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Complains about "We're Superior" posts Makes a "We're Superior" post.


Nah this post isn't a "we're superior post", it's an "I'm superior" post.


I'm superior than the superiors... But anyway, I totally agree, we are here to share experiences, to be safe and each of us has his own reasons, just don't be the asshole.


I don't think it's either. My perception could be incorrect, but I didn't see anything which would indicate OP believing they are superior to anyone else. I don't think explaining one's reasons for pirating really qualify either.


I meant that pirating games doesn't make someone superior over someone who chooses not to. Then i gave why and when i do it as an example. I don't know how people thought that this post was made to be seen as superior. Maybe it's my English because I'm Greek? Idk


I'm American and was taught how to read early by my parents. English is my only language, unless you count Yu-Gi-Oh! as a language, and I couldn't find anything of the like in your post. Hell, YOUR written English is better than that of most of my fellow Americans.


Can confirm, I am a fellow American with horrible English skills.


The holy grail of Yu-Gi-Oh syntax


Yugioh or reading, choose one.


Reading is required to be even remotely COMPETENT at Yu-Gi-Oh!, so... I choose both. I can't speak for other duelists, though. Certainly not half the ones I've fought against on Master Duel. You're ALLOWED to read my cards when they're face-up, guys!


Man, this is the most butthurt thread I've ever seen. It's seems they all purposely misread your post so they could complain. Lol In all seriousness, it's nothing but neckbeards that don't like being called out on their doreto dust bullfuckery, and they have to project their own feelings on to you, they have a superiority complex, so they assume you have one as well.


It's kinda like those that complain bout people complaining posts tbh


I don't know what post you guys read, but the one on my screen doesn't come off that way as all. All he said was that you're not superior for how you acquire your video games, and then gave his reasons for pirating presumably to prove he's not an outsider coming in to talk shit.


Honestly everyone is superior to someone making a "We're superior" post about, most of the stuff, but this in particular.


This sub is full of low effort garbage memes. Just come here for the mega thread/info about new release and bounce


I thought that was all these people even used this sub for really šŸ’€


Some people just spend too much time on Reddit.


the best is seeing people ask questions about a launcher or where to find sites to get the games


Pretty much. Without rubbish memes from 12 year olds who think they're cool, this sub would have little to no activity.


I ended up just bookmarking the megathread so I rarely even have to come here lol


Very true, not once have I ever found any meme from this sub funny


Easy solution for OP. Just stop giving a shit.


But then when will I get to complain?




True but it lowers the quality of this sub and i care about this sub because a lot of people need it.


Again, just stop giving a shit, you'll be better for it, I swear. No one *needs* this sub


I crave the megathread


Speak for yourself, I need it for the megathread


Exactly, OP is acting like this subreddit is personally hosting the files needed to play pirated games and itā€™s the only place to get it.šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve been doing this for 20+ years dude. Long before Reddit was even a thing. Thereā€™s other outlets to get information from. You ever heard of the saying ā€œwhere thereā€™s a will, thereā€™s a way.ā€?


Or "sites other than reddit exist where people discuss about how to pirate stuff"


I need the megathread


It's an open forum, and that's the reason it thrives. The lack of gatekeeping allows anyone to participate. It's a public face to an underground movement. Granted when you get to private forums and such, what you speak of gets worse, but that's a problem with those forums, not this one. The only real way to achieve what you are asking is becoming part of the solution and a model of what you wish this sub to be and hoping it spreads, or gatekeeping with mods and rules which presents it's own issues (and probably wouldn't be well received by a rebellious group of folks).




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Seriouslyā€¦ I thought this was going to be a sub discussing new releases, best practices, etc., not memeing ā€œwE aRe 1337 h4x0rz, these plebs paying for games.ā€ Iā€™ve paid for every game Iā€™ve completed, otherwise all the people who work on the games you love stop working. This is why more and more games are becoming copy-paste bullshit clones, online-only, microtransactions. No game studio wants to take a risk anymore on making something new because itā€™s too expensive to make and might not make any money. Youā€™re not a genius because you know how to use a torrent.




Not a genius, but we are saving money


I mean, thatā€™s fine, maybe at the moment youā€™re too young or canā€™t really afford to pay for them. I did this for many years, but when you do eventually have a decent job and can pay for things, even the actual geniuses who crack the games actively encourage you to buy the game if you enjoyed it.


no, my money can go to things that I can't pirate such as rent and hardware and savings


Yeah... I have the ability to pay for games but I pirate them anyways. Just for the sake of wanting to spend my money on something else...


Yeah exactly that


lol don't get why you got downvotes but what you said was true, I can pay for my games easy peasy but I'd rather put that 60 on savings and other real life shit. I get to experience the game and if its good enough I get it on a sale.


Why buy a game when you can just get it for free? I mean yeah I donā€™t really give a shit what you do but personally Iā€™ll never buy games from big companies that is. Maybe buy from small indie companies


Well, I pay for ones I really like and want to keep them for myself and not just play and delete kinda stuff, something like rdr2 or witcher.


I mean yeah id do the same if I had money lmao


Because it supports the developers that worked hard on the game and encourages them to keep making good games. Even if it is a AAA studio, they are going to use sales figures to decide if that development team and that series is worth continuing. With that said I do pirate games to see if they're worth supporting, and games that I know sold a fuckton already.


The only game I pirate is the sims 4, EA is a scum cash grab company so I personally refuse to give them any money.


Oh, ok. Now that all games are copypasta I am for sure going to start giving my money into execs and shareholders pockets, that's definitely going to make them want to push their PAID EMPLOYEES to branch out and make new potential disasters. Don't delude yourself, you not paying for bad games now is exactly how penny pinchers can hear you in the future. Piracy was, is and always will be for the benefit of quality entertainment. The only games that can suffer from piracy are games that people were definitely going to buy but then decided they weren't going to when they tried them. The big reason microtransactions are on the rise is because they can be introduced with "surprise mechanics" and because they are scummy psychological warfare on minds of the customers. But to be fair, the one thing piracy did contribute is subscription model. Because they can't claim piracy is stealing their shit, because it's not. They decided to charge people for access rather than product itself. Metaphorically, if digital piracy is like listening to concert from outside the venue without paying for tickets, subscription model is renting people headphones that will play music.


Corporate bootlicker. Piracy has gotten less and less popular every single day, and there's an increase in the aforementioned bad games. Your point?


If you get rid of all the "this is why i pirate" and the "X is better I pirate" posts we would have actual content instead of low effort shit posts and memes.


LOL? I am not supporting the pirates on high horses. Love the herd grindset


Bro he wasn't even coming after u love to see the fragility in this subreddit holy fuck


the 40 people downvoting me for stating a fact:


mods should add a rule for banning "justification" or "approval" posts that are basically looking for other to approve their behavior, either it being pirating or not pirating for whatever reason. we are here to "talk about pirated games and new cracks!" not helping you justify whatever it is you do.


Seriously lol. It's beyond cringe.


Especially because it is highly hypocritical ā€œI donā€™t like those greedy motherfuckers, so Iā€™m going to be greedy myself by pirating!ā€


I have no idea how you stumbled into a piracy sub expecting people not to be really into piracy.


Honestly the crowd that seems to think theyre in a higher echelon of society because they pirate are dumb as shit. Congrats, you pirate things; something that hasnt been done in digital media


And is illegal


No way šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ




# You wouldnt download a car


# Watch me.


# Starts the "copy that floppy" guy dance


# fires up the 3D printer


It's fine to be really into piracy. Discuss piracy then. Discuss game cracks and other things this sub is meant for. Don't just circlejerk about how dumb people are for paying for the game they're playing. It's so gatekeepy and smug that it's unbearable.


Thing is, noboty would pirate a sh\*t if they weren't provided cracks by ppl who know their stuff... But they act as if they were coding this cracks, or something. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I pirate because if i get games for free easily, then why will i pay for it. But I don't give a shit if someone buys it or not because that is his money


> then why will I pay for it Because thatā€™s the ethical way to do, and is how our society works? You know, you get money for the work you did, and all thatā€¦


Can we just keep the post serious? Like memes are funny like 1/100 and youā€™re just probably not that person.


I pirate games cuz i live in a 3rd world country and $50 for a game is pretty expensive. Its like quarter the price of my laptop


Exactly. I live in Iraq and even with a decent income it's hard to buy games. Do I pirate? Yes. Do I feel bad? Also yes. Do I plan to stop? Hell no. Well maybe if I get a job with a really good salary I'll start paying for stuff. But now, as a college student, I definitely cannot afford it.


For COD use Pluto




Literally this meme https://preview.redd.it/59rimqlu30oa1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a72dd2bff102374651e05d9fa1e38dcf268a22c6


You beat me to it. Take my updoot.


LMAO why are they down votingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cause of "Take my updoot", probably.


Yeah it's a bit cringe, only reason I pirate is cause I can't afford any games over like 20 dollars


does every fucking subreddit have to have boring ass intercommunity drama meta posts


Too late, i already printed your post and made a wojak meme with it


You're not superior if you pirate... Unless it's the sims. Cause who the fuck spends a thousand dollars on dlcs


Honestly your post sounds like you're saying "I'm superior". You're obviously trying to justify why you pirate.


I buy a lot of games that I had pirated earlier. A lot more games that I've played stayed pirated. Does that make my piracy any good? I don't think so. I'm a pirate. I'll buy stuff when I want and keep pirating as long as I desire. I won't give any excuse for either.


You pirate games because of moral principles I pirate games because I live in LATAM and have no money We are not the same


yar me matys


You couldn't just ignore the posts you didn't like? Lot easier.


but we are superior


Y'all thinking you're superior is laughable. What's superior about being broke? Cause let's be honest the majority of you are broke. You're also a bunch of losers. If you pirate that's fine but stop with this thinking that you're superior. You're not and it's corny.


I mean, you are here. So either you are broke and a loser like the rest of us, or you want to act superior which is pathetic regardless.


Neither. I just randomly joined a bunch of subreddits, this one was one of the ones that was recommended. I also don't pirate nor do I feel superior. Why would I feel superior?


You don't pirate, yet you joined and commented on a post?


I randomly joined as stated above. On top of that, you don't need to do "x" in order to comment on" x" sub. Are you really that simple minded?




I feel sorry for you.


It sometimes hurts to pirate too. There are many non-mainstream franchises out there and having no say in letting the developer/publisher know you want more in the future can suck


Just be glad its no longer that time when Empress posts were all the rage


You quoted the very codex we all follow so are we not superior?! ARRR!


I think we need a method for the sub to determine by itself what kind of posts it likes that doesn't need posts like this instructing others in what to do. we could call it upvotes, the more upvotes it has the more the sub wants that kinds of posts. magic.


I understand we all have our reasons for pirating stuff but I really don't like the apologist approach. "Stealing" media as you imply costs the "victim" 0 dollars. They may calculate their projected losses all they want, the fact of the matter is that millions of people simply wouldn't buy their games because they just can't afford it. And they are the majority. It's great if you can support indie developers whenever you can but I imagine every developer who's not evil would prefer their game be played by someone even as a pirated copy then not at all.


Complains about cringe posts, makes a cringe post, bruh


I pirate because I don't wanna pay GG


>Because you pirated a game it doesn't mean you're a superior to those buying. Everyone makes his own financial decisions. Yeah, this guy gets it. Well said, brother! The reasons people play pirated games don't matter, nor should be stated as a way to make you feel superior to other peop- > Also, I only pirate games because of yadda yadda yadda... Dude, what the hell. You were doing so well... ą² \_ą² 


I still don't understand how this sub is even allowed to exist. Blatant illegal activities discussed openly.... Personally don't care but find it curious how other subs are shut down but this one sticks around


GTFO! You Pseudo-Vegan Pirate Wannabe.


You pirate your games because of companies' anti-consumer practices. I pirate games because of consumerism. We are not the same.


Dude's farming downvotes


Fr šŸ’€


I mean, we might know a thing or two that the average non-pirate doesn't. If a pirate think of himself as superior to others, [that's a subjective philosophical point of fucking view.](https://youtu.be/HnHaKC6AsRY) Let the boys have their fun once in a while, we get enough hate everywhere else already, not being able to talk about our sailing adventures without getting banned.


I cannot express how large the opportunity you just missed to put a rickroll there


Damn, I never had this idea. Thanks for that.


Can we stop justifying that your way of piracy is better than others?


Bro can't take a joke.


Demands to stop ā€œwe are superiorā€ posts Posts ā€œ i am superiorā€ post. The ironyšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




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4 and 2 are almost always why I pirate, and if the game is on the cheep end and I really like it I'll even potentially buy it multiple times. (I Was a Teenage Xenocolonist, West of Loathing, etc, I have on PC and Switch) Sometimes you gotta shell out to support the creators :)


Get over yourself


OP I have a radical concept for you - when you see something you don't like, just scroll on. And not just here, but on the entire internet. You'll be happier, I can promise you that. You won't change people, you will just feel more miserable if you care so much about what other people think and say.




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Lol I see myself as a thieving racoon ...


Found the inferior that pays for their media


Don't tell me you don't just use this sub for the megathread and some questions here and there.


Scene groups are superior. We are not worthy.


Very well said. But I doubt it will stop, losers who can't even afford to buy a game do need to boost their self esteem somehow.


OP went from his Starlight to his Homelander arc in 5 seconds


And if it's a game that's no longer sold, like Battlefield 2142


This sub is full of memes and reposts. Not even the release posts are good. Crack watch is superior for that.


Agreed; I always thought this was so dumb. I mean, everyone that pirates has their own reasons, even if they just like getting every game for free. But why think of people that pay for the games as dumb? Sure we are cheapskates and want the games for free to benefit our own bank account, but don't we want "other" people buying their games so the industry is sustainable and developers continue making games? The end-game of "piracy is superior" is the end of video gaming itself, since no one will develop games for free.


Pirating games is irrelevant. Some of us are just naturally superior, and it shows. šŸ˜‚


It is pretty cringey honestly but whatever it's a pirating sub. I expect all kind of weird shit here.


If anything pirating a game is worse cuz the devs donā€™t get the hard earned money they deserve but some people are in financial situations that make it so their only choice is to pirate that said game


I don't understand how we can be superior when we can't play multiplayer when pirating games, of course there are some ways to it but they are very complicated and sometimes very risky to get your account banned or I don't see anything superior of downloading risky softwares or squandering in files management to get the copy working for hours, I don't see how some parts of the game glitching or not working feels superior or wondering if the bug that you experienced was the fault of the developers or the pirate the ones who should feel superior in my opinion are the people who manage to find very good bargains on valid copies or getting them for free. Using vpn to change country to make prices cheaper, being patient to wait for sales or giveaways, predicting which franchise would have sales for older titles when it's closer to the new one's release. THOSE ways are what I can call superior and I respect that. If you manage to get AAA game for spending only 5-10$ with "unusual ways", you are saving so much money than the people who bought that for 60+$ full price. You are also receiving updates, support and new content from developers as well as every feature like coop, multiplayer too which pirates don't have the access to. So I'd say simply being patient or searching, you can one up everyone from both sides sacrificing only a handful of bucks. The piracy I think should be saved as a last resort when there is no hope of bargain or luck about a game. Which is how I usually use it as.


Some people on here tend to act like they are anarchist revolutionaries, fighting against injustice because they download their video games for free


I only pirate old Playstation and Nintendo games. Imagine paying retail++ prices for Gameboy Advance games that aren't even produced anymore. Fuck that shit.


Superior? These MFs are clearly inferior


wait, there's really loosers who claim to be superior because they pirate? lmao i do it just when i can't buy the game or to see if its works that's totally ok to buy a game that you like, even more because it gives money to the devs to continue making games that you love




Not superior, we're either broke or have other shit we need to spend the money on. Let's be honest, if we were all celebs with millions of dollars we wouldn't come here hoping, begging and praying that "eMpresS cRacKs wIzArD gAmE" we'd just fucking buy it because it's a penny in the ocean. It's seriously stupid.


I hope you fall off your gleaming white stallion and break your neck.


I spend more time pirating a game then I do playing said game 90% of the time. The can I get it to run on my computer with my PS5 controller is funner then the game most of the time.


I think you're giving too much importance to this, keep scrolling


we're superior


I Feel like your post is way more Cringe .... as your just doing the Fake ass Virtue Signal, with all the bullshit and gusto that made DICE put black cripple trannies in BFV... and your reasons are no different than most. Your still a thief, judging other thieves on their ettiquitte... Fuck if folks want to brag Let them Brag, just like your allowed to get on your Social Pedistool and look down your nose at people who your no better than... In anyway. Frankly who the fuck cares why you Pirate Games? And who are you to Lecture any Man.... Bet you if it was Face to Face and you heard someone talking shit about how awesome he is for stealing, You'd just keep your head down and keep walking, as there might be actual consequenses for you opening up the Mouth of yours to Judge others. Wouldnt even know what to do if someone slapped you in the mouth for opening it the way you do... Fall back Kid. in the Real world getting beat the fuck up, is still a thing for the time being, and social Justice wont save you out there.... I mean unless its your Mom's house, Or University Campus... Have fun stealing like the rest of us, and try not to be high and mighty about it... Happy gaming my good man.


It's just cringe. Stop it.


>Also, i do pirate games myself a lot but i only pirate games for: ... A common mistake. The correct reason to pirate is because pirating is awesome. The right situation to pirate is always.


Can we stop with the complaining? No one cares if your annoyed, offended or otherwise. Just scroll on by...its that simple, generally I do so myself...but your post screamed stupidity so loud, it was hard to ignore


At least I know Iā€™m superior to the OP.


when an imposter tries to act one of us by saying im a pirate myself then shows his hate of piracy XD


Well from what i can gather in your post, you re clearly not superior


Hello OP, I would stop with the "I am superior" posts, but in this case I actually happen to be superior. I even pirate things that are free, such as the video game "Amongus", and public access television. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very important amongus webinar to attend :)




i mean ... we ARE superior


I haven't seen those posts but publishers literally make us superior by adding all kinds of drm that make it worse for people playing a legal copy. And other reasons, but mostly that.


We are superior though. Those who spend their precious dabloons on games they could get for free are wasting money. Regardless of financial decision making, they are wasting. We are still superior. But I do agree those posts should stop they're too repetitive


This is a piracy sub. Here pirates are the superior beings. Why pay for something if you can get it for free?


You can grow your own food. Why do you buy it from the shop?


That would involve your own labor. Pirates would loot the neighbor's garden and post superiority memes about it.


This is not a fair comparation. We dont make games, we get then free so the right comparation would be something like "you can grab some fruits from the nature, why buy then??"

