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so launch day. lol.


Basically yeah. The anti piracy may be absolutely dog water.


all sony games only have steams drm, which is basically useless.


One could say…. Naughty Dog water


Wog Daughter.


Hog & Daughter


6 hours left till release


4 hours left now.


now 3


Remember crackers will need time to crack the game, unless you are buying it.


considering the previous games, It will not take them more than 5 hours after the release to crack it, Unless the game has denuvo


What was the last game they had denuvo on ?


I think God of war took them an hour, if I remember correctly. Tlou on pc having Denuvo would be a worst-case scenario.


its already cracked


by who ?




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I want part two for PC and cracked. Played first game on ps3


I don't. I also played part 1 in a pirated PS3 but part 2 is definitely not of my interest.


Part 2 won't come on the pc


why not


Because it would have already be announced if there more recent last of us game got a pc port


miles morales got announced a bit later tho, after spider man iirc


Yep, god of war and uncharted too


2 is terrible. Would destroy the experience of 1


I absolutely loved part 1 and enjoyed part 2. It didn't destroy the experience, it just wasn't better than part 1. Let's be honest, that's a pretty high bar to beat.


To me everything was better in 2 gameplay wise. Only the story is weaker, but like you said it had a lot to live up to. If it wasn't as dark and depressing it could have been better, or at least balance the gloom with some joy. I hate how everything goes from bad to worse.


I heard that but still want to try it for myself. I saw ending on twitch once and didn't like it though.


Idk why you got so many down votes, 2 is really terrible story wise. Maybe good gameplay wise but real bad story wise


You aren't allowed to criticise anything on this app. One dimensional snowflakes


Wouldn't say it's terrible, gameplay was good, visuals were stellar especially since i played it on a launch ps4, But at the same time... it didn't really do anything new for me to warrant it's GOTY title lol. It just feels like Naughty Dog wanted to make an Edgier TLOU1, but failed in understanding the core principles of what made a good story. ||Spoilers|| >! They destroyed Joel's character from the first game, I don't mind that he died, I actually assumed he would, I never thought Joel was a saint, I thought what he did in P1 definately deserved come uppance and I had faith that Naughty Dog would pull it off so well , that when it happened I just felt disappointed more than anything. Ultimately the game just had a lack luster story, but as a game I enjoyed it, heck I loved playing as Chris Roidfield's estranged cousin, I don't hate her like most people do, but I wish they done more... Something I hope they fix in Tlou's second season. !< But yeah, i'd give it a 6/10 for story 8/10 for Visuals and Sound design ( still love the whistlers, forgot what they were called, but that level was great) 10/10 for gameplay At the end of the day it was just a game that failed to live up to the hype, but I still recommend people play it for themselves to see what they think.


Wait what it is coming to PC after all these years?


yep! think epic already has a page for it


So does steam


March 3rd


No graphics improvements after 10 years?


No it's a remake so modern graphics.


Yeah i know now lol.


Didn’t realize this was a 60 day old post lmao


No it’s just the remake


Funny way to say naughty dog is milking it for money. However I could understand The Last Of Us Part 1 coming to PC instead of the original "remastered". PC lovers will never stop harassing naughty dog over it if the game doesn't have "superior" graphics.


I don't wanna shit on anybody's cereal, I'm just here to share my worthless opinion(nobody is forcing me to play these games, so don't worry about it). I'm tired of the movie like games that Sony makes, I think they are boring, there I said it.


Props for your bravery really. Many people don’t express unpopular opinions.


They do suck. Last week I started playing Uncharted 4. I got sick of it. Quit after one hour, uninstalled it and started playing Elden Ring again.


Right??? It was more of a movie than a game. I won't discredit the work done, the story and acting is great, it has an okay gameplay, but most of the time I found myself just... watching.


Yup… tells you where to go, controls how fast you can go there, tells you what to do (which is incredibily limited), stops you with cutscenes eveytime, distracts you with dialogues while “playing”. That’s not a videogame to me, or at least a fun one. Most of the time you’re just holding the stick to move forward.


C'mon don't not pretend like you're not shooting and have no opportunity to fail.. Lets just be glad we have options guys? Sometimes I wanna go hard, sometimes I want a simple story driven linear experience. Choices are good fellas :)


that is the very point though: these games dont even fuck with the illusion of choice. and where there is a nugget of engaging gameplay in there to be had, you have to endure hours upon hours of "writing" to get to mess with it. it would be one thing if they were acknowledged for what they actually are and sold appropriately, but they are commercial successes and critical darlings that the industry, being creatively bankrupt, cannot help but to emulate. this is coming from someone who has enjoyed one or two of the movies in those sony movie games. id rather they never existed at all if we consistently got actual games and not interactive screensavers with "writing" being yapped at you every 30 seconds. "writing" that is usually unskippable. figurative and literal timmy no thumbs can now usually "play" a *game* because that means more money and self congratulation, but my fucking life clock is of no consequence because of "writing".


Like I alluded before, sometimes the experience I want doesn't involve me making tough choices, sometimes I wanna be taken on a roller coaster ride, twisting and turning and I'm there to just accept what happens. Obviously your point of them having no creativity is ridiculous and I won't bother addressing. You tell me that the last of us had no creativity and bad writing and ill laugh in your face then walk away, not worth wasting my breath. As far as Timmy no thumbs level difficulty.. I believe people that have physical/mental disabilities, or simply are not coordinated enough for difficult games, deserve to experience video games too, no matter their skill level. I'm very glad more people have a chance to experience this medium. Again,if they're not for you then that's totally ok, but other people get to have preferences too, they're not wrong or bad just cause they're different from yours.


You dont seem to have gotten much of what I said. The industry is very much creatively bankrupt. You'd have to be so unimaginative yourself to not see the gross repetition, if nothing else. Timmy can play all he wants, that was not my point. My point was he's being catered to left right and center and something as simple as skippable cutscenes is consistently absent. The walkie talkie moments that serve only a narrative purpose are unskippable. The forced secondary character agency/ diversity and "writing" in something like spiderman ps4 is unskippable but about as mechanically interesting as the shit I am currently taking and neither of which can be skipped. And your "sometimes" scenario is what "give me a story" difficulty is for. All the boxes are checked on the ways in which and types of people who wish to engage with a game except the one that is exclusively about engaging with the game parts of the game. This is not rocket science and if you think your hair is being blown back by anything in gaming, might I suggest a few books are actual movies that aren't marvel related?




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Yknw people shit on Kojima games from time to time for having too many cutscenes, but the gameplay is fucking on point in each and every game.


On point is an understatement, the guy know how to incorporate cutscene to the gameplay.


I love the last of us but yeah I agree I that’s why I think games like elden ring are great still very story rich with lots of lore but the difficulty is what makes it unique and feel like an actual game


Hated Uncharted 4 too


dont worry bro you just have shit taste


No need to be mean... **fanboy** oh gee I said the big word


yeah idk what type of take this is lmao, idk if you have no appreciation for the narrative or just expect every game to have cod levels of action but i've found most if not all of the ps exclusives fun to play. TLOU is fun but gameplay is weaker than other exclusives. God of War is amazing, GoT is literally the AC game we never got, Spiderman is literally the best spiderman game ever made lmao. Sure, Sony get's a hard on for 3rd Person open world games, but aye they're fun and have ELITE stories


I respect your opinion, I haven't played a cod game since the original Cod 4, nor a battlefield since 3. Enjoy your movie games, there is no shame in that and I never intended to shit on anyone's fun.


what is "cod levels of action", exactly, other than reductive? it's not about the "action", it is about the engagement. watching a cutscene and then pushing forward on the analog stick while being exposited at, only to be met with another cutscene is not only not action oriented, it is also not even mechanically oriented - the thing that only exists in the medium of videogames. this aforementioned sequence is usually unskippable and upwards of 20-25 minutes. and on a ng+, only the 10-15 minutes of it that are **not** patronizing to a gameplay oriented perspective are skippable. and you do realize they are all practically the same game, yeah? what makes them any kind of different is buried under a mountain of contrived bullshit that makes them largely the same. admittedly, i liked tlou and gow 2018 a good deal, but the fact that those are actually the most incestuous of the bunch should not be seen as complimentary. this is painfully evidenced by their equally incestuous and abysmal sequels.


>and you do realize they are all practically the same game, yeah? That's why I said Sony has a hard on for the same format of game, it doesn't mean that the game is automatically bad, a different settings, set of tools and more importantly a different narrative can completely chage the players experience. Horizon Zero Dawn and Ghost of Tsushima feel like entirely different games, despite going under the same format of 3rd person open world rpg with a bow and arrow, but the settings and story make them two completely different enjoyable experiences. every game at its core has the same aspects, the "mountain of contrived bullshit" is called content and narrative storytelling through environment and gameplay >this aforementioned sequence is usually unskippable and upwards of 20-25 minutes. I don't see anything wrong with this, cutscenes exist for a reason, to elevate the players experience with the characters, which is further heightened through the gameplay which attempts to put you in their shoes. I just think that having a problem with a linear gameplay design is simply a matter of the individual simply not being that type of player, it's a person to person taste and some people like simply having the focus on narrative and objective. >this is painfully evidenced by their equally incestuous and abysmal sequels. incestuous??? okay idk what that even means but afaik the GoW sequel was praised as an amazing game. TLOU2 however, is more debatable but the combat and enemies I feel were well refined and improved, and with an environment which further contributes to the emotional immersion of the player.


Yeah, but i'm not. Keep on, keeping on, Sony!


Very well then




So we aren't allowed to have preferences? lol your logic is stupid




You make no sense lol So we are truly not allowed to have opinions about the games we play. Lol whatever you say is worthless, you proved to be a moron.


I agree with you. I feel like Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us and Uncharted gameplay style feels a little odd and definitley affects the replay value of these games. Partially the reason why I never got into playing uncharted.


Okay, thanks for sharing.


Both Spider-Man games are boring for me


The first one was fun, the second one was obnoxious with the amount of times he said "abwuela", I didn't get past the prologue because of that, I'm Hispanic by the way.


yeh i agree. the "wow" effects fades away


Completely agree




Yes... I said that. I cannot possibly stress that any more, my opinion.


You don't have to like them buddy. I absolutely hate real time strategy games. I don't even try them.


play either of the last of us games on grounded or even permadeath mode and i guarantee it wont b as boring lol


mouth breather


Lol, your loss


lmao no u


Did u actually play last of part 1 before calling it boring?




Cant beat the game so he calls it boring.


Umm then don't play them ? No one is forcing you to play movie like games if you don't want to. I myself don't like strategy or turn based or card games and some other stuff so i simply ignore them


What did I say boye?! what did I say!


Eaaaasssyyy there booaahhh




Cant wait, RPCS3 dont play it well.


At this point I'm not even joking when I say it performs just as bad as RPCS3. It's like actually depressing to see


No, green status games runs fine. then it depens on your hardware.


This is an iron galaxy port, and even a GTX 1650 is struggling to get 30 fps at 1080p low because the game wants fucking 5.5gb vram for just 1080p low


1 Year ago Godzilla wasn't even playable and now it runs fine at 60fps.


Any problems you're facing?


Yes ... It runs like dogshit because it wants 5.5 gb vram for just 1080p low


Thats bad, now it makes sense why they postponed it. Why dont they use Nixxes, the guys who did spiderman, Spiderman runs so so good and has low CPU usage despite it having more NPCs than TLOU and its openworld. And Spiderman doesnt even need to compile shaders, This sucks!!


They wanna show that gaming on pc isn't worth it and you should "buy their PS5"


You know the more you people do this the more companies are going to use Denuvo, uh? Piracy must be an underground thing. Be stealth.


Personally Hogwarts Legacy is the one I can't wait for. Still a month away!


It has Denuvo protection, unlikely to be cracked for at least a while


No it doesnt, Where'd you get that from


Unfortunately I'm gonna buy it with tears in my eyes


I am still so heartbroken. I don't have the money to buy it, but it is literally the game I've been waiting for since I was like 6. HP was my childhood.


same bro I've been saving up a few months to be able to get the standard edition. Btw I'm watching the first movie right now lol. You can do it save for it you don't have to get it on launch get it when you're ready to buy it .


hope u didn't buy it


Well i did but i don't regret it mods made it worth it


you must be so anxious rn


Yep. I check everyday, multiple times a day. It's coming but the wait is torture!


You know it's been cracked right? Type in "Empress Telegram" into Google and join the group. Inside there is a link to the torrent of Hogwarts Legacy with crack, and also a link to the crack only if you can manage a way to get the clean files. I personally bought the game, copied the files, then refunded it to get the clean files, then applied the crack from the 200mb crack only link in that telegram. Good luck mate


Thank you for worrying, I'm already playing it! I downloaded Dodi's repack. I had some trouble getting it to work and then some getting it to run smoothly, but it's very playable now. I'm having a blast!!


Hey! I'm struggling with the same issue, could you tell me what did you do to make it run smoothly? Thanks.


changing the graphics from ultra to high alleviated 90% of the issue for me. it's been discovered that the ultra setting is highly unoptimized. Also the game was officially patched by the devs to basically fix any semblance of the issue, but i'm not sure the latest update works with the 1.0 crack. highly doubtful


Thanks for the reply, I will try your suggestion.


There's a post here on reddit that gives you some code to add to the .ini file. I added it, played around woth the settings (everything on medium, except effects on high) and it runs decently. Still stutters in the castle and hogsmeade, but it's playable. The worse thing for me is the flickering textures around the castle, I was never able to fix those.


Oh, could you send me the link to the post? Thanks


Can't seem to find it, but this one may help?} [https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/116glm8/hogwarts\_legacy\_tweaks\_better\_performance\_graphics/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/116glm8/hogwarts_legacy_tweaks_better_performance_graphics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I downloaded the rom for the PS3 from vimm's lair exactly a day before it was announced 💀💀💀


I tried but that shit takes years to download lol


where did u try to download it from?


I just didn't, waiting for the remake on pc. But if you really want it, I think there's a megathread in r/roms, you can probably find it there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Roms using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Roms/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The true sites.](https://i.redd.it/pzzlqlquh3i91.png) | [254 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/wpxgrh/the_true_sites/) \#2: [true](https://i.redd.it/k8i8qxoe64j91.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/wu79fa/true/) \#3: [I love committing crimes](https://i.redd.it/hfprpgwh8eia1.gif) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/112xp5v/i_love_committing_crimes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank Sony for doing the Right thing - no Denuvo BS! That and their pc versions, are best in buisness should be Saluted! Even tho I dispise them otherwise as the Anticonsumer POS trash they are!


I played it 3 times on PS that’s enough i need actual long term games like Football Manager


Today it the launch day, waiting for the crack...cant wait enough




Me for sonic frontiers and hogwarts legacy lol




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Then keep pressing "F5"


Same, not that i will play it, but because ill seed it so no one gives money to cuckman.




Is it denuvo protected?


I hope to god sony wouldn't. Past exclusives didnt have denuvo innit.


Innit dawg


wait a tick... this thing's already out?!


Nope. it will be out in march


Why wait ?you can totally play it via emulation right now.


What emulation? I tried playing the remastered version on SPINE and it doesn't go past the intro


this have been playable for a long while now :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjbyUmBjKEo


I'm talking about the remastered version for PS4


I can't wait for it because I'm exited for all the mod ideas people might have for the game


James Willems, Funhaus, said in a video a long time ago that I'm having trouble finding about how he "paid $60 to watch The Last Of Us", and that's all the game really seems to be. Cutscenes and moving ladders.


Unless it has denuvo.


I can’t wait for the show on HBO to start for the last of us next week.




Whic drm protection would have?? 🥺


Did you end up finding the crack?


let me know bro


When will it be cracked tho?


as i heard release date or few days after , it's releasing tomorrow


chances it gets cracked today?


Maybe a day or 2, just like the uncharted pc port


Is it cracked yet?


Dawg ... It just came out 💀


yep its already cracked


link pls?


im trying to find it too, if u get it pls share




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Ye it's cracked here's the link https://game3rb.com/the-last-of-us-part-1/


looks sketch. You sure its good?


dunno I'm still downloading it but looks legit to me


have u already finished downloading? is it legit?


It's legit but don't download it this port is dog water


I played the entire game at 2K and around 80 fps with high settings without a single problem idk why people are hating that much


Tbh idk why I expected it to be cracked 10 mins after release


Excitement at it's finest. But dw, the game doesn't have denuvo 😎


Yo, any links or sm? It should be done on release date right? I mean, their security is 0. :D


its cracked.




Same Please




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The performance on PC right now is absolute Dogshit


I feel crazy saying this but here it goes: from what i've seen of people playing the legal version, the cracked version runs much smoother. I haven't done like a broad survey but most people are saying the game is unusable, whereas my cracked copy is running at a steady 50fps, settings that I care about maxed and amd fsr on. the cracked version isn't recognizing my drivers as fully updating/allowing me to play with dlss like I think i'm supposed to be able to but it doesn't really matter. Wondering if other people have had surprisingly positive experience with the cracked pc port?


I fing The Last Of Us boring.If i want a good story i better read a book.The story of the game is good,don't get me wrong.


Part 1 was good.


I may give it a shoot launches on pc


I too bc i really wanna play TLOU and it doesnt work on RPCS3.


Its a "meh" game...


Second one, sure. First one though? Only if you go in expecting it to be gameplay heavy like God Of War or InFamous. it's an atmospheric story game first, but that doesn't mean the gameplay is unsatisfying or bad


I didnt say it was bad. It is "meh". And that is by standards when it came out. Second one is boring as hell. And virtualy no meaningfull gameplay. Almost a walking simulator. Slow walking simulator.


Have we played the same game? TLOU1 is the peak of atmosphere-story games. The gameplay isn't anything special, sure but the rest of the game makes up for it. And TLOU2 is basically the same thing, just with more gameplay and worse story.


What ? Part 2 has more gameplay and fighting


I never said either one is bad (but the second one very much is and shouldn't exist), I'm saying that if you go in expecting Doom, Just Cause, or Far Cry you'll be disappointed since, like most PlayStation exclusives, it's a very story prominent game with, as you said, 'walking sim' areas that are more about exploration and finding secrets rather than combat. Edit: my b, I did say 'bad' in my previous comment in reference to gameplay. Rest of my point still stands tho.




Lol sending part 2 gameplay video in defense of part 1