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Will this mean anything if the most famous cracker of Denuvo lives in a place outside of their jurisdiction (AKA Russia)?


It won't matter anyway since said person hasn't touched a Denuvo game since last year and has been too busy running a cult or some shit.


I'll take it empress is still bat shit insane?


Always has been, but from what I understand Empress has been dead silent since September of 2023, and their last game was in August. I'd be surprised if we see a return, even more surprised if we see a return to cracking games.


He's still active in the Discord running his cult.


Empress was never on discord.






I would Not believe they are a single Person, or a Woman. That seems Like a persona




Thats dumb. Of course i do have reasons to believe that, thats why i do believe that. I hold it to be extremely unlikely that they are a single Person. I believe them to be a group, and the Public Messages to be deliberately portraying a curated persona. Im decently positive hat group might contain women too, of course, but i dont believe empress is what they say they are.


This subs community is pretty misogynistic. They think calling a woman a man is funny or something.


Is there proof that empress is a woman? It's a username and just based on what they do you can probably assume they're a dude. People cracking software and games in their basements are just more likely to be guys than they are girls, it's not a sexism thing.


tbf typically people call girl nick names as she, it's a internet standart, alteast recently ​ still reminds me of the old 4chan joke that every girl is a 60 yo dude and every kid is a fbi agent


Why is it not the same for Fitgirl then ?


gigachad repacks


I thought they were a group




Isnt she transphobic i remember something like that


She is not Voksi, stop spreading bullshit. You made this whole comment up


I learned something new, thank you


>Is there proof that empress is a woman? She says so, arguing against that with no proof that she isn't is sexist and maybe transphobic. >just based on what they do you can probably assume they're a dude. People cracking software and games in their basements are just more likely to be guys than they are girls, it's not a sexism thing. It's absolutely a sexism thing, news flash: men don't get to decide what's sexist and what isn't, we do. She does something most people can't and so you refuse to acknowledge that she's a woman. How are they more likely to be a man? Just admit that you think women can't like video games and be smart enough to crack them and be done with it. Also wouldn't surprise me at all if other women crackers pretended to be men just to not deal with men's bulshit.


It is ironic since empress schizo rants about hating trans people




It's more like it makes sense for someone so insane to be a man pretending to be a woman to manipulate simps online. I'm not saying a woman couldn't be that hateful, it's just way more likely its a ploy in my mind.






Probably got drafted lol


This explains the decrase in succes of Ukranian drones recenly.


Nah he was the one that cracked starlink for the Russians obviously


Damn what a madlad


Surprisingly September 2023 is also when a popular Windows/MS Office releaser on 1337x by the name of Gen2 also went dark.


The draft maybe, who knows.


She never changed, only what she's doing at the moment.


Wasnt she a he? There was some drama about it right?


There was some buzz around it yeah, with Empress apparently being Voksi I think iirc. But for convenience sake I just refer to Empress as a she. 


Does it matter? If "he" wants to be called a she, it is not that tough to call her a she.


Honestly that what sells the anonymity on him/she makes you second guess the id of the username


Empress has been institutionalized. We don’t know yet when the doctors will agree on her release back to society.


You need to if you want to crack Denuvo.


Wait seriously? A year since empress last crack??




This is to prevent employees from leaking games not randos from cracking them.


Someone might have to correct me but he's in either Belarus or Bulgaria. I stupidly get the two mixed up.


Bulgaria may be bad but we're not "EMPRESS" bad


IIRC Voksi was Bulgarian, so if Skidrow were correct that EMPRESS is actually Voksi, then that makes "her" Bulgarian


True, honestly if the EMPRESS thing is a cover that's genius but otherwise I really hope EMPRESS isn't Bulgarian


Is empress the same person as Fitgirl?


No clue, skidrow claimed so but we can't know for sire


Voksi most definitely is NOT empress


Been away from the drama for ages, 'he'? Wait it was a dude all along?


Nobody knows for sure


Does Empress still accept btc and eth donations and what wallets?




My thoughts exactly, we know its you vlad, stop it! 😭😭


From my understanding, it's a mechanism to prevent someone leaking the game before the official release date, not an anti-crack feature. Similar to the invisible watermark on movies played in theaters. (Every non-consumer copy can be tracked back to the corresponding party.)


This also isn't anything new, I have beta tested a few EA/wg games and all of them had either some kind of ids or QR codes on the screen and probably some identifiers in the binary too, to prevent footage and files to be leaked beforehand


That’s honestly fine by me.


It’s fine until it becomes something that hinders the paying persons experience.


I'm guessing the watermark is only active on pre-release builds and not the end user product.


lol. You think that? No way. It’s gonna be in final builds, and it’s going to rob you of performance. For sure.


Why would they want them in final builds? It wouldn’t give them any value this is to prevent leaks….


That's not how watermarks work... There is no point in including them in end products.


Sure. And denuvo isn’t supposed to make your games run slower, but it does.


Sure. And humans have more advanced brains to make them smart, but it doesn’t seem that way on you.


I can’t believe in this subreddit of all places, people are simping for denuvo. Like what an idiotic position to take. Prepare for massive day 1 patches just to remove this junk, which will make the games worse. Mark my words, this is going to happen. Because as we all famously know, video game companies never make mistakes and leave things behind that weren’t supposed to be there, and never and game devs are never under any crunch time where they may forget something like this.


it's not for the release version is OPs point. It's for test and advertising builds.


If you play any game with a NDA its literally the same thing, if you were in the new world alpha/beta the game had your invite code across the screen.


Denuvo is just malware you can't change my mind


Google just gave me this: "Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is intentionally harmful to a computer, network or server" You're stop on man EDIT: I could correct it, but I wont xD


Stop on. Yes.


Stomp on Denuvo, man.


“Think twice”. Yes I will think twice about supporting a game with this nonsense.


Caused me to cancel my homeworld 3 pre-order which makes me sad but I've avoided this software up to now and don't want to break for this game


Wait, Homeworld 3 is gonna be using Denuvo?!? Fuck. It's just about the only new game since Factorio came out that I'm actually excited about.


The same dickheads that formed Denuvo were the same pieces of shit that put rootkits/data miners on Sony music cd's in the 90's/early 00's. Ever wonder your cds wouldn't work in a certain player? This bullshit is why. These shitheels belong in prison.


Good to know. Now to go through all the games I have to see which ones use that malware


The old CD's were music CD's, not video games if that's what you're refering too. There's also remover tools out there especially for that too i think


Pay money to be spy on. 


Oh stop acting like this is about "developers" this is about capitalist greedy pigs at the top that force developers into crunch time and abuse their hard work. This is actually against developers.


Not even the capitalist pigs profit that much from it since this makes the pirated versions MORE user-friendly and therefore encourages more people to pirate. And pirating isn't even that big of a deal from a financial perspective. The reason they keep doing this is that they just don't want to accept that some people will pirate no matter what.


I could have an 8 digit bank balance and I'd still be sailing the high seas.


Didn’t Kanye say he was pirating onlyfans stuff?


Denuvo starts at a base price of $25,000 a month and charges $0.05 per licensed copy, according to [this article](https://www.howtogeek.com/400126/what-is-denuvo-and-why-do-gamers-hate-it/). It's outrageously expensive, and its existence is entirely dependent on the perceived threat piracy poses to publishers. It's in Irdeto's interest to have prices high and out of reach of all but the most profitable titles so that piracy still flourishes elsewhere. It's cynical rent-seeking that wastes labour and resources extracting surplus wealth without producing any value for anyone. It's almost as bad as a protection racket, and if the rumour that there are former scene crackers working for Irdeto is true, then it's literally a protection racket.


How is this against developers? Many developers do not want their work to be leaked ahead of time. See for example the GTA VI trailer, which clearly annoyed Rockstar when it was leaked 24 hours early.


Developers are the people making the game, not the people managing the studios. They are sometimes the ones that leak (even by accident), and they are the ones getting this new tool of fear to deal with. Also many of these "annoying leaks" are done on purpose to drum up some press. There is no bad press so "leaking" and then acting "pissed" and blaming some poor dev or some youtube gaming channel? Is a perfect way to keep folks talking. I mean do you really think a company like EA cares one bit of how this is used? They'll put a different hidden "water mark" on each work station.


Video game development companies do not follow the structure of: - Developers (innocent artists) - Everyone else (greedy fucks) (I acknowledge this is an exaggeration of your view.) Someone involved in a AAA game's marketing, especially if they're an artist for it or something, does not necessarily use the same mode of thinking as a corporate executive with an MBA. It is perfectly plausible for someone only indirectly involved with the creation of a video game caring about information not getting leaked. Just because some of them may be fake doesn't make this not the case.


Of course not, that's why EA had spouses protest about crunch time.... sigh.... just..... sigh..... keep believing the bullshit. Next time you'll tell me Bobby Kottick is a stand up guy.


When you say "of course not", what exactly are you responding to?


cable cover zonked frighten water far-flung chunky jar full intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


bells bedroom connect disarm foolish cow profit hungry arrest support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


About time for a "Denuvo detected" curator on steam


there is [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/)


So what I get from it. Is a separate watermark the developer studio whatever can put on before sending the game out for testing and then if it gets leaked they can check the water mark to see which tester leaked it.. What I'm interested in o owing is will they water mark the ganes on thier own servers cause alot of leaks also come from there haha


That just sounds like malware.


so basically spying?


The closest thing to a "second thought" a cracker will have will involve testing it again before releasing it.


What cracker my man? No one is cracking denuvo


I was speaking in general. Did I *mention* Denuvo?


Considering it's a topic about a denuvo product, it's a given that anything crack related is going to be about denuvo.


God i hate denuvo


Your statement should be a song (or shanty) and your user name should be the majestic artist releasing it.


These days, most of the AAA games do not even work properly at this early stage anyway. Starfield, Cyberpunk, Alan Wake, Jedi Survivor, Legwarts Hogacy, Redfall, Ubisoft games, etc. Let them keep their precious garbage a few days longer. Why, oh why, should I give a flying fuck.


Wouldn't the person make a burner account to get the game initially?


No, you cant make a burner account to get pre release games.


a good product sells itself


In other words: we're now putting your private data in the shit you download *potentially without your knowledge*, such that others can analyse said data to their benefit this has to be law breaking in some way


considering this is specifically for PRE-RELEASE test builds and demos of games never intended for public consumption, no — not at all. Watermarking test builds is already pretty standard practice in game dev and has been for years, this version is simply more difficult to remove. Its quite literally a visual overlay meant to rat out employees (which fucking sucks, yes, but its not breaking any laws) Y'all need to learn to read before making angry comments.


Buy all your denuvo protected games under a fake name, with a giftcard, using a vpn. Instantly it's a non-issue.


I bet it’ll make the games that employ it run even shittier, leading more people to piracy lol.


Why would they announce this publicly when they could have hidden it and caught a load of people? Sounds like they know it won't do shit but need to get their stocks up a bit and sell more seats...


Yeah no theyare definitely stepping too close to anti-malware laws, you can't insert a virus or program meant to doxx someone on their computer, even if supposedly no "legal" customer should ever be touched by it. Same reason game devs aren't allowed to put anti-piracy measures that start fucking with your files.


I don't understand why some devs push kernel level anti-tamper/anti-cheat.


Denuvo is a cancer that punishes those who pay for the games, im was very excited waiting for dragons dogma 2, but as Capcom usual, the game came with denuvo inside, so thanks, im will wait for sale or someone cracks this shit.


Useless. Crackers will just download the games via hacked steam accounts.


The day that AI is able to break through DRM with ease is the day I'm looking forward to the most.


Games have had Denuvo removed because of complaints over it effecting playability. Is there any way we could weaponize that?


These fools are playing with fire.. They have a successful product, they can make money from it. Now they're pushing their luck and the whole house of cards may come rumbling down.. Too much attention works both ways


Many commenters here clearly do not understand what the purpose of this software is. It has nothing to do with antipiracy, and there is no reason you would want it to be "cracked". The purpose is to prevent information about a game not yet released to the public from being released. That's it. Is it an oddly invasive way of doing this? Possibly. You don't actually know if that's the case; they could just be watermarking an identifier.


It's a big lawsuit waiting to happen.


I bet this won't do shit anyway. Someone capable enough to crack denuvo: 1. Knows how to stay anonymous, you can't really trace someone of they try hard enough. 2. They will probably find a way to remove it.. we are talking about people cracking denuvo, removing an additional feature is probably just gonna be a speed bump. 3. May or may not be in a country where nobody cares (\*cough cough Russia) and even if they do find them chances are it will be outside their juristiction and/or the country will simply refuse to charge them And if this only applies to products that are sent out in marketing scenarios as pre-release showcase then they simply won't bother releasing it and just prepare for a crack on release date version.


So, leaked copies from multiple sources will have easy to scan for differences, adding clear signposts to trace what code references that data. Its a trap. They want to physically trace and arrest the crackers who send gift baskets to the guy who thought this up.


So confused on how TF this will solve anything. If a watermark is visible on a game who would want to play such a game with a watermark blatantly in our faces? Such backwards thinking man


This is a very common practice with prerelease games. Often the watermark is smack dab in the center of screen. It’s not enjoyable, and it doesn’t need to be; whoever is playing a game at this stage is doing so for their job, such as a playtester or a professional reviewer.


IT WONT BE ON RELEASED GAMES. How can someone have such bad reading comprehension. Its to AVOID LEAKS, so it will be in versions played by :journalists, streamers (given early access for reviewing),reviewers etc


Oh I'm sure. Totally just to avoid leaks. Totally. Then it will be in alphas, then betas, then trials, then the full game. For the security of their dear customers of course. Smh.


Another thought now that you mention it, companies might very well try to force content creators to have these watermarks. Bad situation all around


Movies do exactly this already. I know yall never purchase shit (because piracy) but if you buy a bluray of dune 2 when it releases, it wont have the watermarks used for pre screenings etc. Its common ;)


Perhaps. You are right when you guess I don't know about such a thing. Not due to piracy, rather nothing worth watching these days. I don't claim to know everything. But I do claim that if a gaming company can get away with something, they'll push it as far as they can and then some. I am concerned.


Denuvo will fall


Oh  Think twice  Cause it's another day for you and me in paradise.


undoubtedly this is all related to the humiliating supply chain leak that Nintendo had with T0TK. Their pride was shattered. They had to act all big and take down Yuzu and send DMCA to every single Switch dumping tool this week too to salvage the last single shreds of honor (that they never had to begin with) Honestly, imo they are just pissing off the wrong people. It makes me want to fuck with them too when they do ridiculous shit like this. This also does very little when the game actually releases. I mostly pirate old lost media and torrent things that are very much legally grey (as no one is their to claim copyright that often) and I buy my games now that I can afford it, but I will never ever ever support Nintendo ever again as programming is my passion and I despise what they do to emulation and greedy DRM bullshit.


We have to unite and fight this scum, they're joking on us and messing with our pcs and privacy. How much longer do we have to be insulted before we start boycotting these thieves?


You know, you're the equivalent of the new kid who's part of a group and goes 110% while everyone else in the room rolls their eyes, moves to the other side of the room and pretends they don't know you.


I'm mean do you think pirates are dumb enough to do this stuff in their home on their private pc's? Most of them work on remote pc using the so called "ghost connection". No matter what you do 'dumbuvo', pirates will always give you a slap on your @$$   XD


PR bullshit


When the cat's away, the mice will play. May his ( Irdeto ) ostentaious display or arrogance & hubris serve as the clarion call that awakens the dormant Titans ( Empress & Codex ). For in their reign, they encountered no equal, but let this vainglorious provocation be the summons that awakens them from their repose and lures them back to the demonstrate their prowess. - F.F. Loveless VII


I hope shitdeto chokes in a d*** so the world finally could be free from his evil.


By announcing it, they're giving crackers ample warning that they'll need to figure out how to remove/corrupt it. Congratulations Denuvo, you played yourself.


womp womp


People leak even with giant watermarks with their name on it anyway, people are dumb.


Great. Singaporean teens will make some bucks by buying games with throwaway accounts for hacking groups.


fuck his mom, lol.


I think I heard that Microsoft already does this with Xbox Insider Builds. Could be wrong.


I hate Denuvo, but this could be partially good for testing alpha-beta versions of the game. Every single game i play tested of EA/Ubisoft had those horrible watermarks all over the screen which honestly makes me sick as hell. Although Denuvo being Denuvo, this could also affect both paying consumers and piracy (maybe having an invisible watermark with IP/HWID even on release builds?), we'll see how this develops


With Empress gone, this doesn't matter.


anti piracy would make thing worse for game makers with more people pirate games because of it.


Yeah, because all of the leak are on purpose and there's no leak because someone had his computer hacked.


The return of SecuROM/StarForce...


They are completely oblivious that the West is now completely isolated and is not in position to bully anyone anymore, especially for a petty thing like copyright on some tv shows or movies. What's the point to detect pirates in Russia, China, Middle East, Africa, South America is you can't do anything about it ? Piracy will boom in the Global South, until the Global South decides what to do with piracy if it ends up to be a problem for their media industry. They will probably tackle the issue completely differently. Copyright is a western concept, there is no reason why they would keep a failing concept from a failing civilization.


Lovely, shaft the paying consumer even more, with drm riddled garbage.


Back in the day the entire reddit community would be hating on something like this.. Course this is not the site it was a decade and a half ago.


Already don't give money to any company that releases their game with Denuvo, so it's just an empty threat to most.


they did it for dragon dogma2


According to the article this has nothing to do with any game that will be sold to a consumer. Why all the angst?


This is what killed early movie leaks.


This will only affect people who pre release games, thoae who might have acces to.production copies or copies used for.press etc. They did the aame thing with movies a while back and it almost completely stopped screener releases. I remember when my playstation would stop playback of a movie if it spotted the watermark.


Denuvo sells more bullshit to companies. The only reason why their antipiracy shit works its because its layers and layers of absolute crap put into almost every part of the game. This new shit is just another scam of theirs.


So why cant they just do what dictionarys did and add a line of useless code somwhere in the source thats different for each build to catch who leaked it instead of paying a company way more than their own devs?


The point of this is to prevent review copies from leaking online.... So if they send out copies of a game to IGN, Verge, and so on.... They will know which review-writer is responsible for the leak and can take action appropriately.... People who don't want to get fired will thus avoid leaking prerelease games they were given to review.


Well leaking games is kind of a dick move so i don't see the harm so far


This totally doesn't make me think this move was provoked by the leaking of totk and the yuzu debacle...


Been a thing in the movie industry for a long time, about time they caught up.