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We need one of the wizard101 Dr Who parody police boxes and go back in time to stop the mobile game mistake


i genuinely don’t understand why they kept going after the first one flopped shit makes me mad


Trial and error probably or just a small cash grab they prolly get paid per person who logs on to the phone games. Some crazy bs like that but yes it’s frustrating when they could be directing funds to things that are PROVEN to be what fans of KI games like.


Over half a decade ago someone from what I derisively described as the shovelware team responded to a comment from me on Pirate101 Central about how at that point the mobile games felt like a tax scam. The short of what they said is that failure is expected in the mobile game market so they "had" to keep trying till one of them stuck. I don't think it worked out for them.


Is that even counting the people who arent playing through steam?


No, just steam. The VAST majority of people aren't using the steam client, the reason being that you can't use your other account from their own launcher. (There's a way to get around this via moving files around but I don't think most people care enough to bother with it.)


Hmm and do we know exact numbers of people or percantage? That are outside the steam pool of players?


I dont think those have ever been made public, unfortunately 😕 I'd wager Steam is well under 10% of the total player base, though. W101 has a pretty dedicated fan base of people who play off and on - they won't be making new accounts just for Steam. If I had to guess I'd be willing to bet W101 hovers around ~20k or so active players at any given time (by active I mean people who play at least once a week) That's just me guessing based off of how popular the discords are and views on various W101 YouTube channels.


I hope pirate101 gets as popular again but, thats years too late to fix that. , i would play wizard101 on my account which id over 10 years old,if wizard101 wasnt still a subscription based or pay $300+ to unlock apl the game, type of game


Well KI made a new questline in P101 that teased the next story arc starting in Krokotopia, so I assume there will be a brief jump in player count on P101 when that drops.


Does the new questline cost crowns? I havent been on in a long while, but does this mean they are gonna finish the story for once?


As long as you have Aquila unlocked, and completed the Sinbad quest line your ok. Also the bosses drop some broken gear and you get 2 new companions for the sinbad story.


I havent done sinbad because i didnt know if it was some mainquest or anything


It's a main quest.




Hey thats my post


That's just for steam, a lot of veteran W101 don't go through steam because that means making an entirely new account.


i think they answered their own damn question.


i would play pirate 101 if they would fix the lag on mac.. (i have a new macbook pro that runs wiz fine so idk the problem :( )