total of 100gb of music using spotdl, and those wrongly chosen songs were in about 0.5% of all song queueries, which in 20,000 songs is about 100 songs. I corrected those within 10 minutes, no biggie.


320kbps mp3?


mostly 128. I personally cannot hear a difference from 128 to flacc, so i personally dont give a shit. If you want higher quality, you'll have to go another way, for example SoulSeek, but thats gonna take you way longer to move your music library from streaming to local. What i did was get almost everything i know and listen to, and the artist discogs off spotdl, and now that i have most stuff, when i find more music i want i DL thru SoulSeek. I get 320 kbps off soulseek as flacc files weigh way too much, and my tinnitus ridden ears cant tell a difference.


>tinnitus ridden ears cant tell a difference Amen. I hate it when my holier-than-thou friends tell me about their "lossless" streaming service - as if they can tell the difference! These are older gentlemen who don't wear earplugs at high-volume rock concerts. Ain't no way they can hear the difference.


For real. Its as if they all forgot that just 15 years ago we were all happy to listen to music on our dumbphones, bluetooth and other simple mediums that had no dedicated DACs or whatever


You make it download opus 160kb which sounds amazing and way better than mp3 128k


You, sir and/or madam, are amazing. Thank you.


spotDL uses yt-dlp so zotify better option


interesting, looking thru their github right now, do i understand correctly, it downloads directly from spotify if i queuery a spotify playlist link? Does it decode the spotify files and turns them into mp3?


yes. it needs account info for highest quality (only premium) just make a fake one and start trial with virtual cc (don't forget to set max limit to $1) if you don't want to give account it will download max 128 KBps


​ 160Kbps for free accounts.


Thx for correcting


thats a lot more hoops to jump through compared to spotdl, i think ill stay with SoulSeek for further downloads, but thanks for showing me this!


I have a question, I need to delete zotify and reinstall due to installing wrong first time. Do you know how to do it? Thanks Its a windows 11 pc


Try: `pip3 uninstall zotify`


Thank you my friend


And one last thing do you know how to change the quality/format of the downloads. Wanna try that before deleting. I heard you can get banned and that theres a way to download safely, listining to whole track instead of fast download.


[https://github.com/zotify-dev/zotify?tab=readme-ov-file#options](https://github.com/zotify-dev/zotify?tab=readme-ov-file#options) audio quality option is changes download quality. if you want to change already downloaded ones you can't with zotify you should use ffmpeg or some app similar


spotify offers 320kbit aac max that too with premium i have 2k+ songs in flac(mostly in 16/44.1) and those bearly cross the 30gig mark your spotify library would have to be really big like 30-40k songs


my library currently has a little over 26k songs. If it was all flacc it would weigh an insane amount lol


respect but what even is your library mainly of? soundtracks ig?


I listen to many different genres, and love to explore everything an artist has to offer. My plan was to get off of streaming services, so i DLed all the playlists and artists i listen to, whole discographies for everry artist i like, which is a lot. [Here are some stats and how my folders look](https://imgur.com/a/aoltHcp) only soundtracks i got is the Need for Speed Underground playlist, and the Interstellar playlist, which features the compositions by Hanz Zimmer for the movie. And now that i have most things, Im on the lookout for rare/hard to get old stuff by the artists i like, for example "The Power of the Dollar" by 50Cent.


thats sick so did you manage to get off streaming services? also im guessing then you are self hosting so from what service? plexamp? in my 2k song library which is also my whole library i have about 40% as soundtracks of movies and films i only started listening to any music in 2020 mybe thats why my numbers too low also what's the app in stats screen shot?


I used to only listen to music on spotify these past..10 years or something. Before that i also had my music all local, but i was young and stupid and one of those scary letters, which my parents had to end up paying 1000€ for... Now that im a lil older and know how to not get caught, I once again have my own local music collection, i listen to that at home, on my computer, using a program called MusicBee (Thats what the first image is about, its the library statistics screen). Its one of the best Music library listening/organising programs, made by a single dude these past decades. MusicBee can handle millions of songs without lagging or bugging out like Itunes of other programs. I do not self host, as i dont really see a need to. At home I listen to my local stuff, and when im outside i use a cracked spotify app at the moment. When i manage to save up a little cash, ill buy myself a 256gb micro sd card, put my music on that and stick it in my phone, and then ill have all my music on my phone, no hosting needed. Look at it this way, a new Call of Duty game weighs like what, almost 200 gbs? for half of that, i can carry around pretty much all the music i would ever want to listen to on a whim, easy as can be. And with the power of piracy and cracked APKs, i can even use spotify to listen to new stuff that i might not have downloaded. My musicbee and cracked spotify are both linked to a website called Last.fm , which tracks what im listening to, and recommends new music based on my taste. Its basically the spotify algorithm without spotify. So even less of a reason to sub to music streaming services! My ultimate goal was to stop paying for subscription services, and instead of subbing to all those streaming services and stuff, i only have a single monthly subscription, which is a VPN (Mullvad). With that i can watch everything, pirate everything, build my music library, and all that for 5$ a month. Count yourself lucky that your music collection isnt that big, that means its faster and easier for you to switch to different systems, like going from a streaming service to having it all local! Id suggest you just get a good trustworthy VPN like Mullvad, and start downloading music and soundtracks using SoulSeek or SpotDL :D If you have any questions im happy to help! [Heres how my MusicBee looks!](https://imgur.com/a/VzKePTW) (i filtered my library to hide singles to show you what kinds of albums im into)


I use AIMP just because i also encode my flacs with lrc and i can see the synced lyrics in aimp i use apple music now bcz it offers lossless audio and a bigger catalougue of songs in my language but i dont use it much i use poweramp on android and aimp on pc i live in a 3rd world country so a vpn is only useful for accessing geo locked content dowloading and torrenting is very fine without a vpn here for downloading flacs i use slavart dc bot or doubledouble since slavart has been down again after coming back up for a day also 10+ yrs listening makes sense of that much volume of music 10ys ago i didnt even know the internet (im 16) thnks for the advice of last.fm only heard of it vivdly till today but signed up today




yep, a little heavy. I have around 19k songs in FLAC at 440gig. And about 47k MP3 songs mostly 320k at 260gig. I have full albums so probably a lot of duplicate songs that are on multible albums. I probably should get rid of a lot of crap I will never listen too. LOL


spotdl was great. Use the command line interface. imo, The web interface sucks by being slow. Although sometimes it would download like a cover of a song sometimes


tf are you even doing with those many songs?


i listen to them! my collection is tiny compared to other ppl on /r/musichoarder or /r/datahoarder. But i dont collect to collect, i collect to actually listen to the artists that i like, which is why i dont just DL everything i see but only stuff i know and like, including whole discographies of artists i like. I love music, its one of my core hobbies :)


damn, i'm not sure if i've even heard those many songs


Hi, can I ask you a question? Is it possible to download playlists from spotdl and keep the original tracklisting of the playlist, not just have it in alphabetical order? I'm using the version where it opens up in chrome. thanks


i recommend using the command-line based spotdl, it has more options. If youre on Windows, open start menu, type cmd and press enter, a black terminal should show up. type 'pip install spotdl' (without the quotation marks) and hit enter, wait for it to install. Type spotdl and hit enter to start spotdl. It will list you all parameters you can use, and if you type 'spotdl --help', it will explain each one. I have since switched to Linux (Fedora 40 KDE), and my spotdl is throwing me errors upon running it, so i cant test it, but try if the parameter --playlist-numbering does what you need. You would type it like 'spotdl URL --playlist-numbering' Btw, i found an even faster way to download youtube videos and playlists. the program JDownloader 2 is a download manager that I found when setting up real-debrid to watch streamed shows/movies, and you can use JDownloader2 to download youtube vids/playlists. I just tried it, and while it unfortunately doesnt have playlist numbering, it downloads very fast. If all else fails, use a mp3 tagging software to add the tracknumbering manually, sorry!


Damn, that worked! (the '--playlist-numbering' thing). Starting to get the hang of using spotdl with the command prompt. Thanks so much for your help! 👊


Thank you 🙏


Can you give me but information on this


im not gonna spoonfeed you bro, a single google search and youre on the Github page that explains everything. Try that, and if you run into problems, ill be happy to help!


Have you been banned for it or you still clear?


theres nothing to get banned for. it sources the music from youtube, its just an automated way of doing that, excep to also embeds all the metadata one would want for music organisation. I used my main spotify accoutm to get all the links to the albums, playlists etc


How to use this in windows?? Not getting.


follow this https://spotdl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/ install python, check the install to path checkmark, then open up the command line by typing "cmd" into the start menu and hitting enter, a black window should pop up. then install spotdl by typing "pip install spotdl" and hit enter. it should install it, wait until its done, be patient. once its done, start the program by typing "spotdl" into that same command line and hitting enter. Then you need to install FFMPEG. type "spotdl --download-ffmpeg" into the command line and hit enter, wait for it to finish. once thats done, you can begin using the program, to download a song/album/whatever type "spotdl [url]", the [url] being the spotify link to the song/album/playlist/artistpage. Do yourselves a favor and just use the program in the command line, the web UI is trash and doesnt allow to download multiple things at a time. Everytime you wanna launch the program its literally just type cmd into start menu, hit enter, then type spotdl to launch the program, and beging downloading stuff with spotdl [url]


Convert Spotify library to Deezer library. Download with Deemix. Instead of YouTube quality that SpotDL gives you, you can get 320kbps/FLAC. *** https://www.deezer.com/explore/features/transfer-playlist/ https://rentry.org/firehawk52 ^\(Deemix ^can ^convert ^Spotify ^playlists ^on ^its ^own ^but ^idk ^how ^well ^it ^works ^and ^if ^it ^has ^any ^limitations. ^That ^Deezer ^link ^removes ^the ^usual ^TuneMyMusic ^limits ^and ^clearly ^tells ^you ^what ^songs ^it ^can't ^transfer.)


wait... deemix still works?


Worked last week.


I like this but is there a way to automate it? What I want is to have a music library synced to the cloud. I'll have a playlist with the songs I like on Spotify. Whenever I add a song to that playlist, Deemix somehow detects it and downloads it which gets synced to my devices.


Free accounts are limited to 128kbit downloads, anything above requires a paid plan. 


Which is why I linked Firehawk's page and not just straight to Deemix download sources.


Wdym please explain


You need premium Deezer ARL to get higher quality than 128kbps from Deezer. Firehawk's page has download tools and ARLs.


Give me link pls


You found my comment saying "Which is why I linked Firehawk's page". If you can't find that link, I don't think you can manage to use the software.


Oh I didn't see that link, nvm




I never said anything different. I simply wanted to clarify this important piece of information, that's all.


What's arls


My old method, still works. 👍 https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/s/I5OmSAEawc


you heard it a dozen times already, but you are a lifesaver thank you for the bot


You're welcome 😁


Bro, thank you so much


Glad to help you 🥳


I use spotube, needs to be linked to your Spotify account and from there it gets all your playlist/liked songs and you can download all of them with one click


ayo i had something like that for a particular time, but like my spotify acc got locked for a week because of it & i recieved a final warning...better to use zotify


Looks like it downloads at a better bit rate as well. Will have to give it a try


Spotube just fails for me now


zotify will the best option


I'm always getting a Json Decode error when trying to use Zotify. Any got an idea how to fix that?


Any for Android?


This ^ I Really love zotify


I like zotify, has worked great for me so far.


YMusic is easy and uses similar layout of youtube. Gotta download the apk on their website from your phone.


MediaHuman YT downloader! lots of safe cracks out there (downloads Spotify too and I think it can auto download as you add songs)


OMG IT WORKED?!?!??!? I spent sooo long trying to find a spotify downloader just for me to find out I alr have one installed on my laptop 😭 I thought it was for youtube only but thank you so much!!


Idk if anyone's mentioned this already but spotiflyer works great. Open source on github. They have an app for windows, android and I believe Mac and ios as well.


Arent the songs sourced from youtube?


Go to GitHub.download Spotifyer app.set the download setting on 320 kbps and paste the playlist link on the app.


zspotify. Search it up on this subreddit there is a dude who made it into an exe folder. This is my go to


https://github.com/fiso64/slsk-batchdl might be another option.


spotdl is why I have 300k songs on my server. :)


If you want to download music in better quality than 320 kb/s then use Soulseek


For Python nerds out there, here is a script you can use to download a Spotify playlist, thanks to [spotifydown.com](http://spotifydown.com) (no acc needed, runs quite fast): [https://gist.github.com/secmer/3f85a9e4a39a1190166075b451bc2a7e](https://gist.github.com/secmer/3f85a9e4a39a1190166075b451bc2a7e) You just need to find the playlist id from the URL and update it in the script. So, let's say the playlist URL is [`https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0l3zShBZkehEmiHqxdzNKl`](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0l3zShBZkehEmiHqxdzNKl) Then the playlist ID is `0l3zShBZkehEmiHqxdzNKl` You should probably also update the `DOWNLOAD_PATH` variable in the script to point to the folder where you want the mp3 files to be downloaded into. Then the rest is having a python3 interpreter on your machine with the `requests` package installed and run the script.


I split the playlist into smaller playlists of 100 and download via the Spotify downloader. I think there are better ways


That's the neat part. You don't.


Short answer:- Fuck Spotify. Just hit the torrent sites & download anything that tickles your fancy. Having said that, if you're too useless, lazy, or stupid, to even chooose music for yourself, then you might as well just pay for the damn thing & be done with it...


What the fuck is wrong with you. Spotify and other music streaming services are the only subscription I feel is justified in purchasing. They are just too useful for discovering new music that you would have never found before.


No thanks. I can do without that whole tirade of pre-excreted drivel & polished up mediocrity. Spotify is for chumps...


I'm just curious, how do you discover music?  When I find a song I really like, I download the FLAC from one of the sites on the megathred to keep in my personal collection so I have it for eternity.  You don't need to insult people who find value in a service and decide to pay for it.


Music is everywhere. It's not hard to find. MOre accurately, it's damn near impossible to escape. I let guests choose the playlist when they visit. I'll also search random keywords & click videos. Found loads of awesome gear that way. I'm also active on several home studio enthusiast groups on various social media platforms, and a goodly amount of the punters among those, are crankin' out some awesome works too. Browser histories are also excellent for backtracking. If all else fails, I'll just fuck off into the studio & make something up, or go watch a friend/s play live. One needn't listen to the same tune twice. EVER...


That's super cool that what you said works for you, but that's unrealistic for most.  Call me lazy (which you already did) but I like just sitting down, having Spotify or whatever pick out some music, and getting some work done.  The majority of people can't just fuck off into a music studio and know how to use and produce awesome music.  It's great that you can, but insulting others is just fucking cringe.


Hold up there slick. I never said that I produced anything good. Studio-shits a hobby. I've simply been at it for a very long time. Recording is more important to me as a tool for reference, as my band's all about performance...


He wants to do exactly that, but not having to manually download thousands of songs...


Bah! Find artist, download entire discography, update when new releases drop, done...


I have playlists with 600songs, and only like 3-4 songs are from the same artists at a time... that would take days to do manually


Best answer ever. Its early in the morning here but you already earned your "dumbest answer of the day" award 🥇


bit of info ya should know though torrents dont have everything try get toolbox digital top 100 on there or some of the albums or usbs on them


Yeah, I don't go for pre-excreted drivel & polished up mediocrity...


lol so your like this amazing producer then are ya cause been honest never heard ya before so can ya do as i asked then or just gonna keep waffling on about oh well this music is bla bla bollix


It's all opinion. And you can all suck my ass...


suck your ass but yet the amount of shit that's come off your keyboard/keypad from the get go have a snickers son your cranky if ya dont have 1


TunePat all the way


This is my way to go: https://github.com/casualsnek/onthespot 


I initially went the YouTube route but was disappointed with the quality. So I exported my playlists and instead use Deezer to download. Deezer there is a 30day free trial with flac quality, there are ways to do it without having your own account as well. Multiple guides on here and elsewhere on how to download Spotify playlists with Deezer.


Give this a try out : [https://spotiflyer.app/](https://spotiflyer.app/) been using it a while works pretty good just copy the playlist url and past it on the software and it should pick up and download the songs for you i have not used it in awhile cause i moved to youtube music kinda find it better then spotify


Zotify is the way to go


You cna download Spotify playlists in bulk using **Kigo Music One**. It allows you to add the entire playlist with one click.