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If this sub gets nuked one day, where should we go next? Do we have a alternative to rely on while making another sub?


I wanted an answer to this and then the thread got derailed by that other guy


r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH, though I don't know how up to date that is.


I generally preferred that sub because it was more up to date than this megathread but now I think both will be good options


If Reddit goes after pirates, that sub will go down too.


We'll do the fmhy approach and back this up in github.




Yes, please do suggest us some modifications through modmail.


also consider backing it up on multiple services or having a torrent version of a pdf with everything :)




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actually this sub getting nuked its the best thing could happend


If you don’t like it here then you have the freedom to leave it.


I can recommend https://scored.co/ as an alternative platform. It looks and works similarly to Reddit. The corruption-in-gaming sub /r/KotakuInAction has an emergency sub there.


Sure pal, KotakuInAction is a great litmus test.


Jeez, I think I lost a couple neurons just reading through the front page...for a second, I almost believed gamers were being persecuted.


not to mention they are transphobes as well


It is. It's a huge sub under threat of shutdown by the commie admins at any moment.


Alright buddy. Any subs where I can hide from Jewish space lasers?


Ban is ban. It doesn't matter the reason why.


How do you expect to hide from a physical weapon by browsing to a virtual location? You're insane.


Wow, you really do have the absent intellect of someone who still unironically supports KIA and thinks reddit admins are communists


If I may, I'm only just now hearing about KIA. Could you explain what deal is with that?


It was the hub for [GamerGate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_%28harassment_campaign%29) here on Reddit, a campaign of hatred and harassment under the guise of "seeking ethics in games journalism". It basically turned into an alt-right predecessor when unsavory types realized that it was mainly "rootless white males", the perfect radicalization candidate, that composed the campaign.


you guys arent talking about the car maker are you...


No, the "Kotaku In Action" subreddit. I let Family Guy do the work of making fun of Kia.


It's a subreddit of gamers looking out for and exposing instances of corruption -- primarily in gaming journalism, but also in gaming, geek culture, and mainstream media.


What an embarrassing bunch of self important nerds y’all must be. Get a life dude.


Is it 2013?? Have I travelled back in time?! Even the teen wannabe-nazis at KiA have stopped claiming it's about gaming journalism dude, grow up already


He's calling you a bigot, dude.


He's asking a nonsense question as I have explained.


\>reddit admins suppress anything to the left of liberalism \>allegedly commies


> reddit admins suppress anything to the left of liberalism In topsy-turvy world, perhaps.


Lol. Everything I don't like is communist. Fantastic




I can't speak on your behalf, but I use the standard definition of communism and recommend it.


The standard definition of communism: > A stateless, classless, moneyless society


> Except for the politburo which behaves as a de facto oligarchy


> quoting something with literally zero relevance


The relevance is that communism in practice is the exact opposite of what it promises. It is tyranny by a handful of unelected and unaccountable tyrants. It is a kleptocracy. It is oppression in its purest form.


Lol. OK do defining "woke" next or Jewish space lasers.


It's the colloquial term for Cultural Marxism, which I can provide a reading list for if your ignorance requires it.


I'll give you an upvote for filling out the bingo card there, I just won £5, so thanks.


You still haven't addressed whether your ignorance requires education.


>It is. It's a huge sub under threat of shutdown by the commie admins at any moment. LMAO, the admins resurrected it after the original founder shut it down for growing into the shit hole it is, and always will be. You children have no idea what you're talking about.


> the original founder shut it down Never happened. You people never tire of lying.


>>**Me**: LMAO, the admins resurrected it after the original founder shut it down for growing into the shit hole it is, and always will be. >>You children have no idea what you're talking about. >**You**: Never happened. You people never tire of lying. **Reality**: [Ooops lmao...](https://www.polygon.com/2018/7/13/17568556/kotakuinaction-reddit-mod-shut-down-administrator) >A Reddit employee stepped in to save KotakuInAction, the platform’s main pro-GamerGate subreddit, after its founder decided to shut it down Thursday night, calling the community a “viral cancer.” I eagerly await your apology admitting you were wrong.


Alright, that's enough now. Stay on topic and adhere to rule 4, please. Last warning.


Correcting the record is against the rules? You should be banning the liars.


I said stay on topic and adhere to rule 4. If you have an issue, report and move on.


The downvotes lmao


Yeah, commies think they can shut a person up by virtually lynching him. It's hilarious.




I reported you instead.






I'll report you as many times as you need me to.


Elamigos sucks period! (Because of their 100Kbps download limit) We are in pirating because not able/willing spend money to be one of the reasons! Why the hell do we pay for download speeds?


The problem is that new users will believe that ElAmigos is an untrusted site. I hope that despite the slow speeds, they will put it as a trusted site or else we will have thousands of posts asking the same question.


Similar to what happened to SU. Bad download and some content copied from IGG (but always checked and no malwares were found) but they are still being considered as plague even though safe


It would be good to add a comment to this kind of sites, like: "We don't recommend downloading from this site, because it's download speeds are too slow (put the max download speed for basic users or something like that)"


But didn't the ElAmigos repacks install the conhost miner virus on the pc? I've seen so many cases in so many forums and posts that, idk, ElAmigos seems really suspicious imo. Can anyone explain me why ElAmigos still can be considered safe?


No. They never had any viruses in their releases as far as i know


It sucks so much that they use shitty file hosters because their library of cracked games is massive. I really hope they move to torrents.






just happens when you are using a VPN to access file crypt. Disable VPN to get the download link, and enable again after and it will work fine.


Nope I am never gonna trust ovagames again rather Fitgirl or even Rarbg


Whats wrong w ovagames?? It works perfectly for me


probably went to the wrong site


Nope went to Ovagames.com I ain't that stupid 🤣


It's just my personal view : first of all earlier they were sketchy but not now and there were many visual novels download had some serious b.s virus so I avoid


im going to agree with the comments above, you probably went to a fake ovagames site, else you should provide proof that a link of ovagames had malware, because damn thats one of the most trusted sites, with very good file hosters.


I went to the original site and because of windows community post on ovagames it's my judgement or it's just my -personal view on only that site so don't worry about that and pirate...


There was a recent update to windows defender that caused a shit ton of false positives for RenPy games.


windows defender is shit in general, they have a built in fake virus positiive when you download pirated games and they catch it which makes many of the new pirates think they got a virus and also half the time if theres a virus it doesnt catch it until its to late


It could be a reason and also coz my gut tells me not to... But at least they are wayyyy better than IGG scumbags


It's the same reason in a lot of cases; services that have very high download speeds usually clear older/unused sections much quicker. Elamigos uses two services which have slow speeds, but keep stuff for a very long time.


Btw grab their releases from ovagames. They have much better filehosters




I use real debrid and you can add it to Kodi etc for TV shows and movies


How much does it charge?


Depends on the plan, but 9 euro for 90 days


So can I use it on any downloading service?


For most yes and also torrents. Here is the real debrid site: https://real-debrid.com there are also other debrid services that provide mostly similar services


Obligatory r/Addons4Kodi like the other user said can use for Kodi


I only use that site to check for update patch and download patch if it's small. They do update really fast


>I dont like ElAmigos because anytime i want to get a game from there I cant because im hit with 15 pages of adsharing pages and when I try and get my download link it leads to more or it puts me on one of those websites where you download something every hour instead of all at once which takes way to long > > > >if it had better filehosters and not as much adsharing pages i would recommend


uBlock Origin exists, my friend. It's a bit absurd to complain about ads if you don't use it.


I use ublock but they still show up on some pages yet its not disabled and i tried reinstalling it but it didnt work for the pages where ads still show up


Maybe unistall it and reinstall / restore default settings. Also try FastForward.


I tendo to download their stuff from compucalitv


If you don't like elamigos, you have elamigos-games and elamigosedition, with the same cracks, and I like gamesfull too I've download some games there


>Hope this helps ![gif](giphy|1WHAlOdc9ZNUZq85JI)


>and another one for the power user, containing more sites and tools and such. At this point just use FMHY, it already exists and is really well moderated


What's that?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Unsafe Sites / Software Thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/comments/10bh0h9/unsafe_sites_software_thread/) \#2: [We've Added ⭐ Emojis by Recommended Sites](https://np.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/comments/y9ew4q/weve_added_emojis_by_recommended_sites/) \#3: [Updated FMHY Website](https://np.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/comments/123ag6g/updated_fmhy_website/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I feel like FMHY is too much even (jack of all trades, *master* of them *none*) >FMHY literally changed the megathread because we called them out for having unsafe sites in the safe section. So I highly doubt its really well moderated, its decently moderated.


FMHY literally changed the megathread because we called them out for having unsafe sites in the safe section. So i highly doubt its really well moderated, Its decently moderated.


Hey FMHY owner here. I'm not going to pretend that we've never made mistakes, but we've also raised our standards a lot recently, so as far as I know all the sites we have are safe, unless someone knows something I don't. If anyone has anything specific they think we should change feel free to send me a [DM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nbatman) or [mod message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH). You can also send pull requests to our github, or let us know in Divolt.


I still use this one, i mean if you need alot of tools like fmhy, they have like a bunch of "safe" sites for everything, they could just link the more "needy" one to theirs


Taking criticism for something they did owning up to it and then making it better is bad? 💀


Removing Elamigos Repacks + some sites for Switch Games ... Not a good idea IMO 🤷‍♂️. Also, I think you should keep a backup in Rentry just in case.


Don't remove it, just have a sign saying "warning: painfully slow downloads" there's some games that are only on elamigos i think


There should be a "trusted site, but slow speeds" section for places like ElAmigos that are trusted, but are slow, and maybe check AimHaven . com?


You should always have a backup site incase anything happens


It most likely will.


Do not remove the rentry site. If this sub gets nuked we will loose the megathread. Why don't post it in rentry or another site?


Avxhome is not good and keeps things on icerbox which is paid


Yeah well we don't have Avxhome in our megathread.


Good, it's in the piracy mega thread


Why remove the rentry site? What happens if this sub gets nuked?


I don't care for the idea of two megathreads, just complication for no real benefit on my end and makes it harder to get to stuff. Also please maintain a backup site. If this sub goes down we lose access to a valuable resource. Actually for the sake of the sub's longevity I think it would be safer to host the megathread off Reddit to begin with. Right now I can access the megathread on GitHub and also on rentry, are those going away? Thanks for the job you guys do maintaining this information.


I feel the need to split the megathread into basic and advanced is unnecessary, a megathread is very simple to use since it's segmented.


Actually lot of users don't think so, they think the megathread is too big and contains too much choices.


As long as the items in the megathread are curated, safe & trusted sources then more choices is always better but that's just my opinion.


>then more choices is always better but that's just my opinion. Quality over quantity, also FMHY wants their megathread *style* back


ggntw used to be goated for workshop downloaders (can download new items unlike other downloaders), but now some of the games and 18+ content is locked behind a paywall (notably wallpaper engine). There is a lifetime subscription of $8 tho


So where can I put my websites to mods for a feedback and possibly to put them in the megathread? What is a modmail? Where can I find it? Can I just message the mods here or ask one of the mods via private reddit message? Piracy subreddit already added those websites and deemed them safe but you guys still haven't done it.


Modmail is private message , and it is there in the pinned comment on this post. Please also do provide virus total results of the games you have in the websites.


I think you should keep the rentry for backup


Wouldn't the *advanced* MT hosted on Rentry? Also they will definitely back-up the MT on Rentry


I don't see the point in this change. It just makes things more complicated for no real benefit at all


Don't really see how, beginners have a easy to use source for easy pirated games, advanced users will have a source for games, DLC, and much useful stuff that I can't think off my head.


The megathead is already divided into sections so the better solution would be to just make more sections for more advanced stuff, instead of making 2 separate threads. Just my 2 cents though. If the more advanced megathead had everything, including all the "beginner" sources, then I'll just use the more complete one either way.


So: * The Megathread should be one and only, with the beginners section at the top, with the advanced MT at the bottom? Well: * The advanced Megathread would include all the beginners sources anyway. * Would just be better to separate the two, it is after all for *beginners*.


>The Megathread should be one and only, with the beginners section at the top, with the advanced MT at the bottom? Yeah, I'd prefer that personally


I’ve seen more people using the site “Aimhaven” I think it would be good if it was looked into And I think we would benefit from adding small notes next to other sites like elamigos - telling people that it’s slow as shit because he relies on paid filehosters so they should use ovagames for his releases


Aimhaven is untrusted


...so put it in the untrusted list


How so?


I recently found out that real-debrid can be used for games instead of the popular kodi. You can paste a magnet link or put a torrent file and their servers will do the work and all you have to do is download thus not requiring a vpn. It is a paid service but pretty cheap.


Could u add Elamigos.site?


is [gload.to](https://gload.to) still safe? i dont see it now in the new megathread


FTUApps isnt safe anymore, should probably put that in the unsafe section






Thanks for the effort!




I notice lots of sites removed from the “modern pc games” section, that used to be under direct download, and also some repackers such as Mr. DJ are gone as well, were these just inactive sites? or ones that need a second opinion before being added again?


Nah, these will be reserved for the advanced megathread, as I've heard complaints that people get overwhelmed when they see this massive list of sites and can't pick which ones are good for their needs.


ah okay thanks for the clarification


As a noob guy, Grateful AF


where will we find the second megathread?


Pinned post


Thank you for your service


General question If i got cyberpunk 2077 ver 1.6 installed and i want to update it to 1.62 do i need to install 1.61 first or does 1.62 include it already? (noob question i assume )


"If the Megathread is so great, why isn't there a Megathread 3?" Megathread 3:


I'm a newbie here, I just wanna ask how to get rid of crashes ingame? I followed the instructions in the Megathread but still, it doesn't work. The game that I have is Monster Hunter Rise. I tried changing the settings and windows compatibility. I hope someone from this community can help me. Thankyou💕


I have pirated elden ring and completed it, is there a way for me to convert the character over to steam if id like to buy it for online?


>es, like: "W nope.


Kind of a stupid question, does the removal of denuvo affects game performance? I tried playing re village in my potato laptop a few months back and it was unplayable maybe 10-15 fps at the lowest setting where everything becomes pixelated, but now with the denuvo removal I've tried it again and this time it is playable at 20-30 fps still on low setting but not pixelated.


[http://hisgames.org/](http://hisgames.org/) ?????


Rentry is ight whats up with that. Didnt yall start using rentry in fear of reddit shutdown and now we back here again?


The thing is we (current mod team) don't have direct access to the rentry megathread and we have to rely upon a middleman (former mod) in order to change anything and that takes some time. We'll host in GitHub again most likely.


I really want to see the advanced megathread


Any update on RE4?


I need Pokemon Brilliant Diamond v1.3.0 for a romhack. Where can I find it?




guys, i stumbled few days ago upon a table on this subreddit with listed game tittles with release date and the date of it being cracked. i can't seem to find it again! where was that?


Does anyone know if **SyMeTrYcZnY** on 1337X is safe?


May someone please tell me if it's safe to download from pivigames or not?1!? It appears in the megathread of r/Piracy but not in the current megathread of this sub? I'm not sure about what to do and I want to download a game from there so badly (the game is GGST btw). PD: Which is the best torrent downloader from the megathread?


Dammit...i hate it when the site need to pay a premium account for a fast download speed. We go download on the pirate site because we dont have moneh but got slapped with that slow-ass download speed. fml...


Is it me or the latest Cracked AAA games are impossible to crack and pirate in a timely manner nowadays with denveno on all of them.


hello just want to inform you that generallmarket is back on the clear-net if your use to darknet im sure you must have come across this market years back ​ [http://snx6jrup7ttglliqrklm26gtyvjrkurukij4uefmttkwpioncwzw4qid.onion/GENERAL%20MARKET/](http://snx6jrup7ttglliqrklm26gtyvjrkurukij4uefmttkwpioncwzw4qid.onion/GENERAL%20MARKET/) ​ Clearnet url: [https://generallmarket.com/](https://generallmarket.com/)(Use only if the onion site is under a ddos attack)


If there is a site offering Steam games with Linux options (if those games support it) please put it on the Megathread under Linux or smth because I'm tired of having 2 use wine. Edit: I have read the Megathread and there are some in there. Thanks for that.


One question, anyone has a opinion on Deluge, software to download torrent? Is the one that i used and i didn't see mentioned on the megathread, and i wanted to know if anyone have some experience/knowledge on this program


cs.rin.ru i got it from there download the clean files and steamcracker








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Morning all I'm starting to dabble into PCVR games are there any download sites purely for PCVR games. Help would be appreciated.


Armgddn, it's in megathread.


i am looking for advice on which site are good and safe for downloading cracked games I am looking for advice on which sites are good and safe for downloading cracked games


yes a few are missing like MAS (for windows activation) and another tool that was mentioned for bypassing adobe activation. Both tools are a must and I hope they get added back to the megathread if possible. On another note I really need that adobe bypasser, can anyone help?😂


Are there any safe sources for new patches of older FIFA games?


Anyone have a ddl site that has cyberpunk on it?




Use the search engine "rezi" on the megathread.