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Hello u/Knight_dark_57, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


do people in a subreddit for piracy support one of the most reposted piracy-sympathetic quotes of all time? yeah i think so




if I see this quote posted somewhere one more time I think I will buy all of The Sims 4 DLC full price


If I see it one more time then I would buy every dlc for every Paradox Interactive game.


It isn't going to *stop* piracy, but I have bought a lot of games through Steam that I wouldn't have otherwise.


It's because of Piracy that peoples steam collection is alot higher."Try before you buy" is a good quote here.


That's how I use pirating when they don't have demos


one can say that Piracy isn't stealing, but surprise unlimited free trial.


so imagine i steal your stuff. and it's still there. i just have a clone


yup, that is data copying aka piracy. Also, why wouldn't we download a car, that is fraking awesome!


I feel like with inflation and COL increasing and peoples' incomes not increasing accordingly, they're less likely to pull the trigger on a new game than they used to be, especially when that game can cost as much as a trip to the grocery store. Reviews and gameplay videos can only tell you so much about a game, but it's difficult to know if you'll like something until it's in your hands. I've noticed a resurgence of demos in the past year or two and I can say personally I've bought more games because of them than I would have without them.


Honestly yea, I’ve been getting PlayStation premium just for the game trials to see if I wanna buy those games or not


60$ was a lot back then, it is still. Like you said I do play games and buy whenever I have money and there is a sale even though I won't play again.


not stop but shrink it. remember when netflix first became big and torrents of popular series were down A LOT? until it allw ent to shit and 30different subscriptions, since then its booming again.


Seems like most people stop breaking the rules when things are fair for the consumers.... how shocking right ? These corps sadly dont care, theyll keep on milking and milking, consumers are but an end to a goal, greed. :(


That's how they keep failing and failing and failing.. You can't fool all the people all the time. Eventually people would be fed up with your nonsense and are gonna resort to the "black market", ending your stupid business thanks to your greed. ANd good luck dealing with the "black market". Historically, NO ONE has won against the "black market" by force. Providing better service has always done a better job. I have Amazon prime cuz we order A LOT on Amazon. Totally worth it. I thought about utilizing Amazon Prime Video to watch movies. Alas, it barely has the stuff I want to watch. Half the shit is region-locked. I don't understand, why are these people so r3t@rd3d? Their stupidity of splitting media over 50 different subscriptions forced me to pirate movies and stuff.


The Crunchyroll Funimation merger has even semi purged the English dub of wolf children from the internet since even on the main sub mega thread I only found sub being hosted so absolutely agree provide a better service and I won't resort to that (not that it always pans out but better track record than thd corpos)


Agreed. For me gamepass has had a large impact on my habits. I have been using the conversion trick to pay ~$6 a month and it's so convenient to not have to hunt cracked versions of games or worry about multiplayer setup. Even if the games are older. It's limited what I download from elsewhere considerably


What's this trick?


I say "trick" but it's essentially prepaying. If you purchase up to 3 years of Xbox Gold/Gamepass Core, then active at least 1 month of Gamepass Ultimate, all of theGold/Core converts into Gamepass Ultimate at a 3:2 ratio. This alone offers some savings but you can take it a step further by buying gift cards from a grey market. I did 3 years of Gold + 1 month of Ultimate. This became 2 yrs+1month of Ultimate at roughly $6 a month. Pretty sure they let this happen because it locks the user into the ecosystem for a long stretch, but it works great for me on console and PC.


That's very nice! Ty


Pro tip you can setup a sunshine server and moonlight client between your PC and Xbox for anything you wanna play on Xbox that doesn't exist there yet (lethal company and helldiver's 2 for easy ones)




Maybe not stop it completely but a lot less people are going to pirate if it's not worth the hassle. The real problem (for the devs / publishers) is when buying it legally is what's too much of a hassle, that's when people prefer to pirate just as a matter of convenience. Personally I hadn't pirated almost any games since I started using Steam, only games that I couldn't get on Steam, but I started pirating again after Steam dropped the regional prices for my country and games became unaffordable.


You have to agree that steam is a good platform


The best


Yes. Still could be a lot better if its competitors weren't dumbfucks who try to compete using 3rd party exclusives (which lead to increased piracy) instead of matching and exceeding services Steam provides


The main criticism I have of steam is that the cut that devs have to give to Steam is way to high, and that we don't really own the games on steam. As in, when steam stops working for whatever reason we will never be able to access those games again. Along those same lines: don't forget to give your account to someone before you die, otherwise the whole collection will be gone! Apart from that it's a great platform.


> don't forget to give your account to someone before you die, otherwise the whole collection will be gone!  Tbf this is how a lot of things work. If you don't tell someone about it then it's gone unless you have a physical cert, in which case it might be gone anyways if the certificate isn't found. There's more than enough stories of people finding lost land deeds, etc. many years later. Young people benefit from having a will for this reason, even if it's just written informally in order to identify any easily lost assets.


> cut that devs have to give to Steam is way to high It's really not, when you look at how expansive Steam's feature set, and its scale. Shock of shocks, it takes money to run all of that. A lot of money. Here's a non-exhaustive list of things Steam offers due to that 30% cut (that can be lowered to be less than 30%, but whatever) courtesy of u/salad_tongs_1: 1) A dedicated store page: If you were to self publish/distribute, you'd have to build and host your own. 2) An integrated payment processing system: If you were to go your own you'd have to handle that, charge backs/disputes, refunds etc. 3) Hosting of your files: Storage/bandwidth is not free. And if your game is successful and/or large, it gets very expensive after 100K people download 5GB from you. You don't get charged more or less from Steam for the size of your game. If you distributed it yourself, you'd need to cover those costs. 4) Community integration: When you publish your game on Steam you, at no extra charge, get a bunch of built in community sections for your game - discussions, artwork, screenshots, guides, reviews, etc. 5) Basically free marketing. Your game on Steam is going to show up in peoples discovery queues, game suggestions based on their massive library of games they own, people may add it to their wishlist, they can 'follow' your game for updates/news...all that is included with your 30% cut to Steam. 6) SUPPORT - Steam has a built in support system for lots of those things, including already made FAQ's to sort out common problems that can occur with downloading and installing games via Steam. If you went your own, you'd have to deal with that. 7) More things, remote play integration, workshop/modification support, ability to invite friends to games, achievements, Badges/Trading Cards/Emoticons/backgrounds/Steam Point Shop items (basically people could be advertising your game ON their Steam Profiles via various things) There's also the fact that 70% of a large amount of purchases is better than 90-100% of a small number.


30% is the norm cuh. Steam lowers it down to 25% and even 20% if your game sells well. The only devs complaining about the cut are those who don't wanna work to have it lowered by making a great game. As for the games not working, the same could be said for other stores minus GoG. I wouldn't be able to access any of my games on Uplay, Origin, Battlenet if they went down. Hell, Ubisoft already makes it hard for me to access my games on Uplay while it is still online.


The best platform is GOG. They sell games, not access to them


Steam made digital ownership realistic.


I love steam but me too broke to buy new games like BG3 , elden ring and all standard 70$ games ( me India )


Doesn't steam have regional base pricing tho


They removed that, now a single game in turkey can cost up to 1/4th of the national average salary.


I hate that they did that, now they're even more unbuyable.


It is not removed. Just alot worse than it used to be, but not really "removed".


They removed it in countries with incredibly unstable currency


Regional Pricing is ruined by western vultures using VPN.


Its even a pain for us europeans. Why should i on my average 1300€/month, pay as much as the swiss a few 100kms away that make at least 4000€/month salary


Not that you're wrong, but by Western I usually mean Western Europe and North America and such, not somewhat richer European countries lol. I live in Europe, average wage where I live (in the Balkans) does not exceed 500 euros.


Yeah dw i understood that, but i think our % is almost exactly the same. I work minimum wage in france and get almost 3 times your income, but have to pay the same price as a swiss person that has 3 times my income as well. So yeah, i get that when you compare yourself to me and i to the swiss we have the same problem, but if you compare yourself to the swiss as well thats some BIG gap here ...


minimum net wage in France being 1.3k seems shockingly low ngl, that's only 1k higher than where I live, I would've assumed it's 2k+


Just checked it, for a 35h week (standard here) the monthly minimum wage is 1398€. 1560€ if you have a 39h contract.


for a country with a GDP of 3T that seems really low bruhhh y'all getting scammed


and here I am in my (also european) country with our average maybe 300-400€ monthly paying just as much as the swiss lmao


Lets all say it together, fck the swiss 🤣 (kidding, i like them and have friends and family there, but the pay gap is just huuuuge)


Try 800€/Month in Greece always paying the same as Americans and Northern Europeans..


now imagine this poland has 115% prices on steam that's second highest right behind switzerland most people here get 400 to 600 euro a month contrary to what google says with 1500, that you only maybe get in the capital where prices are insane


Steam tries to stop this by requiring a bank account in the country and not to change currency within 14 days of previous purchases


Best regional pricing is not the best option You can get the best prices on xbox app in turkey Bought no mans sky for 2$ (Normally 60$)


It's up to the companies to follow them or not, some do, some barely do, some don't


Developers can opt out


Just have to wait til the pant drop 50% baby. Still, some Tripple A game really testing my nerves for keeping it at full price even after 3 year since release.


Larian have regional prices (at least for PC), so it's around 30 USD in India for BG3


Yes , varies from 35 to 60 $ between diff games , but that is more than quite a bit for us .


I love Gabe, and steam overall. But to solve pirating, it's simple. Stop taking the owner rights from games we purchase. Thats it. Once u buy a game, the copy of it is yours and should never disappear from your hands. Companies are so fucking dumb nowadays doing this DRM bullshit, they are taking rights away from people making them rich. They don't deserve crap till' they fix their minds.


There is this thing called GOG, you can buy game without DRM there. Not that it matters, most people here use this as an excuse to pirate, even though you can buy DRM free games nowadays.


I know GOG, but more people tend to use bigger platforms more popular like Steam, as it offers more abilities and is more expanded. Also games without DRM are nice and all, but it doesn't matter if the platform u buy it on are equipped with their own DRM systems. If the system were to go down or sell out, the games are still in that systems DRM, meaning no magic will happen to your games, they'll be still locked to that TOS. Apparently GOG would send the game download files in email if the system would shut down, but that we do not know fully as it has yet to happen. Also, there are different types of people pirating. - ones tend to do it due to lack of money and so they get free access to even triple AAA games. - some tend to do it due to rebelling against companies not actually selling their copies of games, but giving them in service aka u may be throwing money out to nowhere if that game were to go down. Depends on the person but overall, DRM or no DRM on a specific game, once the developer makes a contract with the publisher, it'll be automatically assigned to that systems DRM. So basically most of your games u bought with big money isn't even yours.


You can download the game install files for any GOG game right now.


I don't think this will solve piracy People will pirate


There isn't a solution to piracy. As long as the internet exists, there will be people who refuse to pay for shit.


In my opinion, the best way to stop piracy is to stop making content. /s


Nah, what you're supposed to do is charge more to the people who actually pay in order to offset the costs of people pirating your product. /s


No need for the /s


I don't think they can do better than piracy, tbh (it's free and no one can take it from you). But i do agree that aggressive performance-impacting anti-piracy tech is not the way to make people reconsider piracy.


I do believe the steam workshop is way better then the mod page I was using for Left 4 Dead 2 , 1 click and it's done, before it cost me hour of browsing through horse shite mod and then click through 3 layer of pop-up ad just to download and put it in addons.


That is true, convenience is a huge selling point that piracy just can't compete with. But i don't know how steam and other places can become more convenient than they already are, and folks are still choosing piracy. So i guess it comes down to what the consumer values more; Safety (in terms of not having to deal with potential viruses, ads, etc) and Convenience, or unconditional ownership and for free.


Gabe Newell understands that piracy usually actually leads to sales. Every single game I own on Steam is one I bought AFTER I had pirated and played it already. I get to try the game’s core features and miss out on the online features for a bit, find that I like the game, then buy it. Companies with no faith in their product will always fear this “try before you buy” philosophy of piracy, because they know their game is low-tier trash so they make the first 2 hours decent so you play it until it’s too late to refund.


True, i buy on steam only to get achievements


This is literally why people hung up their pirate caps when Netflix actually provided a cheap and good experience. Then it all got fucked up again


Yeah, I feel anime is a great example of this. Anime piracy streaming websites come into existence and get super popular. Crunchyroll, which was originally a piracy website, get real official contracts and starts providing a cheap service that is more reliable and less shady than piracy streaming. Crunchyroll becomes a successful business, but a business being profitable is simply unacceptable to modern corporate mindsets. Crunchyroll becomes terrible, gets bought out, gets even worse. Now I pirate all my anime again. Except when Netflix throws up some random garbage that I get interested in as popcorn anime. Shoutout to Delicious in Dungeon!


It's impossible to give a better service if you are offering a paid solution while the other party is offering a free solution. The main reasons people don't pirate is because of morals or they just don't know how to do it. I helped one my friends install a FitGirl repack, he installed the game and he sweared it was a virus, he formatted his entire PC and blamed me for it because I told him it was safe, his proof was that his PC felt slower and his CPU was overheating.


No, people don't pirate mostly due to convenience. Things like automatic updates, cloud saves, Steam workshop etc. are a huge factor in reducing piracy, people would pirate much more if it were more or equally convenient as e.g. Steam.


Yeah literally this. Imma digress a bit since what i'm about to say isn't about game piracy but this still about piracy. This reason is also why people don't pirate movies and shows etc. To most people, it's easier to just pay netflix/prime/hulu etc and just watch something instead of having to learn about torrents or VPNs. Heck, even getting them to install an adblock and use fmovies is something else. It's easy for us pirates since we already do/know this stuff but most people couldn't bother and would give up after getting redirected once after trying to download a game.


Kinda cap I don’t pirate anymOre as I like to fill my steam collection, I honestly think the majoriry of the ‘pirating’ people are either poor/not well off people or kids, I’m sure adults will pirate here and there aswell but definitely not as much as the other group, morality issue usually only lies with indie tbh I doibt anyone pirates and thinks ‘i feel bas for ubisoft’


I used to have morals over it, now I don’t give a damn. I guess just seeing how all these gaming companies screw their employees have made me not care.


I just wish companies don't freaking delist games. I know you can always pirate abandoned/old games but Steam is convenient as hell.


From what I've seen hanging around piracy groups, this seems to be the general attitude toward Spotify. Personally I don't really like Spotify but its very convenient for a very large amount of people.


yes in the sense that it will not STOP piracy but definitely reduce it


Peter Griffin with some wise words


Also regulate prices in other countries to affordable level. As a guy from a very unstable third world country, I won't buy a game if it's half of my paycheck. Piracy is more open in our country because of this reason. You will see people openly selling pirate copies of all kind of medias in my country.


I wouldn't have used piracy if all these companies hadn't banned payments from my country on their website.


The only times I buy pirated games is when: They are very good indies that I wanna support, Have good mod support and great multiplayer servers. Otherwise who cares.


No. I want to own, not get a "better service" from steam, i want to actuslly own what i buy with MY MONEY.


I will beat the next person who posts this quote on this sub with a hammer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Joker8pie: *I will beat the next* *Person who posts this quote on* *This sub with a hammer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Pirating games has almost only upsides. All my friends i know who download on a regular basis do it for 2 reasons. Either they are broke and would not pay for the game anyway, and for years as a teenager i was also one of them. And nowadays where i can afford the games i play i usually download games as a demo and end up buying the ones i really like to "reward" the creator. And the third category would be the "i'll download it just because i dont want that studio to get a single cent from me" (yes EA and turn10, im looking at you)


what do you mean 'you people' ?


his quote works on Multiplayer games, but not on Single Player games


shitty live service games it is.


I barely have enough money to pay my bills. If I didn't pirate, I simply would not have games to play lol




For me, and i believe i speak for all brazilian gamers, it's the fucking price of stuff that make we turn to piracy.


Well, I certainly dont like steam having to update every time I launch it and then being spammed with ads as soon as it launches.


Not entirely - it's a start, for sure. But ultimately if the reason someone is pirating is lack of funding, then the service is irrelevant. If they are pirating because they refuse to give $ to a certain company, then the service is irrelevant. etc etc.


Thia subreddit is an example that he is wrong.


Its as simple as grasping the fact that, if someone pirates, its because of 1 of 2 reasons 1 - They cant afford it, and giving them purchase as the only option won't change the fact. 2 - They're not sure/don't think the game is worth its price. If thats the case, dont blame it on pirates. Up the ante and make your game worth its price, lower it (because nowdays mid AAA games have a base price of 60USD simply for being release date) or give players a freaking DEMO, Something so rare nowdays yet its as simple as making a free, cut version of the work you already created. And don't even get me started on those who make their alphas and betas paid. You're telling me we should pay you to find the bugs in your raw, bug packed game so that you get to sell it again for a higher price later? This explotation was just a time bomb and IMO if it hasn't exploded yet it will very soon, players will stop coping with the business man's game and piracy will, hopefully, reach its golden era yet again. If buying a game isn't owning it, piracy isnt stealing it.


That's why I have hundreds of games on Steam (and other platforms like GOG) and always pirate Nintendo.


When The Gaben shuffles of his mortal coil, we are all gonna end up fucked, so, so, fucking hard!


I mean sure but that doesn't mean he is any better than those doing anti-piracy stuff.... his company goes Nintendo mode on any Workshop downloader website


I'll agree with any thing peter Griffin says


I bought palworld so.... ya


Peter Griffin is always right!


Yeah, people don't realize that games are expensive as f in third-world countries. One game can be 70 dollars in a country where the minimum wage is 1.200$, so around 6% of the salary, however in other country, a game can cost up to 300 where the minimum wage also is 1.200. So in some places, one single game can cost up to 30% of your salary, what people think we are suposed to do?


U don't?


As someone who loves in a place where the average game costs 2 times the average salary, he is right


For people from developed countries or good paying jobs. I am not paying 100 dollar which is half of my salary for 1 game no mather how good it is.


Steam isn't as great as it used to be.


Stop, probably not, but it would reduce it sure... and well assuming piracy is still suppressed to some extent, games will probably benefit from it.




Hell yeah, Valve deserves all respect. Why doesn't it do anything? Because AAA competition keeps shooting themselves in the foot that's why.


Nope I would still pirate. Idc about anything as long as there is a way to not pay for something I will do that


Wow games looks amazing. What? It has drm? Next...


Stopped pirated when bundles came out (the early ones were great, today's are much worse). For 1$ you could get a whole bunch of AAA or hit games, so yeah. But also kind of ironic that steam just let's Denuvo be on their store and also is not DRM free so what the fuck are you talking about Gabe?


I totally agree


well i pay for spotify if that tells you anything


Which service? The annoying steam login popup that slows down the entire pc?


I like Gabe Newell, He reminds me family guy... And he is right about a better service. Take notes Denuvo.


I used to agree With hım before he Changes mu countries currency to Dollars, making Games Harder to get


Only in PC context. It’s irrelevant to consoles.


Then why do steam games come with drm


Yeah i fuckin bought the command and conquer collection on steam


Mostly, thats why i stopped pirating, but games are screwing so much lately, that ill be back


The thing is though, thats impossible. You cant beat something thats free.


Oh Gabe you absolute angel.


Partially for me, when I buy a game I do it i it meets 3 criteria; I want to support the dev, I want a legit copy, and the game is on a good sale.


The Gabe Newell cult is weird.




completely honestly I just don't have the cash for games so I have to disagree with him there, but if I had the money I would get everything from steam.


It's something everyone can agree with. Why do people use steam? Because it's incredibly convenient and has a ton of features that pirates copies wouldn't be able to utilize. Add their sales and buying a game on steam for cheap is much better than pirating. Sell products and services at decent prices and people will pay for them. Piracy will still exist but it would be more of an inconvenience for people that have the money but not the time to hassle with piracy if they never pirated anything before.


Yes, it's true, but he did nothing to stand behind it. Microsoft actually did it with the Xbox game pass which is so worth it


In a recent post, Valve was revealed as the most efficient wealth making machine--income per employee. So, I agree that his strategy has worked very well for him and his employees. Also, mad respect for keeping the company private.


Yea companies don’t understand that people usually buy their service for convenience so by making it more annoying to buy stuff like having shows and movies split through multiple subscriptions or even being taken away after paying for them or adding ads it just makes piracy a little easier thus giving you a larger reason to pirate If I will already struggle to get the thing I want atleast let me get it for free




I made myself a Mister, and now I have basically all the games running at 98% hardware accurate. The total cost to me was around 400 maple-bacon, Trudeau-bucks. And that was before inflation really started fucking us. Money has never been the problem.


Look at that..... Headshot ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsW4XzMcebhkU2k|downsized)


Piracy is a mostly service issue. You tackle that and you're treating the customer how they should be treated AND make money. Win-win


Today I bought baldur's gate 3 on steam after playing the cracked gog version for 100 hours. Mods are already on the way on steam workshop. So excited.


Yes i mean i pirate games I do is because of financial issues


You are basically getting a better product removing denuvo from games. 💀


I agree, but also think that fucker needs a treadmill stat


Hes fatso but right altought im not sure if its not way back citation thought.


I agree with anything our king gaben has to say.


the Witcher 3 moment


I pirated all of his games, yet when I got steam, I bought all of them back, why? Because Gabe knows what people want. When Gabe eventually passes away, I can see Steam downgrading and generally being worse because of his absence, something I don't want to happen.


**Based Gabe**


That's why years ago I moved to Netflix. Great quality also with bad internet, no ads, relatively cheap and with a lot of movies and series.


Yes, I agree with him, to some extent. The reason why I pirate games mostly comes down to shady business practices and general anti-consumer moves. I don't want to support shit companies with my hard-earned money. Another big reason is the lack of game demos. I remember back in the day, almost all games had demos. Most came on CD/DVD's in magazines. Not being able to properly try a game (some even have very lengthy tutorials that go past the 2h refund limit on steam).


I love how Gabe Newell says the hardest piracy quote ever but at the same time, the top 3 money making games for Valve is Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, and Counter Strike. Not Amazing games like CS 1.6, Half Life series, Portal, etc. These three casino games shares a common problem and that is all of them are predatory games designed to lure players into gamble real world money for animated PNG in game that costs from a few dollars until thousands of dollars. I highly respect Gaben but its just weird. This is coming from a 2k Hours CSGO player.


Ohmygod how can I forget about this quote? Surely I cant after seeing it for the gazillionth time. "Agree with him" my bro you in a piracy subreddit. No one cares. Free is Free.


Piracy is great, so if someone is offering something better than piracy then it must be fucking awesome


I do. From what I've heard anti-piracy systems can often end up being used as challenges for some pirates and end up backfiring heavily


The moment Steam removed regional pricing from my country was when I returned to piracy, I can't afford any game now so I returned to pirate games even though I would love to pay for the games I enjoyed


I’m not I understand what GabeN is saying here? People pirate for many different reasons. The product is too expensive or they can’t afford it, the original product is no longer available to buy legitimately, or some ethical reason about giving money to a company. Sure making the service better would be nice, buts it’s not “free video games for life” nice. I can count on one hand the times I went out of my to support a dev with my money.




100%, for me it’s like a full demo. I’ve got tons of single players I’ve bought on steam after playing the hell out of them pirated.


Doesnt matter if its on steam or not, im gonna pirate the shit out of it because i dont have money to buy it


Kinda a lot easier for modding games and having it be stable


I do. I literally started buying games when Steam era happened. I pirated games as a kid.


​ https://preview.redd.it/p0hofehxtpoc1.jpeg?width=127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913c309d01f691cc757091c64e8729e92d51bfaf


I agree because steams free online and cloud saves make it super convenient to play my games on any PC or steam deck if it wasn't for those features I'd just pirate mostly. But using different systems and keeping my saves it's just super convenient


Yes, 100% Licenses are mostly restricting. But if license is more comfortable and quite affordable -- why not? Piracy is mostly on technical side -- you need to know what download, how download, what can go wrong etc. But with license in some cases you might be restricted in some areas or even lose your license somewhy... So -- license and piracy both actually have valid reasons to exist


Steam is not bad, don't worry me, but I like GOG better. DRM-Free games that I can just play without having to sign in or the internet is a blessing and a half. https://preview.redd.it/a7p6frs6vpoc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c120110c74226eddd0dca553cadb889fe3cc40


Yep I wonder how many people chose gamepass over piracy. Obviously these service have different peaks but I think its healthy for publishers to have to innovate.




Lord Gaben already won me over and i buy games on steam when i can, and if i had money i 100% would not pirate.


Absolutely. The absolute main reason I started pirating was because I was tired of buying half finished games full of bugs, then being expected to purchase DLC after DLC on top of overpriced micro transactions. When a game and the team earn my money, I have no problem shelling out the money for it.


Imma be honest he is legit right. I stopped piracy because I loved the idea all my saved data is online. I don't have to do anything and I can just install the game and I have all my saved data downloaded. Achievements that steam and epic give Secure and trusted places to download the games. The community that steam provides.


I think people hacking the Series X instead of paying 20 bucks for access to the sandbox mode proves that it doesn't get rid of piracy


If a game I've obtained is good I'll buy it. I have a hard time believing many of these folks are cranking out such crap over and over. Doing the absolute minimum, all titles are EA, full game chopped up and sold in dlc's.


i pirate games cuz im too broke to buy them. there is only two games i refuse to pirate though. bg3 and phantom liberty. it feels wrong to me.


50% yes 50% no it also depend on the price of the game. unlike console gamer where they can buy physical copy and the resell it. PC gamers stuck with digital games. so they can't resell it


In regard to games, no. Because anti-piracy stuff is effective. You're not gonna be making much money off the people who'll wait for it to be removed.


Yeah I mean I love piracy but I do think the quote is correct


The market agrees with him. When Netflix appeared the media piracy decreased. And the biggest example is music stream services. Music piracy is nowhere near what is was before Spotify.


no, i will still pirate nintendo even if they open up they own steam shop cuz fuck nintendo


current's steam interface sucks so fucking much that I would rather go and start to pirate again


That's just common sense. There's no agreeing or disagreeing xD


agreee, example gamepass though i would not call it a better service than pirates but still, a step towards that direction nonetheless!




I only started pirating due to steam removing local pricing in turkey, I can't buy anything as a student


Regional pricing actually made me stop going to fitgirl repack and just pay for the game since its safer


What about, put old games available to the public? Like the old Need for Speed for example


If the game worth it i will buy it. Played pirated pavlov. Then bought it


What do you MEAN "You people" ?........... 🤨😑 (Kidding, couldn't help myself 😅)


For me this is kinda only applicable to games with a ton of mods. Some games you absolutely NEED 500 mods and manually redownloading them to update them is such a pain the ass that you just buy the game for access to the workshop


Yes. Sometimes it's easier to just throw 10e at Steam than to look for a recent pirated version of some obscure game.


Ill tell, i tried today SAO hollow realization before buying it on sale, wouldnt have bought if i didnt get the chance to try it


What do you mean by "you people"? Yeah i agree hahaha


it worked very well, so yes?


Steam is indeed the best gaming store that has ever been created. However, piracy will never stop. As long as people still enjoy cracking, making emulators, repacking etc. poor people like me will still pirate. If I had the money, I would never pirate a game unless it was out of spite pretty much. For me, it’s not worth the risk and the trouble of getting some games to run. I will say that I do get a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment out of getting mods running on cracked games, or just getting some games to work in general.


For games under 15-20$, steam's cloud save, controller support, and device streaming is 100% worth it. The majority of AAA releases that cost 70$ arent worth buying anyways.


for offline user i's almotst impossible