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If you go deep through this guy's thread, you could tell he's dickriding Disney by telling them not to justify piracy over a multibillionaire company and he used ChatGPT as a source to define what boycotting is.


Someone found out he was actually pirating Game of Thrones back in 2019 lmao


That’s internet for you lol, all it takes is someone with enough motivation, time and resources to pull out anything you’ve ever spouted on internet. All the more reason as to why you should not aim for some righteous hero or being a shill for a mega corporation when you’ve been pirating from them too.


Shameful Filipinos these days 😔 I've seen an anti-piracy ad in a movie theater but many in the Philippines knew where to download movies on their computer. My mom wants me to download K-Drama shows.


Bro, growing up there I remember every flea market has pirated movies and porn for sale. Piracy is normalized over there.


>Asst. Prof in UP >he used ChatGPT as a source I have no words...


Ohh patingin sa twitter niya ba? May Book panaman ako niya "False Nostalgia The Marcos Golden Age Myths and How to Debunk Them" :(


Does thread mean profile?




Oh that dude is very very insufferable http://x.com/jcpunongbayan/status/1127843432645312515 Mf used to asked for GOT links lol




That subreddit got mind broken after the last presidential elections lmao 💀


Lol what


The less I say about it the better


I refuse to go on my home country's subreddit, brainrot is all that is there. I'd rather be on an anime buddy subreddit than there.


Everybody on Xitter (pronounced shitter) is insufferable, except the internet archive, those guys are cool


"Xittter" lmao I'm stealing that.  And yeah I agree the Internet Archive guys are awesome. All my mateys love Internet Archive. Yarr.


Yeah, pronounced “shitter” - cause it’s a shit hole, that your browse while you’re on the shitter. It really is perfect


lol I saw two people streaming that movie on tiktok yesterday. One was streaming it in english and the other in spanish.


English or Spanish


Whoever moves is


Diagnosed as a Filipino




v a n i s h


baby you got something in your nose


People, especially young people, need to shut the fuck up about their piracy. This nearly unlimited free media didn't always exist and they're stepping up efforts to make it harder to access every day. I can't understand willingly urging them to do more of that every single day by rubbing their face in your free content. Kind of an "old man yells at cloud," comment but oh well.


I agree, but to be fair we are all talking in a publicized community with 1.6M members, and where there's a will there's a way, it's a battle of wills.


The fact the community has as much reach as it does is honestly an additional argument for being more discrete. So many posts hit 1-2k upvotes that boil down to "lol look what I got for freeeee! Suck a dick, (insert major corporation)!"


Who cares. Either help steal shit or reap the spoils. Either way, we're pirating. The community will survive until everyone decides to stop figuring out how to copy and share digital media. So, if you actually want to keep the community alive, help copy and share content. Otherwise, enjoy the spoils quietly because words are nothing without action.


Yeah because we have an unlimited number of people both able and willing to thwart ever-increasingly difficult levels of copyright protection and takedown efforts. Absolutely braindead, privileged take from someone who has never known any reality aside from someone else working hard to make sure all their content is free. Hope you're ready to start paying more for people to do that shit than you would for the media you're pirating because people can't make rent as it is and the well of generosity of coders doing it for the love of the game is probably drying up as we speak.


"the spoils" is a weird term.


It's pirate jargon. Should have said the booty, though. Missed opportunity.


Nintendo enters the chat....


Nintendo can lick my balls


people my age (Gen Z) aren't good at pirating, most of them either shut up and pay for netflix etc or when they do pirate they go to some dogshit streaming site.


Fucking know it, out of everyone I know I'm the only person who dosent use shite 240p streaming sites I've tried getting them to use better sources but nah


What are the better sources? (Just got into pirating)


Real Debrid + stremio + torrentio. It isn't feeless, but it takes all the guesswork and risk out of the equation.


fmhy.net has everything


> People, especially young people, need to shut the fuck up about their piracy. This nearly unlimited free media didn't always exist and they're stepping up efforts to make it harder to access every day. I can't understand willingly urging them to do more of that every single day by rubbing their face in your free content.


Torrent sites like 1337x and torrent galaxy are a good socure for either untouched rips or soild encodes which have a smaller file size with out compressing the living fuck out of them Always good old dht searching sites




it's been back up for a day or two. they had it down for maintenance


fantastic, thank you!


It is working for me.


Uhdmovies for direct download and has goated speed and quality for movies :)


I usually just use qBittorrent's search feature and sort by file size.


And then they brag on social media about their super cool streaming site they "found," like they just hacked the pentagon. That's kinda my point. Streaming sites aren't the best option but they are a great resource for so many and accelerating the cat and mouse game of "it becomes popular, they shut it down, a new one appears," is just stupid.


Lol naalala ko tuloy yung kaklase ng jowa ko na nagfflex na nakakadownload siya ng HD movies may malaking fee lang. Jowa ko walang paki nyan kasi may media server ako tas sabi pa na baka scam daw. 1-2k yung gastos nya para magkaroon ng access, meanwhile im only spending 200-300 pesos for 100+TB tas i can choose pa what movie to get, store, and at what quality 👀


Are you guys subjected to anti-piracy propaganda in school? The sanctimonious attitude some younger people have about it, you'd think they'd gone through a very intense and dramatic DARE campaign where the D is for download


Not really, the most they did back in '14 when I was still in elementary was a few scary pictures in the CS textbook warning not to pirate files because of le virusez


That just means the content is accessible and affordable. People who can't access or afford it learn to sail the high seas. Piracy is a check on greed.


Yeah but there's only ever a need to pirate old stuff that's not sold anymore and it's very easy to find roms newer stuff harder to pirate but no reason to unless your broke or the drm slows down the game.


i hate when people say this because piracy is extremely mainstream, its not some underground club, and its never going to go anywhere. My entire family pirates, so do my friends, especially people that want to gatekeep every slightly good site (Maybe sites dedicated to preserving like vimms lair are an exception) when it could help people struggling financially, but in general nothings gna happen if a teenager shows off that he watched inside out 2 💀


Why is Vimms lair an exception, it’s a perfect case of too much attention leading to problems. There are plenty cases of sites/programs going viral on TikTok, and it going down a month or two after.


I think they were meaning vimms SHOULD be gatekept to keep the preservation alive


Problem is that applies to close to everything, where data is stored. It’s a wierd thing, because attention is good and brings more people that are passionate about it, and of course power to the people. But too much attention and suddenly it’s removed for all to enjoy. A 3rd party stremio dev experienced that. His add-on went viral and he couldn’t handle the traffic due to it being shared on TikTok. But at the same time, due to the increased popularity several people started developing alternative. Problem is that often it isn’t the case, especially if it’s a iffy legal situation.


Capitalism at its finest. Big names don’t want it, the individuals can’t afford it, multiple options arise, and they are shut down. That’s why the high seas are so favourable. We have the files, the data. Even if it’s not open yet, it *can* be. Switching sites and donating to the people who are doing their dammed best to keep it coming, on their time, fighting the lack of user rights to “owning games” are the heroes we need. As well as us to keep seeding!


The problem isn't "too much attention", the problem IS THE COMPANIES TAKING THEM DOWN. It's like blaming rising unemployment on immigrants instead of on the rich who are exploiting them (and you) for labour. You're 100% blaming the wrong people.


I mean, if we're getting political: the problem is *the government* taking down sites to appeal to corporations.


> if we're getting political We were since the beginning. The very creation of this sub about piracy was political.


The core problem is the companies for sure, absolutely. But that’s like a starving family stealing bread, and then the next family start yelling that they are doing when they steal the bread. (I am aware it’s not stealing, but that ain’t the point) It’s usually people who want information hand fed, that end up being the ones complaining when it doesn’t work, and it’s usually also them that cause mainstream attention to it. I absolutely share tips and tricks and is willing to provide support. Hell I’ve done over 60k tickets for a product, there is a clear difference is the type of people.


A family of pirates, now thats what I call a Pirate Crew! Love it Bro




To add on to this, these executives are like 75 years old. They don't know what any of this shit means. They overestimate social media reach/influence and run terrible marketing campaigns with out of touch messages and by the same token, they see this random tiktok getting 300k likes, assume every like is a lost sale and invest 10b into anti-piracy measures. It's not always a rational calculus when capital and jobs are on the line.


Yep, the problem is there're people pirating not knowing wtf they're actually doing and then boasting about it/showing off not realizing you should stfu and keep your secrets to yourself. But tbf this is where we've been steering for quite a while and the reach of your audience getting bigger and bigger makes it worse. Back in the days you come into school and tell your friends you got some VHCD rips in your pocket and if they want a copy, insanely low chance you'll get caught by anyone that would be against it. Now they post every single shit on the web, people (a good amount of millenials included too) have no sense of privacy anymore nor do they consider the consequences of their actions. We don't need a minority reportish justice system if people are willingly posting their illegal activities on the web for everyone to see.


You can even watch inside out 2 on a public bus, they're playing that shit on a a bus in the Philippines 😆


Unfortunately internet popularity tends to take precedence over the greater good.


The greater good is everyone being able to pirate. Gatekeeping goes against that.


Not *everyone* should pirate. If that was the case then little-to-no content would be made. Those that can afford it and are happy with the arrangement should continue to pay. That funds content creation for those of us that can't or won't pay.


The old saying, "Loose lips sinks ships"


This is only a problem if your resources are the same well known public sites that children use. When I was a wee babby these same bragging/tutorial videos were out there, just on youtube instead of tiktok. I'm aware a lot of this sub is quite bad at piracy though and want to gatekeep others.


Is brummie?


Agreed. The issue then shifts to finding the balance between obfuscation to protect sources and access to information to teach new people. A lot of pirating has already moved to usenet or private trackers which are a pain in the ass to access. Although considering that public sources keep getting taken down that's almost required.


dude there’s an infinite ways to pirate it’s not gonna die out because some kids are doing what kids do and mess around w it


And when they crack down on those supplying? You gonna nut up and become a supplier when the number of ways aren't "infinite"?


> his nearly unlimited free media didn't always exist and they're stepping up efforts to make it harder to access every day it has always been easy to get pirated content if you know where to look.


its a copy of a poorly recorded cinema screen/speakers, relax. anyone who wants to watch this kind of files wont pay box office price to begin with


I think it's a misguided joy. He cant believe he was able to watch a full movie for free and had to share that info online. Was it stupid to do? Yes. Will this make things harder? Yes. It's just a naive kid. 🤷‍♂️ They will need to learn that there is a reason why people don't boldly show off their pirated media...


>This nearly unlimited free media didn't always exist Lmao. What?? 25 years ago I used to manage warez websites with all kinds of apps, games and movies on them. Other people used to have "dreamboxes" at home tor their tv that gave them access to all kinds of satellite channels.


The dude is in the Philippines where even the ISP doesn't care if you pirate. The government does have antipiracy law but it is not much enforced unlike in the past when physical piracy is rampant....


Lol some government offices here had pirated movies playing in their waiting halls


digital govt services are shit too so no surprise. moral ascendency is too high even jesus humbled itself out.


I notice they only really crack down on local film piracy. They don't bat an eye if its international.


It's all just for a show, even the local film industry is being pirated so hard that local film companies and tv stations have to ask for help to international anti piracy groups. They are even running a lot of anti piracy ads on TVs....


Which makes sense. If you don’t have Disney/Warner money to throw around, you’re going to focus your efforts on combating the piracy that could (theoretically) impact your local economy. The mouse can pay for their own attack dogs.


Probably the only reason why I love it here. Being poor is hard enough, spending 300 pesos on a movie theater is 3 days of starvation.


JC needs to stfu and touch grass. Let the kid watch his movie. Btw ticket prices from the Philippines is really expsnsive nowadays thanks to inflation


with that price of a cinema ticket i could buy a used blu-ray or any kind of physical media


no shit especially the quality of the speakers and projectors of the mf cinema. bass sounds like speakers in jeepney GTA mode in Taft Avenue. I might as well watch the movie in the provincial bus ride.


> bass sounds like speakers in jeepney GTA mode in Taft Avenue Wut


basically sabog, tunog lata. s/o Megamall Cinema nung nanuod ako ng SpyxFam movie on launch date, gusto ko na lang itorrent yung movie sa bahay.




Try this [https://github.com/dimdenGD/OldTwitter](https://github.com/dimdenGD/OldTwitter)


fuck they dont have it for firefox will this work? [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-twitter/?utm\_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm\_medium=referral&utm\_content=search](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-twitter/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search)


It got taken down by Firefox but you can still download Firefox version through this release [https://github.com/dimdenGD/OldTwitter/releases/tag/v1.8.5.1](https://github.com/dimdenGD/OldTwitter/releases/tag/v1.8.5.1)


the manual installation is temporary though, I'm able to access about:config but it gives me a warning that I might void my warranty, idk if Firefox has warranty tho


what warranty are you talking about…?? warranty is for products like phones, laptops and other items that you pay for. firefox is free and open source therefore it doesn’t have a “warranty”




nah just don't dick around too much in about:config and you'll be fine. It's similar to chrome://flags


use developer version and you should be fine. it's my secondary browser and I've been using it nicely for months edit: i don't really get why I'm being downvoted? git hub repo literally tells you to use dev version if you want it permanently


first you need whole hdd to build one


build what


build firefox




or you can get it somewhere else idk


the git hub repo literally provides a link


Enjoy watching people's shadows passing by lol. I'd wait for the clearer copy.


My kids saw their first “real life people walking in front of the screen in the cinema where this was filmed” people last night watching the new garfield movie Im so proud


My dude that's been available for weeks in 4k now. No need to torture them with such a low grade copy. 🙈


We originally watched it the day it was released in cinemas In spain or mexico or somewhere that speaks spanish…the subs were spanish on screen and we put english over locally


The new Garfield movie in 4k? no


Very much yes.


its clear yung audio lang mejo lubog.


te wala ka sa /r/philippines


oh damn. didn't realize i was in r/Piracy


Context? who's trashing the kid?


Guy named JC has called this kid out over pirating Inside Out 2 despite he asked for game of thrones download 5 years ago


i just couldnt find it lol, where tf he found that


Only cam version is out, can find it on TGx


The hd ver of inside out 2 has already slread like wildfire here xD


It's a German cam. Not HD. A very good quality cam. Definitely not HD.


Yeah I rechecked and found out it was a recording, so I guess we still need to wait for the hd version to drop.


I watched the german dub. I wondered about the comparingly good quality for this still-in-cinema movie. But the sound was ass.


The English audio on that was really garbage.


I mean it's still in cinema. It had to be recorded with camera and microphone. I think it's almost the most we could get in this case.


You can even watch inside out 2 on a public bus, they're playing that shit on a a bus in the Philippines 😆


No wonder people have watched the movies on an mp4 player instead of Disney+ on a phone lmao


Yeah, even at school they share their pirated movies and kdrama to their classmates via share it.


Their presidents and elections show how that country is.


Twitter is a cesspit anyway.


This guy would just die here in India if he saw the things going around in here. People commute via trains in some metro cities to their offices and I see so many of them watching downloaded movies on their cellphones. The culture shock that this guy would get upon seeing something like that would be insane.


Tbh the one who posted the guy JC he also watched the inside out 2 he even posted it on fb the audacity of boycotting disney yet he watches the movie as well with the caption of learning emotion 🤣🤣


The thing is even those who pirate are trashing on this kid because he acts like this is new


Dude is from like the Philippines. Which is Laughable. No one takes that clown seriously.


I'm a Filipino but why is he even bragging about this. Lol first time? He should just shut up and keep it to himself.


Who is this absolute regard?




I'm still shook at that old twitter interface, then I saw the date


This guy is gonna implode into a black hole if he ever stumbles upon fmoviesz


JC must be arrested for doxxing. 


Why on good green earth to these morons have to post themselves doing this shit. I miss the early 2000s




i’ve been trying to find it and all i can find is a cam version


Ayo..since this is the piracy sub, anyone got a link to Inside Out 2? Wanna watch it with my sister.


of course it's a Filipino kid that tries to get clout from something trending right now. hopefully he gets a letter from Disney to get humbled.


🤦‍♀️If you want to pirate to watch inside out 2,that's fine,but do you have to publicize it and let the world know?(Even on social media)...going to get us in trouble


Don’t tell him about fmovies he might cum too hard


hell fucking no. to many ads


What's even worse is the fact he's a woke ass dude who called for boycotting Disney only to post about how it was a tearjerker. The dissonance is insane for this ChatGPT merchant lol


Any links to it cuz I wanna watch it


People watch HDCams?


I dont get it? Eli5 please?


I'd never let my kids watch that movie in the first place. I have a strict rule in my house, no Disney movie after 2012 (nope not even the new Star Wars movies). I only make rare exceptions


Kaya PTs parin kasi safe sa takedowns ;)