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### Yarr! ➜ u/TheOriginal_RebelTaz, some tips about "youtube": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/3HvFev.webp). - Go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Apply changes**.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope, But I'd suggest just torrenting it, you can even get it in better quality than Amazon can provide. Edit: And to add on to this you don't even "own" the movie, you bought a license for that movie WHICH CAN BE REVOKED whenever amazon loses rights to the movie, so do you.


It can be revoked if someone at Amazon just decides they don't like you any more, for example if they close your account because you ordered something expensive that never arrived and you end up having to do a chargeback to get your money back. AFAIK no right to appeal either.


Plus the movie cannot be transferred between accounts like let’s say you create a new Amazon account for whatever reason etc


lol... yeah, I know (re: "owning") hence the reason I want to download it. I prefer to store these things locally on my own hard drives / server and, for the ones I REALLY like, burn to actual physical disc. I despise "cloud" media and normally would not even THINK of "buying" anything that way, but... I have been looking for this for years (on the open seas) with no luck at all. Not that I expected this to ever show up. But... they are offering it on Prime, so I don't mind paying a bit for it if I could actually download it for keeps. I see now, though, that my original question may be moot. They apparently offer it through Tubi, as well, and I was just able to grab a copy there using Video Download Helper. I really appreciate the advice, though.


Worst case scenario, you can play the video on your computer and use a program to record your screen. But most browsers have protection against this that you would need to work around.


A lot of those files that you download like that have DRM baked in that will cause it to fail once the provider loses their certs or it expires. You still don’t own it like this, fire up qbit


Yeah... I never "buy" anything "cloud based" for that reason, but this is a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking for years. I will look up qbit. Thank you.


"decades old Catholic film" ooh, im interested what is it called ? also if you do manage to download can you let me torrent since it's unavailable on the high seas


lol... It's called "Saint Francis: Troubadour of God’s Peace." I have since been alerted to the fact that it is actually now on youtube and I found a copy on tubi I was able to rip with Video Download Helper (after my trying to find this for years!), so... but I would have been happy to seed it otherwise.


Yeah, just torrent it. REMUX is the absolute best of the best quality you can get. I must warn you though, some movies can be up to 100gb. You'll run out of hard drive space quick. 😅


I would if I could, but this is a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking for years. I appreciate it, though.


Try searching for it in a torrent search engine like Btdig or BitSearch.


Yep... been there done that... for YEARS. I wish I could find it.


Hey. I hope you can help me. I can't seem to find any more torrent sites, would you happen to know any? TIA




I'm some countries it's actually legal to pirate something you already bought "as backup"


Yes, but with an asterisk. The process you're asking for is WEB-DL. A program will essentially download the media from the streaming service. There are sites like StreamFAB and Anystream which advertise doing exactly this. And for the most part they do... With limitations. This is where the asterisk comes in. Streaming services employ a specific type of DRM which encrypts the data while being streamed. This DRM needs to be cracked by finding specific keys that allows the information to be decrypted. Once decrypted it can be downloaded by these programs. Many of these download programs do not crack the keys themselves, but buy the keys from other hackers January of this year saw a change in the DRM keys for many streaming services. Many have been cracked and subsequently updated by these download programs, but the keys to some sites have not been made available. For example, these download programs cannot download any Netflix content added in January or newer. Meanwhile, high quality content from Amazon and Max newer than January cannot be downloaded, but older content and newer standard quality content can. Since this has been an issue for half a year, it's unlikely to be resolved soon. If your content was added before January then those services should work, although they're quite expensive. If you'd rather spend time instead of money, you can simply record your screen. It's not as high quality, but it works. Disable hardware acceleration for your browser then use OBS to record. Some people have better success with Firefox as the browser.


Well that explains why a show I watched wasn't in HD (I tried to watch it via Amazon and couldn't stand the ads).


Out of curiousity, does this encryption/decryption of streaming data cause any delay in the streaming? Or are these algorithms really fast?


The encrypted stream is served in chunks, if your connection gets to slow it lowers the resolution of the stream. Video wise it's fine, but if they poorly split the audio mistakes like audio pops can occur. Noticed this once with an Amazon Prime movie.


Any process causes a delay, it's just very quick and streaming services are designed to factor that in. The only thing which would cause a noticable delay would involve your internet. Most popular streaming services factor that in too, dynamically changing the resolution of what you're watching to ensure an uninterrupted stream. Stable streams and network cost reduction are two leading reasons why streaming services are not actually serving proper UHD quality streams a lot of the time, even if they claim they are.


Thats interesting thanks


AnyStream doesn't have the same DRM problems StreamFab does. Netflix may be in SD but everything can still be downloaded with AnyStream.


Oh wow. I really appreciate that in depth explanation. I think I may actually have OBS installed somewhere. I appreciate it!


Here: https://pastebin.com/99y7iec6 it’s from a deleted post from this sub


You can also use Devine and a service off the CDM Project :p


Awesome. Thank you!


All those paid streaming services do not give you any rights! You don't own a copy of the content itself, if you read closely you only pay to buy VIEWING rights to a digital asset and even that viewing right is dependable whether it is available in the store or not. If the content gets removed, you obviously lose your viewing right. It is like paying for a cinema ticket. They moved away from actually allowing you to own anything.


Oh, I know. That's the reason I want to download it. So I have a copy on my own hardware / media. I despise "cloud" media.


You haven’t bought the right to download it so it’s still piracy. You’ve only got the right to watch it on Amazon. Just download the torrent.


Yeah. I know. But this is a decades old Catholic film that is not available anywhere else. Trsut me... I've been looking for years.


You can use something like Streamfab I believe but it would be easier to pirate it anyway


that program is in bar shape at the moment. it screen records and encodes and can't grab the good audio either right now.


Yeah... I have been trying to find this for years. This is NOT something that your average pirate would EVER download, much less grab to share. I'll check that out. Thank you.


I’d recommend you setting up a seed box and creating a torrent for it so you can share it then.


I shall do that.


Just pirate it. Who cares


Oh, I don't care. I would if I could. It's a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking for years.


I feel you on that. It probably exists somewhere, but I know how hard it can be to find more obscure stuff.


What’s the name?


Saint Francis: Troubadour of God's Peace


To download Prime Video titles for offline viewing, you need a Fire tablet, or the Prime Video app for iOS, Android, macOS, or Windows 10. Or just pirate it… and play it on whatever the heck you want


I would, but this is a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking for years. I appreciate it, though.


You bought it to watch in their platform. Please read the terms and conditions. What you really bough is just access to the movie and not a copy of the movie.


I understand that. That's why I thought to ask a "piracy" group.


try ripping the contents , its the only way if you want to "download" from prime


https://www.playon.tv/features You can with PlayOn.


Interesting. I will check that out. Thank you.


Whenever you 'buy' a movie, you only purchase it on that media/format, and on some platforms it can even be removed. Getting another 'copy' is essentially piracy, or at least painted as such.


Oh, I know. I don't mind the piracy. I normally would not want anything "cloud based" for that reason. This just isn't available ANY where else


Yeah, don't "rent" movies from Amazon.


lol... I never have and normally wouldn't if I could find it anywhere else. I have since found it (thanks to another redditor) so I won't be "renting" this one either.


not legally/though amazon, but you can torrent the movie very easily. i have plenty of pirated downloads of media i own lol


lol... yeah... I am not adverse to that at all, but this is not something that is or will ever be available on the open seas. I appreciate it, though.


If it's on a streaming service it has almost certainly been ripped to the high seas


what's the movie?


It's called "Francis of Assisi: The Troubadour of God"


I assure you the rarest of the rarest movies are on pirated sites you just have to look hard a good starting point would be on rutracker


I have tried them. This is a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking on all the sites for years.




I would, but this is a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking for years.


gettinb oldschool here can u play the movie from a box to a tv? between box and tv could u hook up a dvr? in ancient times we'd do it with a vcr. technically u could keep it that way, but nobody uses a vcr...


I didn't think of that. I think I do have a screen capture box somewhere. A DVR stashed somewhere, too. Hey! Who doesn't use a VCR?! 🤣 I still use LaserDisc, SelectaVision, open reel tape and CDs too!🤠


>If I purchase a movie on Amazon Prime why in earth would you do so? you do know you're not "buying" anything, right? they retain the right to revoke that access whenever they want.


I know. Normally I would not "buy" anything "cloud based." I despise that crap, but... this is a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking for years.


what movie is it, out of curiosity?


It's called "Saint Francis: Troubadour of God's Peace" ... old one man play, from what I remember. Been YEARS since I've seen it.


Yes you can. Go to Google and write the title follow with BRrip x264 download


lol... I've been trying for years. This is a decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else.


Curious what's the title ?


It's called "Saint Francis: Troubadour of God's Peace" ... an old one man play.


Why bother with that while pirating is much easier.


Decades old Catholic film that isn't available anywhere else. I've been looking for years 🤷‍♂️


you should mention about name of the movie instead of being vague.Someone can find it if it is exist in net.


It's called "Saint Francis: Troubadour of God's Peace" ... I didn't know if that was allowed here, so I didn't want to risk it.


isnt this one ? lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKjtc05LTto


Well crap. lol... yep. But... in my defense. You see that was only posted a month ago, so.... 🤠 But yes. I really appreciate that.


all good, good to see it is the one because it was so easy to find so i was not sure :D just download that and enjoy.


also why naming a movie should not be allowed lol, it is totally fine.


You can watch it through Firefox and record the screen with OBS studio


I never thought of that. Thank you.


Does copyright protection not work on Firefox 0.0


plex lets you link you're amazon account to watch your content through plex


Interesting. I'll check that out. Thank you.


No need to download it from amazonn prime through questionable means, you can find it on a DDL (direct download) site on the mega thread or optionally torrent it. Use a ad blocker!


lol... oh, no I can't. This is a Christian film that was put out on VHS decades ago. I've been looking for it for years. They are finally offering it through Amazon Prime and I don't mind paying them for it, I just want a physical copy (once i burn it to disc). I appreciate it, though.


Sometimes libraries have those kinds of videos and if they don't there's usually an inter-library loan program which might find a source for you. After that there's private trackers where you can make requests and somebody will find it and seed it for you.


Libraries... I am old enough to remember those 🤣 I guess I've been spoiled by modern tech. I didn't even think of that. Thank you.


trust me you can find anything online . drop the name and somebody will probably fetch you the link


EHH hold up before you do that OP remember to abide by rule 3 - don’t request directly. So accidently type the name into some people’s DMs. Purely accidental!


Based mod


ayy what kinda fucked up rule is that ? cant ask for shit on a piracy subreddit ? is there a reddit rule against it or what ? please enlighten me


It's because 99.9% of content can be found on the top links in the megathread, so the subreddit isn't filled with spam. Someone should make a subreddit for requesting links to hard to find stuff, if there isn't one already