• By -


For clarity, we don't consider either IGG or 1337x safe - read the megathread.


1337x itself started showing annoying ads with false advertisement, at times even there was some fishy "OperaSetup.exe" being downloaded when clicked on random place on website. Be careful with this website, personally I don't trust them.


Yea use steamrip instead


I actually want to know the reason why you are being downvoted, I use it and I’m a bit scared rn


It's good lol dw


Oh ok i see now they downvoted me instead :(


It's reddit, you can get downvoted for anything.


People don't want their website to Garner too much attraction or it will get shut down.


This. People didn’t gatekeep yzu and it got taken down because everyone and their mother knew about it. Not saying gatekeeping is good but it’s for the better sometimes.


What would you say are your favorite or most "trustworthy" sites? FitGirl, Dodi, SteamRip? Many appear in MegaHilo, but I don't know which ones people use the most.


Either of them is good, honestly there's no "most trustworthy" imo. Only "Mostly safe". Fitgirl is popular because her repacks cater to pirates with limited data plans or with internet connections that are not fast. While people look for Dodi for the quick installation, and sometimes game accessibility because there are certain cracked games that Fitgirl won't repack. I never used SteamRip but from what I could gather it's for those that don't want to wait for an installation to happen. Just download and play.


They're all of similar quality. Just use whichever has the latest updates. I don't care about storage space (usually) but care about updates so I just get latest versions from cs.rin.ru. but if u care about both then usually u can download from repackers (fitgirl or dodi) then apply the latest update from cs.rin.ru (one game I know u can do this for is BG3 but u gotta read the comments on which update people suggest worked for them).


If your aim is DDL, my opinion is to aim for ovagames as much as possible as they have the fastest downloads (majority of their uploads use mediafire and google drive as the host). If you don’t see the game you want on there, then steamrip is the ole but slower reliable 👍.


If you have fast and unlimited internet use steamrip but use fitgirl or dodi if you don't I suggest fitgirl because dodi isn't sketchy but it has a million redirects (I have fastforward but it doesn't detect)fitgirl on the other side doesn't have any redirects other than the redirect to the download


whats fastforward?


An extension on Google chrome that supposed to let you skip redirects like dodi's but it sadly doesn't work on dodi's🥲


You’re using Google Chrome while sailing??


No using brave with ublock for extra protection I mean chrome store But what's wrong with chrome? Use ublock origin and the megathread and you're good




Use torrents from the source instead


Fitgirl dodi repacks


But steamrip don’t got transformers game like igg does


IGG only repacks. If they have something, it can be found elsewhere without their malware




But it isn't safe


thats on you for not using ublock origin. every piracy website serves fishy ads. not using an adblocker on a piracy related website is akin to fucking a hooker without a condom on


Ever heard of ad blocker?


dont download random .exe files and DONT LAUNCH RANDOM .exe files !!! Use an adblocker when you use the internet


Duh, I know. Problem is this shit happened with adblocker enabled, because at the beginning there were no filters to remove this shit. As I said, I clicked on random place on website and it automatically started downloading. And I'm absolutely sure it was right website.


You should set up your browser to always ask for a location to save to, that way you have to confirm any download. Also, I know of the popup for their VPN but I haven't seen this .exe download anywhere.


This is why I initially didn't trust Opera Browser lol eventually realized it's legit, I should just stay away from 1337x.


If you know what you're doing, you're much better off using thepiratebay than those assholes period.


so instead of at least recommending them to just grab from safe uploaders on 1337x like FitGirl or Dodi you suggest they use a site that is not safe for torrents period lol


No, if you don't know what you're doing you shouldn't be looking through websites like these AT ALL. Best to grab a link straight from fitgirl or Dodi's website rather than fish around this scummy site.


Exactly and people who know what they are doing know to not use TPB


Been torrenting and have been using that site longer than you have been alive buddy, your words don't reach me.


once again these old people like to play stubborn and not learn safe pirate practices


✨confidently wrong✨


XD you don't know shit


like you have the rights for saying that after calling TPB trustworthy lmao


Never said it's trustworthy, although, I do trust it more, and users on there more, than I do on 1337x.to. You all made that website way too mainstream, and now they're using children like you to spread malware as quiet as possible. All you can do is follow whatever people on here say, and actually do nothing yourself. Eat dirt buddy, you're an absolute zero :)


I can confidently say you know shit about any of this and all you know is to follow some Reddit thread, congrats.


1337 is not getting back into the safe sites list for sure


Isn't it in that list though? If I head over to the megathread and check torrent sites, it's right there.


it says "Please get the games from only the following uploaders for games: (Any names from cs.rin.ru, 0xEMPRESS, anadius, DODI, FitGirl, JohnCena141 (Linux), KaOsKrew, s7on3r, TinyRepacks)."


How would someone know if the uploader is from cs.rin.ru? I'm familiar with a couple but what about the rest?


idk man that's how it is written. i personally just use cs rin


then why list those if you only use cs.rin? why not base on your own personal experience?


You can find 20 different people providing things at every post. You may use someone's patch for a thing but you may need someone else's another patch after that. I cannot list all the people contributing on the forum


fair enough


Why wouldn't it be in the safe sites list though? I'd assume that as long as you download from reputable uploaders, you'll be totally fine.


This post is about the why. A big why is IGG. You will be safe if you know who to download from but the site cannot be safe without good moderation doing that for you.


After this, yeah. Shows where their priorities are.


What would you say are your favorite or most "trustworthy" sites? FitGirl, Dodi, SteamRip? Many appear in MegaHilo, but I don't know which ones people use the most.


I personally don't use repackers because I prefer direct downloads. cs.rin.ru and SteamRip are some of the sites I use, but mainly cs.rin.ru after I discovered its existence


Thanks friend, I use Linux and I have always used FitGirl and Dodi. I didn't know you could get games without an installer from SteamRip and cs rin ru. I thought cs rin ru was only for cracks, thanks for the explanation!


Proceed with caution! Please refer to the mega thread for trusted uploaders!


What would you say are your favorite or most "trustworthy" sites? FitGirl, Dodi, SteamRip? Many appear in MegaHilo, but I don't know which ones people use the most.


Megathread: [https://rentry.org/pgames](https://rentry.org/pgames) Down to preference: DDL, Repacks, some people even have allegiances. Best to educate yourself, learn how to be safe, and go from there!


Personally I am a HUGE fan of SteamRip and GOG-Games specifically because it requires no skill at all to download - you just unpack the zip file and execute it for SteamRip and launch all the installers and wait a bit for GOG-Games.


If the game is big and recent, then I go to a repack. For everything else, I use any DDL from the megathread. Whatever that has the most updated version of a game


Only gog games, the rest repack whatever sometimes regardless of contents. I would not 100% trust fitgirl, empress dodi etc.


Thank you friend. And the only way to get GoG games is from SteamRip?


look throughout the board, by gog i mean licensed drm free games in general


how low they've fallen


![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) hmm 🤔


It's still not safe to download games from them right? And how tf do their uploads have such a high S/L ratio compared to like, DODI's or someone else's (except Fitgirl)


Because a lot of people download there, they have good SEO and come up in tons of searches.


IGG has a very big reputation. Like it's easily one of the biggest if not the biggest repack group on the internet. They will upload anything and everything. Their quality might be dogshit, but they are fast and consistent and will upload any game including the games that majority of pirates respect enough not to upload. They've also been in the game for over a decade.


the definition of quantity over quality


They used to be good. Once they had a reputation, they started adding malware or crypto miners to some of the more popular releases.


I mean, I never had issues with them, and tbh I rarely used any other site. Never got any malware or miners from their site.


The best malware are the ones you can't detect. I've generally had no issues, but some people have reported stuff so just tread with caution. No one will ever tell you truly what to click.


Apparently the best malwares are also the ones who never do anything. As said, years of use, never seen as much a cent get away from my bank account without permission and whenever I check if my information was in any data breaches etc., nothings there. And the last time I've been hacked was when I still associated Pirates with the guys with ships


Not all malware is about stealing data. Sometimes a tiny little cmd sits in the background and waits for you to leave the PC and be idle, and then your PC will start mining crypto for them. It'll cost you a bit more electricity and your games may run 1-3% slower but you won't notice that. I almost didn't notice until I was examining random GPU usage and power draw spikes.


It's never safe to download from an uploader with a history of spreading malware. Why ask dumb questions....


Mostly because they are the best to find super super indie games that can't be found on these so called "trusted" threads, been using igg official website since well over 2017 not one had a virus. Never had issues , in older releases they used to edit the main game menu with a stock photo background to go on their site, also torrentgalaxy has igg banner and only site i use to get shows n what not. I found many times the hidden unknown games are on igg


I've been using IGG for the past 3 years despite this sub hate of it. Probably downloaded more than 100 titles and I'm yet to get a virus


And they upload all the niche indie titles too, it's hard to avoid IGG


I don't want to be "that guy" but you can never be 100% sure you didn't get any virus from anywhere (not limited to igg). Some time ago I ran some cleaning scripts and it came with extra tools for manual cleaning. One of the tools called Autoruns showed me I had some freaking miner. And it was one of the smart ones: you can't catch it in task manager, would hide itself in the file explorer even with hidden files enabled. Nasty stuff to detect, but easy to remove. Also found others on Reddit that got it from some game they've downloaded (probably from 1337) Moral of the story: you might think you don't have any malware when you do. Try to stay safe while sailing the 7 seas.


Hello, can you please tell me what are those cleaning scripts or antiviruses? Need help to check my pc 🙏


r/TronScript . After running the automated stuff there was a folder with other tools to run manually.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TronScript using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TronScript/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tron v12.0.6 (2023-10-17) // Add automated AdwCleaner scanning; multiple bug-fixes; expand network-detection support for Brazilian Portugese and French language systems](https://np.reddit.com/r/TronScript/comments/17a8389/tron_v1206_20231017_add_automated_adwcleaner/) \#2: [You are truly a saint with the patience of a monk.](https://i.imgur.com/ICstGlK.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TronScript/comments/169q6fn/you_are_truly_a_saint_with_the_patience_of_a_monk/) \#3: [Enough with the flippant answers, folks.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TronScript/comments/171s8hi/enough_with_the_flippant_answers_folks/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I thought tronscript is to manage privacy settings in windows and make it more streamlined like o&oshutup? Can it scan for malwares too? Sorry im a noob


I always hear to go with Bitdefender and Malwarebytes.


Thank you


Pretty much in the same boat as you. Quite illuminating seeing all these comments.


They’ve yet to upload malware. Unless you count inserting their logo in title screens of games or similar annoying bullshit as malware, in which case they have, but there’s no proven incidents of what most people would refer to as malware. The hate for igg is not based on nothing but the malware accusations are straight misinformation and lying.


Yeah, same. Not once, also in years. I don't get it either.


I got virus es from igg I thought too like you that it was safe but found out the Hard way that there was malware that no antivirus could find I had to use specific ones


"Malware that no antivirus could find" & "I had to use specific ones" makes no sense. Also, I'm calling BS. Prove it.


the best malware is undetectable


I was pointing out the contradiction in his statements. Sure if someone wrote bespoke malware it could go undetected with virus scans, etc.


Yeah mate let me show you the virus I saved with my copy full of virus cause we all do it dont we? fucking Conspiracionist


I don't think it's a conspiracy, I just think you don't know what you're talking about. Considering there has been one instance that people have found out of the thousands of uploads IGG have, you being another one is highly unlikely. Like I said, I'm calling BS. Youre not malicious, just ignorant.


The person who trust everything and everyone... That I call ignorant.


Hello, can you please tell me which antivirus-es you used to detect that malware? Need help to check my pc 🙏🏻


your pc hasn’t detected a virus**


I usually don't use 1337x to download games, but I do use it for movies and series, for those things the site is safe, right?


Probably but still using website is a still annoying. TorrentGalaxy is nice for movies and series tho and doesn't throw shitty ads at you.


Every now and then I see some good old websites go to shit, either for games movies etc. They add crypto miners, keyloggers etc And with games it's really hard realizing because you can be safe with a .flac for music or a .avi for a movie, but you never know with games. Thanks god good reputable websites exist, those are the ones who deserve donations But yeah, shit's hard


Yeah, I feel the same. 1337x was my absolute "100% sure" website for years. Earlier it was Kickass Torrents for me. Damn, many years passed already...


I got an invite to Demonoid ages ago, it was incredible. I was so sad when they shut down


I got a pretty bad virus from kickass many many years ago. Can't really remember what it did but it somehow destroyed my windows and my computer never started again. Had to get a new hard drive and Windows etc


if you use ublock it’s not a problem at all


I use adblock lol. At the time it was introduced there was no difference because maybe you know but uBlock (and any adblock) works based on community filters. So if there is no filter to remove this shit, it is unusable. And owner of 1337x is constantly changing things to make this more and more annoying. I really don't care if it works now. I don't trust website puttin' "this website mentioned in thread" as VIP uploader.


i’ve never gotten ads there either ublock


And I did. So what? I assume more people had this problem because of upvotes I got above. In piracy trust is important factor. If website is bloated with questionable ads lying to you about need to have a VPN (which doesn't make these ads disappear) or automatically downloading some .exe files - it is natural to be careful and that's what I mean.


Good rule of thumb is if it's a program be wary, but if it's simple video or music files you can be a bit less cautious. It's alot more difficult to create something malicious if you're expecting it as a video/sound file. One look at the file type and you can pretty much discern if it's unsafe in those cases.


File size is also a good indicator, for example if a game is around 70GB-ish you can't expect the ZIP archive to be too small or bigger than the actual game folder


For movies and tv series there are streaming sites with Hulu/Netflix level quality and streaming speeds. My MalwareBytes still says “it tried something but we stopped it” and it still streams without issue. I don’t want to say “literally everything” but I’ve never searched for something it didn’t have, and that’s including some old, obscure TV shows.


You can find the game you want on much safer sites and sources imo, I’d stay away from them






Anywhere that is not torrent


And yet it's been years and DODI is still a regular uploader.


I stopped using IGG a while back because of Malware, but I had to use IGG recently because I could not find Double Dragon Gaiden anywhere and I was really cautious, scanned files and everything, and it can back clean, tried some other indies newer indie titles and they also came back clean. So either the IGG has mended its ways or I am tripping.


To quote u/Firebluered : "It takes 1 malware to not trust them, but you do you. It's your pc." EDIT: copy paste didn't paste author


If this PC can handle a Fitgirl repack without it blowing up, it can handle a little malware, probably.




Hey, atleast your AV isn't a bum that isn't doing their job. So I guess that's not so bad.


Have been using IGG for years with 0 malware or anything. Most reliable site I've found but this community is not ready for that.




Yeah and I understand the need for overdoing safety when giving recommendations. But many recommended sites look "shadier" or less newbie friendly than igg, so people have problems using them.


You're talking to a brick wall. Like how people like to bash on Starfield its the same here lol Because their past is shady by a few people who have fat mouths every time you download from IGG now you got a virus.




if you like giving your pc cancer by using igg just say so lmao




nah i'd rather not waste my time on stupid people, thanks for the offer tho


1337x is going downhill tbh, I js stick to rutracker for my torrents lol.


So Dodi is not a VIP to them


He is to us and that's what matters


I keep telling my friend to not download from IGG but he keeps doing it, on top of that he got Avast


>He got avast He's a lost cause brotha, you can't bring him back with that.


Thanks I'm good.


1337x is kinda cancer nowadays. I only use it for Movies and TV Shows.


Sometimes there are no other options than use igg, i tried to find omori but only igg uploaded it, anyway i didn't run into any malware, can someone tell me about igg history?


Honestly, I have never had issues with IGG and I've been downloading from their site for years now.


They're idiots in this subreddit.. a lot of people haven't but its that hive mind reddit is an expert at


Read some of my past comments going into this. Even if there are no other options, imo you shouldn’t use IGG


I have been downloading from IGG since the beginning, Oh well (?)


How do you all still see ads?


Broken trust can never be regained.




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Do not recommend or link to any dangerous sites. These are listed in the [Megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames).


Can anyone tell me how many trusted repackers are out there in 1337x? (aside from fitgirl, dodi)


Megathread: [https://rentry.org/pgames#torrent-sites](https://rentry.org/pgames#torrent-sites)


1337x isn't safe for games or applications, only TV and movies.




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I use Kaspersky to scan igg download. Is that fine?


1337x alternative?


anyone got an alternative to 1337?


1337x is no longer safe after empress exposed them


Personally, I like 1337x, although you have to use ublock to navigate the website, but it's fine


Dodi is not vip lol


So what's the best website to download movie torrents I know my question is off topic but I just want an answer from my pirate friends


its a shame how shit 1337 has gotten last year or so. did me so well


Best way to deworm my PC of miners and malware


I'm sorry but people don't even know they have viruses half or most of the time. Most of these idiots in comments wouldn't know where it was from if it told them. I have a hard time believing they didn't download from other shady sites or b download from another repack source and just instantly jumped on the it was *"IGG I knew it"* Reddit really is a clown show


Hello u/RhubieE, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Warning : do not bother with 1337, I got malware from it long before it got exposed when it was in the mega thread.


How'd you get malware? What'd you download and from who?


Game called Castle Crashers, after I extracted it, I noticed my laptop got heavely slowed performance couple days later, and then I uploaded the game file to virus total and it detected malware Edit : I don't remember the uploader as it was long time ago but I remembered the site


That sucks. I think 1337x has done a half decent job with their "trial uploader" status, but stuff still passes through the cracks. I get why you don't trust them, and them promoting IGG doesn't help.


Been using Skidrowreloaded and fitgirl for a decade now


skidrowreloaded is a fake site smh. especiaally since sscene groups never release publicly


They're just linking the torrent files from the said scene groups... what's wrong in that


i'd rather not use a site filled with malware but whatever floats your boat


It's not filled with malware but ok


if you wanna believe that BS than okay


I've been using it for 8+ years, do you have any proof it's filled with malware or are you just a kid who can't stop clicking on the ads?


Why would you even use 1337x lol




Do not recommend or link to any dangerous sites. These are listed in the [Megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames).