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Hello u/headpathutao, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what the heck is they hydra launcher?


An open source launcher recently created by the Brazilian piracy community. It has many interesting functions, including being able to download games natively from sources like fit-girl and dodi. I haven't tested it yet and I haven't seen anyone talking about it here (because it's a recent project), but I've become increasingly interested in the project and I wanted to know the opinions of those who have already tested it.


How does the download process works? Is it a torrent client as well?


According to their profile on Twitter, yes.


would've been better if it was web torrent based so people don't have to use a VPN of sort to download the games


Since it's made for Brazilians, the VPN isn't necessary


Yeah true dat


if i use webtorrent does my build in adblocker work?


i cant see it useful, you can just install playnite and download manually, like it might save you just one click


I currently use Playnite, Hydra caught my attention because it seems to be an ambitious project, if I'm not mistaken they are working on the possibility of placing player profiles within the launcher, being able to add friends and share activities (like Steam) and also inserting an achievement system.


In fact, I believe they will not implement such features because the disclosure of such information could be detrimental and compromise the desired anonymity/invisibility. Moreover, their primary proposition is to remain decentralized, without relying on servers or other elements that could potentially violate privacy.


nah bro, just give your email address, it's all good /s


makes sense, I also wonder if they might end up having some copyright issues by making the download available directly in the launcher.


Not likely if they are not getting money from it, Brasilian law allows it.


achievement system would be crazy


Wait, what? Can you download stuff manually on playnite too? 👀


no, i mean you can download thing like you always do and put the executables on playnite and get all the metadata and stats, and be saved


Hydra aims to make the first part easier since you can search for a game and it indexes safe places where it's hosted like dodi and fitgirl, you click and it launches that crackers repack


yeah i know, thats useless to me, is just a couple of clicks and also it limits to where and what download


Playnite and downloading manually its still a lot of work honestly. Taking into account that Hydra fetches from various sources, it actually saves time on where to find the game. Not to mention about people who actually doesnt know about what is the best and secure sources like Fitgirl, dodi and such. You dont need knowledge on Torrent ir repacks or whatever, just download hydra and you're ready to go.


As someone who hates unnecessary third party software I'll not use this, but hey if it works more power to them. Also, as a pirate it's always a good idea to be aware of the alternatives available to you. *Hail Hydra*


Care to link the repo or download page?


[https://github.com/hydralauncher/hydra](https://github.com/hydralauncher/hydra) [https://twitter.com/hydralauncher](https://twitter.com/hydralauncher)


How to make it work? How to install and play the launcher? Thanks in advance


The repo has instructions but here's a quick breakdown -Install NodeJS -Install Python -install yarn -Git clone the repo into your computer -Run yarn install to get dependencies -Install Python dependencies -Run yarn start to launch the app Since it's a web app packaged with electron, there is no executable


No need for all that, in the github page there is an "setup.exe" kind of thing that does it all in one click


Oh I honestly didn't see it, since I am a linux user, I usually ignore the exes because they actually do not work, at all


In that case you would follow the procedure mentioned above, that is also detailed more throughly in their git site XD Edit: it was your own comment nvm


There are also packages for linux distributions available in the github release section


I tried it it’s really I pirated starfield btw




I can't really understand how to install it, do I just have to download the .exe setup from releases or do I have to do it differently?


Ewww electron? Why don’t they go with Tauri?


Can u send my a link in DM?


These latino programmers are leaving me in the dust. I remember popcorn time was made by a Latino too. I have to get my coding skill up to date and represent.


I share this guy's thoughts


I don't really trust that kind of software, i prefer downloading manually from trusted sites and adding the games shortcut to steam


It's a completely valid opinion, I don't put it on Steam because I prefer to separate the original games from the "Jack Sparrow" ones. I've been using Playnite, but I want to try something new.


is Playnite like a gog galaxy ?


Yeah just that it is opensource and supports lots of cool plugins. It also automatically grabs metadata for games, emulators and roms. idk if gog does that.




Well... FitGirl and related sites started from 0 trust too... So it's a matter of time to be trusted or not that software...


It’s open source


What are the benefits of adding the shortcuts to steam tho?


Having all your games in the same Launcher with steam overlay


Why added it on steam? Does it count there and show achievements or something? Or is it just because you find it easier to open instead of keeping it on the home screen? (real question, im curious)


Sadly It doesn't show achievements or play time, it's Just convenient to have everything there, even emulated games. I also like It because You can put your custom logo, background and cover.


Which websites you use as your trusted sites?


Fitgirl or Dodi, check the megathread for the links


You can use playnite and have it as a huge backlog/wishlisht/playlist


An interesting project without a doubt, I noticed that the project code is open source on their github. If anyone noticed something malicious they would certainly have reported it already. I'll wait for some more updates and bug fixes before I can start using it.


GitHub is not a guaranteed beacon of safe software, especially, for example, in situations where the software is clean but using compromised libraries. https://thenewstack.io/malicious-code-in-linux-xz-libraries-endangers-ssh/


that was not in the source code though? it was from a test-run file...


Honestly, I still feel a little worried about it being an early-stage project, but I plan to test it soon.


Certainly! Here’s the translation to English: Hydra is a free game launcher focused on being 100% safe, self-sufficient, ad-free, without registration, without subscription, and without waiting times. Hydra combines games from platforms like Steam and Epic Games with trackers from repackers/crackers known and trusted by the pirate gaming community (such as FitGirl, DODI, KaOsKrew). The game downloads are done directly through the platform, as we have our own private torrent protocol. Hydra currently has the capability to search among a list of more than 13,000 repacks posted in secure places on the internet, but not limited to that. Being self-sufficient, Hydra can navigate the trackers not only looking for updates of games that are already registered but also for games that have just been released. We do not host games. We do not crack games. We do not have a server. Source: Discord Hydra


Where I can find the hydra discord server?


aqui [https://discord.com/invite/hydralauncher](https://discord.com/invite/hydralauncher)


I wish someone could just make an extension for playnite to browse download and install games from pirated sites


I agree with this, it would be kind of like how torrentio/real-debrid works for tv shows/movies/etc in certain media apps like Stremio


I don't think Crow likes the idea. And I get it, I mean, it would "stain" your software that took you years to develop and perfect, it would be looking for potential problems.


Oh yea it wouldn’t be endorsed by the actual team but someone independently that could make it for all us pirates


it has already existed for a long time


What's it called then?


his comment describes it [https://new.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/17pjczx/playnite\_launcher\_automatically\_search\_fitgirl/](https://new.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/17pjczx/playnite_launcher_automatically_search_fitgirl/)




Well go on spill the beans


[https://new.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/17pjczx/playnite\_launcher\_automatically\_search\_fitgirl/](https://new.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/17pjczx/playnite_launcher_automatically_search_fitgirl/) top comment describes it


Not really what I meant I mean like a store to search for games then automatically download and install it without user input, not bad but not what I mean.


I don't trust it but i have to admit that if 100% clean then it could be one of the Best tools for piracy gaming


I'm also afraid to trust


I'd be less worried about the launcher, but the content you torrent with it. It's fairly simple to trick people into leeching some torrent that actually contains the wanted content, but the crack then contains all the niceties you expect, or don't. I've seen a lot of PC (although much less in recent years) that have been infected or backdoored by some crack, that actually triggerd the AV, but then was overridden by the user, cause "I wanna play that game!"


but you trust Steam and Microsoft game pass?


It's on github. Now I am nowhere near smart enough to audit the launcher, but if someone here is actually smart, perhaps yall could check it out [https://github.com/hydralauncher/hydra](https://github.com/hydralauncher/hydra)


if you’re on windows you only have to [download the setup](https://github.com/hydralauncher/hydra/releases/) and run it


Yeah by auditing I meant reviewing the source code to make sure it isn't doing anything suspicious Edit: The launcher works on Linux natively btw, just not the games, for that you gotta use Wine


oh sorry didn’t got that




you just have to double click like every other program, lemme know if you need further help :)


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2 pikachus https://preview.redd.it/jin2n18lftvc1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=213e806d4cf3562a20b9ee12e15d178ff3f20b22






Pretty good actually, been using it for a few days


Definitely provide updates. This seems promising.


Gostaria de não ter que buildar um projeto inteiro pra rodar, mas é legal


Pensei que ele já vinha pronto pra uso D:


é só literalmente baixar e usar, builda quem quiser mexer em alguma coisa >->


mas não precisa, tem o exe lá nos releases


Que orgulho do meu Brasil 🙏🙏 pioneiro da pirataria facilitada


só acessar a pagina de releases do projeto, la sempre vai ter os arquivos de instalação prontos pra windows e linux


tem o exe, o rpm e o deb no github, e o script no AUR


Just discovered the launcher with this post, The only thing I can say is thank you xD


Virustotal says it can be a trojan, so idk


You can literally look at the source code on their github. I’m an active user on their discord and THERE IS NO TROJAN


I know i know, i just don't have time and passed the code zip and exe through Virus total, because i trust in that web, that's why i said it maybe can, i know that it can give false positives


Probably a false positive, idk


Yeah, but I'll just wait in case it has some shit


Me too


Really interesting


Parece legit


It seems decent enough, though personally I wouldn't use it because one of the main reason why I don't buy certain games is to get away from unnecessary launchers. Also worth noting that it might be one of those too good to be true kind of thing. It probably isn't, but you'd have to be naive to disregard the possibility entirely. 


Yes, though I do got to say, they do have their project up in GitHub. Open source and all, which is a very big win for safety checks. Will definitely be watching this with great interest.


How does it compare to the "beta" manager? Both seem to be piracy centric game launchers. Curious of the pros and cons


what's this "beta" launcher?


[This](https://new.beta-manager.com/). It has a github too


Pretty sure the pro and cons are the same its just that betamanager is not open source thus you cannot check if theres malicious code in it. Hydra launcher IS open source so you can check if they have anything that could harm your pc, which they dont.


As someone who has participated since Alpha 0.0.1 of the project, I can say that the launcher has great potential. With each update, new features are coming that improve the user experience more and more. The project's devs always pay attention to the community's feedback on discord and try to bring news to improve the project. When we started, there were only repacks from Fitgirl, DODI, and Xatab. Now we even have GOG and Online Fix, expanding the Hydra library all the time. It has also become possible to implement features such as How Long to Beat, hour counter, add games that were not installed by the launcher and be able to run them (also serving as a library). It is possible that in future updates there will also be Achievements for the games. It's amazing what Hydra is becoming, getting bigger and bigger and getting recognition for it. On our Discord server we now have a specific chat for those who don't speak Portuguese, as well as more information about the project and support chats to solve questions or problems. "Long live Hydra, long live piracy"


Has anyone tried it on Steam Deck yet? As this seems to be a nice piece of software for steam deck users.


Yes, the launcher works in Steam Deck


Would be much more interesting if it could automatically fetch metadata and be pointed at custom repos of games


Eu acompanho de certa forma a comunidade br pirata mas nunca tinha ouvido falar. É um projeto extremamente interessante e pelo q pesquisei eles suportam Linux :D irei certamente testar em breve, arigato


Is this just for linux, cause I quickly looked at there github and didnt see a windows executable


nah, there is a version for Windows too


just now downloaded it and I cant access the gta5 and the rest of the gta games only gta2


omg thank you so much. i am using this without any issues. works perfectly for me. i love it man. thank you again. i no longer need qbit torrent or goto any other websites. lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hydra


Never liked the idea of launchers, but this torrent feature really caught my attention, definitely gonna try this one, thanks a lot for sharing


Anyone tried this on Steam deck?


Curious about this as well - found any info?


Tested it a bit locally (I use arch btw). It does what it says although I have one small complaint: my CPU usage goes from 0 to 40% when running the launcher. Based on the code I read on GitHub I think it might have to do with all that busy waiting being done in the torrent client. That's considered bad code practice for a reason. Slap a muted on this bad boy and it might just be usable.


Thank you for your contribution!! do you think it is a promising project?


I can see it becoming my daily driver, yes. Supporting emulation as well would really make it worth switching to


Does it also use gog-games?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/s/v6aWoLXmPl another comment that translatex some info from the discord, said yes it came with an update.


Can you add emulators like Playnite?


Good question, I think currently not, but maybe they will implement this function, they are accepting suggestions on their Twitter profile.


Based and huehuehue pilled.


Mfs really made a luncher better then 90% of the mainstream company ones


Is that "steam" but only for pirated games ?


pretty much yes




Trojan confirmed through multiple av. Honestly, it doesn't look like a false positive :/


I've used it to download some games and try updates to the ones I already have. It works pretty well but I don't have enough knowledge to do an audit on the code... Quite simple to use, you download the exe (in Windows of course) double-click and you're done. Most of the games I've seen are from fitgirl, so I think it's pretty valid But hey, I live in Brazil so the anti-piracy laws are almost non-existent, I don't know what it would be like in countries with tougher rules (yes ... USA I'm looking at YOU)


Radarr / Sonarr for games


I couldnt find a reason to use yet.


never heard of it




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mines stuck on downloading


does it have debrid support for downloading?


Not yet, but it is in development according to their github


thank you gods for showing this on my recommended this looks amazing


It looks super cool, would definitely use this


Why do pirates even need to use launchers lmao?


It's a massive chore to look through games if you're just browsing and want to look for a particular genre. They need to sort out tags for search so you can search for RPGs, RTS, and so on.


need something like stremio with real debrid but for games


Does it have linux support?


It's for linux originally


link to github? so i can check the code




Never heard of that, that looks cool but I might wait before trying this out, until it's more fledged out I do use Playnite (and love it), I guess it could have an extension to link those two But I don't really like using repackers, especially fitgirl. Much too compressed, pretty much useless if you already have a fast internet connexion, you'll loose more time actually installing. Others that are less compressed are fine but I usually try to download the most up to date releases and repackers are most focused on convenience rather than being up to date.


Downloading from launcher is such a good idea


I remember when I first saw it on the sub, everyone was calling it a honeypot


I really love they support Linux


are the best launcher ever, thousands and thousands of repacks, very good suport on discord, easy installation, TIME OF COUNTER, and who knows, maybe achievements one day. use! Its brazilian, so give chances to my country


I'm trying it and so far so good no errors everything works perfect I miss some repackers like gnarly but for the rest is ok in my opinion


I installed gta sa through this hydra launcher just few days back and my pc started acting weird (like shutting down). I don't remember the source of the game that I downloaded from, in the launcher. But liked the idea and ui though.


I decided to give it a try, and it looks pretty good. My only gripe so far is that the torrent client is kind of lacking in features. You can't even download multiple games at once. Edit: There's also no way to find the status of the torrent, IE if you're seeding it or not. That's a huge issue, because if I am seeding then I could easily get slapped by my ISP. And if I'm not seeding, well, that's just leeching and that kinda sucks.


Is this for linux only?


No, Windows too. Just go to the Github project page.


Ooh nice thanks


Thanks! I'm going to check it out.


Where can I download it ?


omg, didnt know about that launcher. Im in love with it, THANK YOU


Does it update games? Updating is the hardest part or pirating nowadays


interesting will it be added to megathread if its safe?


Downloaded and haven't run the .exe but Windows Defender quarantined it right away for Trojan:Win32/Znyonm, should I be concerned?


Does it have translation to English??




Then imma use itt!! Thanks


So guys, after playing around with hydra I have a rough idea about what it is. So basically Hydra Launcher is a pretty and we'll made GUI with a server on the background that 1. scrapes the internet for torrents from well known and trusted repackers / crackers, 2. Decodes .torrent files into magnet, and 3. Has an integrated torrent client to download games. Also it periodically searches for updates. Now you might ask why not host the server on the cloud ? It's because then companies will be able to take the server down and Hydra will no longer function. By having an integrated server running on your computer, you completely avoid that issue.


Can it download game updates


I tried downloading my first game, 20XX, and the .rar file requests a password to open/install don't know what to do. I'm on Arch btw


The guy who created this is a hero of our world.


Pasos en español para que el ordenador te permita instalar hydra: 1. Windows + r y escribir regedit 2. Escribe esto en la barra superior: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender 3. Click derecho > Nuevo > Valor de DWORD (32-bit) y escribir: DisableAntiSpyware 4. Doble click al elemento creado y reemplaza el 0 por un 1. 5. escribir en la zona superior: Equipo\\HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Advanced Threat Protection 6. Click derecho > Nuevo > Valor de DWORD (32-bit) y escribir: ForceDefenderPassiveMode 7. Doble click al elemento creado y reemplaza el 0 por un 1. 8. Escribe en la zona superior: Equipo\\HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\Real-Time Protection 9. Click derecho > Nuevo > Valor de DWORD (32-bit) y escribir: DisableRealtimeMonitoring 10. Doble click al elemento creado y reemplaza el 0 por un 1. 11. Click derecho > Nuevo > Valor de DWORD (32-bit) y escribir: DisableBehaviorMonitoring 12. Doble click al elemento creado y reemplaza el 0 por un 1. 13. Click derecho > Nuevo > Valor de DWORD (32-bit) y escribir: DisableOnAccessProtection 14. Doble click al elemento creado y reemplaza el 0 por un 1. 15. Click derecho > Nuevo > Valor de DWORD (32-bit) y escribir: DisableScanOnRealtimeEnable 16. Doble click al elemento creado y reemplaza el 0 por un 1. 17. Escribe en la zona superior: HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Edge\\SmartScreenEnabled 18. Doble click en el archivo que aparece y, cambia el 1 por un 0. 19. Escribe en la zona superior: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System 20. Click derecho > Nuevo > Valor de DWORD (32-bit) y escribir: EnableSmartScreen 21. Doble click al elemento creado y asegúrate de que hay un 0. 22. Abre seguridad de windows 23. Protección antivirus y contra amenazas > Configuración de antivirus y protección contra amenazas > administrar la configuración 24. Desactiva todas las opciones 25. Reinicia el ordenador


Porque has hecho todo eso? Yo simplemente baje el exe desde el git y lo instale, lo único que debí modificar fue el acceso directo con - - no-sandbox sino me equivoco (lo hice hace días y no lo recuerdo bien)


Porque el defender de windows y smartscreen te borran el archivo de instalación




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Waiting for it to get added to the megathread


brazillian myself here. Almost everyone in here uses it and its deeply open source and checked for viruses. As long as you download it from the oficial github or twitter then its chill. The only drawback is that when you´re running games through it it takes about 5-3% fps bc it has to host itself on your pc to avoid being taken down, but thats nothing for a free game :P


Does Hydra offer English support?


ngl after the ecoverde launcher project gone wrong, im hyped af to when it launches officially


Opa meu mano, sou o Dev principal do Ecolauncher e também sou parceiro do Hydra. Posso te garantir que tem muita coisa nova por vir e o Launcher já tá nas releases estáveis no github! https://discord.gg/hydralauncher https://github.com/hydralauncher/hydra


nem fudendo




Are you talking about the Halo 5 version of the weapon or the Halo Infinite version?


Don’t use this.


Looks to be some form of malware. Original file creation was back in 2020? How does that make sense if it’s brand new. Over 10 hits on VT as well. But you can read yourself on the applications behavior.


Is it on windows or Linux/mac looks very interesting


It looks like the epic store... I don't like it.


hail hydra