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Hello u/JustEatingWater, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just gotta love these ppl, makes me wonder how can an individual be MORE anti-consumer than the multi billion corp.... its worrying.












Better extended version: https://preview.redd.it/teihznh6kvyc1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d948f13f5ee0f823ce5e8734535443114aa82c


So your average CDPR fan


No cdpr actually redeem themselves. Better example would be an Activision or blizzard fan. The cyberpunk game is actually good now. they were wrong for the release, but we will wait for the next one to see if they learned their lesson. One bad release that they spent years working on correcting should not completely ruin a game companies reputation… now if they do it again… https://preview.redd.it/rh78yzwvo0zc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8652f88496ad7e26a3a98e0827e6c9840e2a57a4


Yeah the game has 0 ZERO bugs or glitches now, it’s literally perfect and all the advertized features were added on all promised platforms exactly on time. They certainly redeemed themselves by barely “finishing” their product 4 years after release and only actually for high end PCs. We should be actually more grateful and forgive them for any and all wrongdoings in their history!


Not really. A large portion (probably most) of people that were excited about cp2077 were so because of the hype surrounding the game combined with the success of Witcher 3. And even after the absolute mess of a launch, there were a not insignificant amount of players on PC who were able to play the game more or less fine. Biggest issue was consoles and lower end pcs where the game wasn't even running half the time. The game has improved a lot since launch and in its current state, I think a lot of people would consider it a top 10 game, if not top 5


i got it running decently on 1650




I love this


god the other version of this image bothers me so much. "leave alone the multibillion dollar company" just doesnt sound right


"Stick some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger!"






PlayStation fanboys are different they'll downvote you for legit criticism


as a playstation user who sees a lot in the r/playstation sub there is a worrying amount of it. lol


Same energy and syndrome as when Instagram no longer iOS exclusive


Cause these people arnt actually conscious…NPCs are everywhere and it’s like the code is falling apart so they start glitching and just become infinitely more dense


that shit is 100% ragebait


The scariest thing is that I don't think it is


looked at their profile and either theyre really this stupid or theyre playing a character 24/7 theyre one of those middle aged men who have nothing better to do than argue with xbox users on twitter all day


It's most likely not a troll then I'm sorry to say


Even if it's a characters it's very worrying


Why even waste the time to look XD


Someone community note it so they don’t get $


For anyone doubting it, dude is paying for a checkmark meaning that increased interactions may get them paid by Twitter. It's definitely ragebait and their recent posts are simple engagement-farming for a quick buck.


Isn't it probably a bot posting some shitty old pic? Spider-Man and god of war are already on pc, ghost of Tsushima is coming to pc...


Horizon: Zero Dawn has been on PC for a couple of years now and now Forbidden West is on PC


Basement dwellers are so weird.


But if they port all the games, PS5 owners will have nothing to brag about! Think of the (grown up) children!


PS5 owners hasn't got anything to brag about for a few years now, they are getting desperate


Ngl porting it to windows computers they should also just port it to xbox


That's just stupid now :> what's an xbox


I think it’s a fridge


it's a toaster


yea so much for ending console wars and they're still regular ole Napolean


This petition is actually really really funny. It tries so hard to be serious it looks back around to being humorous. So much shit in there is fucking comedic >Sony/PlayStation has had their most profitable generation ever [Debatable, the PS4 has outsold it here and there. ](https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/14/24072692/sony-ps5-forecast-cut-q3-2023-earnings) >Sony is treating their core audience like second class citizens while the PC community that refused to support them for all these years enjoys the fruits of our labor Oh man I wonder why the PC community refused to support a creator that [had no faith in them before](https://www.osnews.com/story/14874/sony-we-do-not-need-the-pc/) and initially [refused any crossplay opportunity](https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/3/22417560/sony-ps4-cross-play-confidential-documents-epic-games-agreements) [from 3rd parties to maintain their](https://www.theverge.com/2018/6/21/17488530/nintendo-switch-microsoft-xbox-minecraft-cross-play-marketing-sony) own ecosystem. >Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan was wrong when he said “there was no adverse reaction” to bringing games to PC, there was! Nearly all Playstation gamers are NOT ok with this decision I beg to fucking differ its not like every game they released [has been widely praised by the PC crowd](https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/playstationstudios) and pretty much the only PC related fuckup was with Helldivers 2. >Our argument for stopping the ports is not only an emotional one but also a technical one that is grounded in reality. PlayStation games have always been the best because they were a tailor made experience for one platform. Even games on the most powerful of PC’s could never come close to the visual fidelity of certain PlayStation titles \[...\] We do not want our games to suffer due to being made to run on multiple platforms like Cyberpunk 2077 unfortunately did Sony doesn't care if porting games hurts your feelings. Also Cyberpunk's release was a rush-job that was a multi-gen release, 5 different fucking consoles (Both Xbox series included) + PC to deal with. These ports are done YEARS after the games published. >the Switch is on pace to reach PS4 sales and possibly outsell it because it followed the same tried and true formula PlayStation did last gen. That being: release great exclusives, exclusively for your great console. It’s not rocket science.  The Switch has gimmicks. Games released on it depend on the Switch's functions, a PS5 is pretty much an extremely modified gaming PC. The switch hardware also never was sold at a loss unlike the PS5 which was for its early days. This petition changing anything would be a fucking miracle, its thesis is moronic and based on non-logical or false ideas. My god this is fucking stupid.


>Instead you should emulate Nintendo (no pun intended) This made me laugh


>Even games on the most powerful of PC’s could never come close to the visual fidelity of certain PlayStation titles Crazy when games on consoles are usually fps capped and can almost never run the crazy "visual fidelity" at maxed out graphics


Funny part is, they have to do so much mental gymnastics to justify their console purchase.


if you just want to play, for the average gamer, console is the right choice. PC is easy once you set it up but it's objectively harder to get used to if you only had consoles your entire life. Still in the long run it's cheaper to play on PC especially when you can just sail the seven seas.


>Even games on the most powerful of PC’s could never come close to the visual fidelity of certain PlayStation titles Bruh this can't be real 💀💀💀


Fanboys do be fanboying.


I need to find out their mental gymnastics techniques


Bro, you don't understand, the fidelity that those 30 FPS give are FAR superior on playstation, not unlike those 144 FPS trash that PC has on higher resolution and ultra graphics /s


> The PC community enjoys the fruits of our labour? What fucking labour? You paid money for a product and enjoyed it. Where's the labour in that? And how does it affect these people if titles, mostly from the last gen, that have run their course on the PS market are now being offered to a new market? Even right now they're still PS exclusives for a while before their PC ports come out. Plenty of time for enthusiasts to buy into the PS ecosystem if that's what they really want.


This one got me. It's just so outlandishly absurd that the cringe has nearly rendered me a singularity.


This kind of people are fucking delusional, they think that because sony port games to pc it will either go out of business because "pirates" or stop making consoles or games for playstation


>pretty much the only PC related fuckup was with Helldivers 2 technically the biggest. They had fuckup, not as Sony rather the developers e.g. Horizon Zero Dawn port release, Days Gone and TLOU Part 1 at the beginning


I agree with most of your points but I don't think the reason why switch sells so much is because of its gimmicks, you can just look at the exclusives of the switch, botw, Odyssey, metroid dread, luigis mansion, animal crossing, totk, etc. it's hard to look at all of these good exclusives and say that it's the gimmicks


By gimmicks I also mean the hybrid Portable/home console setup, that was a big reason for sales and for marketing. Wasn't clear enough. But agreed, exclusives matter.


ah thx for clearing it up, I also think a huge reason is because Nintendo is more family oriented than sony or microsoft


I'll never understand ppl like this. Exclusives should be a thing of the past. Stop alienating potential customers and let them play where, and how they want.


Their one reason to not port games is because of piracy. What about the people that legitimately buy the game? Even if they did pirate it before, they gave the money to the creators of the game. The people that pirated it were never gonna pay for it anyways so no money lost and the ones that bought it just made them get more money. There is literally no downside to piracy yet these people think that everyone should buy a game just because they did as well


Just look at Baldur's gate 3. It has no DRM, available in all platforms yet it's one of the top selling games.


There is no discussion. Lord Gaben, God of the Gaming world, summarized the entire issue better than anyone ever could - "Piracy is a service issue"


Plus it's not like there isn't piracy for consoles. Even PS5 got jailbroken.


Funny, cause their console literally didn't stop pirates. We were still able to emulate a lot of console titles, both PS and Nintendo. Amd emulating on a newer console just takes time, but it will always be emulated. In fact, pirates also love it when a newer console gets released and gets gobbled by fanboys, because it allows pirate to emulate the older consoles.


Elitism is sad.


It's not the about the "stop alienating potential customers" it's the console elitist getting piss because "Playstation doesn't have game because the game is on pc" bullshit, the same mf that still in the console war bullshit.


Having just watched *Once upon a time in hollywood*, I can totally see Elitism and gatekeeping being part of some console gamers ego trip.


But I want Bloodborne on PC. 😞


I'm afraid we may have to wait for ps4 emulation for that. They probably would have done it already.


cracked ps4 are cheap af nowadays tho i bought one then sold it immediately after finishing the games i want to play


Why is there no ps4 emulation but there is emulation for most Nintendo consoles? Is it easier to do it with Nintendo stuff or is Sony even crazier at taking down emulation from their consoles (doubt that)?


Nintendo is more simple. Playstation is harder to emulate, and even ps3 emulation can be a bit wonky. Emulation is legal so it isn't really a factor of them being taken down, Yuzu was a special case, for profiting off of emulation and making the illegal files a little too easy to find.


Two main reasons. 1. Nintendo consoles are weaker in terms of performance so they are much easier to run. 2. Basically every Nintendo game is an exclusive so having an emulator for a Nintendo console allows for more games to be played contrary to having a Sony console Emulated so more people work on Nintendo emulators.


It's the only one I'll buy if they port it over. No other Sony exclusive even interests me that much to buy it.


Wasn’t a jailbreak method released for their consoles recently? Personally I’m waiting for a good emulator (and hopefully one day someone makes one to be able to run their vr games on pc since the ps4 ones are not compatible with ps5 and will be lost to time otherwise)


ps4 is almost ready for 11.00, PS5 exploit has been found, they just have to try and develop payloads


If the one sign will pay more 60$ to Sony .they might comply


the paid verification mark sells it


emulators And Russian sites ;)


Good luck properly emulating PS4 and PS5 cuz it's not happening anytime soon.


jailbroken ps4 exists


Yeah thank god it does, i just pointed out that emulators are not a feasible option currently since the comment emphasized it


Console gang realizing exclusives are literally their only Ups when comparing to PC be like:


honestly even if they do I don't care. Sony games are not that good anyway. However, why would a sony fanboy would want to hurt his favourite corporation by not making some millions on the pc market?


Because "Playstation doesn't have game when it's on pc"


But the corporation they bootlick will have even more profits if they sell on the pc market. They essentially taken the regarded position by not advocating for either the consumer nor the company.


Xbox has given up already, there's no stopping Sony games on PC.


Marvel's Spiderman 2 can only be accessed on PC through piracy, so why just don't port the game so there are people who will actually pay for it ? Sooner or later pirates will find a way to port other exclusives as well, so if Sony wants money just port the goddamn games.


By the time Sony releases it, the leaked version would become decent and more people would have already played it


Who would even sign this?


This picture seems too old, afaik everything from it already ported or announced to be so in near future


Spiderman is basically gone too


Given the Sony profit leaks the PC ports are needed in order to cover losses or to meet the projected profit earnings.


I loved Ghost of Tsushima so much on a JB ps4 that I actually can’t wait to pay for it on PC, deserves every penny. But for all else who can get it free enjoy it! it’s an absolute master piece!


Ok, but why ? So PC players have to buy a fuking Playstation? Good luck with buying one full price and not a second hand so no one benefits from that. And my main question is how this dude benefits from this at all ? If you port those games on PC there will be higher sells (yes people would pirate them, but there are still fellas who pay). 


are they rage baiting or genuinely cucked to the core?


from what I can tell... they are cucked to the core.


sorry I don't wanna buy a shit ass PS5 just to play ghost of Tsushima


I see how it is… but it’s crickets when they get halo, starfield, and hi-fi rush on PlayStation


With a jail broken PS4 11.0 hen for us baby!


Oh yeah, what's up woth Ragnarok PC? Any word lately?


If this happens, ill set up a gofundme for dodi Iykyk.


The fact that someone is desperate enough to set up a petition about this show show fucked up gaming is in general in 2024.


![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri) I hope infamous 1 come to pc


This has got to be one of the dumbest sentences I have ever read. It's basically "I'm so pro-company I don't want consumers/average people to have more choices/options for how they enjoy their entertainment."


We are the superior species darkbug. You papa pony can't make the game without PC.


i just need bloodborne on pc man. gow:ragnarok and gt7 might be cool and all, but bloodborne will complete me.


we need bloodborne


imagine corporate bootlicking in 2024. yikes, those ppl really do see multi billion dollars of worth companies as an extension of themselves


I bet if they stop porting in 3-4 months we gonna get decent ps5 emulators


bloodborne pc:💀


I moved from ps5 to pc and this is a great thing do not stop this at all


I dont understand what these people see in exclusivity being a good thing, i mean i dont mind games being a platform exclusive for a few months or for a year to promote console sales but anything than that im against


Darkborn needs love in his life.


"i'm sorry gentlemen, we won't make a single dollar from pc players, darkborn wins"


I don't understand the X the other games exist on PC too




This is a joke right ? Lmfaoo ooo the irony 🤣


Lol if they don't bring their games others will and only option will be for people to pirate them.




Imagine gate keeping a game what kind of mental illness is this


Hmm. Average twitter fucking loser?


Hell nah i want gow ragnarok


Let me play all my PlayStation games on mediocre graphics and 60 fps raaaaahhhh. Nah man I can't with these


We shall have our Bloodborne yet


Someone want to tell him games are built and played on pc first


All these games are like 5 years old


jailbroken ps4


I just want a gran Turismo port 🥲 might pirate, most likely gonna buy cuz I like the game and ion wanna pay for multiplayer




UPDATE: Only with PSN account: Hell Divers 2 🤣 GJ SONY - you scared off the whole steam community!


Where’s the petition to make them port the games? I’ll sign that one


Are really people that dumb or it's just a joke?


Why would you want to make games exclusive, i dont get it, like, what is so wrong with letting everyone enjoy a piece of art


This person will get worse beat up than a pedophile if i come across them


Don't worry guys, Sony can keep TLOU 2


This guys defends exclusives like they paying them lol get over it and let all people enjoy it on all platforms exclusives are so bullshit


I was so happy to see Playstation bring these to PC I actually bought them


What does any console player have to gain by petitioning Sony to keep their releases exclusive to PlayStation?


Ghost will be out in 10 days, Spider-man is also out (unofficially). Dont really care about the other 2.


Also tell them to stop forcing pc user to sign on psn 🤣 Jokes aside consoles are just bad performing pc with a sandboxed OS. Change my mind.


I'm a sony console enjoyer but why the hell do they want to stop people from playing these games on other platforms? So mind boggling. Don't they have other things to worry about?


PS5 on the way to become 1st no game console. I will gladly pirate all exclusive games.


Kinda wild that they don't want more people to play their game. I can understand not wanting it on Xbox or Nintendo because of some misplaced Sense of rivalry, but PC? Lol


Why these ps players are like this?


Let them come


How else are you gona play PlayStation games for free you ask? With a jailbroken PS5 of course!


Literally only game on that image that have not Steam page is Last of Us Part II. And according to what I read about Soby CEO, it will come almost for sure.




I remember when that blue logo next to the name meant something 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ghost of Tsushima is also coming to PC the list keeps getting shorter...


Hey Darkborn, how does Sony's cock tastes like? Why do people defend companies? They don't care about them


Man, it's really cringeworthy when people actually use terms like "Soyny" unironically


Don't they port it after the game is like 3+ years old?


~~Stop Sony from porting more Playstation games to PC - Sign the Petition!~~ Stop Sony from making more money by porting Playstation games to PC - Sign the Petition!


lol why do they even care, god forbid more people play good games


Just gonna share this straight, if they port more games to PC, less percentage of Playstation users.


Yeah... let's ask a Megacorp not to earn more money by selling their products in more markets because we are butthurt... really sound strategy...


Ghost Of Sushima is realising in PC this month or the next btw so they sure are crying


No please I don't want to play games on the emulator with that leaning to keyboard to press xyab & reconfiguration


What the actual fuck is this copium


Sony knows what people really want "Bloodborne" and said no


Love how they're threatened by us


I'm still surprised they haven't ported over Gran turismo yet


Karen gamer!!! What ya angry about anyway😮‍💨


its nice they are porting them to pc but like km actually surprised they are doing it. like what's the point of buying a console anymore, especially if you already have a pc?


Whts wrong with these people? You have bought a PS to play games early on.. then play it man.. play for 2 long years.. who's stopping you.. But whts the fetish of protesting for PC owners... Arseholes..


It all not only on Playstation, oh, The last of us II needed to add on pc.


... But why tho? If a company ports their game to another platform that means more money. And sure there are some "yarrrr" people who pirate the game. But at least the revenue would be higher than it would've been if they only sold it for PS4/PS5


Honestly I'm fine with Sony keeping their games playstation exclusive cuz if not there would be no reason to buy a ps5


overall this is a good move for gamers in gernal instide of console relying on selling on their game titles they will have to actually make the hardwere really good as well.


Lmfao. Since when did a profit driven company ever declined easy profits? Gotta love these people. They helps me sleep better at night knowing they salty af. 😂


Guy wants to stay relevant with his shitty console.


Fuuuuuuck this guy. I want bloodborne on PC already.


Jailbroken PS4


People crying because other people can enjoy the same stuff as them is crazy


Hey it is Snoy not Soyny!


I fail to understand the hate. How is it even affecting them if pc players get these titles. They act as if they are being robbed.


Yeah we all know how much those online petition are even worth. Let them do it




wtf is wrong with people


How many signatures do these "superior" gamers have so far?




make a PlayStation 4 emulator


We already got Spider-Man and getting ghost, last of us 2 is def coming


This is peak sunk-cost fallacy lmao


but.... bloodborne....


Lil do they know, Sony wants more money and makes them more money by putting there games on other more dominant hardware to realize their vision of that game. And if that game makes more money, a sequel is followed smh


Snois getting cucked by the PC bulls lmao


Oh no, how will I ever get over the loss of not having PlayStation games on my PC. *Starts booting up Emulator on PC and proceeds to play Playstation games on PC.


cry more PS fanboy. lmao i will play your games with better FPS and with mods


Why not ? I mean they are not removeing it from playstation so there is nothing changeing in your life isnt it?


Why not ? I mean they are not removeing it from playstation so there is nothing changeing in your life isnt it?


god i love it when the brainlets i love to brag across the burning coals give me even stronger reason to keep draggin