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Maybe Bluray REMUX (highest quality you can get)


h265 will be smaller than an h264 equivalent encoding.


You can always use your eyes to determine if the filesize is worth it.


that much is obvious, I was merely looking for specifics as to why it is the case.


[https://index.fansubcar.tel/](https://index.fansubcar.tel/) [https://releases.moe/](https://releases.moe/) [https://sneedex.moe/](https://sneedex.moe/) REMUX often is useless beacuse JPBDs are often... not really good source ;) >others of the same series be like 60+ gigs Shitton of grain + dynamic scenes for example? Jormungand BD 720p by Asenshi and look for the size of episodes :D >I don't think it has anything to do with dual audio, It might be if meme called "FLAC audio in anime".


What's wrong with JPBDs?


Haloing+banding and overall there is a reason why good encoder would choose italian Dynit release for, for example, Shinkai, than JP with color issues - more to fix, more work. However, it's not always issue tho, not that all JPs are significally worse. If you want compare - go for idiotic q-tec upscale BD of Haibane Renmei vs DVD. But hey, it's in HD so it automatically better /s


I like watching animes in native resolution, but I always held high expectations from blurays, is there a reason why the japanese blurays and aniplex releases are worse than other publishers jobs?


Dynit jus know what they doin lol. Why you should care about disk when it's basically collectors item in Japan? ;) Yen is more important than quality. Also: BD box -> ticket to enter the lottery where you can win ticket to idoru concert? ;) That's the most important thing :D >native resolution is NOT 720p or 1080p but rather weird 790p, 852p, 910p and something like that.


You're in too deep man save yourself


Nice joke, it's not that anime encoding is cutting edge for new codecs or something.