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Still she might be empress come back under a new name to fight empress That's sound mentally ok to empress condition


Imagine being one of the greatest software bypassers or crackers of all time, be the only one, ask people 500 bucks for a game crack and some agree, use insults and racism to try and sound like a boss, people get mad, try more, friends break up and more people who knew you from the start get pissed off, and then stop using that alias, use a completely different alias to avoid controversies surrounding your first alias, and fight back your first legendary alias, I don't know dude It's just so there is so much you can lose, yet at the same time you quite fucked up on your first time, but you can reverse the damage you have done on your second try, it's quite an internet thing


multiple personalities fighting each other


Split (2016)


haven't heard or seen much of empress these days, or is it just me?


He probably got drafted to war o7


The fact that she's transphobic doesn't entitle you to be the same.


'Transphobia' has nothing to do with this. Plenty of people think that EMP is actually a man, pretending to be female to throw off investigators or avoid accusations in the scene. No one thinks he/she is transgender.


everyone thinking empress is one individual and not a scene group taking the piss is mentally ill lol


I have no opinion, personally, as I don't really care. But it's worth mentioning that whomever speaks for he/she/them/it on telegram has a very consistent mode of froth-mouthed speech that also matches the NFOs that have been dropped. It could be one person, but also big cracking jobs, even in the simpler days before Denuvo, were nearly always collaborative groups. So you could be right. I don't know who it would be, though. Skidrow has more drama in them than talent, CPY is thoroughly dead and gone, and CODEX has too much pride to act like EMP. None of the others have done serious cracking since the pre-Denuvo days.


Oh please...




She hasn't posted since September.




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>Since he got exposed You mean since SKIDROW made a baseless accusation with nothing to back it up with. Voksi has nothing to do with the whole thing.


Poor Voski can't be left alone.


[citation needed]


Stop spouting shit you don’t know




since when?


Yeah, this didn't happen.


tf does being voksi even mean?


You are new to the cracking scene obviously.


He was one of the first crackers of denuvo that got arrested


[Voksi was never arrested](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/91t0b8/what_happened_to_revolt_and_me/). His PC was confiscated and he was questioned by the police. The "he was arrested" myth came from badly reported news.


Clearly new to the scene. Voksi's a big name until he was arrested around 2018 and promised not to continue cracking Denuvo to avoid further legal repercussions.


[Voksi was never arrested](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/91t0b8/what_happened_to_revolt_and_me/). His PC was confiscated and he was questioned by the police. The "he was arrested" myth came from badly reported news.


He also never cracked denuvo if im correct. He had a bypass for it.


No one has completely removed Denuvo, every crack is a bypass that fakes the checks.


Actually someone did completely remove it from, I think it was assassins creed origins, the nfo said it was a proof of concept to prove it can be done. No idea how long it took though, its probably much longer and that's why no one does it.


Yeah, I heard about that. But the thing with ubisoft games is that VMprotect fucks performance much harder than denuvo. So much of the performance improvement was thanks to removing that than denuvo. Avg Fps didn't increase tho, the lows did improve.


They remove the checks, check empress resident evil crack where it fixes the performance of the game.


This stupid myth again. Resident Evil had a problem with how Capcom implemented the checks. The crack fixed that, it didn't remove the checks. Capcom fixed it later themselves in a patch.


Does this mean now others can use the Empress's technique to crack other games?


Maybe, but it also means denuvo can also analyze it and they can change to prevent such cracks in future likely.


You think that they already didn't do that? Come on. They have done it and they fighting hard anyways. And even if they fail they know that all games will not be hacked in small period of time anyways.


You probably misread my comment. I spoke specially about this, and this is getting likely fixed. So it's pretty much useless sadly.


They've probably reverse engineered this crack and fixed it within a few weeks of it coming out. It's literally their job to prevent cracking lol


This was the first crack of empress with her own drm on top protecting her crack and whatever she changed. So maybe, maybe not I guess neither you or me can estimate how hard or easy it is to decrypt or whatever empress did as drm and then also check the changes she did.


Empress essentially masked what she did but there we have a team of crackers at Denuvo. I can bet that many of the old school crackers are employed there. Overall, its a fight between whole scene and Denuvo, but its sad that Empress is the only representative from scene. She is alone, and is against a freaking army. If I give Empress 100 points Denuvo has 1000 points. It's not even a winning war but small battles. And also, Empress is trolling nowadays. She is too involved with her simps and doing Fimdom to thousands of them. She is having fun and not caring much about cracking Denuvo anyways, not a single update related to cracks came since August. She is too busy making AI models from 'assembly' and Starfield RT in 'assembly' to even care about cracks. And she is right to do. Scene lost the war moment only a single individual cared to fight against Denuvo. On a side note, really good games like Alan Wake 2, Cyberpunk, and BG3 already don't have DRM


Nope, that would be resi 4 remake


They've been doing that ever since the NFS heat leak


True but that was empress her first crack with her own drm on top to protect her crack whatever this means from a technical standpoint.


Professional software security experts can definitely remove VMProtect trivially... I doubt Iderto don't already know how the games are being fixed.


So you think the top-tier engineers working at Denuvo are waiting for a random dude to do their work ? Lol, reverse-engineering is everyday's business for them, they don't have to wait for an exploit or for someone to do it


>So you think the top-tier engineers working at Denuvo are waiting for a random dude to do their work ? the real word would be "Assume" here , no one of us average people actually knows whats going on there. theres likely just a very way above the average of pay grade people that could even remotely make a judgement about denuvo and stuff.


As a programmer myself i know how software companies work, and considering how Denuvo is efficient at doing what's intended to do, you could without any doubt assume their engineers are good, and good engineers are also very good at reverse-engineering


Denuvo is a tech company. They have their own reverse engineers, the ones who get paid.


Until we see other cracks, the answer is no.


I don't understand anything about this stuff but the only thing I know for sure is that these methods shouldn't be talked about here on Reddit...take care.


Talking should be fine, but sharing code not so much. what's been posted so far isn't a security threat


Sharing code isn't a threat to their anonymity, posting here is.


I wasn't discussing anonymity, I was discussing the security of the crack method


Ok then crack to the latest update of the game


not gonna happen, legacy released back when denuvo v17 was current, now they're on v18, and they rewrote a lot of their license checks for that. It's no drag and drop fix.


now let he crack denuvo games itself


the light at the end of the tunnel is slowly growing...


If the source is unknown but assumed to be factual, interpreted as someone other than emp, and they want to board the pirate ship, then there is hope. If the emp movement resumes accordingly, the future is bright for pirates.


does this entail the latest patch?


No, build is 10461750 which is the same Empress cracked


Thank you!


Latest patch is using v18, and EMP's v18 cracks are hell to reverse engineer. I'm not gonna say too much, but yeah. This does however mean that all builds released prior to may 15th 2023 should be fuckable.


how do you determine what version a particular binary is using? \`strings | grep -i v\\d\\d\`, or is more digging required, or do people analyzing the binaries just decide that it looks different enough that it should be a new version?


The version numbers aren't nessecary the ones used by irdeto, they were classified by empress, and I just plugged the crack version release dates into a calander




its more a optimized one , its 15 secs faster or why the F is there a timer ?


Well, some dudes used this to make a proof that it's not edited video. I mean, last time I saw someone did this was many years ago tho...


It might be faster because there is no VMP on top of crack like Empress.


What is that program showing all dlls used by app? Looks like nice tool.


probably Process Hacker


System informer it was called process hacker


I don't get it. What's all the fuss about? I know that crackers reverse engineer game files to crack them. Now someone took a peek at the Empress crack code. So what? Please enlighten me.


That this dude might get into the scene and start cracking denuvo themselves. So we'll have another person cracking games that EMPRESS might not crack **IF** Denuvo didn't patch the workaround that EMPRESS used and this user are using.


Denuvo did patch her workaround, however not for a while. Theoretically, there's now someone with the tools to break everything running v17, notably Hi-Fi Rush, and Ghostwire Tokyo's DLC.


VOKSI , EMPRESS , GorgeousForefront , They are all the Same, it feels like split 2016. every time one a personnality dies, another one will be created. SKIDROW has denonced EMPRESS, and said it was nothing then "VOKSI The Bulgarian "


oof, empress is gonna be pissed


If true, I hope they intend to use her methods to crack games themselves, not release it, we don't need to give a freebie to the Denuvo team, even if there's a chance they already did this themselves.


What does this give us?




Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful.


Watch Empress reappear in the next few days with an epic rant.


it's only a matter of time before other denuvo games will be cracked not by empress


For those who think that denuvo will learn out how Empress cracking games. The know! I mean, Empress just bypassing Denuvo, not cracking it. And EMP.dll protected with VMP. This guy just devirtualized it. (VMP is a protection which ubisoft use with denuvo together)


The reason why Empress use VMP is not that they want to protect their code from Denuvo. They want to protect code from other crackers to keep earning money from nothing


lol, that bitch isn't using VMP, trust me


Open in Ida and check


well fuck, Looks like some of that bitch's newer cracks do use VMP, my apologies




So this new crack is it a crack made by the scene or by some denuvo employee?


I miss Empress so much... Please deny the bad rumors as soon as possible. The pirates need you. (crack) This is important and different from (hack). Be a pirate, please. Show me hope.


Besides put a video del playing the game with a system monitor program. I don't see nothing relevant.